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Consent for Use of Electronic Signatures and Records

In this Consent for Use of Electronic Records and Signatures (“E-Sign Consent’), the words “you” and “your” mean
any person giving consent to our use of electronic records and signatures as described below. The words “we,”
“us” and “our” mean GBank, its successors, assigns, and their respective agents and service providers.

You are requesting or have obtained financial products or services from us. With your consent, we may choose to
provide certain Records to you in electronic form and obtain your electronic signature in connection with those
Records and other notices, instruments and terms. You are not required to receive Records in electronic form and
sign them electronically. If you do not want to consent to our use of electronic Records and signatures at this time,
please close your web browser and do not electronically sign this E-Sign Consent.

Please read this E-Sign Consent carefully and print or save a copy for future reference to verify that you can keep
this type of electronic Record.

Description of Electronic Records. The “Records” covered by this E-Sign Consent include any disclosures, notices,
consents, authorizations, agreements, statements, or terms and conditions we may choose to display, deliver or
otherwise provide to you in electronic form in connection with the marketing, origination, and servicing of any
financial and non-financial products and services that you request or obtain from us, now and in the future,
including any that must be electronically signed and any that we are required or allowed by law to provide to you
in writing. We may display, deliver or provide these “Records” to you in electronic form: (i) when you apply for or
request prequalification for our financial products or services (for example, through application disclosures,
adverse action notices, and financial privacy notices); (ii) when we open, permit access, or provide you with
financial products and services (for example, through account opening disclosures, risk based pricing notices or
credit score disclosure exception notices, and any terms, conditions, or agreements for credit accounts, deposit
accounts, and ancillary products or services); and (iii) when we maintain, hold, service or collect financial products
and services for you and on your behalf (for example, through periodic statements, change in terms notifications,
adverse action notices, payment authorizations, financial privacy notices, transaction receipts or confirmations,
and servicing or collections communications and correspondence, including any allowed or required by applicable
law). We reserve the right to decide which Records to provide electronically and when to request your electronic
signature for those Records.

Description of Electronic Signatures. You agree that your electronic signature results from your use of a key pad,
touch screen, mouse or other device on a computer, mobile device or other electronic access device (each, an
“Access Device”) to select an item, button, box, icon or take similar action while you use any electronic service we
offer, now and in the future. You agree we can obtain your electronic signature and rely on it to provide access to
Records, to have you acknowledge receipt of Records, to have you authorize or give consent for transactions and
action, to accept our terms and conditions, and to enter into contracts and agreements with us that are
enforceable and binding on you, just as if you used a pen or pencil to sign a writing set forth on paper. You agree
that no certification authority or other third party verification is required to validate your electronic signature. You
agree that the lack of any such certification or third party verification will not in any way affect the enforceability
of your signature or resulting contract between you and us.

Hardware and Software Requirements. To view and print or save electronic Records, you must use an Access
Device that permits Internet access. You must have a printer or long-term storage device that allows you to print
or save electronic Records for future reference. You must use web browser software that supports the HTTPS
protocol, HTML, cookies, and encryption, such as current versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer®, Google
Chrome®, Mozilla Firefox®, or something similar. You must have software that allows you to view and print or save
PDF documents, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader X® or Foxit®. You must maintain a working electronic mail (“email”)
account that allows you to view and print or save any electronic Records we send to your designated email address
(including electronic Records displayed in the email message, attached to it, or displayed when you select links
included in the message). If we change the hardware or software requirements in a way that creates a material risk
that you will be unable to access or keep Records we previously provided to you in electronic form, we will display
the revised requirements on our website or otherwise send notice to you of the revised requirements. If you have
Consent for Use of Electronic Signatures and Records

questions about any hardware or software requirements, you may send an email to us at

Obtaining Paper Copies of Records. You may request paper copies of the Records we provide at any time. You
may ask us to send additional copies of a Record to your designated email address at no additional cost to you,
which may allow you to print paper copies of the Record using your own Access Device and printer. If you want to
receive paper copies from us of Records you previously authorized us to provide in electronic form, you may send
an email to us at Your request for a paper copy of any Record will not, by itself, mean
you have withdrawn your prior consent to receive Records electronically. If you withdraw your prior consent for
our use of electronic Records and signatures, your withdrawal of consent will not apply to any electronic Records
or signatures provided before the date your withdrawal of consent takes effect. We may require you to pay
reasonable charges for preparing and mailing paper copies of your Records, unless applicable law prohibits us from
imposing those charges.

How To Update Your Contact Information and Designated Email Address. If you have a working email address
and/or telephone number, we may require you to include and maintain that information as part of your personal
contact information. You agree to provide us with your correct and complete personal contact information and
promptly notify us of any changes, including changes in your designated email address, telephone, and mailing
address. You can update your contact information, including your email address, by sending an email to us at

Your Consent For Our Use of Electronic Records and Signatures. By electronically signing this E-Sign Consent as
described below, you agree that you reviewed this E-Sign Consent and verified that you can print or save a copy of
it with your records. You give your express consent to receive, view and electronically sign the Records that we
display, deliver and provide to you in electronic form when you use your Access Device on the websites and mobile
applications that we own, control or administer, including the electronic Records we display on our website or
mobile application and those we may send to your designated email address. You agree that the electronic
Records we send to your designated email address may include Records displayed in the email message, attached
to it or displayed when you select links included in the message. When a Record is electronically displayed on your
Access Device, you agree your electronic signature for the Record may include clicking on the displayed buttons,
selecting the displayed boxes, typing your name in a designated field or otherwise selecting an electronic facsimile
signature for the field, sending an email reply to a message transmitted to your designated email address, or taking
other affirmative actions described when you view an electronic Record displayed on your Access Device. Your
consent for our use of electronic Records and signatures will be effective unless you withdraw it in the manner
described below.

Changes To This E-Sign Consent. You understand and agree that we may, at any time, modify what this E-Sign
Consent requires or allows by posting a revised version of the E-Sign Consent on our websites and mobile
applications. If the changes we make to the E-Sign Consent create a material risk you will be unable to access or
keep Records we previously provided to you in electronic form, we will display the revised requirements to you on
our website and mobile applications or and send notices about the revised requirements to your designated email
account, your mailing address, or both.

Multiple Access Devices: Your acceptance of this E-Sign Consent on one Access Device is also your acceptance on
all Access Devices you use. For example, if you view and accept this E-Sign Consent on a mobile device, the terms
of this E-Sign Consent will apply to electronic Records accessed on a traditional computer (or vice versa).
Additionally, by viewing and accepting this E-Sign Consent on any Access Device, you are reasonably demonstrating
your ability to access and view electronic documents in the format the services are provided on that Access Device
and all subsequent Access Devices. If you change Access Devices (or use multiple Access Devices), you are
responsible for ensuring your new Access Device meets the applicable system requirements and you are still able
to access and view electronic Records on the subsequent Access Device. Continuing your application on other
Access Devices is reaffirmation of your agreement to this E-Sign Consent.
Consent for Use of Electronic Signatures and Records

Withdrawing Prior Consent for Electronic Records and Signatures. If, at any time after your initial consent for
electronic Records and signatures, you want to withdraw your prior consent, you may do so by sending an email to
us at We may, at our discretion and if not restricted by law, impose a reasonable fee if
you decide to withdraw your prior consent for our continued use of electronic Records and signatures. If you
withdraw your consent, you will no longer be permitted to use and obtain certain services through our website or
mobile application. Your withdrawal of consent will become effective after we have had a reasonable opportunity
to act upon it. If you withdraw your prior consent for our use of electronic Records and signatures, any electronic
Records and signatures provided and obtained before the effective date of your withdrawal will remain fully
effective, valid and enforceable.

Consent. By checking the E-Sign Consent box displayed on our website or mobile application, you agree that:
• You received, read and agree to the terms of this Consent for Use of Electronic Records and Signatures;
• You verified that your Access Device and its use satisfy the hardware and software requirements
described in this E-Sign Consent;
• You provided us with a correct and current email address where we may send electronic Records to you;
• You consent to your and our use of electronic Records and signatures in connection with any services you
request or obtain through our websites, mobile applications, the email address you provided requesting
or obtaining financial products and services from us, and any updated email address you may provide in
the future using the procedures described above.

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