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(Computer Science and Engineering)

Subject: Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Subject code BCO023A
Marks: 64

CO3: Computational geometry, like Lower bound theory, modular arithmetic and CRT.

UNIT #4 Tutorial sheet 2

Sec-A (5x2=10marks)

1. [CO4]- Define Modular Inverse? [2 marks]

2. [CO4]- Find out GCD of 60 and 36. [2 marks]
3. [CO4]- Define Modular addition. [2 marks]
4. [CO4]- What do you mean by Lower bound theory [2 marks]
5. [CO4]-Find out GCD of 468 and 24. [2 marks]

/* Note: Each question may have one or two parts */ (3x7=21 marks)

6. [CO4]-Write algorithm of GCD. [7 marks]

7. [CO4]- Differentiate between quick sort and random quick sort. [7 marks]

8. [CO4]- Differentiate between Las Vegas and Monte Carlo algorithm. [7 marks]

/* Note: Each question may have one, two, or three parts */ [3*11=33 marks]

9. [CO4] Find Minimum set cover [11 marks]

10. [CO4] - Find Vertex cover from below diagram. [11 marks]
11. [CO4]- State chinese remainder theorem. Solve the following congruence. [11 marks]
x ≡ 1 (mod 5)
x ≡ 1 (mod 7)
x ≡ 3 (mod 11)

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