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Complete the sentences with the appropriate phrase:

apply for a job/repetitive work/work as/a friendly place to work/commute/nine to
five/passionate about/deal with/runs/hard work/hire new workers/rewarding/stressful job/be
1) I am ____________ teaching English to young children.

2) She ____________ her own company, which produces organic cosmetics.

3) She founds it ____________ to work with children with disabilities.

4) She has to ____________ from the suburbs to the city every day.

5) The company decided to ____________ to help with the expansion.

6) He has to __________ difficult customers on a daily basis.

7) The job involves a lot of __________, doing the same thing every day.

8) He just left a very __________ and demanding career in finance.

9) She's hoping to find a workplace that's __________, where people are kind to each other.

10) He used to ____________ a consultant, but now he has his own business.

11) Despite the long hours and __________, he loves his job and is passionate about what he does.

12) He's tired of working a __________ and is looking for a job with more flexible hours.

13) He's hoping to __________ to a management position next year.

14) She's decided to __________ at the accounting firm downtown.

2. Rewrite the sentences using the verb in brackets in the correct form:

1) He has stopped working for the company. (quit working)

2) The job pays a lot of money. (high salary)

3) I have experience working in sales. (have work experience)

4) He is employed in the advertising industry. (work in advertising)

5) She is taking a break from work due to a medical condition. (be on/take sick leave)

6) He plans to retire before the age of 60. (take early retirement)

7) She just had a baby and is taking time off work. (be on/take maternity leave)

8) He is always working and never takes a break. (be a workaholic)

9) John lost his job because he was always late. (be fired/sacked)

10) The workers protested for better wages and working conditions. (go/be on strike)

11) The job that I have is very satisfying. (a fulfilling job)

12) The reason that I became a doctor is because I wanted to earn a lot of money. (get paid a lot)

13) My sister's job is to give medical attention to animals that are sick. (treat sick animals)

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