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Can you explain the end-to-end procurement process, from requisition to payment?
Certainly! The end-to-end procurement process involves multiple steps and activities, from the initial
identification of a need for goods or services to the final payment to the supplier. Here is a comprehensive
overview of the key stages in the procurement process:

1. Requisition:
 The process typically begins with a requisition, which is a formal request for the purchase of goods or
services. This request can come from various departments within an organization based on their needs.
2. Approval Workflow:
 The requisition often goes through an approval workflow where it is reviewed and approved by
relevant authorities. This ensures that the purchase aligns with budgetary constraints and
organizational policies.
3. Sourcing and Supplier Selection:
 Once approved, the procurement team initiates the sourcing process. This involves identifying
potential suppliers, conducting negotiations, and selecting the supplier that best meets the
organization's requirements in terms of quality, cost, and reliability.
4. Purchase Order (PO) Creation:
 A purchase order is generated and sent to the selected supplier. The PO contains detailed information
about the ordered goods or services, including quantity, specifications, delivery dates, and terms of
5. Supplier Acknowledgment:
 The supplier acknowledges receipt of the purchase order and confirms their ability to fulfill the order
based on the specified terms and conditions.
6. Goods/Services Delivery:
 The supplier delivers the goods or services as specified in the purchase order. The receiving
department checks the delivered items against the PO to ensure accuracy and quality.
7. Invoice Generation:
 After successful delivery, the supplier issues an invoice to the organization for the goods or services
provided. The invoice includes details such as the agreed-upon price, quantity, and any applicable
8. Invoice Approval:
 The received invoice undergoes an approval process, ensuring that the goods or services were
delivered as per the agreed-upon terms. This step may involve matching the invoice with the
corresponding purchase order and delivery receipt.
9. Payment Processing:
 Once the invoice is approved, the finance department processes the payment to the supplier. Payment
terms, as specified in the purchase order, dictate when and how payments are made.
10. Recordkeeping and Reporting:
 All relevant documents, including purchase orders, invoices, and payment records, are systematically
stored for auditing purposes. Procurement professionals often generate reports to analyze spending
patterns, supplier performance, and other key metrics.
11. Supplier Performance Evaluation:
 Periodic evaluations of supplier performance may be conducted based on factors such as delivery
timeliness, product quality, and adherence to contract terms. This information informs future sourcing
This end-to-end procurement process ensures that organizations obtain the necessary goods and services in a
systematic and cost-effective manner while maintaining compliance with internal policies and external
regulations. It also involves collaboration between various departments, including procurement, finance, and
receiving, to ensure smooth and efficient operations.

How To Upload Items with FBDI

FBDI (File-Based Data Import) is a tool provided by Oracle for importing large volumes of data into Oracle
Cloud applications. If you want to upload items using FBDI in Oracle Cloud applications, here are general
steps you can follow. Please note that the specific steps may vary depending on the Oracle Cloud application
you are using, and it's essential to refer to the documentation specific to your application.

Here's a general guide:

1. Prepare Data Files:

 Download the FBDI template for Items from the Oracle Cloud application you are using.
 Populate the template with the item data you want to import. Ensure you follow the format and
required columns specified in the template.
2. Access the Oracle Cloud Application:
 Log in to your Oracle Cloud application using your credentials.
3. Navigate to the Import Section:
 Navigate to the relevant module or section where you can perform data imports. This might be under
tools, data import, or a similar section, depending on your application.
4. Initiate Import Job:
 Start a new import job and select the FBDI option.
5. Upload Data Files:
 Upload the populated FBDI template file containing the item data.
6. Review and Confirm Mapping:
 Map the columns in your FBDI template to the corresponding fields in the Oracle Cloud application.
This is a crucial step to ensure that the data is correctly imported.
7. Validate Data:
 Run a validation process to check for any errors or inconsistencies in the data before importing.
Resolve any issues that may arise during the validation.
8. Submit Import Job:
 Once the data is validated and mapped correctly, submit the import job. This will trigger the import
9. Monitor Import Status:
 Monitor the status of the import job to ensure that it completes successfully. You may need to check
logs or reports generated by the import process for any errors.
10. Review Imported Data:
 After the import is successful, review the imported data within the Oracle Cloud application to
confirm that the items were added or updated correctly.
Remember that the specific steps and terminology can vary based on the Oracle Cloud application you are
using. Always refer to the official documentation or user guides provided by Oracle for detailed and
application-specific instructions. Additionally, it's recommended to perform such activities in a test
environment before executing in a production environment to avoid any unintended consequences.

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