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Hello everyone,

First of all, we want to thank you all for coming here today. We know all of you are very busy. But
even so, you still come to the meeting today, so we feel extremely grateful for this.

Before we begin, let me introduce my group briefly. My name is Nguyen, I’m a first-year student at
Can Tho University. This is Yen Nhi, Van Duy, and Thuy Nhi. All of them are members of my group.

This afternoon I’d like to talk to you about some ways to have a good successful job interview. This
is one of the biggest problems right now. So We want to ask you 2 questions: “Have you ever had a
job interview?” And: “If yes, was the interview successful or not? Why?”. Well, let’s follow us to find
the answers.

I think that today’s topic will be very important for you because it will help you better understand
what is needed for your job interview in the future. Hopefully what we bring will give you a multi-
dimension view of this issue.

Our presentation will focus on 3 moments of the job interview: Before the interview, During the
interview, and after the interview. We will provide the necessary information for each interview time.

Our presentation should take about 20 minutes and we’ll be taking questions at the end. Don’t
worry about taking notes. We’ve put all the information in an email for you. Thank you again for
being here and let’s start.

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