Mvcar26 2023 2

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La Salle Academy - Lithgow

Mary-Ann Carle
Year 10

Semester One Report


Mr Glenn Carpenter
Religious Education
Mary-Ann Carle
Teacher: Mrs Bernadette Hicks
La Salle Academy - Lithgow - 2023 - Year 10 Semester 2 Report

During Semester Two students have studied the following topics: The Sacraments of Marriage and Holy Orders;
Catholic Social Teaching including the Beatitudes and ethics. These topics guide students to live authentic Christian
discipleship in their lives and align with the mission and purpose of the Church.

Learning Behaviours
Is organised and prepared for class. Consistently
Participates in all class activities. Mostly
Completes all set tasks. Consistently
Displays commitment to study. Consistently
Behaves in an appropriate manner and works cooperatively with peers. Consistently
Is respectful to staff and follows direction in the classroom. Consistently

Elementar Basic Sound Thorough Extensive
Demonstrates an understanding of the nature and ✓
importance of the Sacraments of Holy Orders and
Matrimony in the lives of the faithful and the Church
Demonstrates an understanding of the core ✓
principles and themes of Catholic Social Teaching.

Semester Two Grade ✓
Australian Geography
Mary-Ann Carle
Teacher: Miss Jenna Fletcher
La Salle Academy - Lithgow - 2023 - Year 10 Semester 2 Report

Geography offers an in-depth understanding of the processes and influences that mould marine environments. It
delves into an examination of variations in human well-being, proposing strategies for its improvement, both within
Australian boundaries and globally. A significant focus of the course lies in honing students' abilities to acquire and
process geographical information, achieved through the interpretation of maps, graphs, and imagery. In addition to
this, the course cultivates the skill of communicating geographical insights employing an array of strategies, ensuring
students' proficiency in conveying complex data effectively.

Learning Behaviours
Is organised and prepared for class. Consistently
Participates in all class activities. Consistently
Completes set tasks. Consistently
Displays commitment to study. Consistently
Behaves in an appropriate manner and works cooperatively with peers. Consistently
Is respectful to staff and follows direction in the classroom. Consistently

Elementar Basic Sound Thorough Extensive
Explains why identified plant species and animal ✓
breeds have been used in agricultural enterprises
and developed for the Australian environment.
Investigates and implements responsible production ✓
systems for plant and animal enterprises.
Explains and evaluates the impact of management ✓
decisions on plant and animal production
Demonstrates plant and animal management ✓
practices safely and in collaboration with others.

Semester Two Grade ✓
Mary-Ann Carle
Teacher: Mrs Sofia Whitehouse
La Salle Academy - Lithgow - 2023 - Year 10 Semester 2 Report

During Semester Two, students explored a diverse collection of poems with an emphasis on the central idea of
conflict. They analysed the representation of themes such as war, social issues, and personal struggles. They
examined the literary techniques poets use to express these themes, focusing on language, structure, and imagery. In
addition, they read an anthology of dystopian literature, considering the darker sides of society, human nature, and the
consequences of power. Through critical analysis, they also examined the ways dystopian themes can be represented
on film for a young adult audience.

Learning Behaviours
Is organised and prepared for class. Consistently
Participates in all class activities. Consistently
Completes all set tasks. Consistently
Displays commitment to study. Consistently
Behaves in an appropriate manner and works cooperatively with peers. Consistently
Is respectful to staff and follows direction in the classroom. Consistently

Elementar Basic Sound Thorough Extensive
Responds to and composes increasingly ✓
sophisticated and sustained texts for understanding,
interpretation, and critical analysis.
Thinks interpretatively and critically about ✓
information and increasingly complex ideas and
arguments to respond to and compose texts in a
range of contexts.
Effectively uses and critically assesses a wide ✓
range of processes, skills, strategies and
knowledge for responding to a wide range of texts
in different media and technologies.
Effectively transfers knowledge, skills and ✓
understanding of language concepts into new and
different contexts.
Identifies and describes language forms, features ✓
and structures of texts, and explain their effects on

Semester Two Grade ✓
Food Technology
Mary-Ann Carle
Teacher: Mr Peter Tracey
La Salle Academy - Lithgow - 2023 - Year 10 Semester 2 Report

This semester students examined the reasons for developing food products and the impact of past and present food
product innovations on society. The final unit of work involved students examining food service and catering
businesses and researching employment opportunities within the hospitality industry.

Learning Behaviours
Is organised and prepared for class. Consistently
Participates in all class activities. Consistently
Completes all set tasks. Consistently
Displays commitment to study. Mostly
Behaves in an appropriate manner and works cooperatively with peers. Mostly
Is respectful to staff and follows direction in the classroom. Consistently

Elementar Basic Sound Thorough Extensive
Works efficiently in the industrial kitchen with high ✓
regard for safety requirements.
Plans, prepares and evaluates food for a specific ✓
Understands the importance of nutrition and making ✓
informed choices in food consumption.
Understands those factors that influence good ✓
eating habits.

Semester Two Grade ✓
Mathematics 5.2-5.3
Mary-Ann Carle
Teacher: Mr Gregory Devine
La Salle Academy - Lithgow - 2023 - Year 10 Semester 2 Report

During Semester Two, students have studied the topics of Non-Right Angled Trigonometry, learning how to use
formulas and real world problem solving applications. They also studied Single Variable and Bivariate Data, Quadratic
Expressions, Linear and Non-Linear Relationships. Throughout this semester, the students not only expanded their
knowledge in these subjects but also developed critical thinking skills and a deeper appreciation for the applications of

Learning Behaviours
Is organised and prepared for class. Consistently
Participates in all class activities. Consistently
Completes all set tasks. Consistently
Displays commitment to study. Consistently
Behaves in an appropriate manner and works cooperatively with peers. Consistently
Is respectful to staff and follows direction in the classroom. Consistently

Elementar Basic Sound Thorough Extensive
Selects and uses appropriate strategies to solve ✓
Factorises accurately and solves linear, three-step ✓
and quadratic equations.
Solves real life problems involving trigonometry. ✓
Performs calculations with single variate and ✓
bivariate data.

Semester Two Grade ✓
Personal Development, Health and Physical
Mary-Ann Carle
Teacher: Mr Stephen Carroll
La Salle Academy - Lithgow - 2023 - Year 10 Semester 2 Report

During Semester Two, students studied units on culture, diversity and the potential dangers of alcohol. In practical
classes, students explored various movement concepts as well as various striking games. Students developed their
ability to cultivate decision making skills, build their resilience and developed their understanding of other perspectives.

Learning Behaviours
Is organised and prepared for class. Consistently
Participates in all class activities. Mostly
Completes all set tasks. Consistently
Displays commitment to study. Consistently
Behaves in an appropriate manner and works cooperatively with peers. Consistently
Is respectful to staff and follows direction in the classroom. Consistently

Elementar Basic Sound Thorough Extensive
Adapts and improvises movement skills to perform ✓
creative movement across a range of dynamic
physical activity contexts.
Critiques contextual factors, attitudes and ✓
behaviours to effectively promote health, safety,
wellbeing and participation in physical activity.
Assesses and applies self-management skills to ✓
effectively manage complex situations.
Critiques their ability to enact interpersonal skills to ✓
build and maintain respectful and inclusive
relationships in a variety of groups or contexts.

Semester Two Grade ✓
Mary-Ann Carle
Teacher: Ms Megan Walker
La Salle Academy - Lithgow - 2023 - Year 10 Semester 2 Report

Throughout Semester Two, students were instructed in the units: Chemical Reactions and Evolution. Students also
undertook practical experiences in these units. Students developed an appreciation of the importance of science in
their lives and the role of scientific inquiry in increasing understanding of the world around them and engaged in finding
solutions to science-related personal, social and global issues, including shaping sustainable futures.

Learning Behaviours
Is organised and prepared for class. Consistently
Participates in all class activities. Consistently
Completes all set tasks. Consistently
Displays commitment to study. Consistently
Behaves in an appropriate manner and works cooperatively with peers. Consistently
Is respectful to staff and follows direction in the classroom. Consistently

Elementar Basic Sound Thorough Extensive
Demonstrates knowledge, understanding of and ✓
skills in applying the processes of Working
Demonstrates knowledge of the Physical World, ✓
Earth and Space, Living World and Chemical World,
and understanding about the nature, development,
use and influence of science.

Semester Two Grade ✓
Visual Arts
Mary-Ann Carle
Teacher: Ms Tracey Cole
La Salle Academy - Lithgow - 2023 - Year 10 Semester 2 Report

During Semester Two, students have undertaken studies in sculpture and mural/street art. Each topic included whole
class historical and theoretical studies, independent artist research, individual art making and collaborative art making
tasks. Value is placed on the development of students’ intellectual and practical autonomy, reflective action, critical
judgement and understanding of art in artmaking and in critical and historical studies of art. Students have been
encouraged to become informed, interested and active participants in, and consumers of, the visual arts and
contemporary culture. They have also been encouraged to take risks and experiment with various materials and
methods of art making, building confidence in their abilities.

Learning Behaviours
Is organised and prepared for class. Mostly
Participates in all class activities. Consistently
Completes all set tasks. Mostly
Displays commitment to study. Mostly
Behaves in an appropriate manner and works cooperatively with peers. Consistently
Is respectful to staff and follows direction in the classroom. Consistently

Elementar Basic Sound Thorough Extensive
Investigates the world as a source of ideas, ✓
concepts and subject matter in the visual arts.
Demonstrates developing technical accomplishment ✓
and refinement in making artworks.
Demonstrates how art criticism and art history ✓
construct meanings.

Semester Two Grade ✓

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