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1. What is the myth about? Is it about a family quarrel? Or about the beginning of the world? Is it
about both? Explain. (8 pts.)

- The myth was about the beginning of the world, and how it turned to a series of family quarrel. It
first began with nothingness or chaos, until such time, two creatures were also created, namely Gaia
(Mother Earth), and Uranus (Father Heaven). The two became a pair, and had three sets of children.
The first (Monsters) and second (Cyclops) sets of children were sent to the underworld by Uranus as
they were hideous, and as the third set of children were born, the Titans, Gaia feared that they would
also be sent to the underworld by Uranus, so she motivated her children to go against their own
father. The youngest titan named Kronus did, and so he used a scythe in attempt to kill his father. He
was successful, but Uranus escaped. Uranus then cursed Kronus that history will repeat and Kronus
will also be killed by his own son, which became a longtime curse for the next generations.

2. What was Uranus' attitude toward his first six children? What was Gaia's
reaction? (6 pts.)
- Uranus was disgusted by how hideous the first six children looked, and Gaia was dismayed, as it was
their own children. Uranus then sent them to the underworld without hesitation. His attitude showed
no sympathy, empathy, love, nor mercy towards his own off-springs, he was apathetic.

3. Characterize Zeus. (6 pts.)

- Zeus is the mere definition of a womanizer. He had too many women, and had children with them,
which caused him confusion as to whom will be the destined child to continue the generational curse
of Uranus. He is also the definition of greed. He was greedy of women, even marrying his own sister,
and he was greedy of power, as he didn’t allow the curse to happen, using everything, even
threatening and punishing Prometheus for his own sake.

4. What made Prometheus steal the fire? (6 pts.)

- Prometheus knew that if he asked Zeus for permission, Zeus wouldn’t allow it. Which is why
Prometheus resorted to stealing fire from the sun, for the sake of the lives of his creation, which is the

5. Does the end justify the means- in the case of Prometheus? Explain. (7 pts.)

- Yes, as it was done for the good, for the lives of the people who were dying due to the coldness.
Prometheus knew that stealing the fire would cause him consequences, yet, he still did it, for he
didn’t want any more deaths from his creation. So yes, in his case the end does justify the means, for
he stole only a little portion of the sun, and it didn’t negatively affect anyone, and it was done for a
very valid reason.

6. Was it advantageous or disadvantageous opened the box? Explain. (7 pts.)

- I think that it was advantageous, because if it hadn't been opened, humans would probably be
immortals, and if ever that happens, it can even be possible that the humans might go against the
Gods, which will create more chaos. It was also advantageous because aside from all the negative
things that came out of the box, there was still one good thing that came out, which was hope. Hope
has taught us that even though we go through such a bad time, we should never lose hope, and that
we should be able to overcome what we are going through. So without hope, and without all the
negativity that came out of the box, we wont learn how to overcome negativity, as life goes easy on

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