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1. Adelia Putri
2. Afdhal Hafizh
3. Azhfarul Firgiawan
4. Ikhsan Maulana
5. Rahma Fauziah
6. Salma Rasikha
 Azhfarul firgiawan : dragon
 Ikhsan maulana : kule, buya
 Afdhal hafizh : king linge
 Rahma Fauziah : renggali
 Salma rasikha : sultan meurah
 Adelia putri : people


One day, Sultan Meurah received news about the people’s unrest, then he visited the
place where the unrest occurred, he pointed out the place to find out more about the
complaints of his people. The place is a village on the outskirts of Kuta Raja
People : Sultan, my cow disappeared early this morning. Yesterday 2
neighbor’s goats were also missing. Sometimes the hill causes earthquakes so that
landslides often occur and endanger people who pass down the hill.
Sultan Meurah : Since when did this incident happen?
People : It's been a long time my lord, before my lord's father died.
Sultan Meurah : Alright, please stay calm. I'll find out the cause.

When Sultan Meurah arrived at the palace, He called his best friend Renggali,
the younger brother of King Linge Mude.
Sultan Meurah : I have always been amazed by the hill in Lamnyong. Why is
there a hill that extends there even though around it are swamps that are always
Renggali : According to an old story, the hill suddenly appeared one night. My
brother, King Linge Mude, was suspicious of the hill the first time he visited Kuta
Raja, as if the hill was calling him.
Sultan Meurah : Try to find out what's really wrong with that hill!

So Renggali left for the hill, he traced every inch and side of the hill, starting
from the seafront in the north to the south side.
Renggali : A strange hill.
((Sing “Touch the Sky” by Julie Fowlis))
He climbed the higher part and stood on it, suddenly from under his feet warm
water flowed. Renggali was shocked and jumped down while rolling. Then a voice
appeared speaking to him.
Dragon : Please forgive me your majesty, sister of The King!
Renggali : Who are you? (while screaming)
Dragon : I am the Dragon, your father's best friend.
The water flowing more and more from the hill and followed by a roar.
Renggali was very surprised and paid close attention to the hill which was in the
shape of a giant snake's head even though it was filled with shrubs and trees.
Renggali : Oh, so is that you? Then where is my father?
Dragon : Call Sultan Alam first, and I will make a confession.
So Renggali immediately left the strange place. He arrived at the palace when
it was dark, Renggali told the strange incident to Sultan Meurah.
Sultan Meurah : Is that the Dragon who disappeared with your father? Why did he
want to see my father, didn't he know the Sultan was dead?
Renggali : I don't know why the dragon is looking for your father, Sultan Meurah.
Sultan meurah : okay, let's go there now
After that, Sultan Meurah and Renggali went to the hill, when they got there
suddenly the hill rumbled.
Dragon : Why doesn't Sultan Alam come?
Sultan Meurah : He has been dead, it's been a long time, why are you like this
Dragon? We thought you had returned to your country, and where is King Linge?
The hill rumbled so loudly that it terrified the people living near the hill.
Dragon : Please punish me your majesty. I truly deserves to be punished.
Renggali : tell us what happened dragon?
Dragon : Alright I will tell you
Then, The Dragon tells what happened at that day.

One day the dragon was ordered by Sultan Alam to deliver gifts in the form of
swords to his friends, all of them had arrived until only 2 swords remained for King
Linge and Tuan Tapa, so the dragon visited King Linge first, he also intended to go to
Tuan Tapa to take his wife’s medicine,
when he got there, Tuan Tapa entrusted 6 white buffaloes for Sultan Alam, the
buffaloes were really big.
Tuan Tapa : Thank you for delivering these swords dragon. And here are the
medicines for your wife King Linge. Then, I would like to entrust these buffaloes for
Sultan Alam please deliver them to him
King Linge : Of course Tuan Tapa
Then they left Tuan Tapa's home
All the way, dragon spoke in his heart
Dragon : Those buffaloes looks very fat and tempting.
Then, The dragon took 2 buffaloes and then ate them. At that time the king linge did
not see the incident.
King Linge : We lost 2 buffaloes. Dragon, did you see who took them?
Dragon : Kule the Tiger King is the thief, your majesty.
King Linge : Kule you are really outrageous, you take the buffalo right!
Kule : I don't understand, what do you mean your majesty? I didn’t take
King Linge : Shut up! I don’t need any excuses.
Without listening to Kule's explanation, King Linge killed him.
On the way from Linge to Kuta Raja, they rested on Peusangan Riverside. Suddenly
The Dragon's appetite to eat the delicious buffalo was awakened, then he stole 2
Dragon : Buya the Crocodile King is the thief your majesty
King Linge : Buya!

King Linge approached Buya, without saying a word King Linge immediately killed
When he was about to enter Kuta Raja, King Linge cleaned himself and changed
clothes by the river, then the dragon stole 2 more buffaloes and ate them, but this
time King Linge knew about it.
King Linge : DRAGON! Have you been eating the buffalo and then slandering the
Dragon : I didn't mean it like that your majesty.

Due to being ashamed of what he has done, the dragon attack King Linge they start
a fight and King linge uses a sword as his weapon.
At that time, King Linge didn't have the right opportunity to finish the dragon, in the
end the dragon was the one that came victorious and murdered King Linge
((Sing “when she loved me” by Sarah McLachlan))


After listening to the story of the dragon, Sultan Meurah and Renggali were very
Dragon : Forgive me, please punish me! (heard sobbing of the dragon)
Sultan Meurah : Why are you trapped here, Dragon?
Dragon : King Linge stabbed his sword into my body so that my body
was paralyzed and then fell and crushed him. a blow from King Linge to the ground
made the ground split open and I was buried here with him.
Sultan Meurah : Give him a punishment renggali, you and your brother have
more right to punish him.
Renggali : My father does not want to kill him, neither am i, I will release him.
Dragon : No! I want to be punished to pay for the evil that i have done.
Sultan Meurah : Then release him!
So the two of them walked around the dragon's body to look for King Linge's sword.
After finding it, Renggali pulled hard and released the sword, but the Green Dragon
still wouldn't move.
Dragon : Please, you have to punish me Sultan Meurah!
Sultan Meurah : You have received enough punishment from King Linge, his
sister has released you, now go to your country! *present perfect tense
While crying, the dragon shifted his body and slowly headed to the sea.
((Sing “Memories” by Maroon 5))
Then a groove or small river is formed due to the movement of the dragon. So later
in the day the area on the outskirts of Kuta Raja was called Alue Naga, there was a
small river which was surrounded by swamps which were always stagnant from the
regretful tears of a dragon who had betrayed his best friend.

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