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Tomas Claudio Colleges

Taghangin Morong, Rizal

College of Education and Liberal Arts

Mechanics for Spelling Bee

1. The Spelling Bee elimination round is through bracketing system and participants
will have to draw lots to determine who will be on Set A and Set B.
2. There will be 3 levels namely the easy, average and hard levels and has a
corresponding point for each level.
Easy - 3points
Average – 4points
Difficult – 5points
3. The participants will be given a chalk and a board which they will be using to
answer. The first participant to raise the board with the correct spelling of the
word will get a point.
4. The participants to get the highest points will move to the finals. The winner from
Set A and Set B will compete to the finals.

Rubrics for Spoken Poetry

Category Weight Score
1. Performance (25%)
 Delivery
 Stage presence
2. Content (25%)
 Originality
 Creativity
 Use of imagery or metaphor
3. Voice and Diction (25%)
 Clarity expression of the poet’s voice
 Do not stutter
4. Overall Impact (25%)
 The ability to move and inspire the audience
 Leave a lasting impression

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