Dingo Mask Project

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Nº 03 . 20.07


DINGO MASK 5ch, 2tr in next ch, 1tr in each of next 4ch,
tr2tog, ** 1tr in next st, rep from * to ** once
INTE R M E DIATE more, 1tr in each of last 4 sts.
6th row – 1ch, (1dc, 1ch) in same st, 1tr in
WHAT YOU’LL NEED each of next 3 sts, * tr2tog, 1tr in each of
next 4 sts, 2tr in next st, 1tr in each of next
• ‘4 Seasons’ Pure Wool 8 ply 50g:
5 sts, 2tr in next st, 1tr in each of next 4 sts,
1 ball Colour 1 (C1), 1 ball Colour 2 (C2).
tr2tog, ** 1tr in next st, rep from * to ** once
• Small amount black yarn more, 1tr in each of last 4 sts.
• A 4mm crochet hook 7th row – 1ch, (1dc, 1ch) in same st, 1tr in
• Scissors, yarn needle each of next 4 sts, * 1htr in each of next
4 sts, 1dc in each of next 9 sts, 1htr in each
MEASUREMENTS of next 4 sts, ** 1tr in each of next 3 sts, rep
from * to ** once more, 1tr in each of last
Wide (approx) cm 10
5 sts.
TENSION 8th row – 1ch, (1dc, 1ch) in same st, 1tr in
Correct tension is not required for this each of next 6 sts, * 1dc in each of next 13
project. sts, 1tr in each of next 7 sts, **, rep from * to
** once more.
SPECIAL STITCHES 9th row – 1ch, (1dc, 1ch) in same st, 1tr in
tr2tog – (yoh, insert hook in next st, draw a each st to end. Fasten off.
loop through, yoh, draw through 2 loops on
hook) twice, yoh, draw through rem. 3 loops INNER EAR (make 2)
on hook. Using 4mm hook and C2, make a magic ring.
1st round – 3ch (counts as tr throughout),
8tr in ring, sl st into 3rd of 3ch at beg …
MASK 9 sts.
Using 4mm hook and C1, make 49ch. 2nd round – 3ch, 2tr in same st, 1tr in each
1st row – Miss 3ch, 1tr in each ch to end … of next 2 sts, * 5tr in next st, 1tr in each of
47 sts. next 2 sts, rep from * once more, 2tr in same
2nd row – 1ch, (1dc, 1ch) in same st (counts st as 3ch at beg, sl st into 3rd of 3ch at beg
as tr throughout), 1tr in each of next 3 sts, * … 21 sts.
2tr in next st, 1tr in each of next 4 sts, tr2tog, 3rd round – 3ch, 2tr in same st, 1tr in each
1tr in each of next 5 sts, tr2tog, 1tr in each of of next 6 sts, * 5tr in next st, 1tr in each of
next 4 sts, 2tr in next st **, 1tr in next st, rep next 6 sts, rep from * once more, 2tr in same
* to ** once more, 1tr in each of last 4 sts. st as 3ch at beg, sl st into 3rd of 3ch at beg
3rd row – Rep 2nd row. … 33 sts.

4th row – 1ch, (1dc, 1ch) in same st, 1tr in 4th round – 3ch, 2tr in same st, 1tr in each
each of next 4 sts, 17ch, miss 17 sts, 1tr in of next 10 sts, * 5tr in next st, 1tr in each
each of next 3 sts, 17ch, miss 17 sts, 1tr in of next 10 sts, rep from * once more, 2tr in
each of last 5 sts. same st as 3ch at beg, sl st into 3rd of 3ch at
beg … 45 sts. Fasten off.
5th row – 1ch, (1dc, 1ch) in same st, 1tr in
each of next 3 sts, * tr2tog, 1tr in each of
next 4ch, 2tr in next ch, 1tr in each of next

The information on this project sheet is presented in good faith, but no warranty
is given, nor results guaranteed. Quantities and selections may vary at each store.
Copyright Spotlight 2019.
OUTER EAR (make 2)
Using 4mm hook and C1, work as for inner
ear to round 4 but do not fasten off. Place
inner ear on outer ear with WS tog and work
the next row through both layers.
1st row – 3ch, 2tr in same st, 1tr in each
of next 14 sts, 5tr in next st, 1tr in each of
next 14 sts, 3tr in next st, leaving last 14 sts
unworked. Fasten off, leaving a tail to sew

Using 4mm hook and C1, make a magic ring.
1st row – 3ch, 7tr in ring. Pull magic ring
tight, and fasten off, leaving a tail to sew

Sew ears in position as pictured.
Attach C1 yarn to to outer edge of first ear,
about 1cm above the join with the mask.
Using 4mm hook, make 101ch.
1st row – Miss 1ch, 1dc in each ch to end.
Fasten off.
Rep to correspond on second ear.

DO NOT PRESS. Sew nose on to mask.
Stitch sides of bridge of nose tog on WS
between eyes. Sew in ends.

The information on this project sheet is presented in good faith, but no warranty
is given, nor results guaranteed. Quantities and selections may vary at each store.
Copyright Spotlight 2019.

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