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4 ben a P e > N - i \ ; ad AA ABOUT THE... EU isfel 3 A A oe CURR On atch) elem om CIA Rate aR oS Peon Mem eee k ckCa ne oriole em MRO Mote M ott elel=lst] Te Rem RCH AN oc Mare ela eR oles osc His comic book writing credits include Wel ent ae em a cot and Batman. Larry created the Bucky O'Hare Rela Lalre ue elo Ut ss aTcoRCM oral aC and an animated TV series, He lives and PLC Wan outa z ow Us RICHARD ELSON is a fine art graduate with NaC ol deol We Ror Meh els eos and illustrator. His versatility has found a wide variety of outlets in a career that has included Orne oR Ro uren Mgr Crete ten] ariel Mcneela ite teyye4010(07-1e He has contributed to many of the comics uote ign LU eeraeen neem ree em eeieee eae reat aT Cote RS steed nae ce oT Ne ANTHONY WILLIAMS, aka The Comic Siripper, has been a comic strip artist for twenty years. His artwork appears in international adyertising and marketing campaigns for clients such os MeDonallds, Virgin, Hertz and zoel Mol olan eH Maa MTT cel ce Roel Sree eam ie eae see The X-Men, and Judge Dredd. Other work of note includes illustrating story boards for the British TV series Dr Who. TAMVA o ELS@N o WIRMAMS Firsi published in Grect Britain in 2007 by Osprey Publishing, ‘Milan House, West Way, Bolley, Oxford OX2 OFH, UK 443 Pork Avenue South, New York, NY 10016, USA. Email: inlo@osprey © 2007 Osprey Publishing lid, Orford, and Rosen Bock Works Inc., New York Al rights raserved Apart from any fair dacling for the purpose of private study, research, extciam or review, es permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Potonts Act, 1988, no pact ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in o reirieval system, or transmitted in ony form cor by any means, alactronie, electrical, chemical, mechanical, optical, phatacopying, racerding or oherwise, without he prior writen permission ofthe eopyright owners. Inquiries should be addressed to the Publishers, A.CIP catalog record for this book is ovailoble from the British Library ISBN 978 1 84603 060 4 Poge loyout by Osprey Publishing Map by Peter Bull Art Studio Printed in China through Bookbuildlers op ov 1011 10987654327 FOR A CATMOG OF ALL BOOKS PUBLISHED BY OSPREY PUBLISHING PLEASE CONTACT: NORTH AMERICA, Osprey Direct, c/a Random House Dishibution Center, 400 Hahn Road! Westminster, MD 21157 Exmail:info@ospreydirecticom ALL OTHER REGIONS Osprey Ditect UK, P.O. Box | 40 Wellingborough, Northanis, NMB 2FA, UK Email: ul Who's Who 3 World War 2 1939-1945 4 To Conquer an Island 4 Defending the Airfield 6 The Batlle of Guadalcanal 8 A Stubborn Enemy AA Glossary 46 For More Information 47 Index and Website 48 Whos Who Vice Admiral William F. Lieutenant General Halsey, Jr. (1882-1959) commanded the U.S Third Fleet during much of the war in the Pacific against Japan. His slogan, “Hit hard, hit fast, hit often,” helped earn him the nickname of “Bull.” Major General Alexander A. Vandegrift (1887-1973) was commander of the 1st Marine Division. He had previously served in many a of America’s battles in South America and China. His command of the Marines on Guadalcanal earned him the Medal of Honor. Harukichi Hyakutake (1888-1947) was com- mander of the Japanese 17th Army. He led the Guadaleanal campaign against U.S. forces. He underestimated the Americans and sent too few troops into battle Lieutenant General Masao Maruyama (1957) was an experienced commander who had beaten Allied forces earlier on Java, \ Indonesia. He believed that the Japanese “Bushido” (fighting spirit) could conquer all of his nation’s enemies. Even after World War 1 (1914- 1919), there were strong hostilities between many nations. The United States worked to build good relations with other countries to avoid fighting another war. However, other nations were becoming aggressive toward their neighbors. In 1936, Italy invaded Ethiopia. Japan attacked China in 1937. In 1938, Germany took control of Austria and Czechoslovakia. In 1939, Germany invaded Poland. France and England responded by declaring war on Germany. The United On May 3, 1942, Japanese forces occupied the Pacific islands of Guadalcanal and Tulagi. Part of their campaign was to capture New Guinea and isolate America’s allies, Australia and New Zealand. The Allies made plans to recapture the two small islands. States had avoided fighting in the growing worldwide conflict, but on December 7, 1941, Japan attacked the U.S. naval base et Pearl Harbor, ‘Hawaii. America was at war. For the next four years, the United States and its Allies fought the dapanese in the Pacific Ocean -— on Jand, on the sea, and in the air. One of the most brutal battles was fought on the island of Guadalcanal from August 1942 to Febuary 1943. Its outcome was so important that many historians call this battle the turning point of the Pacific War. 8 At this time, most of America’s fighting resources were being used in Europe against Germany and Italy. American war production was still in its early stages. Many types of supplies were scarce in the Pacific War against the Japanese. Also, Allied losses had been high, with the Japanese winning battle after battle. The Japanese destroyer Kikutsuki was ene of the ships that participated in the invasion of Tulagi on May 3, 1942. The next day it wos bombed and sunk in an air raid by the United States. | NARA) Henderson Field on Guadalcanal was an important airfield for both Americans and Japanese. Once the U.S. took control of the airfield, Japanese planes were al risk of being attacked when flying near the island. (NARA) Nevertheless, on August 7, 1942, US. Marines landed at Tulagi and Guadalcanal, supported by what remained of the U.S. and Australian fleets. On the night of August 9, Japanese cruisers sank three American cruisers and one Australian cruiser in a battle off Savo Island. The Japanese ignored the Allied transports and supply ships, and the helpless vessels fled the next day. The 15,000 Marines on Guadalcanal were on their own, On August 13, the Americans took control of the airfield on Guadalcanal, naming it Henderson Field. Japanese ships could no longer approach Guadalcanal by day, because American planes flying from Henderson would bomb them. Also, Japanese ships could not count on air support from their carriers because the dapanese carrier fleet had been destroyed at the battle of Midway in June. However, the Japanese were able to reach Guadalcanal at night. By day, American ships would arrive and unload men and supplies, and then leave. At night, Japanese warships would come to the island, land traops, shell the Marines, then withdraw before dawn. ‘On the night of August 20, Colonel Kiyono Ichiki attacked the Americans across the Tenaru River. He and most of his men were killed in the fighting. 3,000 Japanese reinforcements under General Kiyolaki Kawaguchi were sent to the island. The first attempt to land them was defeated at sea on August 24. Kawaguchi’ troops had to land by night at Taivo Point One week later, a U.S. Marine Raider battalion attacked Kawaguchi's base. They wrecked his artillery, destroyed supplies and reserve ammunition, and took away maps, documents, and even the trousers of Kawaguchi’s dress uniform! On the night of September 12, Kawaguchi’s brigade attacked the Marine Raider battalion. Initially pushed back, the Matines managed to hold However, despite their success against Kawaguchi, not everything was going well for the Americans. This U.S. Marine tank and its crew were part of the force that defeated Colonel Ichiki and his men at the Tenarv River. (USMC) 14 January Japanese reinforcements tw cover witkrawa \ Cape Esperance Fx Japanase evacuations 52,48, 78 February february: Ree aavance party — US faces On August 31, the U.S. carrier Saratoga was torpedoed by Japanese submarine £26. The carrier was out of action until December. On September 15, six torpedoes from submarine +19 sank the carrier Wasp and a destroyer and knocked the battleship North Carolina out of the Guadaleanal fight. But the Japanese were having their problems, too, After the destruction of rea of operations during \ December and January Longa Point 1 city 2 ‘Sea Horse 3 ‘Balling Horse During the final phose of the batlle, benveen January and Februcry 1943, the Japanese decided to withdrew, rather than lose more men ina fight they knew they had lost. They deceived the Americans by sending a small number of reinforcements as a distraction, while preparing the rest of their iroops for evacuation Kawaguchi’s brigade, the Japanese Army realized it would have to send two new divisions to Guadalcanal, both under the command of Lt. General Masao Maruyama. These reinforcements were scattered in locations all over Asia, They would have to be sent to Guadalcanal in convoys, little by litle a e a d The Americans called these Japanese reinforcement convoys the “Tokyo Express.” On the night of October 11, U.S. admiral Norman Scott ambushed a convoy, sinking a cruiser and a destroyer. At dawn, planes from Henderson got two more destroyers. But the Japanese troops were still able to land with heavy artillery The Japanese began shelling U.S. forces That night, a Japanese task force knocked ‘out the main airfield. The next day, Japanese bombers attacked. On October 15, U.S. planes attacked Japanese transports unloading in daylight. The Japanese lost troops, supplies, and Maruyama’s artillery ammunition, Maruyama pressed on. He hoped to Jaunch a major attack on the airfield. Poor intelligence. poor communications, rain, and the jungle terrain turned the attack into a series of uncoordinated blows. First to attack was General Tadashi Sumiyama on October 23. He attacked Lt. General Masco Maruyama was in charge of Jopanese reinforcements thet were sent to the islond after most of General Kawaguchi's forces were defeated. (USMC) v Japanese general Tadashi Sumiyama attacked U.S. Marines with tanks and infaniry on the west side of Guadalcanal. The attack failed. This photo shows a destroyed tank as it sinks inio the sand. (Courtesy of Signal Corps) the western perimeter along the coast Marine artillery knocked out his tanks and destroyed his infantry. Maruyama’s main attack was made in two separate parts from the south. Many of his men were sick starving, and exhausted. His attack began on October 24 and failed miserably. The Americans had just appointed a new commander for the Guadalcanal campaign, William “Bull” Halsey. On October 25, Japanese battleships again bombarded the Marines. The day after that, Halsey was told that a large Japanese fleet was approaching. He sent a three-word order to his carriers: “ATTACK REPEAT ATTACK.” The October 26 Battle of Santa Cruz saw. the loss of U.S. carrier Hornet and severe damage to the carrier Enterprise. Of the four Japanese carriers, two were damaged, but all withdrew. The Americans still held Guadalcanal and Henderson Field. After its defeat at Guadalcanal, Japan was then forced to fight a defensive war, leading to many critical Allied victories in the Pacific THE BATTLE OF GUADALCANAL ON AUGUST 7, 1942, AMERICAN MARINES % . LANDED ON THE JAPANESE HELD ISLAND | (a OF GUADALCANAL, IN THE BOLOMONS. | _ e ree \ MARINES TOOK THE BEACH WITHOUT A THAT DAY ON THE BEACH, THE ONLY | HOSTILITIES WERE BETWEEN THE NAVY | SHORE PARTIES AND THE MARINES. es & THAT'S YOUR PROBLEM. OUR JOB STARTS WHEN THE SHOOTING BEGINS. BUT THE QUESTION OF SUPPLIES WAS EVERYBODY'S PROBLEM. BOTH THE JAPANESE AND THE AMERICAN FORCES FOUGHT THE CAMPAIGN OF GUADALCANAL AT THE FARTHEST LIMIT OF THEIR SUPPLY LINES. PACIFIC OCEAN THE JAPANESE FORCES ON GUADALCANAL WERE SUPCLIED FROM || RABAUL, PAPUA NEW GUINEA. THEIC THAT CHANNEL WAS CALLED “THE SLOT.” VICE ADMIRAL ROBERT. HORMLEY IN OVERALL COMMAND OF THE AMERICA! FORCES IN THE SOUTH PACIFIC. HE MAY HAVE BEEN A GOOD LEADER AND PLANNER, BUT HE NEVER WENT TO GUADALCANAL TO SEE THE SITUATION FIRSTHAND. VICE ADMIRAL FRANK J. FLETCHER WAS IN CHARGE OF THE NAVAL FLEET TASK FORCE FOR THE INVASION OF GUADALCANAL. Al HAVING LOST AN AIRCRAFT CARRIER AT THE BATTLE OF THE CORAL SEA AND ANOTHER AT MIDWAY, FLETCHER WAS DANGEROUSLY OVERCAUTIOUS. en! REAR ADMIRAL RICHMOND Ik. TURNER COMMANDED THE AMPHIBIOUS* FORCES AT GUADALCANAL. HE WAG A TACTICAL GENIUS. |A. VANDEGRIFT WHC LED THE LANDING FORCE. *FORCES THAT ARE TRANGPORTED By VEHICLES SUCH AS LANDING CRAFT, WHICH WORK BOTH ON LAND AND ON AG SUPPLIES PILED UP ON THE NARROW BEACH, THE MARINES: PUSHED INLAND. THE JAPANESE HAD ALMOST AFTER A BRIEF FIGHT, COMPLETED AN AIRFIELD ON MARINES TOOK THE THE NORTHERN PLAIN OF AIRFIELD ANP RENAMED IT GUADALCANAL. HENDERSON FIELD. ? THAT WAS: TOO EASY. IT WAS EASY BECAUSE THE JAPANESE COMMAND HAD ORDERED THEIR TROOPS IN THE AREA TO HIDE IN THE HILLS UNTIL THE AMERICANS: LEFT. | THE JAPANESE THOUGHT | A WHAT WAS HAPPENING ‘ | WAG ONLY A RAID, AND INOT AN INVASION. ADMIRAL FLETCHER, CONCERNED WITHOUT AIR COVER, THE ABOUT LOSSES AND LACK OF AMPHIBIOUS FLEET WAS LEFT FUEL, DECIDED TO WITHDRAW HIS: UNPROTECTED, 3O ADMIRAL AIRCRAFT CARRIER GROUP FROM S| TURNER OPTED FOR THEIR THE AREA. WITHDRAWAL AS WELL. THIS WOULD HAVE LEFT VANDEGRIFT'S MARINES STRANDED ON GUADAL- CANAL WITH ONLY HALF THEIR SUPPLIES ANP NO AIR SUPPORT. iy / : S| VANDEGRIFT ; COMPLAINED MEANWHILE, A JAPANESE FLEET WAS APPROACHING THE AMERICAN Ceuisees — THOSE ARE SAPANESE AND DESTROYERG THAT REMAINED ON SCOUT PLANES, SIR! SCREENING DUTY: FLYING WITH RECOGNITION LIGHTS ON? THEY HAVE TO BE AT £45 A.M. ON AUGUST 9, THE ENEMY AIRCRAFT DROPPED FLARES THAT LIT UP THE AMERICAN FLEET FOR THE JAPANESE GUNNERS. BATTLE AT NIGHT IN 194Z WAS LIKE A KNIFE FIGHT IN A BATHTUB WITH THE LIGHTS: OUT; FAST, FURIOUS AND UNPREDICTABLI THE ACTION THAT Pay FOLLOWED BECAME Fa 10 BE ONE OF THE WORST FE seem | DEFEATS EVER SUFFERED BY IF THE JAPANESE HAD FOLLOWED THROUGH AND ATTACKED THE TRANSPORTS, THE | AMERICAN CAMPAIGN ON I] GUADALCANAL WOULD wt + DO. THE JAPANESE SANK FOUR CRUIGERS AND ONE DESTROYER, WHILE ONLY SUFFERING DAMAGE TO ONE OF THEIR DESTROYERS. TWO) OTHER ALLIED SHIPS WERE BADLY DAMAGED. INSTEAD, THE ENEMY WITHDREW, FEARFUL OF AN AIR STRIKE FROM A CARRIER FORCE THAT WAS NO LONGER THE THE JAPANESE 17TH ARMY UNDER THE COMMAND OF GENERAL HYAKUTAKE WAS ORDERED TO RETAKE GUADALCANAL. THE FIRST OF A SERIEG OF CONVOYS THAT WERE TO BECOME KNOWN AS THE *TOKYO EXPRESS” DELIVERED THE INITIAL ASSAULT UNITS LED BY z = vr om ~ LCOLONEL KIYONO ICHI ICHIKI WAS UNDER THE MISTAKEN IMPRESSION THAT A SMALL RAIDING PARTY OF MARINES WAS ALL THAT WAS HOLDING THE AIRFIELD. HE MARCHEP HIS TROOPS TOWARD HENDERSON FIELD. z Ss VOUZA WAG TORTURED AND QUESTIONED FOR HOURS, BUT REFUSED TO BETRAY THE AMERICANS. ON THE WAY THEY CAPTURED SGT. JACOB VOUZA OF THE NATIVE POLICE. VOUZA HAD RETIRED IN 1941 AFTER 25° YEARS OF SERVIC! HE RETURNED TO DUTY WORKING FOR THE BRITISH FORCES AFTER THE JAPANESE INVADED HIG HOME ISLAND. HE HAD BEEN SCOUTING FOR THE AMERICANS WHEN HE WAS CAUGHT. AND RACED THROUGH THE! JUNGLE AHEAD OF THE i JAPANESE COLUMN. we TO WARN THE MARINES WHO WERE DUG IN AT THE MOUTH OF WHAT WAS THEN THOUGHT TO BE THE TENARU RIVER. THE MARINES WERE READY WHEN IT 6 BELIEVED THAT : ee. COLONEL ICHIK WAS BOHR LORLEC ATTACKED KILLED LEADING ONE OF THE CHARGES. WHEN NIGHT FELL, THE BATTLE OF THE TENARU WAS STILL RAGING. ane PRIVATE ALBERT SCHMID AND 8 CORPORAL LEROY DIAMOND? pay WERE NOT GOING TO LET THE ENEMY PASS. A JAPANESE @RENADE| 1 i NONE OF THIS WAS ENOUGH TO STOP TWO. BLINDED SCHMID. a DETERMINED MARINES. DIAMOND, WOUNDED EARLIER, — é WAS INCAPABLE OF FIRING “LEE AND SMITTY WERE DIAMOND AND THE MACHINE GUN. LEE'G NICKNAMES FOR EACH OTHER. & — 2 THE LINE ON THE MORNING OF AUGUST 21, THE ON AUGUST Z4, IN AN AIRCRAFT CARRIER DUEL CALLED THE BATTLE OF THE EASTERN GOLOMONS, JAPANESE LIGHT CARRIER RYULO WAS SUNK... AND THE U.S. CARRIER ENTERPRIGE WAS SEVERELY DAMAGED. ONE WEEK LATER, JAPANESE SUBMARINE | | THE I-2@ LAUNCHED A SIX-TORPEDO I-Z@ CAPTAINED BY MINORU YOKOTA, SALVO AT THE CARRIER WHICH WAS CAUGHT A LS. CARRIER IN HER 3,830 YARDS AWAY, MAKING 13 KNOTS*. | ONLY ONE TORPEDO HIT THE SARATOGA, BUT IT WAS ENOUGH TO SEND THE SHIP BACK TO PEARL HARBOR FOR MAJOR REPAIRS. THREE LG. DESTROVERS S| REPORTED SINKING THE VILLAGE OF TASIMBOKO. IN EARLY GEPTEMBER, THE MARINES ||MARINE INTELLIGENCE DID NOT BELIEVE IT, [| HEARD REPORTS FROM NATIVE BUT IT WAS DECIPED TO SEND THE 15T fw SCOUTS THAT THOUSANDS OF RAIDER BATTALION AND THE 1ST 7ARA- NI JAPANESE WERE FORTIFYING THE CHUTE BATTALION IN A COMBINED RAID. THE RAIDING PARTY, LED BY COL. MERRITT A. EDSON, MET FIERCE AND ORGANIZED RESISTANCE. oe — a =— THE JAPANESE FORCE, ESTIMATED fa = — eq AT 4,000, WERE WELL-ARMEP AND — —_ SSA SUPPORTED BY FIELD ARTILLERY a eens FIRING AT POINT-BLANK RANGE. AFTER CALLING IN AIR SUPPORT FROM HENDERSON FIELD, EDSON SURROUNDED TASINBOKO AND ATTACKED. SZ fi ey 5) REGIMENT COMMANDED BY MAJOR GENERAL } THE KAWAGUCHI BRIGADE, AS IT WAS CALLED, WAS SNEAKING AROUND TO ATTACK HENDERSON FIELD FROM THE SOUTH. NONE OF THIG WAG KNOWN TO THE MARINE COMMAND, BUT NATIVE SCOUTS HAD REPORTED INCREASED JAPANESE ACTIVITY SOUTH OF THE AIRFIELD. ' oY EDGON'S RAIDERS WERE MOVED INTO DEFENSIVE POSITIONS SOUTH OF HENDERSON FIELD. ON THE NIGHT OF SEPTEMBER 12, JAPANESE WARSHIPS: SHELLED THE DUG-IN MARINES FOR TWENTY MINUTES. BEFORE THE KAWAGUCHI BRIGADE FACED WITH SUPERIOR NUMBERS, THE MARINES WITHDREW NORTHWARD AND BEGAN A SERIES OF HUMAN WAVE ASSAULTS. ESTABLISHED A TIGHTER DEFENSIVE LINE. THE MARINES DUG IN ACROSS A GEOGRAPHICAL FEATURE THAT WAS TO BECOME KNOWN AS THE “BLOODY gq] THE NEXT DAY JAPANESE PLANES BOMBED age THE RIDGE AG THE MARINES TRIED TO ocesell STRENGTHEN THEIR POSITIONS. THE SECOND NIGHT, KAWAGUCHI ATTACKED WITH TI BATTALIONS OF INFANTRY. THE JAPANESE SIGNAL FLARES MADE GOOD REFERENCE POINTS FOR MARINE ARTILLERY. Se THEY WERE ABLE TO DROP SHELLS DIRECTLY INTO MASEES Fe OF CHARGING ENEMY TROOPS. ot 5 = THE NEXT MORNING, PLANES THE REMAINS OF KANAGUCHI'S FORCES \ FROM HENDERGON FIELD FLED INTO THE JUNGLE, LEAVING BEHIND (El BOMBED AND STRAFED THE MOST OF THEIR MEN DEAD OR DYING JAPANESE. Wy) Soo THE ZND BATTALION, 5TH MARINES, ARRIVED. IT WAS TIME FOR THE MARINES TO ATTACK. EAR ON OCTOBER 13, THE DRAPTED PLANS FOR THE | |) tapaneSe UNLEASHED A CCTOBER SAPANESE ZEBOMBER RAID ON OFFENSIVE TO TAKE BACK | | Fewpeeson HELD. (GUADALCANAL. ee ge ARC Ra THE ARETEIP WAS BO BEDLY 4 DAMAGED IT COULD OnLy BF | THE GENERAL WAS DISTRACTED AND DID NOT] USED FOR EMERGENCY PRESS THE ADVANTAGE WHEN HE HAD IT. JAPANESE HEAVY ARTI ILLERY, HIDDEN BEYOND THE RANGE OF MARINE ARTILLERY POUNDED THE FIELD MERCILESSLY. AL ry : THE MARINES HAD A NAME FOR THE BIG GUNS: PISTOL PE’ JAPANESE HEAVY CRUISERS BOMBARDED HENDERGON FIELD WITH THEIR 14-INCH GUNS. [| EACH 14-INCH SHELL WEIGHED I 4,400 POUNDS. THE BLAST THEY CREATED WHEN THEY HIT |) WAG ENORMOUS. AT HENDERSON FIELD, THE |, PILOTS, GROUND CREW, AND MARINES TOOK SHELTER IN XR DuGCUTS AS AMMO DUMPS AND FUEL STORES EXPLODED, = & oe XQ 1@ WILDCAT FIGHTERS WERE TOTALLY DESTROYED. THE RUNWAYS WERE CRATERED AND UNUSABLE. THERE WERE ABOUT ZO,OOO JAPANESE TROOPS ON GUADALCANAL, DELIVERED BY THE TOKYO EXPRESS, DOWN THE “SLOT.” THE “SLOT” WAS THE BOPY OF WATER THAT RAN THROUGH THE SOLOMON ISLANDS, WHERE GUADALCANAL IS LOCATED. MASAO MARUYAMA, THEY LAUNCHED AND ATTACKED FROM THE SOUTH... DIRECTLY INTO THE FIELDS OF FIRE OF THE MARINES DUG ON "BLOODY RIDGE." COMMANDING ONE OF THE MARINE MACHINE-GUN SECTIONS ON THE RIDGE WAS SGT. “MANILA” JOHN WHEN ONE OF THE GUNG IN HIS SECTION | |SGT BASILONE MADE REPEATED RUNS WAS OVERRUN, BASILONE RAN TO PLUG TO GET MORE AMMO, ARMED ONLY THE GAP CARRYING A 41-LB MSIF WITH A PISTOL AND A MACHETE OLDIERS. NO OTHER JAPANESE TROOPS GOT PAST HIM. HE WAS OFFICIALLY CREDITED WITH KILLING 38 ENEMY SOLDIERS, BUT MORE THAN A THOUSAND DEAD WERE FOUND WITHIN THE SWEEP OF HIG GUNS.* SS 7h SY FALTHOUGH MANY OF THESE CASUALTIES WERE PROBABLY CAUSED BY ARTILLERY. THE MARINES HELD THE LINE ALL ALONG | |MARINE TANKS HAD TO SPRAY EACA THE BLOODY RIDGE. OTHER WITH MACHINE-GUN FIKE TO KEEP BAYONETS FROM BEING THRUST THROUGH THE VIEW-SLITS... YOU SAID IT, BUDDY! ZL *ZEMPER FIDELIS (ALWAYS FAITHFUL), THE MARINE MOTTO. WHEN GENERAL MARUYAMA CALLED OFF THE ATTACK, 4200 OF HIS GOLDIERS WERE DEAD ON THE FIELD. ALTHOUGH HENDERSON FIELD WAS KNOCKED OUT, AIR OPERS-| TIONS CONTINUED FROM A SMALL STRIP A MILE TO THE EAGT, CALLED "FIGHTER ONE.” THE Pik WHO FLEW OUT OF HENDER- SON FIELD AND FIGHTER ONE CALLED THEMSELVES THE ‘CACTUS AIR FORCE. AMONG THE CACTUS AIR ON ONE DAY OF FIERCE DOGFIGHTING (OCTOBER FORCE PLOTS WAS 23) THE CACTUS AIR FORCE SHOT DOWN 22 CAPTAIN JOE FOSS, A SJAPANESE PLANES. RESERVIST FROM SOUTH m| CAPTAIN JOB FOSS ACCOUNTED FOR FOUR OF THEM. THE GUADALCANAL CAMPAIGN, JOE FOSG SHOT DOWN 2@ ENEMY AIRCRAFT ANP WAS AWARDED THE CONGRESSIONAL MEDAL OF HONOR FOR HIG BRAVERY. IN NOVEMBER, THE JAPANESE ASSEMBLED FOUR NAVAL TASK FORCES TO LAND MORE TROOPS ON GUADALCANAL AND SHELL HENDERSON FIELD AND THE MARINE POSITIONS. SAVO TELAND ON THE MOON- LESG NIGHT OF NOVEMBER 12. JAPANESE SEARCHLIGHTS LIT UP THE AMERICAN CRUISERS. THE FICST NAVAL BATTLE OF GUADALCANAL WAS ON. THERE WERE FIGHT AMERICAN DESTROYERS AND 11 JAPANESE DESTROYERS LAUNCHING TORPEDOES AT POINT-BLANK RANGE. * *BUT IT WAS TOO CLOSE FOR THE TORPEDOES TO ARM, be ZF THEY HIT, THEY THE ARMOR-PIERCING SHELLS THE JAPANESE HAD TWO BATTLESHIPS, BUT THEY WERE CARRYING NOTHING BUT HIGH EXPLOSIVE BOMBARDMENT AMMUNITION. THEY COULD NOT PENETRATE THE ARMOR OF THE AMERICAN CRUISERS. OF THE AMERICANS DID NOT THE AMERICANS LOST FOUR HAVE THAT DIGADVANTAG: DESTROYERS, TWO LIGHT CRUISERS, ANP TWO ADMIKALS... OST : J BUT THEY SUCCEEDED IN TURNING BACK THE PAINT. JAPANESE FORCE, AND NOT A SINGLE ENEMY DESTROYER: BHELL FELL ON GUADALCANAL. CAPTAIN YOKOTA IN JAPANESE SUBMARINE| | HE FIRED A SPREAD OF TORPEDO! Z-26 THOUGHT HE HAD THE AMERICAN BUT ALL OF THEM MISSED THE HEAVY CRUISER GAN FRANCISCO IN HIS GAN FRANCISCC PERISCOPE SIGHTS. 7 b) ‘ : — AMERICAN LIGHT CRUISER JUNEAU, ALREADY BADLY DAMAGED, TOOK A DIRECT HIT FROM ONE OF YOKOTA'S STRAY TORPEDOES. MOMENTS LATER, THE JUNEAU'S |MAGAZINE™ EXPLODED AND THE SHIP. BLEW APART INTO TWO PIECES. FOR THE BIG GUNS ARE STORED. BECAUSE OF THE DANGER FROM SUBMARINES, NO AMERICAN SHIPS STOPPED JO PICK UP SURVNORS. = so IT WAS DAYS BEFORE A wy Bl RESCUE WAS ATTEMPTED. OUT OF A CREW OF GOO, ONLY TEN MEN WERE FOUND ALIVE. THE FIVE SULLIVAN BROTHERS ALL WENT DOWN WITH THE JUNEAU. THEY HAD ALL ENLISTED AFTER PEARL HARBOR AND INSISTED ON SERVING ON THE SAME SHIP TOGETHER. ADMIRAL “BULL” HALSEY (WHO HAP JUST ASSUMED OVERALL COMMAND OF THE PACIFIC FROM ADMIRAL GHORMLEY) WAS CAPTAIN YOKOTA SURVNED THE WAR. HE RETURNED TO HIG HOMETOWN OF HIROSHIMA TO FIND THAT IT NO LONGER: EXISTED. HALSEY, THE RECIPIENT CF TWO GOLD NAVY LIFESAING MEDALS HIMSELF ORDERED THAT ALL EFFORTS WERE TO BE MADE TO PICK UP SURVIVORS. ON NOVEMBER 14, THE JAPANESE SENT ANOTHER TASK FORCE TO AMERICAN BATTLESHIPS WERE THERE TO MEET THEM. w\ i] CALVIN GRAHAM, A GAILOR ON THE SOUTH DAKOTA, GNVED FELLO' CREWMEN DESPITE WHILE HE WAS RECOVERING FROM HIS WOUNDS, IT WAS DESPITE HIS BRAVERY, DIGCOVERED THAT HE WAS DISHONORABLY GRAHAM WAS 1Z i DISCHARGED FOR YEARS OLD. LYING ON HIS: ENLISTMENT PAPERS, AND ALL HIG MEDALS WERE TAKEN AWAY. ON GUADALCANAL ISLAND, THE SITUATION FOR THE MARINES BEGAN TO IMPROVE IN NOVEMBER. |i THE MARINES ATTACKED INTO THE ELEMENTS OF THE 3&D BATTALION, STH MARINES, RAN INTO A STRONG JAPANESE FORCE BETWEEN THE COMPANY I, OF THE 3RD BATTALION, LED BY CAPTAIN ERSKINE WELLS, ATTACKED WITH FIXED BAYONETS AND ROUTED THE ENEMY. LT. COL. HERMAN H. HANNEKEN LED THE ZND BATTALION, 7TH MARINES, INTO THE KOL! POINT AREA TO DRIVE OUT THE REMNANTS OF THE ees ie s 4 THEY KAN INTO A JAPANESE BATTALION THAT HAP JUST LANDED THERE. WITH THE AREAL OF REINFORCEMENTS, WARINES ATTACKED AND DROVE THE JAPANESE! AN AIG STRIKE WAS CALLED IN TO HELP THEM, BUT THE PLANES BOMBED AND STRAFED THE MARINES BY ACCIDENT. STARTING ON NOVEMBER 5, LT. COL. EVANG CARLGON LED HIS ZND MARINE RAIDER BATTALION ON AN EPIC LONG-RANGE PATROL. |euzi VIVED THE MATANIKAU AND KOL! POINT OPERA IONS. AFTER 30 DAYS AND 150 MILES OF MARCHING, "CARLGON'S PAIDERS” CAPTURED AND DESTROYED NUMEROUS ARTILLERY PIECES. Tes KILLED NEARLY 200 OA Exeny OLDIE aN |) AT THE END OF NOVEMBER, THE JAPANESE |) TRIED TO RESUPPLY THEIR TROOPS WITH |= A DESTROYER TASK FORCE. “| IN DECEMBER, THE LG. ARMY AMERICAL DIVIBION ARRIVED AT GUADALCANAL ALONG WITH MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT. THE MARINES WERE PULLED OUT. THEY HAD GONE THROUGH FOUR MONTHS: OF CONTINUAL GRUELING COMBAT. HENDERSON IMPLOVED WITH STEEL B MATTING SO IT COULD BE USED IN ALL WEATHER CONDITIONS. POWERFUL NEW WIGHTNING” FIGHTERS AND BOMBERS WERE BASED AT THE FIELD. THE JAPANESE FELL BACK TO. STRONG POINTS IN THE) | MANY OF THEIR TROOPS WERE MT. AUSTEN AREA. SICK, ALL WERE HUNGRY AND EXHAUSTED. NO SUPPLIES OR REINFORCEMENTS WERE GETTING THROUGH TO THEM. \— a 2 MT. AUSTEN WAS SIX MILES FROM HENDERSON FIELD. THE AIRFIELD THE 13ZND KAN RIGHT INTO THE COULD NOT BE CONSIDERED SECURE STRONGEST JAPANESE POSITION, UNTIL THE ENEMY WAS CLEARED OUT. A COMPLEX OF PILLBOXES AND = RGN) || FORTIFIED AREAS KNOWN AS THE ‘GIFU.” THE GIFU STRONGPOINT — ‘ 7, WAS COMMANDED By MAJOR gp TAKEYOSO INAGAK. AFTER 22 DAYS OF CONSTANT INTENGE JUNGLE WARFARE, THE 13ZND WA RELIEVED BY ZND BATTALION, BSTH INFANTE) A SURE AIN'T HERE YOU KNOCK NTO PLAY PATTY-CAKE EM DEAD, WITH THEM... 4 BOYS! "4 NY) TRAILS HAP TO BE HACKED OUT OF STEEP HILLSIDES. SUPPLIES se [f HAD TO BE CARRIED IN BY HAND. 7 ” s THE ENEMY DEFENDING THE GIFU WECE DESPERATE MEN WHO WERE DETERMINED TO FIGHT TO THE DEATH. N ) i A | FACED WITH THE CHOICE OF OBEYING | HIS ORDERS OR ABANDONING HIS MEN, HE DECIDED ON A LAST ALL-OUT a) ATTACK. £ WHAT REMAINED OF THE ENEMY TROOPS JAPANESE HIGH COMMAND: ORDERED GENERAL HYAKUTAKE TO WITHDRAW HIG ENTIRE 17TH ARMY FROM GUADALCANAL. ANOTHER OPERATION, RATHER THAN ADMIT TO A RETREAT. 7—_—___™s THERE WAS INTENSE FIGHTING AG THE JAPANESE IGHT A WELL-PLANNED DELAYING ACTION. FOU Ws ALLOWED THE BULK OF THEIR FORCE BA 4 FALL BACK TO CAPE ESPERANCE, THE eee NORTHWEST CORNER OF GUADALCANAL. A CONVOY OF JAPANESE DESTROYERS MADE THREE RESCUE RUNS IN THE FIRST WEEK OF FEBRUARY AND ALL OF BUT THE FIRST PHASE OF THE Ss SCLOMONS CAMPAIGN WAS OVER, ANDTHE AMERICANS HAD WON IT. GUADALCANAL PROVED THAT THE JAPANESE WERE NOT UNBEATABLE IN THE PACIFIC. IT ALGO PROVED THE EFFECTIVENESS OF AMPHIBIOUS WARFARE. GUADALCANAL BECAME ONE OF S| THE MOST IMPORTANT NAVAL AND eee) Al? BASES IN THE REGION. MANY = MAJOR OPERATIONS WERE — ml LAUNCHED FROM THERE. TOTAL 1.3. ARMY AND MARINE LOSSES a T WERE 1,752 DEAD OR MISSING AND THE JAPANESE SUFFERED 25,400 4,389 WOUNDED. DEAD FROM ALL SERVICES. E 3 THE INPERIAL NAVY LOST Z BAT TLE- SHIPS, 1 CARRIER, 4 CRUISERS, Fe cuceee 4 peoreOreee ip || 12 DESTROYERS, 6 SUBMARINES, AND 4,203 SAILORS. 14800 AIRCRAFT WITH THEIR CREWS. AFTER THE JAPANESE SURRENDER IN 1945, WHEN VICE ADMIRAL TAKEO KURITA WAS ASKED WHAT HE FELT WAS THE TURNING POINT OF THE WAR, HE REPLIED, “GUADALCANAL.” BGT. JOHN BASILOME COULD HAVE CALVIN GRAHAM SPENT MOST OF THE REST OF HIS LIFE FIGHTING FOR AN HONORABLE DISCHARGE AND THE RETURN OF HIS MEDALS, ESPECIALLY HIS PURPLE HEART. IT WAS FINALLY PRESENTED TO HIG. WIDOW TWO YEARS AFTER HE DIED. ALBERT SCHMID RECOVERED PARTIAL VISION IN ONE EYE. HE CAME HOME A HERO AND A HOLLYWOOD MOVIE, PRIDE OF THE MARINES, WAS MADE HE GOT MARRIED, MOVED TO FLORIDA, AND SPENT A LOT OF TIME FISHING. SGT. JACOB VOUZA WAS AWARDED BOTH THE AMERICAN SILVER GTAR AND THE BRITIGH GEORGE MEDAL FOR HIS VALOR ON GUADALCANAL. [nw 1972 HE WAS KI GHTED ELIZABETH IT. HE WAS ELECTED TO TWO TERNS AB JOE FOSS WENT ON TO HELP | GOVERNOR OF SOUTH DAKOTA, AND ORGANIZE THE GOUTH DAKOTA LATER SERVED AS DIRECTOR OF THE AIR NATIONAL GUARD. | | AMERICAN FOOTBALL LEAGUE AND SS PRESIDENT OF THE NATIONAL RIFLE ATION HE RETURNED TO ACTIVE DUTY AS AN AIR FORCE COLONEL TO SERVE IN THE KOREAN WAR. WHEN HE WAS SE, JOP FOSG WAG SEARCHED AT PHOENIX INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AND PREVENTED FROM BOARDING HIG FLIGHT BECAUSE HE WAS CARRYING A DANGEROUS OBJECT WITH SHARP EDGES... HIS MEDAL OF HONOR. THE END. AGREBCHN GXEnay Despite the Allied victory on Guadalcanal, the Japanese were far from finished. On November 13, a Japanese battleship group approached Guadalcanal In the way were two U.S. task forces. In the fighting, the Japanese sunk U.S. cruiser Atlanta and four destroyers. The Japanese lost two destroyers and the battleship Hiei. The Japanese came back the next day. Planes from Enterprise and Henderson Field caught a Japanese troop convoy. They sank a cruiser and six transports and turned back the rest of the convoy. However, that afternoon, the Japanese submarine 26 got the U.S. cruiser Juneau-and another Japanese battleship bombardment group was still coming. Running out of ships, Admiral Halsey sent battleships South Dakota and Washington to stop the Japanese battleship group. The United States lost three destroyers that night but sank the battleship Kirishima, __ finished off by planes in the morning. This ended Even though the Allies hod secured Guadalcanal, the fight still went on. Planes from U.S. carrier USS Enierprise [shown below] were sent out fo attack Japanese ships. [NARA] y Brcbuce ‘i Your Mary a US. admiral William Halsey was & forceful commander, with @ no-nonsense attitude toward defeating the enemy. Il is reported that one of his favorite mottos was, "Hit hard, hit fast, hit often.” (NARA) the last Japanese attempt to reinforce the island. A final battle occurred off Tassafaronga on November 30. It was a night victory for the Japanese, who sank the cruiser Northhampton and badly damaged three others for the loss of one destroyer. But again the Japanese mission to resupply the island had failed. naval The Tokyo Express made its last resupply attempt on December 11, when a U.S, PT boat sank the Japanese Admiral’s flagship out fram under him. Now it was the Japanese troops ashore on their own. In December, the Ist Marine Division was at last relieved. One-third were declared medically unfit for duty. The Army and a fresh Marine regiment took over. In December and January, they carried out operations against the last stubborn Japanese, dug in around the airfield. The Japanese Navy managed to get out many of the survivors in early February. Guadalcanal cost the Japanese two battleships, an aircraft carrier, four cruisers, 12 destroyers, six submarines, and 1,800 aircraft and their crews. Japanese casualties included 25,400 dead, including 9,000 from disease. The United States lost 6,111 marines and soldiers ashore, including 1,752 dead or missing. At sea, the Navy lost two carriers, eight cruisers (including Australian Canberra), 14 destroyers, and 4,263 sailors dead, drowned, or missing in shark-infested seas. Aircraft and aircrew losses were high, but with production and training programs these would be replaced. Japan could not replace anything. Japanese resistance during the fighting was fierce. Here, U.S. Marines take cover behind their antitonk gun and Jeep, while others carry off a wounded American soldier. (USMC) ammo amphibious antiaircraft artillery barrage battalion battleship convoy cruiser Short for ammunition; the bullets, shells, grenades, rockets, and bombs that cam be exploded or fired from guns or other weapons, Launched from the sea against an enemy on land. Designed for defense against air attack. Large, heavy guns that are mounted on wheels or tracks. A heavy outpouring of many things at once. A large body of soldiers organized as a unit; two or more battalions form a vegiment. A class of warship of the largest size, having the heaviest guns and armor. A group of ships or motor vehicles traveling together for protection or convenience. A medium-sized warship of high speed and a large cruising range, with less armor and firepower than a battleship destroyer discharge distract grueling intercept reservist rout strafe torpedo 46 A small, fast, highly maneuverable warship armed with missiles, guns, torpedoes, and depth charges. To officially send someone away from a place. To draw someone's attention away from something. Very tiring; exhausting. To take, grab, or stop something on its way from one place to another, A member of a military group who is held back from action for later use. To cause someone to run away from a battle. To shoot at someone or something from close range, especially with machine-gun fire from Jow-flying aircraft. A cylindrical, self-propelled underwater projectile launched from an airplane, a ship, or a submarine and designed to explode against or near a target ORGANIZATIONS National Guadalcanal Memorial Museum 6151 Portage Road Kalamazoo, MI 49002-3003 001 (866) 524 7966 Web site: http://www.airzoo.ore/ National Museum of the Marine Corps Quantico, VA 22134 001 (703) 432 4877 Web site: hitp:// Programs_museum.asp Sg. John “Manila” Basilone was the only U.S. Marine to win both the Navy Cross and Medal of Honor during World Wer 2. He wos awarded his Medal of Honor for the bravery he displayed at Guadalcanal. (Ramiro Bujeiro © Osprey Publishing} FOR FURTHER READING Black, Wallace B., and Jean F. Blashfield. Guadaleanal. NY: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1992. Frank, Richard B. Guadalcanal: The Definitive Account of the Landmark Battle. NY: Penguin Books USA, inc. 1992. Mueller, Joseph. Guadalcanal 1942, The Marines Strike Back. Oxford, England: Osprey Publishing, 1992. Tregaskis, Richard. Guadalcanal Diary. NY: Random House, Inc., 2000. 47 126 17, 30, 44 Homet, USS 7 Ryujo 17 Hyakutake, Lieutenant General Baslone. Sgt John “Manils" 25,4247 Harukichi 3, 14, 23, 40 Saratoga, USS. 6, 17 Battle of the Eastern Solomons. 17 ‘Schmid, Private Albert 16, 42, Battle of Senta Cruz 7 Inagaki, Major Takeyoso 37, 39 Scott, Admiral Norman 7 Balle of Savo Island 5, 13 Iehiki, Colonel Kiyano 5, 14,15 South Dakota, USS 32, 44 leaperial Japenese Navy 12, 28, 29, Sumiyama, General Tadashi 7 Carlson, Lt. Col. Evans 35 40, 41, 45 Tenaru River 5. 15, 16 Diamond, Corporal Leroy 16 Japanese Army 3, 4,5, 6,7, 11, Tokyo Express 7, 14, 45 14, 15, 18, 20, 21, 25, 33,34, Tulegi 4,5 Edson, Colonel Meritt A. 18, 19, 20 35, 37, 38, 40, 41 “Turner, Rear Admiral Richmond K. Enterprise, USS. 7, 17, 44 Juneou, USS 30, 31, 44 10, 12 Fletcher, Vice Admiral Frank J Kawaguchi, General Kiyotaki 5,7, US. Army 3, 36, 38, 41, 45 Fletcher 10, 12 20, 21, 22 US. Marines 3, 5, 7,8, 11, 18, Foss, Captain Joe 27, 43 Kikutsukt 4 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 33, Kirishima 44 34, 35, 36, 41, 45 Ghormley, Vice Admiral Robert L. Kurita, Vice Admiral Takeo 41 US. Navy 8 13, 28, 29, 31, 40, 41 10, 31 Graham, Cakin 32, 42 Martiama, Lieulenant General Vandergrift, Major Generel Masao 3, 6, 24, 26 Alexander A. 3, 10, 12, 26, Halsey, Jr. Vice J Wiliam F, Medal of Honer 43, 47 Vouza, Sgt. Jacob 14, 15, 42 37,3144 Midway 5, 10 Henderson Field 5.7, 11, 19, 20. Washingion, USS. 44, 22, 23, 24, 27, 36, 37. 44 North Carolina, USS 6 Wells, Captain Erskine 33 Henneken, Lt. Col. Herman H. 34 Hiel, USS. 44 Pearl Harbor 4, 31 Yokota, Coptain Minoru 30, 31 Find ont more about OSPREY GRAPHIC HISTORY, the baitlos they depict and the men and women who fought so bravely. Visit our site for features and profiles including = The latest on new and future releases = » Vote on which title you would like to see next = « Find out more about your favorite authors and artists » « First-hand accounts from soldiers on the front = = Competitions and downloads = « Sneak previews of new titles = See you soon at 48 Plostoe ist -m ey c- We Osea re) 6 ieee Cesc eer tbre men eenreIny at the battle of Guadalcanal as they shatter the myth of Japanese invincibility and start on the long road back to victory in World War 2. Stand alongside men like Joe Foss, America’s “Ace of Aces,” who won the Medal of Honor for his Ferd mater vite noeitcscllcc sl orig Mate sea Ure Ey the skies over the Pacific Discover how our ancestors bravely fought for their lives and their countries in Osprey Graphic History. Then use the extra information packed inside to learn about why they fought.

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