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The First Strike Weapon Document

The fools guide to nuclear Weapons

Welcome to the written document of all First Strike Weapons, their power, their intended purpose and their real
world counterparts. Check here for historic accuracy, feel free to add stuff but respect the layout.

Thought Process

With Final Hour, we are now attributing each Superweapon to a Superpower. We don't want to overwhelm
players with a selection of 12 weapons at the start, but instead unlock them gradually as you continue through the
game. So even if you don't feel like unlocking Iran for example, you can still use the Cobalt Rocket with your
favourite superpower now.

However, we want every Superweapon also reflect a bit on either the history or the stance of a nuclear
Superpower. There are some cool gameplay concepts which are a bit reaching (Infiltrators, Solar Laser or
Damascus Burner) when it comes to their attributed superpower, but generally all of them were inspired by
political and historical incidents, facts or weapon research.

Its been really eye opening, sometimes hilarious but mostly frightening to actually gaze into all the thought
process between real weapons of mass destruction. This document collects and shares all the stuff we found and
what we created out of it.

Fact Table

Name Type Reusable Research Build Fly Duration Power HP Radius

TSAR Rocket No 60s 180s 50s Instant 312 hp 5 4.0x

STEALTH Plane Yes 60s 080s 10u/s Instant 016 hp 1 1.0x

COBALT Rocket No 60s 060s 30s 45s none 1 1.0x

IRON DOME Building No 60s 120s 03u/s 45s none ∞ 4.5x

INFILTRATOR Plane Yes 60s 120s 05u/s Instant none 1 point

SOLAR LASER Sattelite Yes 60s 080s Instant 10s 30 hp (3/s) 1 point

HYPERSONIC Rocket No 60s 030s 8s Instant 39 hp 1 1.5x

KALISTORM Rocket No 60s 100s 20s 150s none 1 5.0x

TRIDENT Rocket No 60s 120s 30s Instant 111 hp (3x37) 1 2.0x

DIRTY BOMB Rocket No 60s 080s 30s 36000s none 2 point

DAMASCUS Rocket No 60s 080s 30s 20s 0-50 hp (10/r) 3 point

SEMEY Building No 60s 180s 15s Instant 45 hp (6x9) ∞ 0.5x

Superweapon 01:

Official Name in Game:


Game Description
The biggest weapon of mankind. The near indestructible TSAR

Belongs to Game Superpower:


Originally introduced in:

First Strike 1.1

Type: Rocket
Reusable: No
Research: 060 Seconds
Build Time: 180 Seconds
Fly time: 050 Seconds
Duration: Instant
Power: 312 hp (10+3x8+6x7+10x6+16x5+24x4)
Hitpoints: 05
Radius: 16 (4x Radius)

What it does:
A huge, slow rocket with five hitpoints and an enormous explosion.
It is hard to miss a TSAR, gigantic as it is. But due to its bigger health
and devastating effect it is the biggest game-changer, that has the
power to level all of Europe in one explosion

In-Game Mechanic:
Upon impact, the TSAR makes 6 damage rigs instead of 3 for a total
of 312 area damage, which is almost 50x a normal nuke.
Coincidentally that is almost the same ratio as that one of the
Hiroshima bomb to the TSAR.

What the analogy is:

The TSAR bomb is the biggest nuklear test that has ever occurred in
mankind's history. The RDS-220 was nicknamed TSAR due to its
enormous size. A TSAR bomb would be powerful enough, that half
of Switzerland would get 3rd degree burns, whit a fireball the size
of the capital. Truly frightening, the TSAR bomba was thankfully not
further produced.

Wikipeadia Entry of the TSAR Bomba

Simulator of a TSAR explosion including fireball and fallout
Gizmondo Article About the TSAR Bomba
Superweapon 02:
The Stealth Bomber

Official Name in Game:


Game Description:
Nearly undetectable and instantly reusable. The elusive Stealth

Belongs to Game Superpower:

Western Europe

Originally introduced in:

First Strike 1.1

Type: Plane
Reusable Yes (if returned)
Research: 060 Seconds
Build Time: 080 Seconds
Fly speed: 010 units/s
Duration: Instant
Power: 16 (4 + 3x2 + 6x1)
Hitpoints: 01
Radius: 4 (1xRadius)

What it does:
The Stealth Bomber is pretty much a reusable rocket. Once built it
will cloak itself on its way to the target, drop a bomb and then
return back to the capital. Should the stealth bomber return back
home safely, it is instantly reusable.

in-Game Mechanic:
The Stealth Bomber has a shader which makes him barely visible.
Just enough that a player who launched it can see it slowly
approaching its target. The Stealth Bomber can’t be shot via Quick
Defend, but it can be targeted manually if seen before its bombs
are launched.

What the analogy is:

The Stealth bomber is a play on the superior nuclear weapon
delivery technology in western superpowers. We wanted to include
a drone powered dropoff vessel to show the hypothetical
capabilities that unmanned drones bring to the table. It is designed
after the Northrop Grumman X-47B unmanned drone. The X-47
programme might be finished, the movie “Skyline” still had a heroic
action scene of a X-47 dropping a nuke on an alien craft.

Wikipedia Article on the Northrop Grumman X-47

Business Insider discusses the X-47
The scene from the movie Skyline. Very watchable!
Superweapon 03:
The Cobalt Rocket C-Bomb

Official Name in Game:


Game Description:
Designed for maximal fallout.
The insidious Cobalt Bomb

Belongs to Game Superpower:


Originally introduced in:

First Strike 1.2

Type: Rocket
Reusable No
Research: 060 Seconds
Build Time: 060 Seconds
Fly time: 030 Seconds
Duration: 045 Seconds
Power: None
Hitpoints: 01
Radius: 4 (1xRadius)

What it does:
The Cobalt Bomb will contaminate selected areas. All affected areas
are “stunned”, meaning they cant do any actions for a set time. The
Cobalt Bomb is a perfect start for an attack on a specific area or
perhaps a capital, since the enemy will be helpless.

in-Game Mechanic:
“Stunned” nations will not be able to take actions. Also, they will
cancel their current task (expansion, building, research or disarm)
and be unobtainable. That makes the Cobalt Bomb also a possible
fortification of choke points or even a self-defense against

What the analogy is:

The Cobalt 60 isotope is a nuclear component which can create a
salted bomb. Salted bombs are designed to strategically
contaminate an area for as long as possible after the nuclear blast.
In the case of Cobalt 60, its half-life is much shorter than that of
uranium-235 or Plutionium-239 (the most common materials for
nukes), meaning the dose of radiation is way higher. With a half-life
of 5.2 years, it would still contaminate long enough to be threat for
a long time. However, the bomb is still a nuke, contrary to the Dirty
Bomb, and uses up all its material in the explosion. The Doomsday
device of Dr.Strangelove is most likely a Cobalt Bomb.

Wikipedia Article about the Cobalt Bomb

Reports on recent plans to build a C-Bomb
Doomsday Device Clip from Dr.Strangelove
Superweapon 04:
The Iron Dome Defense System

Official Name in Game:


Game Description:
Massive air defense system.
The unpierceable Iron Dome

Belongs to Game Superpower:


Originally introduced in:

First Strike 1.2

Type: Building
Reusable No
Research: 060 Seconds
Build Time: 120 Seconds
Fly time: Instant
Duration: 060 Seconds
Power: None
Hitpoints: Infinite
Radius: 18 (4.5xRadius)

What it does:
The Iron Dome is a temporary defense system that practically can’t
be penetrated, shielding all nations below it. 5 SAM sites will
constantly pump out missiles against any rocket flying into its
trajectory. Even a TSAR is no problem to annihilate with the Air
Defense Dome.

in-Game Mechanic:
The Iron Dome is the superweapon with the longest build time and
a last resort save button. It is hypothetically possible for missiles to
get through the iron dome, but the fire rate makes it almost

What the analogy is:

The Iron Dome and especially its SAM sites are modelled after the
Israeli Iron Dome Defense Project. Being in action since 2010, the
incredible costly defence system can triangulate any incoming
attack of missiles and rockets and counter it. However, officially the
range and speed of the Iron Dome wouldn't be able to shield
against nuclear attacks in reality. Hypothetically, its sister system, the
Arrow defence system, could defend against ICBM and IRBM nukes.
So together Arrow and Iron Dome would defend against any
ballistic attack on Israel.

Wikipedia Article about the Iron Dome System

Wikipedia Article about the Arrow System
Article about the running cost of the Iron Dome System
Clip Showing the Iron Dome defending against a rocket
Superweapon 05:
The Covert Infiltration Squad

Official Name in Game:


Game Description:
A squadron of the best trained assassins a country has to offer, set
for the capital

Belongs to Game Superpower:


Originally introduced in:

First Strike 1.3

Type: Plane
Reusable Yes (if returned)
Research: 060 Seconds
Build Time: 120 Seconds
Fly speed: 005 units/s
Duration: Instant
Power: None
Hitpoints: 01
Radius: Point

What it does:
Infiltrators have a similar cycle as the stealth bomber, meaning they
are instantly reusable. Instead of bombing a country, the infiltration
squad takes over a nation. It doesn't matter if it is free or under

in-Game Mechanic:
The Infiltrators fly much slower than the bomber and they are of
course visible during the whole way. Currently, a nation can even be
under enemy control and is instantly taken over. This could even be
a capital, taking away the superweapon capabilities.. The Infiltration
Squad is both a lifesaver and a great tactical weapon.

What the analogy is:

During the Cold War, we entered the golden age of spies. A lot of
programs, especially under president Nixon, specialised in the
covert or clandestine overtaking of other countries governments to
put more favourable people in power. Now, normally these are
operations carefully manoeuvring over several years, until the
future of a country is completely in the hands of the aggressor.

Wikipedia on Covert Operations

Wikipedia on Clandestine Operations
Business Insiders on covert and clandestine operations
A brief history on cold war Spies
Superweapon 06:
The Sun powered Laser Satellite
Official Name in Game:

Game Description:
An earth carving beam of purest sunlight, burning everything in its
path. The laser satellite

Belongs to Game Superpower:

South Africa

Originally introduced in:

First Strike 1.3

Type: Satellite
Reusable Yes (if recharged)
Research: 060 Seconds
Build Time: 080 Seconds
Fly speed: 003 u/s
Duration: 10s
Power: 30 total
Hitpoints: 01
Radius: Point

What it does:
The Solar Satellite will be launched into orbit on its way from
emblem towards a designated target. Afterwards it can be activated
to fire a laser beam onto the earth, which does continuous damage
to the ground.

in-Game Mechanic:
The fly path of the satellite is at a slight angle, meaning it will take
several different routes over the earth over lifetime, with the only
constant being the initial line of emblem and target nation.
Afterwards, the Solar Laser needs to recharge.

What the analogy is:

Satellite based laser weapons are of course a work of total fiction.
However, the US Star Wars Program was a space based laser
weapon program for defensive purposes, which was later changed
into the “brilliant pebbles” kinetic bombardment program. The
background behind these inventions is that the Salt II treaty actively
banns the placement of nuclear weapons in earths orbit.
In theory, storing or merging the power of sunlight into a ray is
possible and has been the work of fiction for several movies and
books like the Bond movie “Die Another Day”’s Icarus weapon.

Wikipedia about the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT)

Covert Book Report about Space Based Laser Weapons
Icarus from Die Another Day
Wikipedia about the Strategic Defense Initiative
The NYT About “Star Wars” and “Brilliant Pebbles”
Superweapon 07:
The Hypersonic Speed Drone

Official Name in Game:


Game Description:
Delivering its deadly payload at mach 10. the ultra fast Hypersonic

Belongs to Game Superpower:


Originally introduced in:

First Strike 1.3 China Edition

Type: Rocket
Reusable No
Research: 060 Seconds
Build Time: 030 Seconds
Fly time: 008 Seconds
Duration: Instant
Power: 39
Hitpoints: 01
Radius: 6 (1.5xRadius)

What it does:
The Hypersonic Missile is a fast striking, fast built rocket which has a
chance to evade interceptors. A very opportunistic weapon which
can strike critical targets at a high success rate.

in-Game Mechanic:
On paper, a hypersonic does the same damage as an ICBM.
However, the Hypersonic is by far the fastest built superweapon.
Also it is faster than any other missile, which already asks for really
fast reflexes to defend. Additionally, each Interceptor firing at the
Hypersonic has a 50% fail chance, since the hypersonic might evade

What the analogy is:

China has been testing a hypersonic drone, which is also a nuke
delivery system which is supposed to reach 7000 mph on surface
level. The so called “Wuzhai” Missile (or WU-14) would be pretty
much un-interceptable by common means, since it travels at insane
speeds close to the ground and even includes an air-powered
navigational system that can evade enemy rockets in mid-flight.

Popularmechanics about the new Chinese Weapon System

China Uncensored Youtube Channel reporting about the
Wikipedia Entry about the WU-14
Video Footage from Mobile Tests of the Wuzhai
Superweapon 08:
The EMP Field Generator Rocket

Official Name in Game:


Game Description:
A deadly transmitter creating a dead zone, crashing all warheads to
the ground below.

Belongs to Game Superpower:


Originally introduced in:

First Strike: Final Hour

Type: Rocket / Building
Reusable: No
Research: 060 Seconds
Build Time: 100 Seconds
Fly time: 020 Seconds (ICBM)
Duration: 150s
Power: none
Hitpoints: 01
Radius: 20 (5.0xRadius)

What it does:
KALI Storm can be targeted on an area. once it hits the ground, it
will create an EMP storm on the area. Every rocket traveling over
that area will crash on the ground below.

in-Game Mechanic:
For every rocket in KALI Storms radius, the fall-down function on a
rocket will become active, making them crash on the ground below.
The range of the KALI Storm is of comparable size to the iron dome,
making it both an offensive and a defensive weapon, since the
center will rarely take damage. However, a huge rocket like the
TSAR will still do enormous damage.

What the analogy is:

India has been experimenting with a linear electron accelerator
called KALI. The KALI isn’t a rocket, but instead is a targeted
weapon with the purpose of intercepting missiles. Its a Linear
Electron Accelerator which is emitting straight beams of electrons
towards the target. Those beams have similar effects to nuclear EMP
waves, since it fry onboard electronics of rockets or aircrafts.
video reports on the KALI weapons are of borderline conspiracy
theory nature. So, unlike other weapons of mass destruction or
defence weapons, this one is not very well documented.

Wikipedia on the KALI Electron Accelerator

One of many doubtful videos reporting about the KALI 5000
A Wordpress article about the KALI superweapon
Superweapon 09:
The Global Strike Trident Missile

Official Name in Game:


Game Description:
The worlds most advanced nuke, delivering multiple real and fake
strikes at once

Belongs to Game Superpower:

United States of America

Originally introduced in:

First Strike: Final Hour

Type: Rocket
Reusable No
Research: 060 Seconds
Build Time: 120 Seconds
Fly time: 030 Seconds (Slow)
Duration: Instant
Power: 111 = 3x37 (4 + 3x3 + 6x2 + 12x1)
Hitpoints: 03
Radius: 8 (2xRadius)

What it does:
The trident missile carries three real and three fake warheads,
making it almost impossible to counter.

in-Game Mechanic:
When selecting targets for the Trident, you need to select three
points within a target zone of the first attack. The Trident will then fly
into the close orbit and open up the payload. As a defender, you
will have to quickly choose and guess which of the warheads are
actually aimed and which aren’t

What the analogy is:

The Trident Missile, a submarine launched multi-warhead missile, is
one of the most powerful nukes in the USA’s (and UK’s) arsenal. The
Trident has an option of arming multiple warheads into it, similar to
the peacekeeper ICBM missiles that came before them.
Upon launch, it can carry up to fourteen warheads, which might or
might not be real warheads. Like this, the enemy nation can only
guess and hope it would counter an actual life warhead when they
launch out.

Wikipedia about the Trident Missile

Wikipedia on the UGM-133 Trident
Wikipedia about the Prompt Global Strike
Video of a Submarine Trident launch
Militaryaerospace on Lockheed Martins revenue with Trident
Superweapon 10:
The Colossal Dirty Bomb

Official Name in Game:


Game Description:
A low tech dirty bomb on a IRBM rocket, leaving an area

Belongs to Game Superpower:

North Korea

Originally introduced in:

First Strike: Final Hour

Type: Rocket / Building
Reusable No
Research: 060 Seconds
Build Time: 080 Seconds
Fly time: 030 Seconds (Slow)
Duration: 36000s
Power: None
Hitpoints: 01
Radius: Point

What it does:
The Dirty Radium Bomb will open up as a missile and crash-land in
an area. The affected country will be destroyed and unobtainable
for the rest of the game.

in-Game Mechanic:
The Dirty Uranium Bomb functions exactly as the cobalt bomb’s
contamination, but with virtually no cooldown timer. This means
they will make nation unusable and unobtainable for the rest of the

What the analogy is:

Aside from Koreas rocket tests, experts are also considering that
Korea develops drones as a mean of delivering dirty bombs. Dirty
bombs are bombs without nuclear explosions but encased or laced
with nuclear material to create a maximum of contamination in the
explosions area.
One of the more famous examples comes again from a “James
Bond” movie: In “Goldfinger”, the contamination of Fort Nox would
have taken part with a dirty bomb.
Popular Mechanics on possible North Korean Dirty Bomb
Drone plans
Superweapon 11:
Damascus Silo Burner Rocket

Official Name in Game:


Game Description:
The anti-nuke, turning enemies arsenals against them as they chain
detonate their active silos

Belongs to Game Superpower:


Originally introduced in:

First Strike Final Hour

Type: Rocket
Reusable No
Research: 060 Seconds
Build Time: 080 Seconds
Fly time: 030 Seconds (Slow)
Duration: 20s till explosion
Power: 10 per rocket
Hitpoints: 01
Radius: 4 (1x Standard)

What it does:
The Damascus Burner will attack a nation and then, after a short
time, does damage to the nation and its neighbours, according to
the amount of nukes in the silos. This will create a chain reaction that
can only be halted if the player disarms its silos.

in-Game Mechanic:
The Damascus can’t be shot down by the targeted nation. The only
way to stop the chain reaction, is to disarm the rockets stationed in
there or using the first strike command to empty the silos.

What the analogy is:

The Damascus incident is and accident in 1980 when the liquid fuel
of a Titan II missile at a launch facility resulted in a massive
explosion. The happening has been worked up in popular fiction
and is the main inspiration for a weapon that strategically destroys
missile silos.
Australia, though being rumoured to have nuclear weapons
research, is only considered a “nuclear capable state”. It was always
one of the key nations to be pro nuclear disarmament, so the
mechanics of the weapon fit.

Wikipedia entry on the incident

PBS entry of the “Command & Control” movie
Arkansas Online gallery of pictures from the incident
Superweapon 12:
The Nuclear Arsenal Thrower

Official Name in Game:


Game Description:
Bombarding the world with leftovers from earths biggest, most
deadly nuclear test site

Belongs to Game Superpower:


Originally introduced in:

First Strike: Final Hour

Type: Building
Reusable No
Research: 060 Seconds
Build Time: 180 Seconds
Fly time: 015 Seconds (Fast)
Duration: Instant
Power: 54 (6x9) (3+6x1)
Hitpoints: Infinite
Radius: 2 (0.5xRadius)

What it does:
The Semey Launcher is a stationary launch platform that launches a
huge bunch of 6 smaller rockets towards an area. Similar to a first
strike command, you will not be able to accurately predict where
they will hit. Their explosions are smaller than ICBM missiles, but it’s
very hard to counter.

In-Game Mechanic:
The targets for each of the Semey Launcher’s rockets are
somewhere in a specified area and can’t be accurately pinpointed.

What the analogy is:

When Kazachstan gained its independence at the fall of the Soviet
Union, it also inherited one of the biggest arsenals of nuclear
weapons. The Semiplatatinsk (since 2007: Semey) nuclear test site,
also called the Polygon, is one of the most radioactive contaminated
spaces on earth. That’s why the Semey Launcher is an analogy to the
huge excess of nuclear weapons Kazakhstan had to deal with as an

The story of the Semey test site is about both one of the most tragic
and also despicable inheritances in human history, since more than
1.5 million people still suffer from health problems to this day,
because they lived, and continue to, in its vicinity

Wikipedia entry on Semiplatatinsk

Fantastic article on Gizmondo about the Site

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