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aes, NATIONAL YOUTH COMMISSION TABLE OF ewn x Localization of Philippine Youth Bovolopment Plan Cc O i iT = I IT S provessing of Punds Opening of Bank Accounts Bonding of Sk Officials Issuance of TIN - Bids and Awards Committee Composition 16 ‘Trainings Conducted i and Conduct of Procurement Assessor's Training NSTP-CWTS Exemption Gender Sensitivity Training Training on Training Management Sangguniang Kabataan Web Portal uv Local Youth Development Officer Summit 3 Pilot Testing 5 ze Sangguning Kabataan National 6 a2 Convention Summit Local Government Unit Mapping Competency Based Human Resource Development Framework TRAININGS CONDUCTED Being tasked under RA 10742 to provide trainings for the Sangguniang Kabataan, the Commission continually gave trainings not only for the Sangguniang Kabataan, but also for the Local Youth Development Officers the basic concept of Gender and Development (GAD). increase their to further enhance their skills. enabling them to serve their duties more. awareness in gender issues, as well as the relevance poet Assessor's Training This training conducted last Nov. 12-15 aims to equip necessary skills and knowledge to service providers for the conduct of the Sangguniang Mindanao attended City and Provincial Youth Development Officers from Luzon, Visayas. and the Local Youth Development Officers and Kabataan Continuing and Mandatory Training, Sangguniang Kabataan Secretariat Training on Training Management NYC gathered 75 program participants for this event 1 2 LOCAL YOUTH DEVELOPMENT OFFICER SUMMIT in an effort to further espacitate Leeal Youth Davelepment Offcers 1LYDO=) National Youth Commission eeganized its very frst Loeal Youth Development: Summit eniBecember 3 to 5 ‘The simultaneous summit held at Develapment Academy of the Philippines Conference Center and Motel Tagaytay City (Luzon, Quest Hotel. Cebu Gity says, Marca Pola Hotel ‘Dava0 City tMindana6), convened all DOs in ach region. ‘During the summa. Lacal Youth Development Officers were given a platform to eseuss about recent guidelines such as DILG Memorandum Ocular 158-2039 knowns tho Planning forthe. Local Youth Development Plan (LYDP!. Comprehensive Barangay Youth Development Plan (CBYDPI, and Anna Barangay Youth Inveslmant Program (ABVIP), as welLas the Government Procurement Policy Board (GPPB) Circular No. 07-2019 which lal the guidelines en tho Bids {and Awards Committee {BAC} Composition and Procurement ofthe SK Oficiais. .Y PILOT ° - TESTING 4s stated in the SK Reform Law (RA 10742), National Youth Commission's core function isto provide Continuing and Mandatory Training for Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) Officials and Local Youth Development Offcers L¥00) In an afflert to further capacilate the SKs and LYOGs, there ian initiative todevolop modules that wil ac thomin teaming the skills and knowledge noedad to succesfully Full Uheir dues. Modules being developed by the Comnrlasion one pilot tested te determine their effectiveness and the quality ofits content. Hare are the fetlowing modules keveloped and pilot tested this year Leadership ‘he Pot Testng on Leadership conduc by tho Commission in areas of Bilan. NER Sorsogon and Surgne startedonJyu ntl November thisyeor frth a Wat of 00 program portcpants allonmete. Tho rode see apocae the SK Gnd DE meerbars lm cen Malang and project preparation forthe ovate a: Disaster Risk Reduction een ae oe ee teen porrgerriegraep reruirire mn reaver N eT caren tatele marae Resource Mobilization NYChotloves that eapacitating efelals aa rossures mabilizatin wil help ther build harmanious relationships with partners and stakeholders to maximize the potential of projects and activities conducted in the community. with that. NYC. pilot tested the resewrce mebilization module in NCR, Tacloban. and Surigao, XN 4 Bottom-up Planning and Budgeting Proper planaing and budgeting és vital for a skilful project execution, thus, the Commision tegother with the Laeal Govornment Academy faelitated the pile testing for this module that was conducted at Sagada, Aklan.and Koranadalwith 114 program participants Basic Course on Project Management Conducted along with Bottom-up Planning and Budgeting Module, this module aimete teach the process and tho tocls neadod to emphasize the value of Incorporating youth development and empowerment in managing. programs. projects and activities Ethical Decision Making All SK Offcials must bo competent enougiht to Independently perform and apply the concopt of values and duties ef a Public Oficial hence, the module an EINEsL Decision Making wis endatec! dnd pill toated By the Comenissien. Hata fat Pangasinan, Cebu, and Zamboanga the pilot testing gathered 123 program particpants. Dynamics and Local Governance ‘Tho Dynamics and Local Government module intends to strangthan the understanding ef the value of information In achieving SK services as well as tho engagemont in the context of citizenship and policy environment in Local Governance by familiarizing the structure and resolutions, The Pilot Testing accumulated 130 program participants and was held in Subic. Bohol and Cagayan Ge Ore, The National Youth Commission ‘conducted the Sangguniang Kabataan National Convention ana Summer Camp 2029 ‘60 April 26-29 in Baguio Country Club, Baguio iy, NYG convened aver 300 program [participants across 17 regions for this event. Farmer N¥e Chaiperson Ronald Gian Carlo ardor: oftaly woicomed the delopates = vn ae Tomarks, followed by 9 "special guest Philppine Army ‘Hoses. and Lieutenant Matteo Cudeceli es oe ommissioner-t-uarge. "Paul Anthony fainginar Commnisionera-Largo. James Pee tee oe coerce Representing Visayas, eto ere procied Sete een ion ue the access of SK funds ie tercnacien Del Rosario. ‘Circular No.1 20191 Commission on Audit guide- {inos on the disbursement of funds: Benefits of Sk ‘Offciais: Nationalism, Nation-Bullding, National ‘and Local Seaurity Concéms, Votre Eduestion DDissster Response, Environment Protection and ‘Coastal Cleanups; First-Ald and Survival Training. Personnel and officials from Department of ‘Budget Management (BM), Commission on Aucit (COR) Deparimont of Interior and. Local Governance (OIG), Commission on Election {COMELEC). National Disaster Risk Reduction Management Counci. (NDRRMG), Department of Environment and National Resources (DENRD, and ‘Commission on Higher Education (CHED) were ‘iso present duting the event to educate ‘SK Leaders and enlighten them about thie queries and concerns During the last day ef convention, DILG Secretary, Eduardo M Aie talked about the youth's role i antiinsurgency initiatives and prevention of ‘Violent extremism. SK Leaders were givena tour at the Philippine Military Academy and immersed ‘with its students, AN ett te Pe ea Tess Baa Tae EET the ave partnered with the ed The project socks to faciitate Development Academy of the output forthis wil the development of a the Phiippines (DAP) in an phe output fo Cirtelarny Compstency, Framework. Agency-to-Agency Mode of famework (Module and fand Procurement’ NYC chose profes) for Sk Omcials and DAP due. to tno technical Prose! for SK Ofieals and LYD0s, “and “the NYG expertise in organizational Gr'tonarigs. containing. the Raa evelopment and creating Cictonaries containing the earaignen iy framerate leadership competencies of Se me a aa The project enontaton and inal assessment started On Sree ae eal Gsobu 539 he tan the sks, wewillbeabiotode- Of Competencies, for EVDOS termine and entity what are Was Nell last Octobor 16-1 the toring necdse enable 2ot9. The project expacted them to perform efficiently, "endon Fane 2020 miner a er O00 cation of competencies for Oo To ensure the Commission's efficient E performance for the Sangguniang Kabataan, an initiative to develop comprehensive directories of Sangguniang Kabataan (SK), Local Youth Development Officers (YOO), and Local Youth Development Council (LYDC) members. in full swing, Such initiative is envisioned to create a mechanism te simplify the mobilization of Ks. LYDOs, and LYDC members in lieu of trainings and consultations Further, the data gathered from the assessment of the SKs ‘and LYDOs willbe used primarily as baseline data for decision-making of the Commission ‘and for other purposes. Moreover. such undertaking will provide assistance fos monitoring the compliance of the Sks, Creating their youth development NVC Personnel wil be useful to holp foeus the employees ahaviour on the mandate, Vision ane mission of the NYC YO eet OF ray on (MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR No. £019-151 WVINCIAL GOVERNORS, CITY AND MUNICIPAL MAYORS, PUNONG BARANGAYS, SANGGUNIANG KANATAAN, CHAIRPERSONS, MEMERS, SECRETARIES, TREASURERS AND PEDERASYON OFFICERS, PROVINCIAL, CITY AND MUNICIPAL YOUTH DEVELOPMENT OFFICERS, LOCAL YOUTH DEVELOPMENT COUNCILS AT ALL LEVELS, DILG REGIONAL DIRECTORS AND FIELD OFFICERS, HARMM MINISTER OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND ALL OTHERS CONCERNED sumject GUIDELINES ON LOCAL YOUTH DEVELOPMENT PLANNING, COMPREHENSIVE BARANGAY YOUTH DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND ANNUAL BARANGAY YOUTH INVESTMENT PROGRAMMING OF THE NATIONAL YOUTH COMMISSION ‘ct 10742, otherwise nown asthe Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) Reform Act of ides for Spats ‘of the Local Youth Development Plan (LYDP). the Tavestment Program (AUYIB) i ft the bases of the abort-inentioned law and JMC. the National Youth Commissson approved on the 1* day ef August 2019, the Guidelines on Local Youth Developmen Planning, Comprehensive Barangay Youth Development Planning, and Annual Barangay Youth Investment Programming is NYC Resolution No. 4 Adeninistrative Series 2019. Jn this regard, all concerned $K Officials, Provincial Cty and Municipal Oficers of the Pederasyen ng mga Sangruniang Kabataan and Youth Developenent Councils al levels, jose to ebserve the guidelines, processes, and indicative timlines in the ation of thar respective LYDP, CBYDP and ABYP. SOFFICIAL SRELEASED? Ee raw 2ULIUS 0, GUTTERREZ Executive rector and COO ‘National Youth Commission =) i @ LANDBANK DEPARTMENT OF BUOGET ANO MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL OOVERIMENT (08) (TIONAL YOUT? NATIONAL YOUTH COMMISSION (NYC) cameo Joint Memorandum Cireuiar (JMC) No.1 2. 2019 Greeengs trom the Land Bank of ie Pratppines! ‘Date: __Jomuary 23, 2019 | ‘This refers. to your letter dated May 20, 2019 requesting for our standard procedures. i coarng on sce. Hay we wept Jel Bak soon boone of Oe Dak OL, et Joint: Memorandven 1 on, Lees edger Offlons, Local Tresatrs Leet! tna Panag ‘Creu Ha. 2019-001 ~ Guideines on the Approeration, Relose, Semana, Lac Ager, cl You Deconaet Ofer, avonry ‘and buapeees Pecene br Ou Serppatarg Soe (3) Roce, eo tave eae? pela’ (Gx), OK Treamerer OK Secret, eno At OPS ‘ow Branches: to facitate the opening of current account for the SK folowing our existing ‘TION, SUBJECT | GUIDELINES ON THE APPROPRIATION, RELEASE, PLANNING AND BUDGETING PROCESS FOR THE $K FUNDS. | ‘sk the Branch where their Barangay is maintaining an account and fokowing: 1d LEGAL BASIS ‘& At least one (1) original valid photorbearing 1D of the SK Chairperson and the SK Treasurer \rascrdance wes Sesion 20 (ate SK Refom Ato 2018 (Rabe At A Toleah ar sere 9M eds poner Undcte barsrocs santa eel coc aectes ._Two (2) recent ID ghotos ofthe SX Chairperson and the $i Treasurer SK Tne sanaouion Saran shat val apron ha Asc ang-som arch sh be disburse fr youth development and empoere:ment purposes, Furmarmore, yecton ZU (0) ot the sume law provides that te SK shall havé tranciat inceperdence nits eperatons, disbursements, and enceshment of Pek fund, come and enpendiros Tins UTS aT SANGGUNIANG ren aa tas cnet Ly PLANNING AND B Z is wp reroaneage renpt your etter ented 0s Jose 2089 siesta eth as Tomar 6, Hai, requesting fr stnanr procedure 00 opening of bank ecownts for SK ed aie Sepcprate = ‘We thank you for rasing the coocera with vs ad we wih to nfo that opening an account for SK prosaraten purposes, the barangay Wasaurer shal intr, Uransactom beng goverment endtyceguces te fokowing: Dy cateaton of neerme Gerd tro pyc ltwtg eee ee err ee ane cessksion creation he CONEY CIRCULAR 07. fase Tet Art ta da oul Imptammantireg baecrRano RA No TTA OMe COM son nant xcs Bieter 8 | taal nus ee KABATAAN OFFICIALS FROM errr eas Sua hae h Le Res OF TIN OF ree gaa clay EMPTION OF THE 8K OFFICIALS rhOM 4A, The State. rwcopizos te ‘snail ital role a aa ota Se aoe amen a ree Ca nee ee prograppierr ea I AS PROJECT BRIEF SK WEB PORTAL eS = WHAT IS THE SK WEB PORTAL? COMES ALA es ESHA VENTER, The Sagguniang Kabstasa (SK) Web Portal is Multilevel and Mult-ntertaceplatiorm taecineh eee for SK Officials, Local Youth Development Councils, and Local Youth Development Olticers nationwide UURENDE ANTHONY BESTRD COMES REPRESEN ZN ims tecollect and provide evidence-based and accurate, timely, and reliable data on the [FFOER BW OUNCE EXEMVEDECTOR ‘youth reinforcing the vision of NYC ta be the voice and advocate of youth, ‘veroroe sana COMOONE REPRESENT YAS WHAT WILL IT CONTAIN? Datahases and Templates e-Learning Component aca! Youth Davelopment Plane = Mandatory Teasing (MT) Mesbiles (eyo): Continuing Training {CT} Modules Comprehensive Barangay Youth Development Plans (CBYDPs) ecories ‘Annual Youth Barangay = NYC Dieectory Investment Program (ABYIP) = 8k and LYDODirectary Youth Profiling Tamiplates Natlonal Katipunan ng Kabataan PROJECT PHASES NYC MODULES AND DIRECTORIES TEMPLATES and undates on NYC SK MTand CT moses, projeets snd othee templates of plans announcements DATABASES cLouD AND OTHER HOSTING DIRECTORIES Launching and End Giriecesshivies User Grientation CBVOPs, ABY'PS, ana SK Policiesand Guldelines csuncoue NN TEM LAN SHVTELA MP (SON EF RENAL VOTH DEVELOPMENT VON evs ouszoN ASSSIAAT VSENCEE OREM AMRESTRATE ASSSTANT ane OES Can neu AISEENEL evLAS VE NOMER LA FEOONZ2 CARSON Senora RELARARLLAP NAGFEOONTES: AmUNED NEES VER eon YD EL och ERY ARIEL (gee Lose OO VE—SHEROAN GLETE eso Ban) EO CARAGA KAREN ANOVER, FeO AR YE DELACRZ AA MALOU WexITE TRAINING DEVELOPMENT AN MANAGEMENT WNT ‘8. fsa HAD) ASLMeDLAD rE secRELUN (NTABASE AND EVALATON TEAM Suan Peak ERSHAD ERA UMLOSINTOS. ARNEL CATIA os a uROD POLY AND OONLCATHRS TEAM AUUNUARY SCHON. ESSE GARANMANLABUN LESTER aNEELA rut mo. OVELcPueT a Tsao TEA CUFFORORATHNNAD—LESLEENOCR MERSIN AGUA ZEACUESRERD

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