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A business plan for labour mediation services would

outline the company's mission, objectives, target
market, and service offerings. The plan would also
include information on the competitive landscape,
pricing strategy, marketing and sales tactics, and
financial projections.

Harjot Singh ( N01555113)



Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary………………………………………………………………………………………2

2. Business Concept………………………………………………………………………………………….3

Our Focus……………………………………………………………………………………………………..3

Value Proposition……………………………………………………………………………………………….3

Client Base………………………………………………………………………………………………………….3

Services offered by us…………………………………………………………………………………………4

3. SWOT Analysis……………………………………………………………………………………………………5

4. Marketing Plan…………………………………………………………………………………………………..6


Target Market……………………………………………………………………………………………………..6

Sales Plan…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….7

5. Operational Plan…………………………………………………………………………………………………8



Legal Structure/Ownership………………………………………………………………………………….8

Support Partners………………………………………………………………………………………………….8



6. Financial Plan………………………………………………………………………………………………………10

Set-up Cost…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..10

Charge for Service…………………………………………………………………………………………………11


Executive Summary

Unity Mediation services based in Ontario, Canada. Our primary objective is to provide
impartial and effective mediation services to resolve disputes between employers and

We understand that workplace disputes can have a significant impact on the morale and
productivity of an organization. Therefore, we are committed to helping our clients resolve
their disputes through a collaborative and confidential process.

Our team of experienced and certified mediators are trained to handle a wide range of
workplace disputes, including but not limited to, harassment, discrimination, grievances, and
terminations. We also offer training and consultation services to organizations to help them
prevent and manage conflicts effectively.

Our business model is based on charging a reasonable and competitive fee for our services,
which will be determined based on the complexity and scope of the case. We are committed to
delivering high-quality and effective solutions to our clients in a timely manner.

Our target market includes small and medium-sized businesses, non-profit organizations, and
government agencies across Ontario. We aim to build long-term relationships with our clients
by providing personalized services and maintaining a high level of professionalism and integrity.

We believe that our expertise, commitment, and customer-focused approach will enable us to
succeed in the competitive labour mediation services market in Ontario.

Business Concept

Our Focus:

My business will be providing labor mediation services to clients in Ontario. I will be focusing on
helping parties involved in workplace disputes to resolve their conflicts through constructive
dialogue and effective conflict resolution techniques.

As a mediator, my core focus will be on creating a safe and neutral environment for all parties
to engage in productive discussions. I will use my expertise and experience to facilitate
communication and guide the parties towards a mutually satisfactory resolution.

My business will specialize in resolving conflicts related to employment, such as grievances,

workplace harassment, and discrimination. I believe that resolving these types of disputes can
help to improve the work environment, promote fairness, and strengthen relationships
between employees and employers.

Ultimately, my goal is to provide effective and personalized mediation services that help my
clients achieve their desired outcomes while promoting peace and respect in the workplace.

Value Proposition:

Our labor mediation services provide an efficient and cost-effective solution to workplace
disputes. By engaging our services, employers and employees can save time, money, and avoid
the negative impact of prolonged conflict on their organization. Our team of experienced and
certified mediators offers personalized and impartial services to help our clients reach a fair and
mutually beneficial resolution. We also provide training and consultation services to help
organizations prevent conflicts from arising in the first place. With our customer-focused
approach, we are committed to delivering high-quality and effective solutions to our clients in a
timely and confidential manner. Ultimately, our goal is to help our clients achieve a harmonious
and productive workplace environment.

Client Base:

1. Small and medium-sized businesses: These businesses may not have the resources to
handle labor disputes in-house and would benefit from the expertise of a mediation
service to resolve conflicts between employers and employees.

2. Non-profit organizations: Non-profits often have a focus on social justice and a

collaborative approach to resolving disputes. Mediation services can provide a neutral
and constructive way to address conflicts within the organization.

3. Government agencies: Public sector organizations may face unique challenges in

managing labor disputes. A mediation service can provide an effective and impartial way
to resolve conflicts and maintain a positive work environment.

4. Unions: Unions often have collective bargaining agreements that include mediation as a
means of resolving disputes. Our mediation services could be a valuable resource for
unions to fulfill these requirements.

5. Individual employees and employers: In some cases, individual employees or employers

may seek mediation services to resolve conflicts. These clients may come from any
industry and any size of organization.

Services offered by us:

1. Mediation Services: This is the core service of our business, which involves resolving
disputes between employers and employees through a collaborative and confidential
process. Our team of experienced mediators would work with both parties to identify
the issues at hand, facilitate communication, and guide them towards reaching a
mutually acceptable resolution.

2. Conflict Resolution Training: Our business could offer training services to organizations
to help them prevent and manage conflicts more effectively. This could include
workshops, seminars, or customized training sessions tailored to the specific needs of
each client.

3. Consulting Services: Our team of experts could provide consultation services to

organizations seeking to improve their conflict resolution policies and procedures. This
could include reviewing and updating existing policies or developing new policies and
procedures to better address workplace disputes.

4. Coaching Services: Our team could provide coaching services to individuals, such as
managers or employees, who are experiencing conflict in the workplace. This could
involve helping them develop communication and conflict resolution skills to manage
the situation effectively.

SWOT Analysis


• Experienced and certified mediators who can handle a wide range of workplace

• Customized solutions that meet the unique needs of each client.

• Strong commitment to customer service and client satisfaction.

• Expertise in conflict prevention and management.

• Competitive pricing structure that appeals to small and medium-sized businesses.


• Lack of brand recognition and market share in a competitive industry.

• Dependence on referrals and networking to generate business.

• Limited geographic reach if not utilizing remote mediation.


• Increasing demand for labor mediation services due to changes in workplace culture and

• Diversification of services to include conflict resolution training and consulting.

• Expansion into new geographic areas or industries to increase market share.

• Development of online tools or platforms to enhance mediation process, even remotely.


• Intense competition from established mediation service providers.

• Economic downturns that could lead to a decrease in demand for services.

• Changes to labor regulations or other external factors that could negatively impact the

• Difficulty in retaining clients due to the sensitive and confidential nature of the services

Marketing Plan


1. Differentiation: I could differentiate our business from competitors by providing

personalized, efficient, and cost-effective mediation services. I could also offer conflict
prevention and management training, consulting, and coaching services to provide a
comprehensive solution to clients.

2. Geographic focus: I could focus our services on specific geographic areas, such as
certain cities or regions within Ontario, to establish a strong local presence and build
relationships with clients.

3. Industry focus: I could target specific industries, such as healthcare or education, that
may have a higher demand for mediation services due to the nature of their work and
the potential for conflicts to arise.

4. Digital marketing: I could use digital marketing channels such as social media, Google
Ads, and content marketing to reach potential clients and build our brand.

5. Partnership: I could partner with other service providers or organizations, such as law
firms or human resources consulting firms, to expand our service offerings and reach a
broader client base.

Target Market:

Our target market for labor mediation services could include:

1. Small and medium-sized businesses that may not have in-house resources to handle
labor disputes.

2. Non-profit organizations that focus on social justice and collaborative solutions.

3. Government agencies that may face unique challenges in managing labor disputes.

4. Unions that need to fulfill collective bargaining agreement requirements for mediation

5. Individual employees and employers who seek mediation services to resolve conflicts in
a timely and cost-effective manner.

By focusing on specific markets and differentiating our services, I can establish a

competitive advantage in the labor mediation services industry and attract a loyal client

Sales Plan:

1. Identify potential clients: Research and identify companies, organizations, and

individuals that may require your mediation services. This could include businesses
facing labor disputes, unions, human resource professionals, or attorneys.

2. Build relationships with referral sources: Reach out to attorneys, HR professionals,

business consultants, and other professionals who may refer clients to your business.
Offer them a referral fee for any clients they send your way.

3. Develop marketing materials: Create a website, business cards, brochures, and other
marketing materials to promote your services. Make sure they highlight the benefits of
mediation and how your services can help resolve workplace conflicts.

4. Attend networking events: Attend events and conferences where potential clients and
referral sources are likely to be present. Be prepared to discuss your services and
provide information about how you can help them.

5. Use social media: Use social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter to connect with
potential clients and referral sources. Share valuable content related to workplace
conflicts and mediation to establish yourself as an expert in the field.

6. Offer conflict resolution training: Offer training sessions for businesses and
organizations to help them manage workplace conflicts. This can be an effective way to
showcase your expertise and generate leads for your mediation services.

7. Provide excellent customer service: Make sure your clients are satisfied with your
services and recommend you to others. Provide clear communication, respond to
inquiries promptly, and follow up after mediation sessions.

8. Monitor results: Measure the effectiveness of your sales plan by tracking key
performance indicators such as the number of clients, referral sources, and revenue
generated. Use this information to adjust your sales tactics and improve your results.

Operational Plan


• The business will be located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

• A centrally located office will be rented in a commercial area with easy access to public
transportation and parking facilities.


• The office will be equipped with furniture, computers, and other necessary office

• A conference room will be available for mediation sessions.

• Install a reliable internet connection and video conferencing software to enable virtual

• A waiting area will be provided for clients.

Legal Structure/Ownership:

• The business will be registered as a sole proprietorship.

• All legal formalities and licensing requirements will be fulfilled before commencing

Support Partners:

• The business will partner with local law firms, HR consulting firms, and other related
service providers to offer a complete range of solutions to clients.

• Partnership with other mediation firms for referrals will also be explored.


• The business will initially hire 10 employees.

• This will include experienced mediators and administrative staff.

• Additional staff will be hired as the business expands.


• Provide appropriate training to your employees to ensure they are well-equipped to

provide high-quality mediation services to clients.


• The business will also seek volunteers who have experience in mediation and related

• Volunteers will assist with administrative work, research, and support during mediation

• Volunteers will be provided with training and support to ensure they can contribute

Financial Plan

Set-up Cost:

After conducting thorough research and analysis, I have estimated that the setup cost for
my labour mediation business in Ontario will be approximately $60,000 CAD. This cost will
cover various expenses such as legal fees, office rental expenses, furniture and equipment,
marketing and advertising costs, and salaries for employees. I plan to allocate a significant
portion of this budget towards marketing and advertising, as I believe that it is crucial for
the success of my business. Additionally, I will invest in high-quality equipment and
technology to ensure that my team can provide top-notch mediation services to our clients.

1. Legal and Registration Fees: Depending on the legal structure of our business, I may
need to pay registration fees to incorporate our business, obtain necessary licenses and
permits, and register our business with the relevant government authorities. Legal fees
may also be incurred if I consult with a lawyer to draft contracts or other legal
documents. This fees for licence would be $5,000.

2. Office Space: I will need to lease or rent an office space where I can conduct mediation
sessions and meetings with clients. The cost of office space will depend on the location,
size, and quality of the space. In Ontario, the average cost of commercial office space is
$20 per square foot. A small office space of around 1,000 square feet could cost me
$20,000 per year.

3. Equipment and Supplies: I will need to purchase office equipment such as computers,
printers, and office furniture. The cost of office equipment and supplies can vary based
on the quality and quantity of items purchased. I may also need to purchase office
supplies such as paper, pens, and other stationery. The cost of equipment and supplies
could range from $5,000 to $10,000.

4. Marketing and Advertising: I will need to market and advertise our services to attract
potential clients. The cost of marketing and advertising can vary based on the methods
used. I may need to create a website, print business cards, and purchase online
advertising. The cost of marketing and advertising could be $5,000.

5. Professional Fees: I may need to hire a professional accountant or bookkeeper to help

me manage our finances. I may also need to hire a business consultant to help me
develop a business plan or marketing strategy. The cost of professional fees could range
from $2,500 to $5,000.

Based on the above estimates, our setup cost for our labor mediation services business
could range from $28,000 to $45,000. These estimates are based on several assumptions
and may vary depending on various factors such as the size of the office space, quality of
equipment and supplies, and marketing strategy used. It is important to conduct thorough
research and obtain accurate quotes to ensure that I have a realistic estimate of our setup

Charge for Service:

As the owner of a labor mediation services business, I have carefully considered the fees for
my services. After conducting market research and analyzing the rates of other mediators in
the area, I have decided to charge $500 per hour for my Labour Mediation/ conflict
Resolution Training/ Coaching services ($10 variable cost may include printing costs for
mediation documents) and $300 for consulting. I believe that this rate is fair and
competitive, while still reflecting the value of my experience and expertise.

I want to be transparent with my clients about my fees and any additional costs associated
with the mediation process. I understand that mediation can be an investment for the
parties involved, and I want to ensure that my clients have clear expectations from the
outset of the mediation.

I also recognize that different clients may have different needs and budgets, which is why I
am open to discussing different pricing options and packages that can make my services
more accessible to a wider range of clients. My goal is to provide effective and affordable
mediation services that can help parties resolve their disputes in a fair and efficient manner.


Fixed Costs per year per month

License 5000 417

Rent 20000 1667

Utility 6000 500

ADRIO Membership 800 66

Miscellaneous 24000 2000

Marketing cost 5000 417

TOTAL 60,800 5067

Items Sold 6 10 15 25
Price (500)X Sales 3000 5000 7500 12500
Variable Cost 60 100 150 250
Items Sold 5 7 15 200
Price (300) X Sales 1500 2100 4500 6000
Variable Cost 0 0 0 0
Gross Profit 4500 7100 12000 18500
Fixed Costs 5127 5167 5217 5317
Profit/Loss -627 1,933 6,783 13,183


Year Labour Conflict Coaching Consulation Labour Conflict Coach Consulati

1 Mediation resolution Mediation resolution ing on
traing traing
Units Units Units Units Sales Sales Sales Sales
Month 3 2 1 1 1500 1000 500 300
Month 3 3 1 3 1500 1500 500 900
Month 4 4 3 7 2000 2000 1500 2100
Month 7 6 8 8 3500 3000 4000 3200
Month 9 7 9 12 4500 3500 4500 3600
Month 5 5 1 15 2500 2500 5000 4500
6 0
Month 7 7 7 5 11 3500 3500 2500 3300
Month 7 4 8 17 3500 2000 4000 5100
Month 9 1 1 14 4500 5000 5000 4200
9 0 0
Month 8 9 1 18 4000 4500 5500 5400
10 1
Month 1 8 1 15 6000 4000 6000 4500
11 2 2
Month 10 10 5 11 5000 5000 2500 3300
Total(CAD) 42,000 37,500 41,500 40,400

Total $161,400

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