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Franchesca Jane C.

BSED Math 4101
Reflective Journal
Week 5
“Unity is strength when there is
teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things
can be achieved.” Quotation by Mattie Stepanik
I learned this week how important teamwork is.
No man is an island, as we were often told, and I
concur. Even though everyone of us has our own
areas of skill and talents, we cannot deny the fact
that we still require help from others. Accepting
assistance does not indicate weakness or
incapacity; rather, it indicates that we are willing
to make improvements and succeed. Teachers are
regarded as among the most resilient, devoted,
industrious, and compassionate individuals. We admire them as heroes who can accomplish most
tasks on their own, but I believe it is crucial for educators to understand the value of cooperation
and teamwork. Working together can help you accomplish a lot of things. As you can see in the
photo, my co-fs students and I worked together to complete the bulletin board for the department
of grades 9 and 10. Although the four of us are in grades 7 and 8 department, we provide our
assistance because we believe it will help them complete the task more quickly and successfully.
My cooperating teacher asked for my
assistance because the science teacher for grade 8
is absent. Ma'am JM asked me if I could watch
over the grade 8 students while they performed in
the allotted group activity during their science
period. After our prayer, I instructed every
student to proceed to their individual groups and
begin working on the tasks they had been given
when I entered the classroom. I observed each
group's strong teamwork as I was observing. I can
tell that they are conceptualizing, contributing
their own ideas, and collaborating really well.
Each group member is working on a different tasks; none of them are idle. The group's leaders
gave each member a particular duty to complete while encouraging mutual assistance. One group
member will provide assistance to the other when they are struggling with the work at hand. It is
beneficial that our students learn the essence of teamwork and collaborating to achieve a common
goal. They also learned the importance of assisting everyone in succeeding and of not leaving
anyone behind.
Students who work together will strengthen their critical thinking, oral communication,
self-management, and leadership abilities. encourage interaction between instructors and students.
An improvement in accountability, self-worth, and student retention. Collaboration is crucial to
our whole well-being, not just to education and the fields to which we belong. It helps create a
more peaceful and harmonious family, community, and world. To attain a goal, people must learn
how to cooperate with one another. This calls for empathy, self-control, and conflict resolution

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