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Agile Methodology

Agile methodology refers to an iterative and incremental approach to project

management that prioritizes customer satisfaction and adaptability. Let's
explore its key principles, benefits, and challenges.

by Kasina Tejaswini
Origins and Evolution
Agile methodology was born as a reaction to traditional project management
methods that were rigid and inflexible. In 2001, a group of industry experts
introduced the Agile Manifesto, which emphasized collaboration, flexibility,
and customer satisfaction over processes and tools. Since then, agile
methodology has evolved to include various frameworks and practices such
as Scrum, Kanban, and Lean.
Key Principles

Customer Involvement Iterative Approach

Customers actively participate in the development Development is done in small incremental cycles,
process, ensuring their needs are met. allowing teams to constantly test and adapt.

Continuous Delivery Collaboration and Communication

Deliverables are released frequently and regularly Team members work together closely and
to ensure quality and customer satisfaction. communicate regularly to ensure alignment and
Agile Framework and Practices
Sprint Review and
Sprint Planning Retrospective

Select and commit to a set of backlog Teams present their work to

items that will be completed in the next stakeholders, get feedback, and adjust
sprint, usually lasting 1-4 weeks. their approach for the next sprint.

1 2 3 4

Backlog Refinement Daily Stand-ups

Define and prioritize the product Team members meet every day to
backlog, ensuring that the most synchronize their work, identify
valuable features are developed first. obstacles, and plan their next steps.
Benefits of Agile Methodology

Increased Collaboration Improved Customer Increased Speed and

Satisfaction Efficiency
Teams work together more closely
and communicate regularly, leading Customers are involved in the Short development cycles and
to better alignment and productivity. development process, ensuring that frequent releases lead to faster time-
their needs are met and leading to to-market and quicker feedback
higher satisfaction rates. loops.
Challenges of Implementing
Agile Methodology
1 Resistance to Change 2 Quality Control

Many organizations are Without proper planning and

resistant to change and control, the iterative
prefer the traditional approach of agile
approach, making the methodology can lead to
adoption of agile poor quality deliverables.
methodology difficult.

3 Dependence on Teamwork

Agile methodology heavily relies on teamwork and collaboration,

making it difficult to implement in organizations with siloed teams
and departments.
Successful Examples

Spotify Amazon Microsoft

The music streaming giant uses The e-commerce giant's adoption Microsoft's transition to agile
agile methodology to quickly of agile methodology has led to methodology has led to faster
adapt to changing market faster and more efficient product releases and better collaboration
demands and user needs, leading development, making it one of across teams, leading to improved
to a successful IPO and continued the most successful companies in products and higher customer
growth. the world. satisfaction.
Agile methodology provides a flexible, customer-focused approach to project management that has been proven to
deliver better results than traditional methods. By following its key principles and adopting its frameworks and
practices, organizations can improve collaboration, speed, and efficiency while ensuring customer satisfaction and
quality deliverables.

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