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The image above shows the top ten career average salaries in Mexico; being the average means

there are higher and lower


96% of mexicans working earn less than $15,500 per month, and a middle class income for a family of four needs at least
$32,000 monthly, which means both parents working and earning more than the average or one parent working with a
salary that less than 4% of mexican working earn.

There are 59 million people active in our economy and our population is 126 million wich means each active person in
our economy needs to take care of themselves and at least one more person.

96% active
4% active
Minimum wage Average Upper limit

$5,255/month $7,800/month $14,900/month +$15,500/month

Imagine you’re an active worker in mexican society, with a monthly salary just above average at $12,000 and you need to
take care of a 6 year old child. Your family lend you enough money for a semi car, and your monthly payments are
$2,700. You found a two bedroom apartment that’s close to your child’s school at $2,500 per month. Answer the
following on your notebook and upload the answers to the assignment as a photograph.

A: Create a monthly budget where you include rent, food, services, transportation and other expenses. B: Include
an educational plan for your child that’s about to start it’s first year in elementary school.
C: Imagine inflation hits you and all expenses are 7.5% higher than before, what will you do? Write a 150 word opinion
where you talk about how you would manage the situation.
D: If you managed to get an extra $10,000 per month, how would you adjust your budget and expenses?
a) 1000 de comida, 200 de agua cada mes, 300 de luz cada mes, 300
de gasolina cada semana, renta 2500, 2700 del préstamo, 500 de
vestuario al mes, 200 de servicio médico =12000

b)400 pesos de educación

c) Voy a ahorrar lo necesario en vestimenta para poder sacar el

sueldo, tener los gastos necesarios, tener que sacrificar algunos
gustos y a veces no usar transporte y usar otros medios, por
ejemplo, si el lugar está lejos podríamos usar la bicicleta y si está
muy cerca caminaríamos, buscaríamos otras fuentes de ingresos
para así generar dinero, como vender ropa, vender perfumes,
frutas y verduras, vender ropa o accesorios que ya no ocupemos
como también poner un puesto de comida, otro dato importante
obviamente es informar a la familia de los que está sucediendo
para que tomen en cuenta y así aporten, tratar de ahorra la luz y el
agua para que mis gastos de servicio se minimicen, pedir un
aumento de sueldo con mis jefes inmediatos en el trabajo si se
puede dar y por ultimo buscar en economizar en productos de
comida porque a veces hay marcas muy caras

d) buscaría una mejor opción educativa para mi hijo, un coche que

me gaste menos gasolina
Trendia que ahorra

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