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Transformational & Facilitative

Transformational Leadership Defined
Transformational Leadership Defined

“Transformational leaders are

those who stimulate and
inspire followers to both
achieve extraordinary
outcomes and in the process
develop their own leadership
Transformational leadership with its emphasis on
vision, employee empowerment and challenging
the traditional leadership hypothesis has become a
well-liked model among today’s more progressive
Transformational Leaders
“Leaders motivate and inspire ! They
relentlessly create the vision and set
strategies for Action! Their ultimate gift is
not to have followers but to develop many
other leaders.”
-Dr. Rick Goodman


The Transformational Leadershift Journey
Leadershift #1 Soloist to Conductor
– The Focus Shift
You can be a successful person on your own,
but not a successful leader. The way forward
as the leader of an organization is to utilize
the gifts of the entire team.
*11 Leadershift (John Maxwell) Principles
My Transformational Journey
in the VUCA World
Leadershift #2 Goals to Growth /
The Personal Development Shift
It is imperative for leaders to make the personal
development shift from a short-term goal orientation to a
long-term growth orientation. There are three significant
changes needed to achieve the shift:
1) growth outward to growth inward;
2) growth in everything to growth in a few vital things;
and 3) growth with a timeline versus growth without a finish
My Transformational Journey
in the VUCA World
Leadershift #3 Perks to Price
The Cost Shift
Great leadership isn’t about control, the income or the corner office. It’s about
sacrifice. Great leadership costs us something.
American missionary Adoniram Judson is rumored to have said, “There is no
success without sacrifice. If you succeed without sacrifice, it is because
someone has suffered before you. If you sacrifice without success, it is
because someone will succeed after you.” Great leaders go first. “What sets
great leaders apart from all other leaders is this: they act before others, and
they do more than others. Great leaders face their uncertainty and doubt, and
they move through it to pave the way for others.”
There are three common costs that every leader needs to take into account to
make the cost shift: reality, example, and consistency
My Transformational Journey
Leadershift #4inPleasing
the VUCA World
People to Challenging
People /

The Relational Shift

You can please some of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of
the people all of the time. But if you want the best out of people, you have to
challenge them. “You have to put doing what’s right for your people and
organization ahead of what feels right for you.” This means keeping your eye on
the big picture. Sometimes you have to have tough conversations, but you must
balance care with candor.
You can never really lead your organization, serve your people, or reach your
leadership potential if you are always trying to make others happy. The stark
reality is that you cannot lead people if you need people.
My Transformational Journey
Leadershiftin#5the VUCA Worldto Creating

The Abundance Shift

Maintaining isn’t always easy, but it is the easiest mindset to slip into. It’s not about
change for change sake, but it’s about “can we do better?” Create a creative
environment where people gather ideas and value multiple perspectives. “Being
inflexible and sticking to my plan put a lid on me and my organization.” Larry
Stockstill said, “I live on the other side of ‘yes.’ That’s where I find abundance and
opportunity. It’s where I become a better and bigger self. The opportunity of a
lifetime must be seized within the lifetime of the opportunity. So I try to say ‘yes’
whenever I can.”
If you want to shift from maintaining to creating in your life and leadership, then
you need to learn and live by a few creative principles including building a creative
culture, making everything better, making plans but looking for options, and more.
Leadershift #6 Ladder Climbing to Ladder
Building /

The Reproduction Shift

This leadershift is about changing from being a personal producer to an
equipper of others. We being with ladder climbing (How high can I go?), then
we shift to ladder holding (How high will others go with a little help?), then
ladder extending (How high will others go with a lot of help?) to finally, ladder
building (Can I help them build their own ladder?). “If you want learners to
follow directions, you only need to provide the what. If you want them to lead
others and give directions, they must also have the why.”

When it comes to investing in and helping someone by holding, extending, and

building his or her ladder, it is important who you choose to mentor.
Leadershift #7 Directing to Connecting –

The Communication Shift

You must learn to connect with people to be the best leader you can be. To move
from directing people—talking, ready answers, your way—to connecting—
listening, asking, empowering. Be a person people can trust. Lift others up. “When
you interact with others as a leader, what is your mindset? Is your intention to
correct them or connect with them?”
Leadershift #8 Team Uniformity to
Team Diversity
The Improvement Shift

If everyone around you thinks like you, you need to expand your network. A
diverse team will fill in gaps in knowledge, perspective, and experience.
“Malcolm Forbes said diversity is the art of thinking independently together.”
Leadershift #9 Positional Authority to Moral Authority

The Influence Shift

Moral authority is not about position it’s about who you are. People follow
moral authority before they follow positional authority. Maxwell lists four
areas a leader needs to develop to have moral authority: competence,
courage, consistency, and character.
“Every leader who possesses moral authority has had to stand alone at some
point in time. Such moments make leaders.”
Leadershift #10 Trained Leaders to Transformational

The Impact Shift

Maxwell believes that if you only make one shift in your leadership, this is the
one because it “will bring the greatest change to your life and the lives of
those around you.”
Transformational leaders inspire others to become more. But that’s because
they have worked to become more themselves. “If you want to see positive
changes in your world, the first person you must change is you. As leaders, you
and I have to be changed to bring change.
We teach what we know, but we reproduce who we are.”
Leadershift #11 Career to Calling

The Passion Shift

This is the shift from just doing a job to do what you are gifted to do.
Aristotle wrote, “Where our talents and the needs of the world cross,
there lies our vocation.” Your calling is not about you. “
A calling moves us from the center of everything in our world to
becoming the channel through which good things come to others.”
“Leaders motivate and inspire they
relentlessly create the vision and set
strategies for Action! Their ultimate gift is not
to have followers but to develop many other
-Dr. Rick Goodman
Transformational Leaders
Transactional Leaders
Transformational leaders look to satisfy the greater need of the individual.
Transactional leaders make many deals with those being led.
Transactional leadership is based on rewards versus punishment.
Transactional leadership is based on quid pro quo or this for that!
Benefits of Transformational Leadership

Higher Levels of Productivity

Increased Employee Satisfaction
Improved Employee Retention
Stronger Trust Based Relationships
Common Traits of Transformational Leaders
They possess a clear vision of their goals and expectations.
They are Energetic, Enthusiastic and Passionate.
They are focused on helping everyone to succeed.
Examples of Transformational Leaders


Transformational Leaders
Companies That Are Transformational Leaders
Are You A Transformational
History of Transformational Leadership
Initially introduced by James McGregor Burns a United States presidential

He believed Transformational Leaders could inspire followers to change

expectations, perceptions and motivations to work towards a common goal.
The Bass Transformational Leadership Theory
Researcher Bernard Bass expanded on Burns ideas developing his on
theory on Transformational Leadership.

Bass suggested that leaders garner trust, respect and admiration

from their followers.
The Four Components of Transformational
Intellectual Stimulation

Individualized Consideration

Inspirational Motivation

Idealized Influence
Intellectual Stimulation
Transformational leaders challenge the status quo.
They encourage creativity among followers.
The leader encourages followers to explore new ways of doing things.
The leaders encourage followers with new opportunities for growth and
Individualized Consideration
Leaders offer support and encouragement to individual followers.
Transformational leaders keep lines of communication open.
Followers feel free to share ideas openly.
Leaders offer direct recognition of their followers unique contributions.
Inspirational Motivation
Transformational leaders have a clear vision that they are able to
articulate to followers.
Leaders help followers experience the same passion and motivation to
reach their goals.
Idealized Influence
The transformational leader serves as a role model for followers.

Followers trust and respect the leader.

Followers emulate the leader and internalize their ideas.

Transformational Strategy
Creates an environment and an opportunity to motivate and inspire
Is excellent when the company is facing a challenge or change in
Provides a sense of purpose and meaning that can unite employees to
achieve a common set of goals.
Transformational Strategy Challenge
Success depends on the highly developed intellectual skills of the
employees to be successful.

Excitement and job satisfaction alone does not guarantee goals will be
Devoted to seeing ideas and values that transcend the practical needs of all.

With an intellectual leader there is a higher moral purpose and vision that
can transform society.
Movements that require the participation of large numbers of followers to
achieve results.

Reform leaders can transform part of society to realize a higher standard of

moral principle.
May ask followers for the ultimate sacrifice for the greater good of all.

While the reform leader may work towards improving one aspect of society,
the revolutionary leader asks for changes to the whole society.
Charismatic (Hero)
The ultimate form of the transformational
leadership approach.

The charismatic leader is viewed as a hero

amongst their followers.
“The single biggest way to impact an organization
is to focus on transformational leadership. There
is almost no limit to the potential of an
organization that recruits good people, raises
them up as leaders and continually develops
-John Maxwell
Transformational Leadership Mottos
Become Change Oriented.

Good Enough Never Is!

What Works Can Always Be Better.

Focus on the Culture of Your Organization

Is it Transactional in Nature?

Does it Focus on Its Missions and Values?

Is the Goal to Develop Future Leaders?

Mastering Your Emotions
Transformational leaders understand how someone will respond to a
persuasive or motivational attempt.

They have empathy to adjust to the challenges that had not been
anticipated by their team.
Transformational Core Competencies

A Transformational Mindset


Skill Development
Your mindset is your world view.

It defines what you believe and how you think.

It’s your attitudes values and feelings.

Transformational Mindset
Most of your scripts were developed early in life.

They are installed without our awareness and we

absorb the culture.

Our role in education plays a significant part.

Great leaders form their own beliefs about change and

Managers rely on authority, Leaders rely on
Managerial authority does not translate well into
You can’t order people to change but you can
influence them!
Skill Development
Transformational leadership requires a great deal of skills.
Leaders cannot build skills by reading about it they must practice them and
take action.
Three Habits of Transformational Leaders

Speak from your heart and quiet your mind.

Transformational leaders are curious and play full out!

They tell relevant stories that can generate ideas and make
a shift in one’s mindset.
Four Steps to Becoming a
Transformational Leader
1. Create an inspiring vision.
2. Motivate people to buy into and deliver the vision.
3. Manage delivery of the vision.
4. Build ever stronger trust-based relationships with people.
Transformational Mindset
Most of your scripts were developed early in life.

They are installed without our awareness and we

absorb the culture.

Our role in education plays a significant part.

Great leaders form their own beliefs about change and

Managers rely on authority, Leaders rely on
Managerial authority does not translate well into
You can’t order people to change but you can
influence them!
Skill Development
Transformational leadership requires a great deal of skills.
Leaders cannot build skills by reading about it they must practice them and
take action.
Three Habits of Transformational Leaders

Speak from your heart and quiet your mind.

Transformational leaders are curious and play full out!

They tell relevant stories that can generate ideas and

make a shift in one’s mindset.
Four Steps to Becoming a
Transformational Leader
1. Create an inspiring vision.
2. Motivate people to buy into and deliver the vision.
3. Manage delivery of the vision.
4. Build ever stronger trust-based relationships with people.
Define Facilitative Leadership
Discuss how Facilitative Leaders can support your work
Identify how Facilitative Leaders center their efforts
Identify and discuss the Principles of Facilitative Leadership
Exercise: Explore YOUR personal strengths as a Facilitative
Reflect: How can I use today’s lessons in my work/volunteer
Be open
Show respect
Listen to each other
One person speaks at a time
Silence Cell Phones
Share experiences
Keep discussion confidential
Give feedback in writing
What is A Leader?

“Leadership at its core, is a very simple process of thinking well or

thinking clearly about the situation facing them”
»Sean Ruth
A Leadership Style refers to a leader’s way of providing direction,
implementing plans, and motivating people.

Your style describes HOW you lead.

There are many different leadership
No one style is correct for all situations.
 Know how to use the correct
leadership style for a given situation.
 Help individuals recognize and
maximize their full potential as team
 Energize and engage people by helping
them create a meaningful sense of
purpose and direction in their work.
What is
LEADER: A person who has FACILITATE: To make easy or
commanding influence possible.
A Facilitative Leader:
Facilitative Leaders: Empower others to work together and
achieve common goals through relationships, processes and
outcomes. They make it easier for people to:
•Think, understand, & communicate their thoughts
• Work with others and focus on group goals and outcomes
•Speak up when there are challenges
•Make and carry out decisions
•Allow members to develop their own leadership potential
•Achieve high quality results through the group’s abilities
Leadership Is About Having A Vision
Leadership Is About Inspiring Trust
Leadership Is About Seeing Possibilities
Perspective Rectangles Exercise
How many rectangles do you see?
Leadership Is About Seeking New
Leadership Is About Quality
Key Assumptions
Because Facilitative Leaders manage relationships, processes and
outcomes. It is important that you take time to learn about yourself
so that you can best support others. For example do you understand
•Natural Leadership stance
•Your innate relationship with Conflict
•Your communications strengths and challenges
•Your ability to build trust…quickly Facilitative
All of these will be tested as you practice Leadership

facilitation skills and engage others.

Group Awareness
Facilitative Leaders Focus On:


Facilitative Leaders Practices:

Share an
Inspiring Vision

Balance Results,
Process and
Facilitative Leaders Practices:


Create Pathways
to Action

Facilitative Leaders Practices:

Coach Others for


Setting The Stage for Great Facilitative
1) Choose to listen
2) Be an effective listener
3) Don’t interrupt unless necessary
4) Listening requires focus. You are
paying attention to the story, how it is
told, use of language and voice, body
5) Summarize to verify mutual
understanding, even where there is
6) Don’t impose your solutions, you can
ask if they are interested.
**Listening Activity**
Facts - A true statement that can be proven with evidence. It
can be verified.

Feelings – Listen for the emotions you hear

Values – What core principles or underlying personal driving

forces do you hear behind the feelings

Adapted from University of Minnesota Extension. NELD North Central 2014 Chicago Workbook. Created by Jody
Horntvedt and Toby Spanier
Encouraging Dialogue vs.
Controlling the Conversation
Encourages CONFLICT Encourages RESOLUTION
Supporting DIALOGUE
• Ask open ended questions that encourage broad thinking and
• Use close-ended questions for details
• Listen actively
• Don’t evaluate
• Be comfortable with silence
• Be observant of body language
• Seek to understand, identify information to resolve conflict
• Offer genuine support
•Recognize emotions in others
•Have Fundamental “people skills”
•Have awareness of others’ needs/wants
•Consider others’ feelings as factors in
decision making
•Attempt to put yourself in someone else’s
shoes to feel & understand the person’s

…NOT AGREEMENT, sanction, compliance,

sympathy, encouraging, and the like

…is simply seeing something the way it is and

saying, “That’s the way it is.”
How do you measure
as a Facilitative
Your Development Plan
Share an Inspiring Vision: Focus on Results, Process,
Create and communicate an Relationships: Build a structure for
image of the future and get performance and satisfaction that
others engaged in its pursuit. balances what gets done, the way it
Keep the mission out front. happens, and how people treat
each other. The structure should
support continued work when you
are gone.
Seek Maximum Appropriate Model Actions that Aid
Involvement: Leverage the talent Collaboration: Encourage diversity
& interests of others around you of opinion and honor individual
by including them appropriately perspectives. Help team members
in the decision making process. stay focused on the task at hand
Work to increase trust and through modeling.
commitment through
Design Pathways to Action: Bring out the Best in Others:
Guide others in planning how to Coach individuals to do their best.
solve problems and realize Listen as an ally. Support the
opportunities. Help people see expression of others’ ideas. Work to
alternatives when executing a overcome obstacles.
Celebrate Accomplishment: Seize the moment to authentically celebrate
small successes. Acknowledge individuals and teams for their
• Please share any
reflections from
• Are there
• What are your
greatest take

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