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Senior High School is kind of beautiful story in my life.

Lots of amazing moments and experiences

happened to me in this pace. I had many friends, joined lots of event, organizations, and
competitions. Not only happy moments and excellent experiences, Senior High School was also
challenges to me. Because of that, I made much of self improvement such as became wise and wiser,
had good management skill, and became more discipline person.

After I graduated from junior high school and had been accepted in one of the best Senior High
School in my town, high expectation had been given to me from my parent and especially my father
told me to take science study for my senior High school. Then, Science study became my choice for
my high school based on my limited knowledge about consentration studies. And that also became
my regreted choice.

being in the middle science studies such as Biology, fisika, kimia was challenge to me in my high
school life. I realized that science studies wasn’t my cup of tea in the last year in my senior high
school so I took the social studies for my collage selection test.

Not good at science studies didn’t mean that easier to me to learn social studies. On that moment, I
was so insecure and afraid if I wouldn’t pass the collage selection test. My friends that had been
learned social studies for three years in senior high school already studied hard. That made My bad
expectation of myself became bigger. At the beginning, my study cycle was controlled by my bad
expectation for my self. Focused….., the suitable statement for me. Fortunately, becauce of my best
support system, Allah and my parents, I became tough and today I’am here.

Kyai Haji Ahmad Dahlan was born on August 1868 in Yogyakarta and the pioneer of Muhammadiyah.
Muhammadiyah gave many big positive impacts especially in education and health. It is common
thing that we can easily found Muhammadiyah School, Hospital, and University particularly in
Yogyakarta. Only a few people know that Kyai Haji Ahmad Dahlan was also batik entrepeur. In my
opinion, KH ahmad dahlan succed to imply Good management skills in his organization.

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