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Lampiran 1. Materi
1) Social function
 To ask and give suggestion or advice to someone and give responses to the suggestion
whether accepting or refusing it.
 To ask and give suggestion or advice to someone and give responses to the suggestion
whether accepting or refusing it.
2) Formula
 Formal : S + Modal (should, ought to, could, etc) + V + complement
 S + suggest + (that) + S + should + V + complement
 Informal : WH question → What about going to the cinema tonight?
 Let’s + V1

- I suggest that he cleans his room
- Let’s go to the library!
- How about going to Sam’s place first?
- I think you should meet her.
- We could eat at home today.
- Why don’t you do your homework before going out?
Responding to Suggestions
Asking for Suggestions Giving / Making Suggestions
Accepting Suggestions Declining suggestions

- What do you think I Let’s go to the library! Yes, let’s go. No, thank you.i don’t
should do? feel like going.
- What do you
suggest? Why don’t you do your OK, I will. Sorry. I think I will go
- What should I do? homework before going out first and then do my
out? homework.

How about going to Sam’s Yes, let’s go. It’s a good No. let’s just go to the
place first and then go to the idea. supermarket.

I think you should meet her. OK, if you say so. Sorry, I can’t. I have
previous engagement.
Read the following dialogue
Anisa : What shall we do tonight?
Putri : Why don’t we go to the cinema?
Anisa : Well, I’m not sure. I don’t really like it very much
Putri : Well, what do you suggest then?
Anisa : How about going out for a meal?
Putri : I don’t think that’s a good idea
Anisa : All right. How about going to the pub?
Putri : Okay, I’d prefer to go dancing, if you don’t mind
Anisa : That’s okay. Why don’t we go to the restaurant afterwards?
Putri : Yes, that’s a marvelous idea

1) Social function
 To give something physical or abstract to someone, which can be taken as a gift or a

2) Formula
 Modal Verb + S + V + complement
 Would you like me to + V1 + complement
 Would you like + N
 Would you care for + N
 I + will + V1 + If + you + like

Offering Accepting offers Declining offers

Can I help you? Yes, please. I really appreciate It’s okay. I can do it myself.

Shall I bring you some tea? Thank you. It is very kind of No, thank you.

Would you like another Yes, please. That would be No, thanks. I don’t want
helping of cake? lovely. another helping.
How about I help you with Yes, please. That would be Don’t worry. I will do it myself.
this? very kind of you.

Can I take you home? Thank you. I appreciate your That’s alright. I will manage on
help. my own.

Other examples:

- Would you like to read magazine?

- Would you like me to help you?
- Would you care for another cup of tea?
- Do you want some juice?
- Do you want me to get a newspaper?
- How about drinking a coffee?
- Could I offer you something?
- I will do the washing if you like.
- What if I help you finish your job?

Lampiran 2 Soal
1. Penilaian Pengetahuan
1) Read this dialog. Then answer the questions.
Mechanic : Good morning. Nashville Auto Garage. Can I help you?
Man : Yes, I hope so. I’m having trouble with my car engine. It wouldn’t start this
morning. Can you come to my house and repair it for me, please?
Mechanis : Ummm…. What can I say? Mm…. my men are working on some cars right
now, sir. I think you will have to wait for a few hours. What if we come to
your house tomorrow?
Man : But, I need the car tomorrow.
Mechanic : You could try other garages.
Man : I want to, but I don’t have any contacts. Besides, I have been your loyal
customer for a long time.
Mechanic : I have a friend who might help you. He is also a car mechanic like me and I
can guarantee that he will repair your car as well as we do. Let me call him
for you now.
Man : Oh, that’s very kind of you to offer. Thanks.

1. Why can’t the mechanic repair the man’s car right away?
2. What does the mechanis offer the man?
3. Does the man accept or refuse the offer?
4. What is the social function of “Suggestion and Offer”?
5. Re-write the sentence/s of “suggestion and offer” from the dialog above.

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