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Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology-Rajkot

Department of Electronics & Communication

GTU Examination Question Bank

Sem.: 4th Sem Subject: Advance Electronics (141101)

Sr. Exam Question Marks

No. Year
Chapter 1 Transistor at High Frequencies:
1 June 2011 Write short note on Hybrid π model for a transistor on CE 07
configuration and its circuit component.
Dec 2011 Draw the hybrid-π model for a transistor in CE configuration and 07
discuss it.
Dec 2010 Draw the equivalent circuit : 3.5
(1) Hybrid П common emitter model
Summer Draw hybrid-pi circuit for a single-stage CE transistor amplifier 07
2013 having load resistance RL and obtain expression for short-circuit
current gain and bandwidth.
WINTER Draw the hybrid-pi model for a transistor in CE configurations and 07
2013 explain it. Derive the equation for transconductance gm.
2 June 2012 CE transistor hybrid π model parameters are as follows: gm = 50 07
mA/V, rb’e = 1KΩ, rbb’ = 10Ω, , Cb’e = 101 pF, Cb’c = 3.5 pF.
Find (1)3-dB bandwidth for RL = 1KΩ (2) Gain at 1 MHz
3 June 2012 Discuss validity of hybrid π model and prove that the model is valid 07
up to one third of fT
June 2011 Write short note on: Validity of Hybrid – PI model. 07
4 June 2012 Derive CE current gain for finite value Resistive load using π 07
model and prove that 3-dB band width of this configuration is
proportional to the value of the resistive load
Dec 2011 Derive The expression for current gain with resistive load using 07
hybrid π model.
5 Dec 2011 Using miller’s theorem what is the midband input capacitance for 05
CE stage with a resistive load RL?What is the high 3-dB frequency
fH for current gain,if we assume output time constant is small
compared with the input time constant?
6 Dec 2011 A current series feedback amplifier has an overall transconductance 05
of -1mA/v, a voltage gain of -4 and a desensitivity of 50. If Rs=1k,
hfe=150, rbb’ is negligible. Find Rs, RL, Rif, the quiescent
collector current Ic at room temperature.
7 Dec 2011 Derive the equations for the unity gain frequency and its 07
relationship with cutoff frequencies for CE hybrid π model.
8 Winter State the behavior of transistor at high frequencies and explain why 07
2012 we cannot use the h-parameters for the analysis at high frequencies
9 Summer Define and obtain expression for a transconductance (gm) for p-n-p 07
2013 transistor in the CE configuration as function of IC. Obtain its value
for IC equal to 10 mA.
10 June 2012 What is diffusion capacitance? Derive value of diffusion 07
capacitance in terms of physical parameters of transistor

11 Summer An amplifier has a midband gain of 100, a lower 3-dB frequency of 07

2013 0.1 Hz and an upper 3-dB frequency of 100 Hz. Determine the
frequency range for which the gain is at least 99.
12 WINTER A current series amplifier has an overall transconductance gain of 07
2013 -1mA/V, a voltage gain of -4, and a Desensitivity of 50. If Rs = 1K,
hfe = 150, and rbb’ is negligible, find Re, RL and Rif.
Chapter 2 Multi stage Amplifier
13 June 2011 Explain the working of RC coupled amplifier with neat 07
diagram. Also obtain its frequency response.
14 June 2012 Multistage amplifier consists of 3-stages and voltage gain of each 07
stage is 50, 60 and 80 respectively. Find (1) Overall gain in dB (2)
if multi stage input is 10 µV, what is the final output?
15 June 2012 Classify distortion in an amplifier and explain each, briefly 07
16 Dec 2010 Describe the effect of bypass capacitor and coupling capacitor in 07
multi stage common emitter amplifier.
17 Dec 2010 Classify the amplifiers types based on position of 07
operating point and also explain the distortion in
WINTER Classify the amplifiers based on position of operation point and also 07
2013 explain the distortion in amplifier.
WINTER Explain the classification of amplifiers based on position of 07
2012 operating point (Q – point).
18 Dec 2011 Prove that the voltage gain of the complete cascade amplifier is 07
equal to the product of the individual stages
19 Summer Design RC coupled amplifier with low 3-dB frequency not more 07
2013 than 10 Hz for following two cases: a. FET devices with input
resistance of 1M are used, and b. BJT devices with input resistance
of 1 K and 1/hoe = 40 K are used. Assume that load resistance
equal to 1 K.
20 Summer Discuss the effect of emitter bypass capacitor on low-frequency 07
2013 response of single stage CE amplifier. Draw magnitude plot of gain
for low frequency clearly indicating zero and pole introduced due to
bypass capacitor.
21 WINTER State the advantages, disadvantages and applications of RC coupled 07
2012 amplifiers.
22 WINTER Three identical cascaded stages have an overall upper 3-dB 07
2013 frequency of 20 kHz and a lower 3-dB frequency of 20 Hz. What
are fL and fH of each stge? Also calculate bandwidth of each stage.
Assume noninteracting stages.
23 WINTER Draw and explain RC coupled amplifier. Show the low frequency 07
2013 model for one stage. What is the expression for fL?
Chapter 3. Feedback Amplifiers
24 June 2011 What are the four possible topologies of feedback amplifier? Draw 07
each with necessary details showing Vi, Vo, Ri, Ro, Ii, and Io.
Derive input and output resistance for each topology.
25 June 2011 Determine the voltage gain, input, and output impedance with 07
feedback for voltage series feedback having A = -100, Ri = 10 kΩ,
Ro = 20 kΩ for feedback of (a) β = -0.1 (b) β = -0.5.
26 June 2011 Write short note on: Classification of amplifiers. 07
Summer Classify and discuss types of amplifier on the basis of magnitudes 07
2013 of input & output resistances of amp. relative to the source & load
impedances, respectively. Draw necessary equivalent diagrams.
27 June 2012 Draw equivalent circuit of voltage & current amplifier and discuss 07
on the value of input and output impedance. Also Classify
distortion in an amplifier and explain each, briefly
28 June 2012 Discuss the effect of positive feedback and negative feedback on a 07
transistor amplifier circuit. Which feedback improves the stability?
Which one creates instability & what is the application of feedback
which create the instability? Explain with appropriate condition
29 Dec-2010 Obtained the expressions : 07
(1) Obtained the expression for transfer gain for negative feedback.
(2) Obtain the expression of input resistance and output resistance
of an amplifier for voltage shunt feedback.
30 Dec-2010 Describe the effect of negative feedback on amplifier bandwidth. 07
31 Dec 2011 Calculate Avf, Rof and Rif for an amplifier with voltage series 07
feedback. Assume Rs=0, hfe=50, hie=1.1K, hre=hoe=0, Re=4.7K
32 Dec 2011 State the condition on 1+Aβ which a feedback amplifier must 04
satisfy in order to be stable.
33 Dec 2011 A certain amplifier has open loop voltage gain Av =103. Due to 05
parameter variations, this gain varies with a limit of ±150. It is
necessary to maintain the overall voltage gain of the amplifier
within ±0.1% by using negative feedback. Find the reverse
transmission feedback factor β of the feedback network. Derive the
expression you use. Also find the overall gain with feedback.
34 WINTER Explain the advantages and disadvantages of negative feedback. 07
35 Summer Draw FET-based source follower, identify type of feedback and 07
2013 carry out analysis to obtain AVf, Rif, and Rof.
36 Summer Explain the concept of feedback and categorize feedback amplifiers 07
2013 depending upon connection of mixer and sampling networks.
Provide necessary drawings. Discuss advantages of negative
37 Summer Obtain GMf, AVf, and Rif expressions for single stage BJT-based 07
2013 current series feedback amplifier. Draw necessary circuit
38 WINTER List the steps required to carry out the analysis of a feedback 07
2013 amplifier. Find Af for an emitter follower using the feedback
method of analysis
39 WINTER Define negative feedback. List five characteristics of an amplifier 07
2013 which are modified by negative feedback. Discuss any two
characteristics in detail.

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