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They submit the provisions that are going to be
Characterized by the existence of direct and
dictated to the agreement of a group of
unique lines of authority and responsibility individuals who are in charge of the direction,
between a superior and his subordinates. administration or supervision of a company.


The work is divided by projects and the
Distributes personnel by fulfillment of results, which are carried out
departments or sections, taking in work teams that cover different
into account the principles of disciplines, made up of collaborators from
division of labor. different areas.



It is ordered along the lines of established Planning: The objectives and strategies to follow
authorities and the executive receives the
must be defined.
opinions of experts, but they have no
imperative power in the application of ideas. Organization: The tasks, who, when and how they
will be carried out are established.
Direction: Must be assigned to a global manager
or leader.
CONCEPT Integration: Anchor the plan and guarantee
progress. The strategies of what will be done and
Structuring of the relationships that must exist who will do it must be clear.
between the functions, levels and activities of the Control: The leader or supervisor will begin to
material and human elements of a social measure and analyze the performance of your
organism. teams.
A good organization within the company is a guaranteed success, that
is why all the work carried out is totally profitable, optimal and
effective. Allowing the organization of resources and functions in order
to achieve the company's objective

Organización formal: qué es, tipos y estructura | Unir México. (s. f.) . UNIR México.
Puerta, J. (2023, 23 octubre). Cuáles son las etapas de la organización y cómo dirigirlas. Sesame HR.

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