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Teaching Internship

Learning Episode 5
PPST Domains 3 and 4

My Journey Begins with a Single Step

This learning episode centers on the first learning

activity given to me by my cooperating teacher. This gives details of a clearer
picture of the steps I have followed to complete the tasks. This will also
showcase how I did in the preparation of instructional materials for my first
activity. I will also share the lessons learned in making my activity a success or a

My Directions

To do the tasks, I should be able to:

 Listen well to the instructions of my cooperating

 Prepare for the assigned tasks.
 Perform the assigned tasks/activity well.

I feel I can do these tasks because I trust my capabilities and skills as a pre-
service teacher. I am also that person who really pays attention, follows directions
clearly, and is good enough at time management, which I think is important in
order for me to complete the tasks in no time. Moreover, I will ensure that I apply
all the learning I acquired and the tips and suggestions that were given to me by
my cooperating teacher. And in times of doing the task, I always exert efforts and
do my best to attain good results or remarks. Above all, I am certain that
completing these tasks will be possible with the help and guidance of my
cooperating teacher.

My Tasks

To prepare for my first activity, I will consider the PLAN, DO, CHECK,
ACT (PDCA), this is a project management tool designed Edwards Deming. It is
also called the Deming Cycle.

PLAN. This is to identify and analyze the episode/


DO. This is to develop and test potential solutions/

procedures to the episode.

CHECK. This is to analyze and measure the

episode in an informal way.

ACT. This is to implement the best solutions


With the above model, I will complete the task matrix below.


Title of the Activity
PDCA Model Things to do
The teacher will prepare the questions for oral
PLAN recitation and will give the students a piece of paper
containing numbers. The teacher will also prepare
popsicle sticks with numbers.
When the teacher picks a popsicle stick, the students
DO who have the same number as the popsicle stick will be
the one to answer the question.
The activity only involves a popsicle stick, a piece of
paper and will utilize a PowerPoint presentation for the
CHECK questions. Thus, the materials are available and easy to
use. Also, in this activity, students are guided to see if they
really understand the topic that was just discussed.
The students will be given a reward – a pen and 5
ACT points – if they answer the questions correctly. If not, they
will still receive 3 points, which will be added to their
scores in their quiz.
Write the steps you followed in the timeline.

These are the steps I performed to complete the tasks:

1 2 3 4

Let the
several real-
Discuss the answer two Perform
lesson plan problems the activity
regarding involving entitled “A
the subject the topic jar of
matter. being Questions”

My Analysis

What benefits I gain from using the PDCA Model? What makes my activity a
success or a failure? What I must do next to improve the activity.

The PDCA Model is an excellent tool for determining what actions to

follow in order to succeed while planning and carrying out a learning activity.
The advantages of implementing this approach are that it truly helps me smooth
the transition of my class discussion, as well as knowing the steps that I need to
take to have a good outcome.

In my opinion, what makes my activity successful is the effort I put in to

creating a lesson plan and putting it into action. I would consider the activity to
be successful once the students achieved all the learning objectives of the lesson
and/or activity. And a failure when the students failed to learn anything from the
discussion and did not engage in the activity.

I typically take the opinions and input of my cooperating teacher while

refining my activity. His instruction allows me to identify my flaws and modify
my activities to make it more successful and engaging.
My Narrative of Experience

Narrate here your First Activity experience. Be creative in writing

both the title and the contents.


The day before March 15, 2023, I had already submitted my lesson plan,
instructional materials, and PowerPoint presentation to my cooperating teacher so
that he could check them before executing them on my first teaching demonstration
in the 3rd quarter of mathematics 10. He then gave me some guidelines and
corrected some errors in my lesson plan. He also provided me with some ideas and
tips on how I could put the plan into action. For instance, he gave some instructions
on the best teaching strategy or approach that I could utilize in my first

I started my class with the usual routine, such as opening prayers and
greetings. Then, I collected and checked their assignments through a board work
activity. Afterwards, we did the motivational activity, followed by the proper
discussion. Later, after the discussion and a short review of the topic, we started the
activity entitled "A Jar of Questions,", an oral recitation type of activity.

In this activity, I already prepared the instructional materials, such as the

popsicle sticks, the papers containing numbers, and the set of questions. We
performed the activity first by letting the students pick a piece of paper from the
box, the papers contained numbers. Then, I will pick a popsicle stick, and whoever
has the same number as me will be the one to answer the question. The questions
are on the inside of a jar. There are three questions, so there are also three jars in
total. The students have the freedom to choose which jar they want to open.

The activity was enjoyable because it imprinted pressure and excitement on

each student's face as I pick a popsicle stick from the cup. And I'm also happy that
the majority of the students are eager to engage and volunteer to answer the
questions from the jars.
My Reflections

In here, I am rating my accomplishment using the continuum.

5 4 3 2 1
Outstanding Very Satisfactory Fair Needs
Satisfactory Improvement

I RATED my accomplishment of my task 4 .

BECAUSE, I am very satisfied with the activity and the students are having fun, it
is also evident on the outcome of their evaluation that they have learned effectively.

I THINK I CAN DO BETTER BY providing more questions that enable students

to think logically and do board work at the same time.

I LEARNED that the students’ interest and active participation will depend on
how engaging and challenging the activity was.

My Proofs of Learning

of the activity
Evaluation after
the activity

The PowerPoint presentation of the Activity

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