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Tugas Ekonomi



Ch 1

 Nomor 3
Define each of the following terms carefully and give examples: PPF, scarcity, productive
efficiency, inputs, outputs
PPF adalah
 Nomor 2
The late George Stigler, an eminent conservative Chicago economist, wrote as follows:
No thoroughly egalitarian society has ever been able to
construct or maintain an effi cient and progressive economic
system. It has been universal experience that some
system of differential rewards is necessary to stimulate
workers. [ The Theory of Price, 3d ed. (Macmillan, New York,1966), p. 19.]
Are these statements positive or normative economics?
Discuss Stigler’s view in light of Alfred Marshall’s quote in question 1. Is there a confl ict?

CH 2
 Nomor 3
This chapter discusses many “market failures,” areas in which the invisible hand guides the
economy poorly, and describes the role of government. Is it possible that there are, as well,
“government failures,” government attempts to curb market failures that are worse than the
original market failures? Think of some examples of government failures. Give some examples in
which government failures are so bad that it is better to live with the market failures than to try
to correct them.

Consider three periods of American history: ( a) the early 1800s, when Jones lived on an isolated
farm cut off from the rest of the world; ( b ) the late 1940s, when Smith lived in a country where
domestic trade and exchange was extensive but international trade was cut off because of
damage from World War II; and ( c) 2009, when Hall lives in a globalized world that promotes
trade with all countries. Suppose you were living in each of these situations. Describe the
opportunities for specialization and division of labor of Jones, Smith, and Hall. Explain how the
globalized world in ( c) both allows greater productivity of Hall and allows a much greater variety
of consumption goods. Give specifi c examples in each case.

CH 1
Describe some of the trade-offs faced by each of the following: a. a family deciding whether to
buy a new car b. a member of Congress deciding how much to spend on national parks c. a
company president deciding whether to open a new factory d. a professor deciding how much
to prepare for class e. a recent college graduate deciding whether to go to graduate school
You are trying to decide whether to take a vacation. Most of the costs of the vacation (airfare,
hotel, and forgone wages) are measured in dollars, but the benefits of the vacation are
psychological. How can you compare the benefits to the costs?

CH 3
 Under what conditions is the production possibilities frontier linear rather than bowed out?
 Explain how absolute advantage and comparative advantage differ.
CH 6
Give an example of a price ceiling and an example of a price floor.
Explain why economists usually oppose controls on prices.

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