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Custom of Tagalogs

Wednesday, 4 October 2023

9:36 pm  Those who are Maharlikas on both the mother's
JUAN DE PLACENCIA and father's side continue to be so forever, and if
 Born in the 16th century to the illustrious family it happens that they should become slaves, it is
of the Portocarreros in Plasencia, in the region of through marriage.
Extremadura, Spain.  Maharlika (man) + Slave = Free Child
 His real name is Joan de Puerto Carrero, del  Maharlika + Other slave = child half free half
convento de Villanueva de la Serena. slave
 He was a Spanish Friar of the Franciscan order.  Maharlika (woman) + Slave = free child
o Said to have been inspired to be a Franciscan  If two persons married of whom one was a
because of his upbringing spent during a Maharlika and the other a slave, the children
spiritual and religious resurgence affected by were divided: odd numbers on father's side, even
Spain's siglo de oro. on the mother's.
o Came with the first batch of Franciscan  Maharlikas could not after marriage move from
missionaries in the Philippines in 1577. one village to another without paying a certain
o In 1589, the King of Spain wrote him a letter fine in gold as arranged among them.
asking him to describe the natives and their A PERSON BECOME SLAVES BY:
culture.  Captivity in war
 Reason of debt
 is a narrative on the established culture of the  By purchase
Tagalogs in Luzon written by Juan de  By committing a crime
Plasencia, a Franciscan missionary in the SLAVES CAN BE EMANCIPATED THROUGH:
Tagalog region since 1578 until 1590.  By forgiveness
 written as an answer to the request of the  By paying debt
monarchy in Spain to provide information about  By bravery
the government, administration of justice,
inheritances, slaves, dowries, worships, burials, RULES AND REGULATIONS
and superstition of the "Indians" in the colony.  They had laws by which they condemned to
DATOS death a man of low birth who insulted the
 Chiefs of barangay who governed the people daughter or wife of a chief.
and were captains in their wars whom they obey  Witches are condemned with death penalty, their
and reverence. children and accomplices will become slaves of
BARANGAY the chief, after he had made some recompense to
 Tribal gathering; name originated when the the injured person.
people came to this land by means of boat called  All other offenses were punished by fines in
barangay, and the head is called "Dato". gold, if not with promptness, exposed the culprit
SOCIAL CLASSES to serve until the payment should be made.
1. Chief (Datos)
2. Nobles (Maharlika) DEBTS AND LOANS
3. Commoners (Aliping Namamahay)  For loans, the debtor is condemned to a life of
4. Slaves (Aliping Saguiguilir) toil. Borrowers become slaves and after the
death of the father, the children pay the debt.
THREE CASTES  Ways to pay debt: half the cultivated lands and
CASTES - level of cultural society all their produce belonged to the master.
NOBLES- free-born whom they call Maharlika. They  The aliping saguiguilir could pay more than 5
do not pay tax or tribute to the dato. taels for his freedom, if he successfully paid 10
COMMONERS- who are called "aliping namamahay". taels he is considered free.
They live in their own houses and are lords of their own DOWRIES AND INHERITANCE
property and gold.  Dowries are given by men to the women's
SLAVES- who are called "aliping saguiguilir". They parents before marriage. If the parets are both
serve their master in his house and on his cultivated alive, they both enjoy the use of it.
lands and may be sold.  For inheritance, the legitimate children of a
father and mother inherit equally.
 If a man had a child from his two or more  Dian Masalanta - goddess of love, conception
legitimate wives, each child received an and childbirth and the protector of lovers.
inheritance from the dowry that was given to  Lacapati - identified as the most important
their mother. fertility deity. The goddess of cultivated land.
DIVORCE  Balatic – the Greater Bear
 In case of divorce, if the wife left the husband  Lic-ha – images with different shapes,
for the purpose of marrying another, she must sometimes worshiped with little importance.
return the dowry with an additional amount but  Idianale - the goddess of labor and good deeds.
if she did not marry another, the dowry was Tagalog deities are fluid genders, she was also
returned. known as a female deity of animal husbandry,
 If the husband left the wife, he should give half and a male deity of agriculture. Deity of
the dowry to her wife. craftsmanship.
 If they already have a child at that time, the TAGALOG COUNTERPART OF HELL
whole dowry must be given to the relatives that SITAN- The Guardian of Kasamaan and the keepers of
are responsible for their children. all souls therein.
WORSHIP OF TAGALOGS - Before the introduction  In a 1589 record, Sitan and Bathala are said to
of Christianity, the Filipinos were mostly pagans. They have once waged a war with each other to
worshiped spirits which they believed dwell in objects determine who should rule the realm intended
like trees, mountains, rivers, etc. They worshiped nature, for ancestral.
the sun, the moon, and the stars. They also believed in a MGA ALAGAD NG DEMONYO:
supreme God or deity. Because of their belief in a deity  Catolonan – one of the priestess of the devil.
and in animate or living things their religion was called  Manisilat or Mansisilat - she was tasked to
animo-deism. destroy and break every happy and united family
Pandot - a celebration of festival or worship which is that she could find.
held at the large house of the Datu.  Mangagauay – witches who pretend to heal the
Sibi - a temporary shed to shelter the people during sick.
worship.  Silagan – if they saw anyone clothed in white, it
Sorohile – small lamps to illuminate the sibi during would tear out his liver and eat it. Thus causing
worship. death.
Nagaanitos – the act of worship that unites the whole  Mancocolam - The only male agent of Sitan, he
barangay and families. was to emit fire at night and when there's bad
weather, hence he is referred to as a fire god.
DEATH Fires caused during bad weather are associated
Maca – place of another life of rest. The “paradise” or with him or Kidlat
“village of rest”. Those who go to this place are the just,  Hocloban - could change herself into any form
the valiant, and those who lived without doing harm, or she desired. She can kill or make people
who possessed moral virtues. unconscious simply by greeting them. She could
Casanaan – place of punishment, grief, and affliction. also kill someone by simply raising her hand and
Which is also called “place of anguish”. could heal without any difficulty as she wished
 Osuang – a flying creature that murders men
No one would go to heaven, where there only dwelt and eats their flesh
Bathala.  Magtatangal – shows himself at night to many
persons without his head or entrails.
Bathala/Badhala - maker of all things.  Mangagayoma - they made charms out of
herbs, stones, and wood,which infused the heart
 Worshiped the moon (Mayari), especially when  Sonat – helps someone die.
it was new, which they had great rejoicing in,  Panatahojan – predicts the future. A seer.
adoring it and bidding its welcome.  Bayoguin - a cotquean (masculine woman), a
 The Sun was also worshiped and is being man whose nature inclined toward that of a
accounted for its beauty, and it is universally woman.
respected and honored.
 Stars are also adored by some, specifically Tala
– the morning star.
 Mapolon – the god of seasons, medicine and

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