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Magnetic Dipole
Concepts covered: Current loop as magnetic dipole and its
magnetic dipole moment, Magnetic dipole moment of a
Topic-1 revolving electron,
Magnetic field intensity due to a magnetic dipole, Torque on a
magnetic dipole

Revision Notes

 Bar magnet as a magnetic dipole:

A bar magnet has two magnetic poles known as the North pole and the South pole, each of pole strength m.
If the separation between the poles (also known as magnetic length) is l, then the bar magnet is said to have a
magnetic dipole moment represented as:
→ →
M = ml
The direction of the magnetic dipole moment is from south pole to north pole of the bar magnet.
 The lines of magnetic force run in closed loops both inside and outside a bar magnet continuously.
 The magnetic dipole moment of a magnetic substance is mainly due to the spinning of electrons.
 The magnetic field due to a short dipole at distance a on the axial line is
µ 0 2 pm
Be = ⋅
4 π a3
and that on the equatorial line is
µ 0 pm
Be = ⋅ .
4 π a3
 The magnetic field does not interact with stationary charges.
 When a magnetic dipole of moment pm moves from unstable equilibrium to stable equilibrium position in a
magnetic field B, the kinetic energy gained by it will be 2pmB.
 Torque on a magnetic dipole in uniform magnetic field: A magnetic dipole of dipole moment M when placed in
a uniform magnetic field B experiences a torque,
t = MBsin q.
→ →
where, q is the angle between M and B .
 → →
or,  = M × B
 Time period of oscillation of a magnetic dipole in a magnetic field B, is given by
T = 2p[I/M Be]1/2
where, I is the moment of length L and pole strength is pm = qmL.
It is a vector quantity directed from the south to the north pole.
 Cutting a bar magnet into two equal pieces perpendicular to its length produces magnets of the same pole
strength but half the dipole moment.
 The force between two magnetic poles of strength qm and q′ m separated by a distance r is represented as

µ 0 qm qm
F= ⋅
4π r2
Key Formulae
 Torque experienced by a magnetic dipole of dipole moment M when placed in a uniform magnetic field B:
t = MBsin q,
® ®
where, q is the angle between M and B .

 The magnetic field due to a short dipole at distance 'a' on the axial line: Ba =
2 r 3
 The magnetic field due to a short dipole at distance 'a' on the equatorial line: Be =
4 r 3

Concept : Magnetic dipole moment D : Dipole
Mnemonics : Madam Dona Martin never came M : Moment
to Asia n : Number of turns
Interpretation: c : current
M : Magnetic A : Area
(Magnetic dipole moment = Number of turns × Current flowing × Area of loop)

Concepts covered: Bar magnet as an equivalent solenoid,
Topic-2 Magnetic field lines, Diamagnetic, paramagnetic and
ferromagnetic substances. Electromagnets, Permanent magnets

Revision Notes
 Magnetic Field: The region or space around a magnet, current-carrying conductor, or moving charge, in which
magnetic effect can be experienced is called a magnetic field.

• The magnetic field strength is also called magnetic induction. It is denoted by B .
• Magnetic induction is a vector quantity.
• The magnetic induction may be geometrically represented by the lines of the magnetic field in the same way
as the electric field is represented by the electric field lines.
• The lines of magnetic induction are closed curves (continuous curves). However, it may be remembered that
the electric field lines are the curves originating from the positive charge and ending at the negative charge.
• The lines of magnetic induction for the uniform magnetic field are parallel and equally spaced, but that for
the non-uniform magnetic field are curves or unequally spaced or both.
• The SI unit of magnetic induction is tesla (T) or Weber/metre2 (Wb/m2).
• The CGS unit of magnetic induction is Maxwell/centimetre2 (Mx/cm2) or Gauss (G).
 Bar magnet as an equivalent solenoid: If a solenoid of length 2l, radius a with current I having n number of turns
per unit length, then the magnetic moment of solenoid,
M (= NIA) Or, M = (n×2l) × I × πa2
∴ M = 2lnIπa2
• and magnetic field of the solenoid at a distance d
µ0 2 M
4 πd 3
 Magnetic moment of a bar magnet is equal to magnetic moment of an equivalent solenoid that produces same
magnetic field.
 Gauss’ Law for Magnetic Fields: Gauss’ Law for magnetism applies to the magnetic flux through a closed surface.
• It shows that no magnetic monopoles exist and total flux through closed surface will be zero.
• The Gauss’s law for magnetic fields in integral form is given by

   B . dA  0

 Diamagnetic substances: Diamagnetic substances are those which have tendency to move from stronger to the
weaker part of the external magnetic field.
The field lines are repelled or expelled and the field inside the material is reduced.
When placed in a non-uniform magnetic field, the bar will tend to move from high to low field.
Some diamagnetic materials are bismuth, copper, lead, silicon, nitrogen (at STP), water and sodium chloride.
For diamagnetic substances:
–1 ≤ χ < 0
0 ≤ µr < 1
µ > µ0
 Paramagnetic substances: Paramagnetic substances are those which get weakly magnetised when placed in an
external magnetic field. They have tendency to move from a region of weak magnetic field to strong magnetic
Some paramagnetic materials are aluminium, sodium, calcium, oxygen (at STP) and copper chloride.
For paramagnetic substances:
0 < χ < e
1 < µr < (1+e)
µ > µ0
 Ferromagnetic substances: Ferromagnetic substances are those which gets strongly magnetised when placed in
an external magnetic field. They have strong tendency to move from a region of weak magnetic field to strong
magnetic field. In ferromagnetic substances the field lines are highly concentrated.
Some ferromagnetic substances are: iron, cobalt, nickel, gadolinium, alloy Alnico, etc. The ferromagnetic property
depends on temperature. At high enough temperature, a ferromagnet becomes a paramagnet.
For ferromagnetic substances:
χ >> 1
µr >> 1
µ >> μ0
 Electromagnets and factors affecting their strengths: Electromagnet is also known as a solenoid having a core of
iron with wire wrapped around on it. Factors affecting the strength of electromagnets are:
• nature of core material

• strength of current passing through the coil

• number of turns of wire

• shape and size of the core

 Permanent magnets: Magnets whose magnetic field is generated by internal structure of material itself.

• Permanent magnets have consistent non-varying magnetic field having north and south pole linked with it.

• Magnetic fields of permanent magnets are the sum of nuclear spins, electron spins and orbits of electrons.

• Permanent magnets produce a longitudinal magnetic field between the poles.

Key Terms
 Magnetic line of force: May be defined as the curve, the tangent to which at any point gives the direction of
the magnetic field at that point.
 Bohr’s magneton: It is defined as the magnetic moment associated with an electron due to its orbital motion in
the first orbit of a hydrogen atom.
 Gauss’s law in magnetism: The net magnetic flux through a closed surface is zero.


Concept : Four characteristics of magnetic field Intrepretation :

lines. (i) I - Imaginary Lines
Mnemonics : I love new stories. Tina found new (ii) N, S - Extended North to South pole
Cookies. (iii) T - Tangent gives (magnetic) field direction
(iv) N, C - Never Cross each other


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