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DATE: January 19, 2024

TO: Project Manager

Project Engineer
Site Liaison

FROM: Management

SUBJECT: Submission of Requirements for New Hires and Existing Employees


As part of our ongoing efforts to streamline our personnel records and ensure
compliance with organizational policies, we are updating our documentation process for
all employees. This memo outlines the necessary steps for both new hires and existing
employees to submit their required documents.

Section 1: New Hires

1. Completion and Submission of Biodata and Identification Documents:

● It is required for new hires to fill out and submit the provided biodata form.
● New hires must also submit copies of their government-issued ID / birth
certificate along with barangay clearance.

2. Photography for Records:

● A photograph of the new hire will be taken for documentation purposes.

3. Compilation and Submission of Hiring Documents:

● The Project Engineer or Project In-Charge will compile and email the
following documents for each employee to
○ Subject: Family Name, First Name
○ Biodata
○ Copy of Government ID / Birth Certificate
○ Copy of Barangay Clearance
○ Photograph

4. Timeline for Document Processing:

● The processing of these documents is expected to take approximately 1-2
days. Once processed, the Human Resources department will assign an
ID number to the new employee and communicate this number to the
Project Engineer.
Section 2: Existing Employees

To ensure our records are current, please adhere to the following:

1. For Employees Who Have Previously Submitted Biodata & Photograph:

● Please submit copies of the government-issued ID/ birth certificate and
barangay clearance.

1. For Employees Who Have Not Submitted Biodata:

● Follow the same steps as outlined for new hires, including the submission
of the biodata form along with your government-issued ID / birth certificate
and barangay clearance.

The accuracy of our employee records are paramount. Your timely cooperation in this
documentation update process is greatly appreciated. Please note that the final
deadline for the submission of the required documents by existing employees is set for
January 31, 2024. Adhering to this deadline is essential to ensure the completeness
and reliability of our records. Thank you for your prompt attention to this important

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