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One bad apple can spoil everything, so do not be the bad apple.

Be Furthermore, the practice of magic within the Coalition States is

a team player. a criminal offense punishable by death. For the CS, magic is seen
8. Have fun with your character. Create and play characters as a power that corrupts men, turning them evil as they gain more
you think you will enjoy. Give them the personality, background power. While this is not necessarily true, the Coalition States does
and quirks that keep the character alive, interesting and fun for not understand magic and refuses to accept that magic, like any
you to play. If you get bored with a character, retire it and roll-up resource, can be used for good or evil. The CS is a mighty power
a new, maybe a very different one. Character experimentation can that has embraced the Death’s Head as their motif, and use it to
be fun and might surprise you. bully and intimidate.
The Coalition States is but one of the major players in North
America. Other communities exist, like the Federation of Magic

A Rifts® Adventure east of the CS in a place called the Magic Zone. The Federation
is a loose-knit community of spell casting mages who have gath-
ered in towns and villages under the control of the evil Alistair
The Rifts® Setting Dunscon. The practice of magic is not only allowed within the
Federation, but any kind of magic from Techno-Wizardry and sor-
The Rifts Earth setting takes place several hundred years in cery to the dreaded art of Necromancy and Witchcraft is allowed.
the future. A hundred years from now, a terrible apocalypse tears The Federation is not the only magic society in North America,
down the very foundations of human civilization. The world is nor is the Collation the only technological nation, but they are two
devastated when a small, isolated nuclear exchanged ignites a cat- of the largest nations. Despite the size of the Federation, it is more
aclysmic chain of events that brings storms and natural disasters of a collection of powerful magic users and clans, each with their
across the globe. This cataclysm unleashes magic energy in the own power base and holdings. Lord Alistair Dunscon is by far the
form of ley lines – lines of magic energy – which begin to ripple most powerful and has the largest holdings and influence within
across the landscape. Where two ley lines cross, a tear in space and the Federation.
time may occur. They are known as the “Rifts.” In the midst of the There are countless places on North America where one
Great Cataclysm, scores of supernatural beings, demons, gods and can have a grand adventure. Our little adventure is taking place
monsters of myth and legend, and creatures from countless alien within the Magic Zone. The Coalition is hundreds of miles away
worlds arrive through the Rifts all across the planet. The humanoid and of little concern to our characters. This deep in the Zone, the
are dubbed “D-Bees,” short for “dimensional beings.” They are biggest concerns come from bandits, rogue dragons, and evil prac-
creatures we might think of simply as aliens, like those from popu- titioners of magic. This is a place adventure can erupt anywhere.
lar science fiction shows like Star Wars and Star Trek. Some are
peaceful and just as confused about how they got to Rifts Earth as
humanity. Others come to conquer and enslave.
After a Two Hundred Year Dark Age, the face of the Earth is
The Adventure Begins
radically transformed. With the arrival of the continent of Atlan- Once it has been determined who will be the Game Master, the
tis in the Atlantic Ocean, the water level around the world has rest of the players should select one of the pre-generated characters
risen, flooding most coastal cities, and most other major cities are at the back of this adventure. Try to keep in mind the Game Master
destroyed or swept away by wave after wave of natural disasters. and player tips and let’s start the adventure.
Humanity has huddled together in a small handful of strongholds The player characters’ travels have brought them to a small
and camps. Some of these communities are small, primitive ham- town in the Magic Zone known as King’s Falls. The town is a
lets while others have grown into high-tech nations such as the large farming community that is popular for its bars and taverns.
Coalition States who have found many of humanity’s lost secrets There are two competing breweries which bring a lot of business
and technology. Others, like the Federation of Magic, have turned to the small town.
to the mystic energy of the ley lines and cast spells or use other The town has a mechanic who can fix most Mega-Damage ve-
types of magic. You see, the mystic arts have also been rediscov- hicles and armor, although he cannot fix giant robots or tanks. He
ered by humanity and D-Bees, making Rifts Earth a place of great also has a generator that can recharge all styles of E-Clips at a cost
contrasts. of 2,000 credits per Clip.
From location to location, you can encounter a primitive town The player characters are meeting in King’s Falls on their two
with simple log cabins, while over the next hill can be a city en- year anniversary. Two years ago, each of them set out to become
cased in Mega-Damage concrete and steel, while in the opposite more than simple farmers or brewers. Thanks to Sir Cross, each
direction is a town that relies on magic, and elsewhere there are player character was provided with enough credits to set out and
places where magic and technology can be found in equal har- make it on his own, and each vowed to return in two years to report
mony. on their success or return to their old life. Sir Cross was the bene-
North America is no longer the United States of America. factor who made all the contacts once the characters set out. He is a
It has been divided by vast stretches of savage wilderness. In the Cyber-Knight, a champion of the people, defender of King’s Falls
heart of North America, the Coalition States (CS) is one of hu- and a fair and just man. While many people want him to be the
manity’s largest nations. They are protected by mega-cities en- mayor, or take charge of the local militia, he always declines posi-
cased in concrete and steel. Their army is large and supported by tions of power. It is not in his character to want power or authority,
giant robots and powered armored troops. The Coalition States and he likes to be able to wander the countryside to help the people
could be humanity’s greatest salvation if not for their human su- of the region when they need him.
premacist attitude and extreme measures. They believe Earth be- Sir Cross has arranged for a small celebration at the Golden
longs to humanity and that D-Bees are invaders to be exterminated. Brew Tavern to welcome the characters back. Tankards of beer

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