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Ayam Jago dan Matahari

Ada banyak kegiatan yang harus dilakukan ayam jago, jadi ia

membangunkan matahari untuk memberikannya sedikit cahaya.
Kegiatan apa yang akan dilakukan ayam jago hari ini?

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Ayam Jago dan Matahari
ຄຳແກ້ວ ຍອດຄຳຂັນ

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"Kukuruyuk!" Ayam jago berkokok.

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"Ayo kita bangun," panggil ayam kepada matahari. "Sekarang sudah
pagi," ucap ayam.

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"Apa yang kau butuhkan?" tanya matahari. "Aku butuh cahaya," jawab
ayam jago.

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"Apa yang kau lakukan? tanya matahari. "Aku membasuh wajahku,"
jawab ayam jago.

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"Apa yang kau lakukan?" tanya matahari. "Aku sedang menyapu,"
jawab ayam jago.

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"Apa yang kau lakukan?" tanya matahari. "Aku mencuci pakaian,"
jawab ayam jago.

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"Apa yang kau lakukan?" tanya matahari. “Aku mencari makanan,”
jawab ayam jago..

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"Kembali ke rumah, hari sudah gelap," ucap matahari. "Aku akan tidur,"
jawab ayam jago.

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Matahari terlelap di balik gunung. Ayam jago terlelap di dalam kandang.

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Matahari dan ayam jago tertidur pulas. Bulan dan bintang kini
menampakkan sinarnya di langit malam!

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Pum Anh Lao is a nonprofit, social enterprise that publishes children’s
books and promotes reading for disadvantaged groups. Pum Anh
conducts writers’ workshops with children and adults to develop stories
– including for children with disabilities and for ethnic minorities. Pum
Anh has developed, designed and illustrated a wide range of teaching
and reading materials for UN agencies and NGOs, working closely with
the Ministry of Education and Sports and the Ministry of Information,
Culture and Tourism.

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This work was created with the support of the All Children Reading: A
Grand Challenge for Development (ACR GCD) Founding Partners (the
United States Agency for International Development [USAID], World
Vision, and the Australian Government) in partnership with the Global
Book Alliance. This work was prepared by The Asia Foundation and does
not necessarily reflect the views of ACR GCD Founding Partners or the
Global Book Alliance. Such modifications or translations are not an
official translation of the ACR GCD, and ACR GCD will not be liable for
any content or errors in this translation.

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Brought to you by
Let's Read is an initiative of The Asia Foundation's Books for Asia
program that fosters young readers in Asia and the Pacific. To read more books like this and get further
information, visit
Original Story ວງກຂອງຂ້ອຍ (The Rooster and the Sun), Author: ຄຳແກ້ວ
ຍອດຄຳຂັນ. Illustrator: ສຸກສາຄອນ. Published by The Asia Foundation - Let's
Read, © The Asia Foundation - Let's Read.
Released under CC-BY-4.0.
This work is a modified version of the original story. © The Asia
Foundation, 2021. Some rights reserved. Released under CC-BY-4.0.
For full terms of use and attribution,
Contributing translators: Jaco Roesch

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