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Unravelling the Effects of Expansive Soil on Masonry House

Construction: An In-Depth Review.

M.A.H.A. Ahamed1, C. Jayasinghe2*, I. Erandi3*, S. Dihari4*
Undergraduate Researcher, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa
Senior Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa
Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa
National Building Research Organization, Sri Lanka

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Abstract: Expansive soil poses a significant threat to lightweight structures globally. The
volumetric changes in this type of soil due to varying moisture levels present challenges for civil
engineering. In the dry zone of Sri Lanka, expansive soils have been identified, particularly
affecting lightweight masonry houses without proper engineering approaches. The lack of
knowledge, improper construction methods, and inadequate maintenance contribute to the
significant effects of expansive soil on these structures. The primary objective of this research is
developing a crack-free masonry model house concept under expansive soil conditions.
Higurangoda is taken as case study area for this research. By analysing and evaluating of soil
properties and causes of existing damages of the 70 masonry houses those are located in the case
area, detailed understanding of the situation is obtained. From that detailed understanding, most
suitable soil stabilization method and proper foundation type can be suggested. And suggested
soil stabilization method and proper foundation type can be validated by finite element analysis
with use of Sap2000 and Plaxis 2D. The outcome of the research is that provide guidelines and
recommendation for the construction of masonry houses on the case study area and areas which
are similar type of soil properties as case study area.

Keywords: Expansive soil, masonry house, soil stabilization, foundation.

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