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Resilience, Resourcefulness and Ability to Survive


- Having to recreate or improvise things in an unexpected situation. It eases their problems in an

uncertain situation making them an excellent Filipino.

- Being resilient means having so much strength even in the most difficult time, hope is everywhere
when you are a Filipino.

-Survival is also one of the Filipino things, with them being resourceful and resilient, they were able to
seek in positive on something


-The capacity to control one's emotions, a sense of certainty and control, good coping mechanisms, and
the willingness to ask for social support when necessary are all signs of resilience.

-the importance of creativity. Resourcefulness is one of the best abilities one can develop and is
beneficial in both personal and professional situations. When you become more resourceful, you not
only do more, but other people also see you as an innovator.

-They are intended to supply basic essentials for human survival, such as water, food, and shelter. Apart
from teaching our children the difference between good and wrong, we need also teach them essential
survival skills.


Resilience offers a positive attitude on life and work, which in turn improves problem-solving and
supports motivation.

In order for people, communities, and systems to flourish in the face of adversity, to manage stress and
uncertainty, and to continue to develop and improve through time, resilience, resourcefulness, and the
capacity for survival are crucial. Additionally, to assist us in overcoming obstacles in creative and effective


As filipinos, The most powerful typhoons, volcano eruptions, earthquakes, and even man-made disasters
occur in our homeland every year. Resiliency, resourcefulness, and our ability to survive are the traits
that we had in us that helped us recover.


-Having resilience will enable you to handle changes, obstacles, setbacks, disappointments, and failures
in an adaptive manner.

-The good news is that you can learn to be resilient. It entails cultivating ideas, attitudes, and methods
that enable you to bounce back from upsetting or stressful life situations.
-The capacity to continue existing or remaining alive is referred to as survival. In other circumstances, the
phrase has a more defined meaning.




When used excessively, it can cause people to become fixated on impractical objectives and
unnecessarily tolerant of unpleasant or counterproductive situations.


Use for one's own egotistical and greedy objectives has a negative impact on others.

Ability to survive

1. When we make do with what is available in the environment and overused it.


- People who are excessively resilient may be too accepting of hardship.

- When presented with a challenge, consider other options to doing nothing or giving up.

- When a difficulty is addressed, there is no way to endure it; one must simply let it go voluntarily.


• It may focus individuals on impossible goals and make them unnecessarily tolerant of unpleasant or
counterproductive circumstances. (RESILIENT)

2. • When used for one's selfish and greedy desires. (RESOURCEFULNESS)

• When the way we live or the way we survive hurts others , such when we are too greedy. (ABILITY TO


3. Resilience is a core quality for wellbeing but can also be misused and work against us. Resilience
can be used dismissively, to set unrealistic expectations, or to push others too hard

1. When we make do with what is available in the environment and overused it

2. When used for one's selfish and greedy desires. (RESOURCEFULNESS)
3. Resilience is a core quality for wellbeing but can also be misused and work against us. Resilience
can be used dismissively, to set unrealistic expectations, or to push others too hard

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