Phan Mission Statement Analysis

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Are Institutions Prioritizing Academics or the Student Experience?

David Phan

Department of Counseling and Higher Education, Northern Illinois University

HESA 500: Foundations of Higher Education

Dr. Katy Jaekel

October 24th, 2022


Mission statements to an institution is the equivalent to a person's personality in how

others may view them. While the wording of mission statements can be clear to the eye, it is

important to think critically about the institution type in relation to its mission statement to

clearly communicate its purpose and intent. Much like personalities in showcasing the values and

ideals of a person, institutions can convey their personality through their mission statement for

the public. In addition, to clearly communicate the type of institution one is, the Carnegie

classification can provide meaningful insight that can help complement an institution’s mission

statement. In reviewing the mission statements and Carnegie classifications of both Johns

Hopkins University and Pasadena City College, it is evident that the two institutions have

different institutional focuses on the students they serve. Specifically, Johns Hopkins University

emphasizes research and academics as their core institutional focus whereas Pasadena City

College emphasizes the student and provides accessibility to the student experience.

Johns Hopkins University Overview

The first institution to be discussed is Johns Hopkins University based in Baltimore,

Maryland. The American Council on Education (2022) describes this institution as a private, 4

year or above, not-for-profit, R1 institution with an undergraduate emphasis on the arts and

science and a graduate emphasis on research and professional school like medical or veterinary.

In addition, the Carnegie classification states that the enrollment profile of students at Johns

Hopkins University is vastly graduate students who are also residential students. When

reviewing Johns Hopkins University’s mission statement (see Appendix A), it echoes the

classification as previously stated and is fitting for the demographic and the students they serve.

As mentioned in the introduction paragraph, Johns Hopkins University emphasizes research and
academics as their core takeaway for their students and as the mission statement shares, the

institution serves to “bring the benefits of discovery to the world” (Johns Hopkins University,

2022, para. 7). As an R1 institution, it is not surprising to learn that the mission statement

compliments and emphasizes research and academics as its core values. However, with an

emphasis on research and academics, the mission statement fails to mention how it prioritizes the

student experience even though the institution considers itself residential. This poses a question

on if they value their academics over their students since there is no mention in their mission


Pasadena City College Overview

The next institution to be discussed is Pasadena City College based in Pasadena

California. The American Council on Education (2022) describes this institution as a public, 2

year, high transfer-high traditional community college with an undergraduate emphasis on

Associate degrees and no classification for graduate instructions. Similar to community colleges

around the nation, Pasadena City College shares commonality with the Carnegie classification

indicating that their enrollment profile is “exclusively undergraduate two-year” (American

Council on Education, 2022). When reviewing Pasadena City College’s mission statement (see

Appendix B), it emphasizes the student experience that is important for a community college and

the students it serves. The mission statement, as a whole, places a high value on ensuring the

needs and experience of the students are being fulfilled even as a community college. A stigma

of community colleges includes students attending classes and going home, but Pasadena City

College defaults from this norm by sharing that they are a “community dedicated to enriching

students’...through…campus engagement, and customized student support” (Pasadena City

College, 2022, para. 1). Campus engagement benefits the students this institution serves because
it provides meaningful experiences and including custom student support is important to note

because students transferring or starting community college may have different needs to be met

and prioritizing the student first is important for retention and accessibility that Pasadena City

College does well.

Comparing the Institutions

From reviewing both institutions, there seems to be more differences than similarities

when comparing the mission statements together. The focus of where higher education is being

targeted seems to be the driving difference between Johns Hopkins University and Pasadena City

College. As stated in the previous paragraphs, the focus of higher education at Johns Hopkins

University is primarily research and academic focused where they value their prestige title to

cater to graduate students and discovery. Even within their mission statement, some form of

research is mentioned with each phrase, showcasing its values of academics without mentioning

how it caters to the student experience. On the other hand, the focus of higher education for

Pasadena City College stems from providing the student with a positive, holistic experience that

caters to their needs and wants. Looking at their mission statement, their intent for student

experience is evident by going into detail about how their institution enriches their holistic

perspective. However, one similarity that both institutions possess is a dedication to their values

and beliefs that clearly communicates the students they serve. Whether that is graduate students

pursuing degrees in the professional field or transfer students pursuing a two year degree, their

mission statement supports each notion and the experience that exudes from each institution.


Through analyzing mission statements and comparing and contrasting institutions, it aids

in providing perspective to the values and beliefs that each institution has, making each
institution unique. As researched here, it is clear that one institution has a bigger focus on

research and academics whereas the other focuses on the student experience. Thinking about the

intent of this assignment, it is important for student affairs professionals to research the mission

statement and the type of institution they are looking to explore a career with as it could relate to

their own values and beliefs. When an institution shares the same values and beliefs as an

individual, that person can be more drawn to that institution and feel more secure in their

decision. Just like people are drawn to the personality of others, mission statements serve as a

guide that gravitates people towards their institutions.


American Council on Education. (2022). Johns Hopkins University. The Carnegie Classification

of Institutions of Higher Education. Retrieved from

American Council on Education. (2022). Pasadena City College. The Carnegie Classification of

Institutions of Higher Education. Retrieved from

Johns Hopkins University. (2022). History & mission. About us. Retrieved from

Pasadena City College. (2022). Mission, vision, & values. About PCC. Retrieved from
Appendix A: Johns Hopkins University Mission Statement

To educate its students and cultivate their capacity for lifelong learning, to foster independent

and original research, and to bring the benefits of discovery to the world.
Appendix B: Pasadena City College Mission Statement

Pasadena City College is an equity-minded learning community dedicated to enriching students’

academic, personal, and professional lives through an array of degree and certificate programs,

campus engagement, and customized student support.

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