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I rrrtu rt

l-* Fxd yith r ycrl, uqc*ctirr vehe ca ftd fu m r& of r[ fic pirls in iE
EfOma sgnrfrcailI_v-

2 *rdyse 3 x 3 mcein fttter in the frqwtcy fullain and prove that it behaves tike a tow-

Tbe 3 x 3 mean filter is given b

rcpresentation is given in Fig. 5.29.

rFscntation of the pattern shown in Fig. 5.29 is given
Fi9.5.29 3 x 3 Mean filter mask
. '.. !rlt.:
.:..r1.,. .._

.,r,. n2t : r) + af r, - t) +
- tl + iofnr+ r) + +
+ t)
iot r D iaf - r-
nr t, n
f,a{nr, *6(.nr i
,rli- + +t, n r-t) +!og, +1, nrlt)+!oO, -1, n rtl)
-'l i: r..:.
. - 'l llt :-. Z-transform on both sides, we get
-,1ll n..''
- r I I t -9
-'-:l-S-9-, '!rr-!rr'-!rr*!=,tr,t -!r,r;' ,,-- ,1-;,--
g- g_ g - 9,_
-.*_, i,, I-ro. 1.i,,'l
*g"'*gr''*g""*gr'-,e'-, ,,,.-rr, lg,lriat,-ia, 1l ,i,,rin2
g,g- g
* ,' ,j"

:*.ik-'*t arint)* j("-'- +"i',)'r!" i', (eiu, +e-j',)nir,-, (ei', +e-i,,)

: +1x2cosr, * ! 1!riurx2cos..r,
;.;x2cose..r, "-.,nrx2cos,.:,
: +l*2.orr, +1r2.orr, (e-i', + ei"r)
ask. The blun
sk will be odd : -;x2cos.,.,, +lr2.orr, + 1r2.orr, x2cos"..r,

.t[o,.r,ur]:+.;r2cos.,.r, +1r2.orr, +1*4"orr,.orr, (5.9)

GE (i) Substitute @r : az: 0in the expression of X[o1,i.r2] given in Eq. (5.9).

x[0, 0] : + x 2co(0) + 1 x +cos(O)cos(0)

f,+f,"z"os(0) ]
xro.ol :;.1.'r.1:i:t

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