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BJR|Open https://​doi.​org/​10.​1259/​bjro.


Received: Revised: Accepted:

19 May 2020 15 June 2020 16 June 2020

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Beer L, Jajodia A, Prosch H. Pearls and pitfalls in lung cancer staging. BJR Open 2020; 2: 20200019.


Pearls and pitfalls in lung cancer staging

Department of Biomedical Imaging and Image-­guided Therapy, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Department of Radiology and Cancer Research UK, Cambridge, England, UK
Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Centre, Delhi, India

Address correspondence to: Dr Lucian Beer

E-mail: ​lucian.​beer@​meduniwien.​ac.​at

Lung cancer is the third most common cancer in the UK and is the leading cause of death. Radiology plays a central
role in the diagnostic work-­up of patients with suspected and known lung cancer. Tumour assessment includes both
local staging, as well as distant staging. Local staging objectives include the assessment of technical resectability with
regard to the evaluation of tumour size and invasion of surrounding structures. Distant staging objectives aim to iden-
tify distant metastasis in lymphatic and extra lymphatic tissues. CT, positron emission tomography/CT, MRI, and ultra-
sound are routinely used imaging techniques for staging in patients with lung cancer. In this review, we will consider the
pitfalls of these examinations that radiologists potentially face during the work-­up of patients with lung cancer.

INTRODUCTION The eighth edition addresses several limitations of the

Radiologists are fundamentally involved in the diagnosis seventh edition, although several issues persist.
and treatment decision-­ making in patients with lung
cancer and see patients with lung cancer at various stages of In the TNM staging system, the T descriptor describes the
their journey. The radiologist is frequently the first contact, local tumour extent, the N descriptor the involvement of
often at time of their initial diagnosis, which can either be hilar or mediastinal lymph nodes, and the M descriptor
during lung cancer screening examinations or during diag- intra- and extrathoracic distant metastases.
nostic examinations. Patients are then discussed within the
multidisciplinary team (MDT) and in many cases, the next T-descriptors
step in the diagnostic process is tumour tissue sampling, in The T descriptor indicates the size of the primary tumour
which radiologists are also involved. Once the diagnosis of and its extension into neighbouring structures, such as
lung cancer is established, patients are staged based on the the chest wall or the mediastinum. Furthermore, the T
anatomical tumour extent. Finally, imaging examinations descriptor is also used to describe ipsilateral pulmonary
are used for treatment response assessment and for evalu- metastases.
ation of disease recurrence. Each step comprises peculiar-
ities and challenges for radiologists. In this review, we will Based on their size, tumours are categorized as T1 tumours
focus on the pearls and pitfalls of lung cancer staging from with a maximum diameter of less than 3 cm, T2 tumours
a radiology perspective. with a maximum diameter between 5 cm and 7 cm, and T3
tumours with a maximum diameter of more than 7 cm. T1
and T2 tumours are further subclassified in T1a, T1b, and
Eighth edition of the TNM classification of T1c, and T2a and T2b in 1 cm increments to allow an even
malignant tumours better prognostic classification.2
Since 01 Jan 2017, the eighth edition of the TNM staging
system, as proposed by the International Association for How to measure tumour size
the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC), should be used to stage The TNM manifest defines the way in which radiologists
non-­small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and small cell lung should measure lung cancer for TNM staging. For solid
cancer (SCLC). This staging system is based on a data- tumours, the single largest dimension measured in one of
base analysis of 94,708 cases donated from 35 sources in the three standard planes (axial, coronal, sagittal) using
16 countries around the world between 1999 and 2010.1 Of thin sections (1 mm) should be measured and used for
these, 70,967 validated cases were used for final analysis. the T descriptor (Figure 1A).3,4 In part-­solid tumours, the

© 2020 The Authors. Published by the British Institute of Radiology. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source
are credited.
BJR|Open Beer et al

Figure 1. Axial non-­enhanced CT showing (a) a solid nodule in largest tumour dimension, including the ground-­ glass (GG)
the left lower lobe compatible with a biopsy-­proven invasive part, should be recorded, but the staging is based on the largest
adenocarcinoma. It is recommended that the solid part be diameter of the solid component. The solid component in part-­
measured (black line). The solid part represents the invasive solid, non-­mucinous, lung adenocarcinomas correlates with
component of the tumour and should be used to define the an invasive adenocarcinoma pattern, while the GG component
T classification for staging. In (b), a part-­solid tumour in the correlates with a lepidic growth pattern.3
right upper lobe is shown. It is recommended that the solid
dimension (black line) of the tumour for the T-­descriptor be
Pure GG lesions with the largest diameter between 0.5 cm and
used. In (c), a pure ground-­glass nodule is shown. The largest
3 cm are classified as T1is, indicating that such pure GG lesions
dimension of the ground-­glass tumour should be measured
are most likely in situ tumours (Figure 1C). Pure GG lesions
and should be classified as an adenocarcinoma in situ (cTis).
smaller than 0.5 cm are not staged, as the probability of such
lesions being malignant is very low. Pure GG lesions larger than
3 cm are classified as T1a.

Tumour size should be recorded in centimetres and include

millimetre increments. It is recommended that thin slices (1 mm)
be used, as thick-­ slice reconstructions (1.5 to 5 mm) could
mask small solid components. These tumours would, therefore,
mistakenly be classified as pure GG tumours (Figure 2).

In the rare cases of part-­solid tumours with several solid compo-

nents, the radiologist should measure the long axis of the largest
solid component.3

In tumours in which the obstructive effect of the tumour leads to
an atelectasis or a post-­obstructive pneumonia, a reliable deter-
mination of tumour size is not possible. Consequently, partial or
total atelectasis of a lobe or entire lung side or a post-­obstructive
pneumonia are defined as T2.

In patients with central tumours leading to an atelectasis, in

which a delineation of tumours is necessary to limit the radi-
ation field, PET/CT or PET/MRI are of help in identifying the
obstructing tumour5 (Figure 3).

Infiltration of the chest wall or the diaphragm

While an infiltration of the chest wall is defined as T3, an infil-
tration of the diaphragm is classified as T4 disease.2 Multiplanar
reconstructions (MPRs) using sagittal and coronal views should
always be used to assess an infiltration of these structures, as axial
reconstruction might understate diaphragmatic infiltration.6

Unequivocal signs of an infiltration include the evidence of

tumour masses that have infiltrated neighbouring structures.
In case of the chest wall, the best evidence are rib erosions or
a broad extension of tumour masses into the intercostal space.

Less reliable signs of an infiltration of neighbouring structures

are impaired respiratory movement or a thickening of the pleura.
Both of these signs, however, have only a limited positive predic-
tive value, as inflammatory reactions around tumours may also
result in the same signs.

MRI, especially using dynamic CINE sequences, has a higher

accuracy (77%) compared to CT (47%) for the evaluation of chest
wall and diaphragm infiltration.7 In particular, the sensitivity of
up to 100% for MRI is superior compared to the 60% sensitivity

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Review article: Pearls and pitfalls in lung cancer staging BJR|Open

Figure 2. Axial contrast-­enhanced CT shows an adenocarcinoma of the right upper lobe. Depending on the slice thickness, the
tumour displays pure ground-­glass properties on (a) 3 mm reconstructions or solid components on (b) 1 mm reconstructions. It is,
therefore, recommended to use only 1 mm reconstructions with sharp reconstruction kernels for lung cancer staging.

of conventional CT. Tumours that infiltrate the diaphragm and/ fold cannot be visualised with CT. The pericardial fold around
or chest wall do not follow the normal respiratory movement.7 the right pulmonary artery may be defined by an imaginary line
This can be visualised on MRI and used for staging purposes. at the mid-­half of the superior vena cava, while the pericardial
Similarly, dynamic CT examinations have higher sensitivity and fold of the left pulmonary artery is roughly 1 cm from the bifur-
specificity compared to conventional static CT.8 cation of the main pulmonary artery (Figure 4).

Superior sulcus tumours (Pancoast tumours) are classified as at Intrapulmonary metastases

least T3 tumours because of their chest wall infiltration. In the Intrapulmonary metastases are classified based on their location.
presence of invasion of the brachial plexus above C8, the verte- Pulmonary metastases in the same lobe as the primary tumour
bral body, spinal canal, or subclavian vessels, these tumours are are classified as T3, while metastases in another lobe on the same
upstaged to T4. side as the primary as T4, and metastases to the contralateral
lung as M1a.2
Infiltration of the mediastinum
An infiltration of the mediastinum is defined as T4. The medi- While this classification of pulmonary metastases sounds
astinal structures that define T4 are the mediastinal fat, great straightforward, it may lead to overstaging if the suspected
vessels, the oesophagus, the trachea, and the heart. While an pulmonary metastases are not verified histologically, as most
unequivocal invasion of the mediastinal fat is defined as T4, pulmonary nodules detected in patients with lung cancer are
an invasion of the mediastinal parietal pleura alone is defined benign.10 Consequently, additional pulmonary nodules that
as T3.2 Therefore, tumour contact with the mediastinal pleura might have an impact on treatment should be verified histologi-
without direct or indirect signs of invasion is not automatically cally to determine whether they are malignant.
staged as T4. Tumour contact with a length of more than 3 cm
or an obtuse angle between the tumour and the mediastinum are If malignant, the radiologist has to discriminate intrapulmonary
indirect signs of mediastinal infiltration. In contrast, direct infil- metastases from a second primary.
tration of the mediastinal fat or of the structure contained within
the mediastinum (e.g. heart, oesophagus) are staged as T4.2 The Table 1 summarises the radiological criteria by which to distin-
sensitivity and specificity for the assessment of mediastinal inva- guish a second primary from a metastasis.10 Intrapulmonary
sion by CT ranges from 40 to 78% and 69 to 99% (summarised metastases should be considered for solid lung cancers that have
in Seo et al,9 respectively), while it is up to 100 and 93% for cine a separate tumour nodule(s) with a similar solid appearance and
MR images.9 with (likely) matching histologic appearance (Figure 5).

In the staging system, great vessels are defined as the aorta, the Second primary lung cancers should be staged separately, each
superior and inferior vena cava, the main pulmonary trunk, and with a T, N, and M descriptor. For example, a patient with a
the intrapericardial portions of the pulmonary arteries and veins. 3.5 cm adenocarcinoma of the left upper lobe, a 2.4 cm squamous
While the aorta, the superior and inferior vena cava, as well as cell carcinoma of the right lower lobe, and with a metastatic
the main pulmonary trunk can be identified easily on CT, the lymph node in R11 without evidence of systemic metastasis,
border between the intra- and extrapericardial portions of the should be classified as having a T2aN0M0 adenocarcinoma and
pulmonary arteries and veins cannot, because the pericardial a T1cN1Mo squamous cell carcinoma.

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Figure 3. (a) A 65-­ year-­old patient with NSCLC and right Figure 4. (a) Axial contrast-­ enhanced CT of a 55-­ year-­ old
upper lobe atelectasis. On the contrast-­enhanced CT (b) an female patient with an NSCLC at the left hilum. As the distance
inhomogeneous mass is seen at the level of the right hilum between the main pulmonary trunk and the tumour is more
that obliterates the right upper lobe bronchus. The exact than 10 mm, it is classified as T3 disease. (b) In contrast, in this
tumour diameter cannot be assessed accurately. (c) FDG 73-­year-­old male patient with NSCLC, the tumour is in direct
-PET/CT shows focally increased FDG uptake in the tumour, contact with the main pulmonary artery and left main pulmo-
while the post-­stenotic atelectatic lung shows only a moderate nary artery, and therefore, staged as T4. NSCLC, non-­small
FDG uptake. In this patient, the metabolic information helps cell lung cancer.
to correctly assess tumour dimension. FDG, fludeoxyglucose;
NSCLC,non-­ small cell lung cancer; PET, positron emission

the T descriptor is based on the highest T lesion (#/m) indicating

the number of tumour nodules. The T(#/m) classification should
be applied independently whether the GG/part-­solid lesions are
in the same or in different ipsi- or contralateral lobes. In contrast,
for pneumonic-­type lung adenocarcinoma, the T is based on size
for T3 if the tumour is limited to one single lobe, and T4 or M1a

Table 1. Criteria by which to distinguish second primary

tumours vs metastasis (adapted from Detterbeck t al10)

Relative criteria that favour synchronous tumours

Different radiography appearance (i.e. shape, density)
Different metabolic activity
Different growth rates (if previous imaging is available)
Absence of nodal or systemic metastasis
Relative criteria that favour metastasis
It is important to note that the above-­mentioned guidance for the
staging of primary lung cancer should not be applied in patients Same radiographic appearance
with multiple subsolid tumour nodules (either pure GG nodules Similar growth rates (if previous imaging is available)
or part-­solid nodules) or in patients with pneumonic-­type lung
Significant nodal or systemic metastases
cancer. For patients with multifocal GG or part-­solid nodules,

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Review article: Pearls and pitfalls in lung cancer staging BJR|Open

Figure 5. (a) Coronal and (b) axial contrast-­enhanced CT of Table 2 summarises potential pitfalls that can occur during
a female patient with three pure ground-­glass nodules that the T-­descriptor assessment and solutions to overcome these
represent in situ adenocarcinomas in the right and left upper limitations.
lobe, as well as the middle lobe (arrow). The correct staging
is based on the tumour dimension of the largest ground-­glass
Nodal disease
nodules (3.3 cm), as well as the number of tumours, which is
The N-­ descriptor remained unchanged in the eighth TNM
given in brackets: T2a(3)N0M0.
edition compared to the seventh edition. Lymph node metastases
to the ipsilateral hilum are classified as N1, lymph node metas-
tases to the ipsilateral mediastinum or the subcarinal lymph
nodes as N2, and contralateral mediastinal or supraclavicular
lymph node metastases as N3.

Although CT is routinely used for the initial staging of patients

with lung cancer, it has limited accuracy for the detection of
thoracic lymph node metastases, as a short axis equal to or
larger than 1 cm of the lymph nodes is the only criterion used
to diagnose lymph node involvement. However, as also benign
lymph nodes, such as inflammatory lymph nodes, may exceed
this threshold, this criterion has only a low diagnostic value. In a
metanalysis, it could be shown that the pooled sensitivity of the
size criterion is 55%, with a sensitivity of 81%.11 By using this
criterion only, 42% of lymph nodes larger than 1 cm would be
overstaged, as they are benign, and 17% of metastases in lymph
nodes smaller than 1 cm would be missed.12

By using fludeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG

PET)/CT, the sensitivity could be increased to 80%, with a spec-
ificity of 88%.11,13 Consequently, PET/CT is recommended for
patients planning to undergo curative therapy (surgery or radio-
therapy) to exclude lymph node involvement.14 However, as
FDG PET/CT also struggles with false-­positive results, histolog-
ical confirmation of enlarged and/or FDG-­positive lymph nodes
is required to confirm metastatic involvement.15 A negative
FDG PET in normal-­sized hilar or mediastinal lymph nodes in
patients with a small tumours (<3 cm) virtually excludes lymph
node metastases, and thus, further invasive staging is not neces-
sary. However, in larger (≥3 cm) central tumours, even a negative
FDG PET/CT does not exclude lymph node metastases and inva-
sive staging should be performed.15–17
if in different ipsilateral or contralateral lobes, respectively. Both
tumour types use a single N and M staging, regardless of how Equally important to the diagnosis of lymph node involvement
many GG/part-­solid nodules are present. is the correct assignment of the lymph node location. Based on

Table 2. Pitfalls for assessing the T stage

Pitfall Effect Solution

Thick slices for T-­descriptor assessment The solid component in a part-­solid tumour could Thin slices (1 mm)
(1.5–5 mm) be missed → misclassification as pure ground-­glass
Axial reconstructions only Potentially not capturing the single largest tumour MPR in axial, sagittal, and coronal
dimension→ low T descriptor reconstructions to assess single largest tumour
Using non-­lung window settings without Underestimation of tumour dimension → low T Lung-­window setting with a sharp filter
sharp filter descriptor
Assessing diaphragmatic infiltration on Diaphragmatic infiltration might be missed → low T Sagittal and coronal reconstructions for
axial reconstructions descriptor assessment of diaphragmatic infiltration
MPR, multiplanar reconstruction.

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Figure 6. (a) Axial and (b) coronal contrast enhanced CT showing and enlarged (>10 mm) lymph node in the station 10 on the right
sight (10R). Please note that the lymph node is below the level of the azygos vein.

the anatomic location, the involved lymph nodes are assigned occur at the time of angiogenesis when lesions are as small as
to lymph node stations that are defined in the TNM atlas.18 1–2 mm.22,23
Common pitfalls in the assignment of the appropriate lymph
node station are the assignment of right vs left paratracheal In the TNM staging system, distant metastases are described
lymph nodes.19 Importantly, the border between the right and using the M descriptor.
left paratracheal lymph nodes is not the midline of the trachea,
but the left lateral wall of the trachea.18 The M1a category describes intrathoracic metastases, such as one
or more additional nodules in the contralateral lung or a tumour
A common misclassification of lymph nodes can also occur at the with malignant pleural or pericardial nodules or effusion.
border between the lower paratracheal lymph nodes and hilar
lymph nodes. On the right side, the lower aspect of the azygos Malignant pleural or pericardial effusion
vein separates the lower paratracheal lymph nodes from the hilar Malignant pleural or pericardial effusion and or pleural or peri-
lymph nodes (Figure 6); on the left side, this border is defined cardial metastases are defined as M1a. Up to 16% of patients
by the upper aspect of the main pulmonary artery.18 In case of with NSCLC have malignant pleural effusion at presentation.24
doubt, coronal reformations are helpful to identify the anatomic The sensitivity and specificity of CT for reporting malig-
landmarks to determine the appropriate lymph node station. nant pleural effusion are 62–75%, and 72–78%, respectively.25
Imaging features that suggest malignancy are nodular pleural
Some lymph node stations in the thorax (i.e. anterior, middle, thickening, mediastinal pleural thickening, and parietal pleural
and posterior diaphragmatic nodes, intercostal nodes, internal thickening >1 cm. However, with a negative predictive value of
mammary nodes, retrocrural nodes, and axillary nodes) are not ~65%, approximately one in every three patients with suspected
included in the International Association for the Study of Lung malignant pleural disease and pleural effusion, without any other
Cancer lymph node map at all. Therefore, it is unclear whether radiological signs of malignancy, will have underlying malignant
they are classified as N3 or M1 disease (Figure 7). Axillary disease.25 Thus, in case of equivocal findings on CT, patients
lymph node metastases are seen in <1% of patients with NSCLC should undergo pleural tap or invasive pleural biopsies.
at the time of presentation and are associated with other M1
features in ~50% of cases.20 In the authors’ personal experience, Extrathoracic metastases
however, lymph node metastasis in the above-­mentioned lymph Extrathoracic metastases are subdivided into two subcategories,
node stations rarely occurs without other evidence of advanced namely, M1b and M1c. The M1b category describes one solitary
tumour stage (i.e. tumour size, lymph node metastasis, distant extrathoracic metastases in one single organ. M1c is defined
metastasis) that drive the tumour staging. by the presence of two or more extrathoracic metastases. The
subclassification of extrathoracic metastases into M1b and M1c
Metastatic disease was introduced in the eighth edition of the TNM staging system,
Approximately 20–50% of patients with lung cancer have distant acknowledging the difference in survival rates between M1b and
metastases at the time of initial staging, with bone, brain, M1c.26
adrenal, and liver being the most common locations for metas-
tasis.21 Importantly, some studies have shown that metastasis can

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Figure 7. Lymph node stations that are not specified in the Figure 8. Axial contrast-­ enhanced FDG-­ PET/CT of a
eighth TNM manifest include (a, b, c) internal mammary nodes, 59-­year-­old female patient with NSCLC. The bone metastasis
(c) axillary nodes, and (d) diaphragmatic nodes (arrows). in the right acetabulum was not visible on the (a) CT, while it
They can either be classified as N3 or M1 disease. was clearly visible on the (b, c) FDG-­PET (arrow). The accu-
racy of the FDG-­PET/CT to detect bone metastasis is higher
compared to CT alone. FDG, fludeoxyglucose;PET, positron
emission tomography.

The reclassified descriptors not only provide an enhanced defi-

nition of metastatic disease and have a better ability to predict
prognosis, but also maintain the compatibility with the previous
existing descriptors of the seventh edition.

PET-­CT proved very informative about metastatic spread in

NSCLC, with an ability to detect unsuspected metastasis in up
to 28% of patients, and also had an impact on management in up
to 53% of patients.27

Bone metastases
Approximately 35% of patients with lung cancer will develop
bone metastasis during the course of their disease.28

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Figure 9. Coronal FDG PET/CT scan showing metabolically PET/CT may be seen in the case of osteoblastic formations, as
active, bilateral adrenal gland metastasis (arrow). FDG, flude- bone matrix proliferation reduces the glycolytic activity essential
oxyglucose;PET, positron emission tomography. for FDG uptake.

Adrenal gland metastases

Metastasis to the adrenal glands is common in patients with
NSCLC and is usually accompanied by metastases in other
organs, although it can present as oligometastatic disease.32 It is
essential to distinguish commonly occurring benign entities of
the adrenal gland, such as adenomas, from a metastatic lesion.
The prevalence of adrenal adenoma is reported to be related to
age; the frequency of unsuspected adenoma is 0.5% in patients
aged 20–29 years and 7% in those older than 70 years.33

In lipid-­rich adenomas, the non-­invasive diagnosis relies on

the proof of fat components. On CT, attenuation values below
10 Hounsfiedl unit (HU) in regions of interest (ROIs) encom-
passing two-­thirds of the circumference of the region are highly
specific for adenomas.33

As one-­third of adrenal adenomas have a low lipid content, CT

attenuation values above 10 HU do not exclude adenomas. To
diagnose lipid-­poor adenomas, contrast-­enhanced CT scans or

CT delivers a high spatial resolution of cortical and trabecular Figure 10. Axial a) in and b) opposed phase MRI images
bone to detect bone metastases. The availability of dedicated showing a right sided adrenal adenoma (signal drop in the
bone algorithms in acquisition protocols, the ability to adjust opposed phase comared to the in phase.
the window width and level, and the possibility of MPRs results
in a higher sensitivity for CT compared to plain radiography in
detecting both osteolytic and osteosclerotic metastases. Bone
metastasis in lung cancer can be osteolytic, osteoblastic, or
mixed, but are predominantly lytic on CT imaging. All morpho-
logic types of baseline metastatic lesions may become sclerotic
lesions if there is a therapeutic response. In contrast, if a ther-
apeutic response is not completely achieved, different patterns
are recognised. A meta-­analysis showed a higher sensitivity (92%
vs 87%) and specificity (98% vs 94%) for the detection of bone
metastases when CT was combined with 18F-­FDG PET.29

The accuracy of bone scintigraphy in the detection of bone

metastasis was 87 vs 98% for FDG-­PET/CT. PET scanning is
more sensitive and accurate than bone scanning for the detection
of skeletal metastases (Figure 8), and is, therefore, recommended
for all patients scheduled for curative surgery to exclude distant

Bone islands can mimic sclerotic metastasis on CT imaging, but

can usually be differentiated by their high attenuation values
measured on CT. Another commonly encountered pitfall are
haemangiomas of the vertebral body. The classical polka-­dot
appearance of haemangiomas may not be present ubiquitously.
Some haemangiomas may exhibit a tracer uptake on PET-­CT
and this may further add to confounding clinical questions. In a
majority of these instances when PET findings are positive and
CT is negative, MR imaging may be the problem-­solving tool.
Both T1 and more advanced techniques as a modified Dixon
TSE-­T2 sequences show excellent sensitivity and specificity for
the detection of bone metastasis.31 False-­negative results on FDG

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Figure 11. Axial a) contrast-­enhanced CT and b) MRI of the neurocranium in a patient with newly diagnosed adenocarcinoma
who was neurologically asymptomatic at the time of imaging. The CT scan showed no abnormalities, whereas there was a focal,
increased contrast uptake in the left brainstem highly suggestive of a cerebral metastasis. The lesion was proven to be malignant
in the follow-­up examination by the pattern of growth.

MRI are performed. MRI using chemical shift imaging has a Liver metastases
higher sensitivity for the detection of lipids than CT, and is thus Isolated liver metastases have been reported in approximately
indicated in adrenal lesions with attenuation values between 3–4% of NSCLC patients.39 Although the characteristic CT
10 and 20 HU.33 Combined chemical-­shift and dynamic-­MR appearance in a triple-­phase scan is a hypodense, hypoenhancing
imaging was shown to have a sensitivity of 91% and a speci- lesion, a subset of liver metastases may rarely manifest as hype-
ficity of 94% in the differentiation between benign and malig- renhancing lesions, particularly when there is small cell neuro-
nant adrenal lesions.34 For adenomas with CT attenuation values endocrine differentiation in the primary lung cancer. This may
greater than 20 HU, washout CT is superior to chemical shift sometimes be confounded with a commonly occurring benign
imaging.33 entity of the liver, such as a haemangioma. Although MRI has a
higher accuracy in the detection of liver metastases compared to
PET/CT and MRI are useful in distinguishing benign and malig- CT,40 it is not routinely recommended.38
nant adrenal masses (Figures 9 and 10). In a metanalysis of nine
studies evaluating the accuracy of FDG PET/CT for the detection Soft tissue metastases
of adrenal metastases in patients with NSCLC, the sensitivity was The lung, followed by the kidney and the colon, is the most
89%, the specificity was 90%, the positive likelihood ratio was common primary carcinoma site that leads to clinically
8.5, and the negative likelihood ratio was 0.09.35 False-­negative recognised soft-­tissue metastases.41 Relevant differentials of
FDG PET/CT findings may be the result of haemorrhage or soft tissue metastases include injection site granulomas, ather-
necrosis in a metastasis measuring less than 1.0 cm.36 omas, and neurogenic tumours. On PET-­CT, false-­positive
results may be caused by foci of brown fat, but the typical
Brain metastases location at the neck, paravertebral, mediastinal, and axillary
Contrasted-­enhanced MRI has a higher sensitivity for the detec- regions may provide a clue to the diagnosis.
tion of brain metastasis compared to CT and PET. In the March
2019 revisions of the NICE guideline, contrast-­enhanced CT in CONCLUSION
patients with Stage II NSCLC having treatment with curative The TNM in its eighth edition provides a detailed frame-
intent is recommended.37 In contrast, in patients with Stage III work by which to describe the anatomical extent of disease in
NSCLC having treatment with curative intent contrast-­enhanced patients with lung cancer. Despite several advantages compared
MRI is recommended. In addition, in patients with neurological to the former version, some limitations remain. It is important
symptoms, MRI of the brain should be performed (Figure 11) .38 for radiologists to recognise these limitations.42 In those cases,

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radiologists should be aware of the following general rule stated Applying this rule in case of uncertainty could give patient the
in the manuscript. “If there is doubt concerning the correct T, choice of doubt and enable the attempt of a curative treatment.
N, or M category to which a particular case should be allotted,
the lower (i.e. less advanced) category should be chosen”.43

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