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Before the End

I am Nenita. I live in Carataya with my husband. We don’t have a child yet because my husband
feels like where not ready yet, however, I really want to have a child of my own. My husband graduated
Summa Cum Laude from UP however I don’t why but he seems stuck here. I fear that I might be the
one holding him back.
My husband always keeps me happy. I remember that night when he took me dancing.
Roger- Nenita? Can you come over here?
N- Why?
R- Just come over here.
As soon as I walked past the door, music began to play. It was Grow Old with You by Westlife.
Roger was in the middle of the Living Room holding a Rose. I walked towards him then he gave me the
rose and he held my hand and put his other hand on my hips.
R- Will you give me this dance my love?
N- Always my love.
We swayed until we felt tired. We then went to the room and he turned the lights off. Oh it was
one of my favorite memories.
One morning, Roger’s friend invited him to have a drink at his house. He was Roger’s classmate
in college so Roger went.
RF- Roger come over to my house tonight. Let’s drink and catch up. I haven’t seen you in a while.
Roger- Sure! I’ll be right over.
Roger then went to Nenita to inform her where he was going.
Roger- I’m going to my friend’s house for a while. I’ll be eating dinner here okay?
N- Okay! I’ll be cooking your favorite.
Roger- That news makes me not want to go anymore. HAHA. I’ll be back.
N- Have Fun.
Roger was now at his friend’s place. Roger saw how good his friend’s life is now. He has 3 cars, a
big house and 2 kids.
R- Wow! I’m blown away. Your house looks really good.
RF- This all could be yours too you know.
R- I want to but I just can’t leave Nenita here.
RF- Bro. Just think that this is for you and your family’s future.
A few moments later, a gorgeous woman was walking toward us. She was tall, really sexy. She
was beautiful.
RF- Bro, let me introduce you to Samantha. She’s a lawyer.
R- Wow! Nice to meet you Samantha.
Samantha- You too Roger.
R- So you’re a lawyer?
S- Yes, and I hear you’re quite an achiever. Why are you settling here when you can conquer the world?
R- I like it here.
S- You know what? Let me help you. Here’s my number I can help you get a better job.
R- Thanks! That’s very kind of you.
An hour has past and Roger went home. He wasn’t drunk. I approached him and welcomed him.
I asked him how the party was.
N- So how was the party?
R- It was good. I just had a couple of drinks.
N- Is there anyone else that you knew at the party?
R- No. It was just me and my classmate. BTW I wanna go to sleep. I’m a bit tipsy.
N- What? You haven’t even touched your food yet.
R- It’s okay. I’ll have it tomorrow.
N- Okay, you go rest while I clean up.
Roger stood up and I noticed that a card fell down from his pocket. It was named after Samantha.
I put the card on the TV rack for him to find. I finished up cleaning and when to our room for rest.
Morning came and I woke up to make breakfast before Roger wakes up. I reheated last night’s
dinner and cooked some boiled egg which Roger loves to eat in the morning along with bagoong. A few
minutes after I finished cooking. Roger woke up and I greeted him.
N- Good Morning Honey! I made you your favorite boiled egg.
R- Oh, I’ll eat breakfast at the office. BTW have you seen a calling card named after Samantha?
N- I placed it on the TV rack.
R- Thanks.
Then Roger left leaving me confused. He seems like he has changed after that night he went with
his friend. A few weeks later, things got worse. Roger started going out at night. Telling me that he’s
going to meet up with the client.
I got more curious I told myself that I needed to find out what has happened to my husband. An
opportunity came when my husband went out one night and left his phone. I opened his phone and saw
his lewd conversations with Samantha. My husband was cheating on me!!! I fell on my knees. I was
devastated. I cried until I heard the gate open. Roger came back for his phone. I rushed to the room and
pretended I was asleep.
I sensed a raging anger in me. Days went by and my anger only grew. Little by little I poisoned
my husband until such time that he was bedridden. I gathered the courage to talk to him.
N- How was Samantha?
R- Why do you ask that?
N- HAHAHAHAHA!!! Even now that you’re dying?? You still can’t admit it?
R- Admit what?
N- You cheated on me with Samantha!!
R- What?
N- I read your conversation on your phone that one night you went out!! That is why I poisoned you
little by little. You two are such whores. How dare you do this to me.
R- You poisoned me?
N- Now admit that you cheated on me.HAHAHAHA!!!!
R- That wasn’t my phone. That we my friend’s
Roger said as he drew his last breath.
I fell into insanity. I killed my husband. I should have just talked to him. What have I become?


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