Pilot Basics MDF

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Multi-function Displays intro


This document is designed to give you a basic understanding of

the Multi-Function displays (MFD)

This booklet will cover;

What information the displays provide,

What system alterations you can make using the displays, and

What key binds you can use to interact with them.

Using the MFD
In the cockpit

MFD - each ship will have the cockpit laid out differently, but they will all
have at least one of these displays, usually more.

To use the MFD’s and hold down interaction mode (f) and look around.

For best results, while holding (f) press focus (mouse button 3) and se-
lect an MFD using W A S D. (this will allow you to scroll down in the lists
without zooming in)

From this view you can easily see the information and you can make
changes or alterations to systems.

Key bindings
Quick Keys, Interactions and Inner Thought;
Interaction Mode (default f)
Focus (default mouse button 3)
MFD Left (default A)
MFD Right (default D)
MFD Up (default W)
MFD Down (default S)
MFD Basics
Understanding the MFD
This image is the home screen. The MFD provides information
about the ship and can make alterations in real time.
There are 7 different sections to the MFD;
Comms - communicate with other players, NPC’s and stations.
Target Status - displays information about the currently tar-
geted ship.
Weapons — sets up weapon groupings and provides infor-
mation about the weapons installed.
Shields - manages power to, and alters the configuration of
the ships shields.
Self Status - provides information on the ship you are in.
Power - manages and regulates power throughout the ship.
Heat - provides feedback and management options for ships
power output.
Main Screen

Refresh – manually refresh the page.

Name – this is the name of the player, NPC or station to be hailed.

Distance – your distance to this character.

Hail – press this to hail the character.

Quantum tunnel – begin spooling for both players. (You must be in a

Screen number – type

Ship display – this shows data such as shield strength and damage. It
also shows different colour depending on the target, green for ally, red
for enemy.

Ship class – this tells you the class of ship.

Distance – this is the distance to your target.

Name – the owner of the ship. If empty it will be blank

View – view the ships image from different angles (swap view/front/left/

Electro Magnetic emissions – this displays the EM emissions your ship

is putting out in meters.

Infra Red emissions – this displays the IR emissions your ship is put-
ting out in meters.
As with self status there is a
second configuration this Hail – Press this to hail the target.
screen may be set to.

Key bindings

(Flight—Target Hailing) Hail target (Default 4)— Open communications between you and the target.
Weapons I
Screen one – System

Status – toggles the group on or off.

Group – your guns can be split into two groups, a primary and second-
ary group, you have different triggers for each group.

Group power usage – this is how much power drain your weapons are

Group required power – this is the minimum amount of power re-

quired for the gun group to be active.

Number of guns – this is the number of guns in the group.

Missiles on/off – toggles the missiles on or off.

Ammo count – this is how many total missiles you have available.

Key bindings
(Flight—Power) Toggle power - weapons (Default p)— if any weapons are currently on, this will turn all weapons off, if all weapons
are off, this will turn all weapons back on.
Weapons II
Screen two – Guns

Status – toggles the weapon on and off. When they are off your EM and
IR signature will be lowered.

Group – select this to swap an individual gun between group 0 and 1.

Name – this is the name of the weapon.

Type – this refers to the weapons ammunition, ballistic or energy.

Ammo – How much ammo a weapon has, if energy it will say 0.

Power – how much power the weapon uses. Laser weapons will auto-
matically use as much power as they are allowed.

Health – the current health of the weapon, reaching 0 means destruc-


Wear – the weapon will degrade over time until it is broken, this tracks
its progress starting from 0.

Key bindings
(Flight—Power) Toggle power - weapons (Default p)— if any weapons are currently on, this will turn all weapons off, if all weapons
are off, this will turn all weapons back on.
Weapons III
Screen three - Missiles

Priority – determines the order in which missiles are fired.

Name – this is the name of the missile.

Size – the size of the missile.

Type – this refers to the type of lock this missile uses.

Payload type – refers to the type of payload this missile carries.

Ammo – how many missiles on hand.

Shields I
Screen one - System

Standby - sets power to minimum and stops shield regen. Your EM sig-
nature spikes hard when your shields are regenerating, so using standby
will help keep you off the radar.

Power - toggles the shield on and off. Once off, there is a short wait
before becoming active again. Shields off will increase your power sup-
ply to other components and lower your IR signature.

Power usage - shows the percentage of power available for shields to

use. Less power decreases system functionality, but lowers your EM and
IR output.

Current power input - this is the current amount of power the shield is

Minimum - percentage of total shield power needed to keep shields ac-


Status – this displays the shields strength for forward, back, left and
right. One section of the shield strength can go over 100 by sacrificing
another section.
Key bindings
Strength– the current shield strength. The bar is full at 100%, and
(Flight—Power) Toggle power - shields (Default o) shrinks as the shield is lower than 100(min 25 - max 325) This can only
— toggles the shield on and off. Once off, there is a be altered using key bindings (<< see left)
short wait before becoming active again.
Shield boost? – not yet sure. Seems buggy though, can only click one
(Flight-Defensive) Shield raise level; then have to leave ship to click another.
• Front (Default Numpad 8)
Power requirement – this bar shows the percentage of power available
• Back (Default Numpad 2) for shields to use, it is altered by sliding the bar on Power usage..
• Left (Default Numpad 4)
• Right (Default Numpad 6)
• Top (Default Numpad 7)
• Bottom (Default Numpad 9)
Shields II
Screen two - Items

Standby - sets power to minimum and stops shield regen. Your EM sig-
nature spikes hard when your shields are regenerating, so using standby
will help keep you off the radar.

Power - toggles the shield on and off. Once off, there is a short wait
before becoming active again. Shields off will increase your power sup-
ply to other components and lower your IR signature.

Status– toggles the shield module on and off.

Name – name of the component

Power – the amount of power this component uses

Health – the current health of the weapon, reaching 0 means destruc-


Wear – the weapon will degrade over time until it is broken, this tracks
its progress starting from 0

Key bindings
(Flight—Power) Toggle power - shields (Default o)— toggles the shield on and off. Once off, there is a short wait before be-
coming active again.
Self Status
Main screen

Name – name of the ship owner.

Ship display – this shows data including

• Turret orientation, shown by the line coming of the ship, gunners

and pilots can use this to know where they are looking.

• Shield strength, shown by the four curved lines around the ship im-
age, this will go down as the shields are hit, and will disappear
when the shields do.

• Damage, parts of your ship will begin showing up red if they be-
come damaged, they may flash as they are being damaged and are
Self status may be set up in ei- solid red when that part of the ship is severely damaged destroyed.
ther of these configurations,
Ship name – this tells you the name of the ship you are in
both of which provide the same
information, just using a differ- View– view the ships image from different angles (swap view/front/left/
ent layout. back/right/top/bottom)

Electro Magnetic Emissions – this displays the EM emissions your ship

is putting out in meters.

Infra Red Emissions – this displays the IR emissions your ship is put-
ting out in meters.
Power I
Screen one – System

Stealth – limits power output to components. Less power decreases sys-

tem functionality, but lowers your EM and IR output.

Power – toggles the ships power on and off.

Power usage – how much of the total power is currently being used,
you can move the slider to adjust the amount of power available. Less
power decreases system functionality, but lowers your EM and IR output.

Power Required – the minimum amount of power required to operate

the ship.

Distribution – this is used to distribute any power above the minimum

to different systems, weapons, shields or engines. By default it is even
between them all. Having extra power increases the time before over-

On this diagram you can move the circle to any point to quickly alter the
distribution. You can also use key binds (see left)

Heat – this is the amount of heat your ship is currently producing.

Key bindings
Electro Magnetic Emissions – this displays the EM emissions your ship
(Flight-power) Increase Priority; is putting out in meters.
• Thrusters (Default F5)
Infra Red Emissions – this displays the IR emissions your ship is put-
• Shields (Default F6) ting out in meters.
• Weapons (Default F7)
• Reset (Default F8)
Power II
Screen two – Items

Stealth – reduces the ships power to minimum levels. Less power de-
creases system functionality, but lowers your EM and IR output.

Power – toggles the ships power on and off.

Priority Reset – resets all priorities alterations back to original posi-


Priority – moves the component up or down in the list.

Power – toggles the component on or off.

Name – this is the name of the component.

Overclock – gives more power to the component at the cost of increas-

ing heat generation.

Health – the current health of the component, reaching 0 means de-


Power requirement – this is the power usage for each component.

You can move the slider to manually determine how much power that
system will get.
Power requirement
Manual Overclock - Move the slider into this area to manually over-
Current Power – this is the amount of power current-
ly being used, the slider cannot go down further.

Adjustment area – you can move the slider between

this area, left for less performance and less overheat Key bindings
(Flight-Power) Toggle power (to all components of that system)
Slider – This is the sliders default position, here you - All (Default u)
will have standard performance and overheat.
- Thrusters (Default i)
Manual overclock– you can move the slider here to - Shields (Default o)
increase power to the system, significantly improving - Weapons (Default p)
performance, at the cost of much faster overheating.
Heat I
Screen one– type

Suppress Overall IR – currently seems to reduce IR emissions with no

penalty. Although it is probably going to do so at a cost to power or
heat in the future.

Heat – graph to keep track of whether emissions are increasing or de-


Electromagnetic Emissions – this displays the EM emissions your ship

is putting out in meters. Graph to keep track of whether emissions are
increasing or decreasing.

Infra Red Emissions – this displays the IR emissions your ship is put-
ting out in meters. Graph to keep track of whether emissions are in-
creasing or decreasing.

System details – these give information on the ships systems, weap-

ons, shields, power and thrusters.

System Heat – Shows how hot the system is, if this bar becomes full
the system will overheat. (currently broken on thruster system)

System Infra Red Emissions – shows the current output of infra red
for the system, the combined total will contribute to Infra Red Emis-

Suppress system – same as Suppress Overall IR but for each system

Heat II
Screen two – type

Name – this is the name of the component.

Status – toggles the component on and off.

Overclock – gives more power to the component at the cost of increas-

ing heat.

Health – the current health of the component, reaching 0 means de-


Wear – the component will degrade over time until it is broken, this
tracks its progress starting from 0

Heat – the amount of heat being generated by the component. Once

the system is using all available power it will begin building up heat.

Power – this is the power usage for each component. You can move the
slider to manually determine how much power that system will get.

Power requirement

Current Power – this is the amount of power current-

ly being used, the slider cannot go down further.

Adjustment area – you can move the slider between

this area, left for less performance and less overheat

Slider – This is the sliders default position, here you

will have standard performance and overheat.

Manual overclock– you can move the slider here to

increase power to the system, significantly improving
performance, at the cost of much faster overheating.
Electro-Magnetic signature

When your systems are working your EM will be higher.

Cutting power to systems will reduce your EM signature.

Shields have the biggest impact on this system, when charging the EMS
will spike hard.


Your Infra-Red signature will significantly increase when using laser

weapons and afterburners.

Key bindings

(Flight-power) Increase Priority; (Flight-Power) Toggle power (Flight-Defensive) Shield raise level;
• Thrusters (Default F5) All (Default u) • Front (Default Numpad 8)
• Shields (Default F6) Thrusters (Default i)
• Back (Default Numpad 2)
• Weapons (Default F7) Shields (Default o)
• Left (Default Numpad 4)
• Reset (Default F8) Weapons (Default p)
• Right (Default Numpad 6)
• Top (Default Numpad 7)
• Bottom (Default Numpad 9)
(Flight—Target Hailing) Hail target
(Default 4)
A sound knowledge of your MFD’s will help keep you safe, new versions of
this document will be created as we acquire more knowledge and as the
game updates.

Feel free to distribute this to anyone who may need it.

Part of the Hyperion Vanguard Corporation training information

This document was created by Twixidust with assistance from Scorpion-Strike
Star citizen version 3.9

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