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This is the input form used to adjust the bills of the consumers wrongly issued in subsequent
months. Following checks are performed in checking:

 There must be a valid reference number consisting of Batch, Sub Division and Account
number existing on Master File.

 Category must be entered as:

“A” Where Units and Amount both adjusted.

“B” For the adjustment of Amount only.

“C” For Detection of theft under whatsoever mode.

“D” Reserved for M&T.

“E” Detection for slowness wherein theft of energy is not involved.

“F” Adjustment charged by Local Audit Party (with or without Units).

“G” Adjustment charged by Director General WAPDA Audit (with or without Units).

“H” For Extension of Due Dates.

“M” For Sales Tax adjustment from Steel Melters.

“P” Fuel Price Adjustment (FPA).

“R” Debit adjustment charged against permanent disconnected consumers.

“W” For WAPDA Employees where departmental adjustment involved.

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