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Active Age Report

Amruta Narayan Swain


Your Detailed Report

Every journey begins with first step and getting to know your Activ Age is a step in the right direction, when it comes to living a
healthy life

Here is your active age vs your real age.

Current Age Active Age

31 33

Let's take a look at your health meter.

Active age is greater than actual age.


Normal Range Your Score What does this means ?

Body Mass Index 18.5 - 24.9 19.47 Keep it up! Your BMI is normal
which means you are at a healthy
weight. Remember, the higher
your BMI, greater the risk of heart
disease, kidney disease, diabetes
and cancer. Guideline: Normal BMI
is between 18.5 and 24.9.

Blood Pressure 130/85 mm/Hg or less Normal (130/85 mmHg or less) You indicated that your blood
pressure is 130/85 mmHg or
less.Great! Your blood pressure
level is normal. It is important to
maintain this since high blood
pressure can lead to
cardiovascular disease.Guideline:
Normal blood pressure is 130/85
mm/Hg or less.

Blood Glucose Less than 140 mg/dl I don't know You indicated that you do not
know your current glucose level.If
you have not had your glucose
checked, you need to get it done
as soon as possible - go and get
your free health assessment, if
you have not done so yet. This is
since you might be at risk of
developing cardiovascular disease
and it will affect your Healthy
Heart Score. You can also suffer
from nerve damage that can
cause foot problems, vision loss
and kidney failure.Guideline:
Normal glucose level is 140 or

Cholesterol Less than 200 mg/dl Normal (< 200 mg/dL) You specified that your current
cholesterol level is less than 200
mg/dl.Great news! Your total
cholesterol levels are normal. It is
important to maintain this as too
much cholesterol in your blood
can result in blocked arteries and
might cause a heart attack or
stroke.Guideline: Normal
cholesterol level is 200 mg/dl or

Do you or anyone you live with NA Never smoked Being a non-smoker reduces your
smoke? risk of getting strokes, heart
attacks or cancer. However, being
a passive or occasional smoker
can increase these risks.


Your Score What does this means ?

Have you ever lived in or near a metro for No You indicated that you didn’t live in or near a
more than 10 years? large city for more than 10 years.This is good
news! Remember, being exposed to the
pollutants from large cities can increase your
risk of developing lung disease and cancer.

Do you chew tobacco? No Not chewing tobacco reduces your risk of

getting oral cancer, gum disease, heart
disease and losing your teeth.

What's your profession? Select an Supervisor/Manager A medium level non-manual job means a
appropriate option: lower risk of developing cardiovascular

Do you feel like you have a healthy work/ No You don’t have a healthy work/live balance.
life balance? Take time to try and improve this balance. An
unbalanced life can increase your risk of
developing cardiovascular disease; increase
your body fat, cholesterol levels and cause
anxiety and depression.Guideline: Achieve
work/life balance and avoid stress

Do you ever feel so stressed on daily No Your stress on a daily basis does not affect
basis that it affects your ability to enjoy your ability to enjoy life. Good stuff!
Remember stress can increase your risk of
developing cardiovascular disease, increase
your weight/body fat, cholesterol levels and
cause anxiety and depression.Guideline: Avoid


Your Score What does this means ?

How many glasses of water do you drink 6 - 10+ You drink between 4 and 10 glasses of water a
in a day? day.Good for you! Remember water prevents
dehydration, which commonly causes fatigue;
it lubricates the joints and body during
digestion while regulating body
temperature.Guideline: Drink between 6 to 8
glasses a day

How many alcoholic drinks do you have None You don’t take alcoholic drinks.Excellent!
during a week? Remember, alcohol can worsen mental health
conditions like depression, can affect the
brain and body functioning, while also
increasing your risk of developing
cardiovascular disease.

Do you eat 3 or more servings of whole Yes, I do You eat 3 or more servings of whole grains per
grains per day? day.Keep it up. Eating three or more portions
of whole grains per day will reduce your risk of
developing cardiovascular disease, give you
energy and help you to maintain a healthy
weight. Remember to avoid foods such as
white bread and potatoes.Guideline: Eat at
least 3 servings a day

Do you eat healthy fats (like nuts or fish) Yes You eat healthy fats or more times per
two or more times a week? week.Keep it up! Remember eating two or
more portions of healthy fats per week will
reduce your risk of developing cardiovascular
disease, help with osteoporosis and infections
and reduce your risk of developing dementia
and cancer.Guideline: Eat at least 2 servings a

Do you consume any milk product (butter, Yes Try as much as possible to limit your intake of
cheese, full cream milk or curd) two or butter, cheese and/or full cream
milk.Remember, these types of food can
more times per week?
increase your risk of developing
cardiovascular disease, increase your weight
and cholesterol levels.Guideline: Eating low-
fat dairy options and choosing lean meat.

Do you eat 5 or more fruits and No You dont eat 5 or more fruit and
vegetables per day? vegetables per day.Please try and
increase your fruit and vegetable intake
to five or more portions per day. This will
reduce your risk of developing
cardiovascular disease, give you energy
and help you to maintain a healthy
weight.Guideline: Eat at least 5 servings
a day

Do you eat sweet treats on most days I don't care for it Keep it up! Remember sweet treats can
of the week? increase your risk of developing
cardiovascular disease, increase your weight
and cholesterol levels. Guideline: Do not eat
high-fat or sugary baked goods.

Do you eat deep -fried or junk food on Hardly ever Keep it up! Remember deep-fried and junk
most days of the week? foods can increase your risk of developing
cardiovascular disease, increase your weight
and cholesterol levels. Guideline: Do not eat
deep-fried or fatty foods.


Your Score What does this means ?

How often do you do 30 minutes of cardio 1-2 times a week You indicated that you exercise 1 to 2 times a
a week? week.Cool, you’re on your way to better
health. If you do moderate-intensity cardio on
most days of the week for at least 30 minutes,
you lower your risk of disease and you might
live longer. You can also lower cholesterol
levels, stabilise blood pressure and blood
sugar levels. Guideline: Try to exercise at least
3 times a week.

At what intensity would you rate your Somewhat hard You specified that you do cardio with a
cardio? somewhat hard intensity.You’re on track! This
effort is sufficient to gain the possible benefits
that exercise has to offer. Guideline: Attempt
to increase your intensity effort to be at least
between very hard and maximal effort.

How often do you do moderate to high Not at all You currently do not do any muscle
intensity muscle strengthening exercise? strengthening exercises.It’s a good idea to
start training using your body weight or with
weights. Muscle-strengthening exercises two
or more times a week can reduce your risk of
falling, improve your ability to perform daily
activities (like playing with children, carrying
groceries), increase your bone mass and
muscle mass. Did you know for each 1 kg of
muscle mass you add to your body, you burn
about 30 calories extra a day?

How many hours a day do you sit? I sit for most of the day. (8 to10 hours a day) You sit between 8 to 10 hours a day.You could
get up more. Sitting more than 8 hours a day
can increase your risk of developing heart
disease, diabetes, obesity and cancer.
Guideline: Remember to always sit less than
10 hours a day

How many hours do you sleep at night? less than 6 hours a day You currently sleep less than 6 hours a
day.Sleep is your friend! For optimal health
and to improve your daily activities, you need
at least 8 hours of good sleep per night.
Please try and get to bed earlier so that you
can get a good night’s rest.

My physical activity plan.

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