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Aislynn Margarette B.

AB Polsci II

Answer the ff. questions:

1. Why did Zeus devise the Trojan War? (5 pts)

- It was because Zeus seemed to have realized that the earth was getting terribly overcrowded. To
solve the problem of overpopulation, he devised the Trojan War.

2. Why was Helen called "Helen of Troy? (5 pts)

- Helen earned the epithet "Helen of Troy" due to her pivotal role in the events surrounding the
Trojan War. After being abducted by Paris, who was aided by Aphrodite, Helen was taken to Troy
where she resided for the duration of the war. Her presence in Troy became synonymous with the
conflict itself, as her abduction served as one of the primary catalysts for the war's outbreak. Thus,
"Helen of Troy" not only signifies her physical location during the war but also her symbolic
importance as a central figure in the epic saga of the Trojan War.

3. If you were Paris, whose offer would you accept? Why? (7 pts)
- I would rather accept Athena’s offer. This decision is based on practicality and long-term thinking.
With power and dominion, I can establish myself as a formidable ruler, commanding respect and
influence over vast territories. This choice allows me to secure a position of strength and authority,
which can benefit me in various ways, including protection, wealth, and status. Additionally, by
choosing power, I am not bound by the potential complications and uncertainties of love or the
uncertainties of battles that wisdom entails. Ultimately, Hera's offer provides a clear path to securing
my ambitions and ensuring a prosperous future.

4. Basing on Paris' choice, how would you characterize him? (7 pts)

- Paris was a rather impulsive man, it was as if his self interest and desire took over, that he ended up
mindlessly choosing Aphrodite’s offer without the use of critical thinking. His decision is driven by his
romantic notions, rather than strategic thinking or moral considerations. He selects the option that
offers him personal gratification and fulfillment, without fully considering the ramifications for others,
such as the potential for war and suffering.

5. Explain this statement, " myths are public dreams, dreams are private myths."- 8 pts.
- Myths and dreams are somehow parallel to each other, for they both contain unrealistic occurences,
a sense of symbolism, and are both expressions of the human imagination. Myths become public
dreams, because myths share a similarity with dreams, in a sense where dreams give us a feeling of
familiarity to myths. It becomes interconnected, because our minds, our consciousness, and our
interpretations, says so.

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