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Shadows of the

Sunken Dread
A 5E Module by Mick
for 4-6 characters
of levels 3-4
Table of Contents
Shadows of the Sunken Dread 2
What has happened so far 3
The Holy Land of Romagna and the domains of House Malatesta 4
Recent History 4
Malatesta III and the Hold of Montefiore Conca 4
Meeting the Family Breaker 5
Timeline of Main Events 5
This Module 5
The Setting 5
What Has Happened Before 5
Scenario I: Mercenaries from Montefeltro 6
Scenario II: Etruscan Cult of Death 6
The Etruscans 6
Written by: Mick The Holy Land of Romagna (Map) 7 Scenario III: Two Old Friends 8 The Hold of Montefiore Conca (Map and keys) 9 Pregenerated Characters 10
Non Player Characters 11
Malatesta III Malatesta 11
About this Module Ferrantino Malatesta 11
Maddalena Malatesta 11
This module was inspired by the Cerasus 11
calamity that struck the geographical area Xyglorath 11
Romagna, an Italian region, in 2023. Guido del Cassero 11
The adventure is generic and adaptable Angiolello da Carignano 11
to any setting, not just that of Of Iron House Malatesta (sidebar) 11
and Thorns, which will be released in the New Monster: Etruscan Chtonoid 12
future months. In any case, if necessary,
I will lend support on the adaptation of
the module even after the collection is
The OIAT setting uses names of existing
characters, organizations and places taken
from different historical periods of
medieval and Renaissance Italy, readers
are invited to research online how
much is real and how much is fantasy.
They could have quite a few surprises,
the most incredible facts might not be
invented at all.
This module is dedicated to two great
RPG names we lost recently: Russ
Nicholson and Scott Bennie.

Released under OGL license v1.0a.


what has happened so far

Of Iron And Thorns is a dark fantasy

uchronic setting set in an imaginary land
that share many references to Medieval
Italy, but with monsters and magic and a
dark past where light and darkness have
been battling for centuries.

The Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I

ruler of the powerful Sacrum Romanum
Imperium, just got his newborn heir, his
beautiful grandson Frederick II, the one
who will be known as the Antichrist.
In this setting the Imperium never
fragmented and is still as vast as its
larger expansion reconquered land after
lad after the chaotic Third Era, known
as the Dark Era. Only the Middle East
has not been totally reconquered and a
Crusade has been raised to claim the
Holy Sepulchre.

During the birth of the young scion of

the Emperorin Jesi, several leagues south
within the St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome,
the mummified body of the first pope,
still encased in his magical golden throne,
opened wide his eyes and emitted a
shriek of agony that was heard by all the
Primarchs and blew out the windows of
every church and cathedral in the Holy
That night the Templar guards raised
defenses in all the churches of the
Imperium, and a papal legate was sent
to the Emperor’s court to demand the
immediate sacrifice of his nephew to be
thrown into the purifying fire.
At this demand, Frederick had the legate
flayed, returning the skin to the pope
in a casket. The gruesome skin message
bore the Emperor’s reply, accusing the
pope of being in the service of Astaroth
the demon of temptation.
And as such the legate had to suffer the
fate of the apostle, Bartholomew.
At the conception of Frederick II the
entire peninsula was shaken by storms,
earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and
thunder so tremendous that the entire
known world was ravaged.
At the dawn of that terrible moment,
a long and bitter struggle started that House Montefeltro of the March to disappeared in the dephts of the estensive
pitted the Pope against the Emperor, in the south, while the head of the house castle dungeons. When Cerasus met
two factions loyal to one or the other Lord Malatesta III runs his domains Xyglorath the friendship was immediate.
crown, the Iron Crown of the Empire with an iron fist. Cats are the guardians of reality and live
and the Crown of Thorns of Our Lord. on the border of worlds and get respect
Those loyal to the emperor, the Recent history and affection from all the creatures
Ghibellines, and those loyal to the of the Beyond. The colossal formless
pope, the Guelphs, declared themselves Months have passed since the Night of monstrosity of the first era could swallow
outright almost immediately, but many the Shrieks, and the displaced populace has the whole stronghold in his wake but was
families still have internally conflicting spent all spring and summer hurriyingly stuck by Cerasus friendly purring. Since
souls as well as some have preferred to sorting out crops and gathering then, Xyglorath has been feeding his
entrench themselves in ancestral abodes provisions for the coming conflicts. master with every kind of prey he could
by maintaining reserved silence. Captains of fortune from many lesser find across the domains of the castle and
lineages, monks, and sellswords took a solid friendship as been consolidated.
Romagna and House up the call of many Houses who took Cerasus is preventing the monstrous
Malatesta advantage of the chaos to have entire Etruscan Chronoid (new monster, see
families disappear in the dungeons of appendix) from striking Caesena and
Romagna is the easterm part of the their holds. While, however, in the Ariminum by swimming through the
region known as Emilia-Romagna, in superificie the houses were settling great flooded valleys and literally devour
northern Italy. Divided since the Third down and Frederick II beguiled by his everything in its wake.
Era by ethnic and cultural regions, intelligence and extraordinary growth all However, since Maddalena was back in
Romagna is firmly in the hands of the men who came to know him from every Ariminum, she has no peace and wants
Guelph faction of the pope. The great corner of the earth, even more important to know what happened to Cerasus, her
and ancient Bononia can be considered events were taking place beneath the crust cherry-colored cat.
the first of the cities of Romagna, with of the earth. Ever since young Maddalena was brought
a very ancient university and the largest Beneath Bononia, the endless dungeons to the ancestral Malatesta home has
dungeon in the region. All the lowland and tunnels holding of the animals and only lost strength and become weaker
lands east of Bononia were devastated beasts of the Third Era collapsed in many and weaker, desiring only the company
by floods and storms as far as the city places, freeing underground creatures of her little companion. Unfortunaltely,
where Frederick II was born, Jesi in the that had lain dormant for centuries. her illnes has nothing to do with the
nearby March. Rumors are circulating Beneath the Apennine Mountains of distance from her lost companion, but
about the terrible allivions that devastated the central peninsula, ancient chthonic she is suffering from the mutation curse
entire villages in the interior lands of monstrosities buried by the dark magic of of the House. How her psychic abilities
the Byzantine coast. The restless spirits the Etruscans, people of the Second Era are going to evolve is up to the GM.
of Fano’s best citizens, the paladins driven back underground by the Empire, Feel free to write for suggestions and
Guido del Cassero and Angiolello were emerging from their torpor. The questions on how to handle Maddalena’s
da Carignano, are rumored to be Etruscans, now a blind and albino race evolution.
responsible for such calamities. According with a morbid relationship to death,
to legends, these citizens were brutally began to be fewer and fewer in number. Malatesta III and the hold
murdered by mazzaratura (drowning) In the area of Ariminum, they had of Montefiore Conca
on the orders of the lich Malatesta completely or nearly disappeared. When
I, the treacherous and cruel lord in Xyglorath the shapeless horror awoke a Malatesta III, lord of Ariminum, has
charge of the House of Malatesta that year ago, the first creature he saw was every intention of exploiting this period
still rules the family through the body of a cat named Cerasus, companion of the of instability in the Empire to strike at
his descendents (see character sheet of beautiful and very young Maddalena the greatest enemies of their house, the
Malatesta III at the end of the module). Malatesta, at the time forced for safety Montefeltros. It is his intention to rally as
The lands on the sea have been for in the aftermath of the fateful Night many households at his court to demand
centuries the seat of the terrifying House of Shrieks into the Montefore Conca allegiance in the confrontations that are
Malatesta of Ariminum, a powerful and castle by her father Ferrantino, a small about to take place. To this end, Malatesta
wealthy coastal city. pawn of the powerful and numerous III is planning to move troops south to
The Maltestas are a lineage of cunning household. the border with his historical enemies.
lords often cursed with horrible As the situation settled and families Unfortunately, despite his formidable
deformities who nevertheless also bring started to arm themselves and hire psychic powers that allow him to read
with them extraordinary abilities of the mercenary companies, Maddalena was into future sacrificial innards, he is unable
mind. called back to court across the ravaaged to gain visions of what is happening in
Their current military leader, Pandolfo lands of the terrible flooding that struck the fortress of Montefiore Conca. Psychic
Malatesta (LE human male fighter 16) the Romagna countryside. The day she storms prevent any form of foreknowledge
also known as The Wolf, is engaged in was called back to Ariminum, though, she around the castle, over which a shadow
a war standoff with the brutal and rocky could not find Cerasus, which apparently of terror has been orbiting for days.
Meeting the Family Breaker

The Four Eras If you’re using pregenerated characters,

Through the adventures you will find referrals to Eras. Floramonda is representing her House
In order to avoid giving precise historical references despite using real or existing Malvasia, summoned by the greater
characters and places, Of Iron and Thorns refers to earlier periods enclosed in time House Malatesta for showing her fealty.
arcs called Eras. The rest of the party is following her
The First Era is the age of biblical Genesis, when the world was created and from previous adventures.
Lucifer banished to Hell after rebellion against God. An echo of this era still If you’re using other characters from
reverberates in the Beyond and in remote worlds where time and space do not exist, other settings, you can consider House
such as the source where Xyglorath came from. Malatesta is looking for muscle labor and
The Second Era is that of Man of the Ancient Age and the First Imperium. It is is hiring mecenaries for an upcoming
the period of Etruscans and Celts, Sumerians and other ancient civiliazions. Some of long series of conflict between imperial
these cultures still exist but have been banished to the borders of the Empire or far ghibellines and papal guelphs.
beyond, condemned for heresy by the One Church. Celts, Etruscans and others are T he upcoming Of Iron and T horns setting
playing races described here very briefly. One of the PCs, Corio, is a Celt. This will include a system that will cover mechanics
is the Era where Christ was born and Saint Peter took place in Rome as the First for “holiness” and sainthood broadly based on
Pope. All the popes of the past are still living in a suspended state and interact with adherence to the holy scriptures.
the clergy in a peculiar way.
The Third Era is the Age With No Emipre. More precisely most remnants of Malatesta III is rallying adventurers in
civilization dwelt in small city-states. It is a Dark Age where civilization collapsed, order to secure a place in the Malatesta
between the fall of the Roman Empire and the present Era. It corresponds to the armies for PCs loyal to the pope against
early Dark Ages and is a long and unspecified period in history when the land was Emperor Fredrick I and his newborn
wracked by chaos. Wars, plagues, and floods brought humanity almost to extinction, nephew. He actually also wants to probe
a period of formless monsters and lawless barbarians. The Third Age ended with PCs’ loyalty against the other enemy
the coronation of Emperor Charlemagne in Rome, first Emperor of the Second from the north, the ambitious House
Empire. Lombards and other peoples who lived in this era are also playable races, Da Polenta, in the north.
albeit mutated by the power of the Church into creatures no longer human in
appearance, marked by heresy. Many of the dynasties of the greatest noble houses Read the following text when the PC
living today track down their ancestry to the Third Era, albeit almost no document reach Malatesta III at Castel Sismondo,
exist beyond the Great Holy Library in Rome. a massive stronghold in the middle of
The Fourth Era is the present. Save for the anarchy of the Third Era, the Ariminum.
Imperium has ruled for centuries or perhaps millennia with the help of the pope and
the Church. All heresy has been crushed in Europe and Crusades have been led in As you enter the hall of the castle, a sense
a Eternal War against the blasphemers of the Middle East. The unbreakable alliance of foreboding settles upon you. T he air hangs
between Empire and Church has lasted until the past liturgical year when the birth heavy with an eerie silence, broken only
of Frederick II marked the beginning of a conflict between Church and Empire. by the faint flickering of torches lining the
A Fifth Era, Anno Lacrimarum, The Chaos Apocalypse, is the topic for a future walls. T he chamber is dimly lit, casting long,
supplement ominous shadows that dance and twist along
the ancient stone floor.
At the far end of the hall, seated upon a
Timeline of Main Events grotesque throne, is the powerful Malatesta
The calendar used in the Imperium is related to the year of the Emperor’s regency. We are currently
III Malatesta. His visage is a macabre
in the year 39. The seasons are marked by the liturgical calendar (Christmas, Easter, mid-seasons),
sight to behold, with three faces fused together.
• Year 0, December 25 - Fredrick II born, Night of the Shrieks
Two faces stare forward, their twisted
• Year 0, Winter - Xyglorath awakes and meets Cerasus
features contorted in an unsettling symphony
• Year 1, Spring - Several houses of the Empire declare their allegiance, Guelph and Gibelline
of deformity. T he third face, positioned on the
factions are created, Malatesta III recalls his niece to Ariminum, leaving a contingent at
back of his head, gazes out with vacant eyes,
Montefiore Conca, in the hills to the south of his lordship. Cerasus decides to stay with his
as if peering into the depths of your very soul.
friend. Xyglorath feds the bodies of the Malatestian guards to his companion.
A shiver runs down your spine as Malatesta
• Year 0, Summer - the mudflats ave dried and the characters are summoned to check their
III Malatesta’s voice resonates through the
allegiance and control what’s going on in the castle in Montefiore Conca.
hall, penetrating not just your ears, but also
your mind. Each word is a chilling whisper The captain has enhanced combat abilities
that seems to reverberate within the recesses Scenario I: mercenaries of and acts as the primary damage dealer.
of your thoughts, sending a shudder through Montefeltro
your being. His voice carries an otherworldly A note on Floramonda and
weight, as if it carries the burden of centuries After the disappearance of the Malatesta House Malvasia
of darkness. guards left on lookout in the hold by
“I demand your loyalty,” the Lord of the Xyglorath, the castle remained deserted. If the players use the pregenerated
Castle croaks, his voice a chilling melody that A contingent of the lords of Montefeltro characters, Floramonda might call upon
echoes within your mind. His words hang in arrived to scout the hills and settled in the the powers of her house, that have
the air, a haunting invitation that demands castle, surprised by the lack of protection. varying degrees of confidence with the
a response. T he leader of your group steps Xyglorath perceived them but still has stars Floramonda might read the night
forward, placing their hands between his plenty f meat to feed his friend, frozen before that shedding blood and retreating
gnarled and twisted fingers. A solemn oath in the depths of the caves beneath the might lead to unexpected results. Indeed,
is sworn, binding your fate to his. castle, like some kind of macabre larder. killing at least one of the mercenaries on
With the oath of loyalty declared, Malatesta The mercenaries settled in about a month the central zone of the castle might catch
III Malatesta gestures towards the south. ago and have since protected the fort the attention of Xyglorath, which will
“You shall go to the Castle of Montefiore from bandits, sending a messenger to the consume all the mercenaries overnight.
Conca,” he commands, his voice punctuating court of their lord the ugly, rithless and
the stillness of the chamber. “Investigate the brutal Federico da Montefeltro (LE Scenario II: Blind
aftermath of the floods that have ravaged the human male fighter 16).
land. Uncover the secrets that lie within its If the characters can track down the Heritage of the
walls and report back to me.” messenger, the general of the Malatesta Underworld
armies Sigismondo Pandolfo
As the PCs prepare to leave Castel Malatesta, better known as the Wolf, The Montefeltro mercenaries found the
Sismondo, they have a second meeting will be grateful and might hire them for lower dungeons of the castle collapsed
with the ruler’s niece, Maddalena. further adventures. in varuous points. Aldoaldo the arcanist
Maddalena asks the PCs to bring back The map of Montefiore Conca Castle is wisely chose to block out the entrance
news of her cat Cerasus, a sturdy red cat unkeyed, feel free to arrange the band to the underworld that opened wide
who disappeared the night the Malatesta strategies as you see better fit the style beneath them.
guards brought the young girl back to of play of your players. A small group of blind and mute
Ariminum. Maddalena looks very tried, Etruscan servants were left behind by
pale and with sunken eyes from lack of Enemies their ancestors to attend the need of
sleep. The human mercenaries consist of five Xyglorath. They are now processing the
members, each with unique abilities and meat of the dead Malatesta swordsmen
The Journey roles: in order to provide meals to Cerasus.
- Adalberto, Mercenary Captain (Human Their leader, Velthur, will violently
The route from the gates of Ariminum Fighter, Level 5): HP 55, AC 18, Speed oppose any interference in the life of his
is bleak, entire villages have been covered 30 ft.; Multiattack: Greatsword [+8, master Xyglorath. He is aware of the cat,
by mud, and in some areas the flooding 2d6+4 slashing] x3 but will not mention its presence to the
has not ended. River beds are still - Berengario, Mercenary Scout (Human characters.
overflowing and monks are engaged in Rogue, Level 4): HP 36, AC 15, Speed
drainage and reclamation work. Insects 30 ft.; Multiattack: Shortbow [+7, 1d6+4 Velthur, Etruscan Deathbound
are everywhere, stinging and proliferating piercing] x2, Sneak Attack [2d6] Servant
on decaying organic matter all around. - Gualtiero, Mercenary Vanguard (Human Cleric 5
Feel free to add as many chance encounters Fighter, Level 4): HP 48, AC 19, AC: 15, hp 65, spd 30 ft.
as you like to the journey that begins Speed 30 ft.; Multiattack: Warhammer STR 14, DEX 12, CON 14, INT 10,
on the Roman Flaminia road and then [+7, 1d8+4 bludgeoning] x2, Shield Bash WIS 16, CHA 12
climbs into the southern hills. The hills - Aldoaldo, Mercenary Arcanist (Human ST: W+6, Ch+3
are full of bandits. An encounter with Wizard, Level 4): HP 28, AC 12, Speed Skills: Religion +4, Insight +6
the ghosts of Guido del Cassero and 30 ft.; Cantrips: Fire Bolt, Ray of Frost; Senses: Passive Perception 13
Angiolello da Carignano might lead the Spells: Sleep, Magic Missile, Fog Cloud, Languages: Common, Abyssal
character to understand Malatesta III has Misty Step, Web Challenge: 5 (1,800 XP)
well deserved the name Guastafamiglia - Uberto, Mercenary Healer (Human Spellcasting: 5th-level spellcaster. Its
(family breaker). Cleric, Level 4): HP 40, AC 17, Speed spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save
30 ft.; Multiattack: Mace [+6, 1d6+3 DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). The
bludgeoning] x2; Spells: Cure Wounds, servant has the following spells prepared:
Shield of Faith, Guiding Bolt, Spiritual Cantrips (at will): Chill Touch, Spare the
Weapon, Lesser Restoration Dying, Toll the Dead
1st Level (4 slots): False Life, Inflict
Wounds, Bane, Cure Wounds with Xyglorath emanations.
2nd Level (3 slots): Blindness/Deafness, The Etruscans
Ray of Enfeeblement, Gentle Repose Scenario III: Two Old
3rd Level (2 slots): Animate Dead,
Revivify, Vampiric Touch Friends
Lituus (staff)e: Melee Weapon Attack: The scenario is a hide and seek, slow
+5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: erosion challenge against manifestations of
8 (1d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage. On Xyglorath, the ancient formless monster
a critical hit, the target must succeed awakened by the cataclysms that followed
on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw the floods.
or take an additional 14 (4d6) necrotic Each time the characters enter a section
damage. of the underground levels of the castle,
Necrotic Bolt: Ranged Spell Attack: +6 there is a 20% chanche they will find a
to hit, range 60 ft., one target. Hit: 16 branch of the main body of Xyglorath, in
(3d10) necrotic damage. the form of tentacles slithering from the
Channel Negative Energy (Recharge ceiling or some cracks, amorphous flesh An ancient people of the Second Era,
5-6): The Deathbound Servant releases appendages containing clumps of cysts, many Etruscans were absorbed into the
a burst of negative energy in a 20- teeth and bones, or cold liquid tendrils of Roman Empire. When Constantine
foot radius centered on itself. Each ectoplasm. Be nasty and creative, include declared Catholicism a universal religion
creature in that area must make a DC the sense of fighting an invincible foe after the Battle of the Milvian Bridge,
14 Constitution saving throw, taking 18 (it is), the characters are lost in a dark, all pagan religions became instantly illegal
(4d8) necrotic damage on a failed save, claustrophobic dungeon. Torches and the and a systematic eradication effort began.
or half as much damage on a successful like will be probably extinguished during Only the Etruscan priests associated with
one. Undead creatures in the area regain the fight, and the place is cold and damp, death cults, buried under the crust of the
hit points equal to the damage dealt. the corrosive slime left by Xyglorath earth, have managed to survive to this day.
Reactions: manifestation freezer burns objects and Over the years, their biological structure
Dark Pact: When the Deathbound flesh like liquid nitrogen... mutated and they lost the use of speech, and
Servant is reduced to half its hit points sight.
or fewer, it can make a dark pact with Emanation of Xyglorath: HD 6,
the Beyond, gaining advantage on all hp 27, #att 3, dmg 1-10+acid, swallow, The Etruscans today are a ghastly and
saving throws until the end of its next drowning. scary breed, morbidly connected to the
turn. underworld. Their flesh is pale like that
Legendary Resistance (1/Day): If the During the fight against Xyglorath’s of a maggot and they use jewelry made
Deathbound Servant fails a saving throw, manifestations in the underground levels of skin and bone of every kind of living
it can choose to succeed instead. of the castle, the characters must navigate creature.
Tactics: through its corrosive slime, which leaves Their senses have been enormously
The Deathbound Servant prefers to start a cold burn similar to that of liquid amplified by prolonged life underground.
the encounter by casting Bane on the nitrogen. Every time a character who Their clergy in the Appennine mountains
party to weaken their attacks. They focus comes into contact with the corrosive has developed an intimate affinity to the
their staff attacks on the squishier targets slime left by Xyglorath’s manifestation horrors beyond, and are natural servants
while using Necrotic Bolt to strike from a he will take cold damage. The amount of emanations of Death.
distance. They reserve Animate Dead to of damage taken will depend on the Etruscans are almost blind and generally
summon undead minions if the situation severity of the contact and the duration not aggressive. They are nonetheless a
becomes dire. The servant strategically of exposure. Roll 1d8. very spiritual lot and will give their life
uses Channel Negative Energy to damage to protect their culture.
the entire party while replenishing their 1. If a character steps in a puddle of the They are numerous in the Appenines of
own hit points. corrosive slime for a few seconds, they central Italy, and sometimes deal with
Remember Velthur has no need for light, take 1d4 cold necrotic damage. Celts for food and clothes. They are
he is going to use devious guerrilla tactics 2. If a character’s hand touches the slime considered pagan blasphemers by the One
against the PCs. Xyglrath emanations while attacking an enemy, they take 1d6 Church and are systematically eradicated
recognize etruscan blood and they will cold damage. by the Imperium of they ever emerge to
leave this people pass due to a millennium 3. If a character falls down and is surface.
old pact. completely submerged in the slime for a
round, they take 2d6 cold damage.
Velthur is going to suport Xyglorath if 4. If a character is hit by a tentacle
the characters explore the dungeon levels covered in slime, they take 2d8 cold
below the castle. If they don’t kill him, he damage.
will appear 1-3 on d6 on every encounter 5. If a character is restrained by the
slime for two rounds, they take 3d6
1) Castel Sismondo


2) Monfefore Conca

Original map taken from History of Rimini Volume 1 By Luigi Tonini & Carlo Tonini, 1848

cold damage plus 1d6 for each additional The stalks will attack the characters from manifestation while searching for a way
round. different angles, making it difficult for out. The manifestation can be harmed by
6. If a character is attacked by a large them to defend themselves. Use same fire or acid, but it will regenerate quickly
amount of corrosive slime, they take 6d6 stats as above. if not destroyed completely.
cold damage.
7. If a character’s clothing becomes soaked ### 13-15: Liquid Tendrils ### 17. The Bridge
in the slime, they take 1d4 cold damage The characters enter a room filled with The characters come across a deep
per round until they remove the clothing. a viscous liquid that seems to be alive. chasm that blocks their path. The only
8. If a character’s skin comes into contact The liquid will start to move as soon as way across is a narrow stone bridge that
with the slime, they take 1d8 cold damage the characters enter the room, forming spans the gap. However, the bridge is
per round until they wash it off with tendrils that will try to grab them. The old and unstable, and there are signs
water or another neutralizing substance. characters must make a Dexterity saving that it has been damaged by Xyglorath’s
throw to avoid being grabbed by the manifestations. As the characters cross
Apart from the cold slime tracks, tendrils. If they are grabbed, they take the bridge, they must make a Dexterity
characters might encounter Xyglorath 1d6 acid damage per round until they saving throw to avoid falling off. If they
body extensions basically in every room break free. The liquid can be destroyed fail the save, they will fall into the chasm
and from any angle. with fire or acid, but it will take several and take falling damage. Additionally,
If the characters find a place with an rounds to do so. Use same stats as the Xyglorath’s manifestations may attack the
emanation, roll 1d20: stalk above. characters while they are on the bridge,
causing it to shake and become more
Roll 1d20 Emanation ### 16. The Maze unstable.
The characters enter a section of the
1-6 Stalk, 1
cavern system that is like a maze. The ### 18. The Lurker
7-12 Stalk, 2-4 walls are made of rough-hewn stone, The characters enter a section of the
13-15 Liquid Tendrils and the air is thick with moisture. They cavern system that is filled with water.
16 The Maze soon realize that they are not alone in They soon realize that there is something
this maze as they are being stalked by a lurking in the water, waiting to attack
17 The Bridge
manifestation of Xyglorath’s body. The them. The creature is a manifestation
18 The Lurker manifestation takes the form of a dark, of Xyglorath’s body that has taken the
19 Whole room is a amorphous mass that seems to slide along form of a large, tentacled monster. As
manifestation, gate the walls and ceiling. The characters the characters move through the water,
to the Beyond must navigate the maze and avoid the they must make a Wisdom saving
20 Final room

### 1-6: Stalk, 1

The characters hear a faint whispering
noise coming from the darkness. They
can’t quite make out what it is, but it
sounds like something is stalking them.
Suddenly, they hear a loud screech and
a pair of glowing eyes appear in the
darkness. The characters must make a
Wisdom saving throw against fear or be
frightened for 1 minute.
- AC: 13
- HP: 22 (5d8)
- Speed: 40 ft.
- Attacks: 2x claws (1d4 slashing damage)
- Special abilities: Shadow Stealth (can
move through walls and other solid

### 7-12: Stalk, 2-4

The whispering noise is louder now, and
the characters can hear multiple voices.
They must make a Wisdom saving
throw or be frightened for 1 minute.

The Montefiore Conca Castle

throw to avoid being grappled by the

monster’s tentacles. If they are grappled,
they will take bludgeoning damage each
round until they break free. The monster
can be harmed by fire or acid, but it
will regenerate quickly if not destroyed

### 19: Whole room is a manifestation,

gate to the Beyond
The characters enter a room that seems to
be alive. The walls, floor, and ceiling are
all pulsating with a strange energy. The
characters must make a Wisdom saving
throw or be stunned for 1 round. The
room is a manifestation of Xyglorath’s
power, and the characters must find
a way to destroy it. The gate to the
Beyond is located in the center of the
room, and the characters must destroy
the manifestation to access it.

### 20: Final room

When the characters meet the central
chamber read the following.

A small red cat is sleeping in the middle of a

huge chamber, surrounded by tons of clutter,
broken furniture, rolls of fabric and so on. A
sort of larder with neatly organized clots of
flesh stands at the bottom of the rock where
the cat is sleeping. In the half-light, barely
visible all around, a huge mass of tentacles,
eyes and more sinister things lovingly guard
the little feline from every shadow of the

The characters should decide whether to

bring Cerasus back to the girl or risk to
unleash the powerful monstrosity on the
Sample dungeon* flooded lands.
If they get back to Ariminum without
Cerasus, Malatesta III will be nonetheless
happy to hear that the Montefeltro
mercenaries were defeated and will
reward them with money and maybe a
place in one of his or Pandolfo’s armies.
Bringing the cat to the girl and defeat
Xyglorath will earn the character a sainthood
point for future OIAT expansions.

*Create as many additional levels as you need here

Pregenerated Characters

aristocratic background, she is accustomed

to a certain standard of living and can be Celts
somewhat haughty at times.
Tactics. Floramonda is a capable fighter,
relying on her martial prowess to win
battles. She prefers to engage in melee
combat, using her longsword to take
down foes. She also carries javelins for
ranged attacks. She is a skilled tactician
and is able to quickly assess a situation
and come up with a plan of attack.
History. Floramonda comes from a long
line of noble warriors, and has been
trained in the art of combat since she
Floramonda Malvasia was a child. She served as a condottiero
Medium humanoid (human), lawful good for many years, leading troops into
Armor Class: 16 (splint mail, shield) battle and defending her family’s lands. Celts today are a simina, primitive, degenerate
Hit Points 30 (3d10 + 6) She was recently on a mission to Cipro race of cannibals from the second era. T heir
Speed: 30 ft. to fight against the corsairs. Her house bones are thick and their hair grow heavily on
| Str | Dex | Con | Int | Wis | Cha | became popular in Bononia, where they their tattoed bodies.
| 14(+2) | 12(+1) | 14(+2) | 10(+0) | 15(+2) | 8(-1) | were selling wines.
Celts are the cannibal, heavily tattoed
Skills: Athletics +4, Insight +4,
brutes that inhabit the forested hills
Intimidation +1, Perception +4
and mountains of northern Italy and
Senses:** passive Perception 14
farther north. Their culture is primitive
Languages: Common
and saguinary, based on strength and
Challenge: 3 (700 XP)
conquest. They prefer raw meat,
particularly human meat.
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4
Somewhere in the past, during the
to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d8
conquests in Gaul, the Celts were allowed
+ 2) slashing damage.
to enter the Empire and accept the
Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack:
worship of Christ. Those who declined
+4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120
in preference to their false gods were
ft., one target. Hit: (1d6 + 2) piercing
gradually brought to a primitive, ape-
like state. They are stooped and have
Equipment: Splint mail, shield, longsword,
teeth that they file for use as weapons.
2 javelins, backpack, bedroll, mess kit,
tinderbox, 10 torches, 10 days of rations, Father Teobaldo of Bononia
One of the pregenerated PCs is a Celtic
waterskin, 5 GP. Medium humanoid (human), lawful monatto who converted to Christianity.
Features and Traits neutral
House Malvasia Heriloom. Floramonda Armor Class: 14 (chain mail)
can predict ambushes by looking at the Hit Points: 18 (3d8 + 3)
sky at night. Every night she can get Speed: 30 ft.
insight from the constellations and will | Str | Dex | Con | Int | Wis | Cha |
gain a reroll on any roll that can benefit | 8(-1) | 14(+2) | 12(+1) | 10(+0) | 16(+3) | 13(+1)
from foresight. Skills: Medicine +5, Religion +2, Herbalism
Personality. Floramonda is a dignified Kit +5
and esteemed warrior, with a strong Senses: passive Perception 13
sense of duty and honor. She can be Languages: Common, Celestial
stern and uncompromising, but is fair Challenge: 2 (450 XP)
and just in her dealings. Due to her Actions
Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, protective of his allies and his territory.
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d6 + 1) Due to his simian traits, he can be seen
bludgeoning damage. as primitive and devolved by other races.
Healing Word. A creature of Teobaldo’s He is a cannibal.
choice that can hear him within 30 feet Tactics. The barbarian is a capable melee
regains 1d4 + 3 hit points. fighter, relying on brute strength and
Equipment: Chain mail, mace, shield, holy ferocity to take down his enemies. He
symbol, 5 sticks of incense, vestments, prefers to engage in melee combat with
common clothes, belt pouch containing 10 his greataxe, but can also use javelins for
GP, Herbalism Kit. ranged attacks. He will enter a rage when
Features and Traits he is in danger or when he needs to deal
Channel Divinity: Turn Undead. As extra damage. He is a skilled tracker and
an action, Teobaldo presents his holy can use his knowledge of the wilderness
symbol and speaks a prayer censuring the to find food, shelter, and other resources.
undead. Each undead that can see or hear Corio History. The barbarian was born and
him within 30 feet of him must make a Medium humanoid (celt), chaotic neutral raised in the wilderness, living off the
Wisdom saving throw. If the creature Armor Class: 14 (hide armor) land and surviving by his wits. He has
fails its saving throw, it is turned for 1 Hit Points: 35 (6d8 + 6) always felt a deep connection to the
minute or until it takes damage. Speed: 40 ft., climb 30 ft. natural world, and has developed a
Healing Hands. As an action, Teobaldo | Str | Dex | Con | Int | Wis | Cha | strong bond with the animals and plants
can touch a creature and cause it to regain | 16(+3) | 14(+2) | 12(+1) | 8(-1) | 12(+1) | 8(-1) that surround him. He is a monatto, not
a number of hit points equal to his level. Skills: Athletics +5, Nature +3, Perception baptized, and has always been seen as
Personality. Teobaldo is a phlegmatic +3, Survival +3 an outsider by the civilized world. He
man in the Galenic sense, calm and Senses: passive Perception 13 is currently on a mission to protect his
unemotional. He has a deep knowledge Languages: Common, Sylvan home and his territory from encroaching
of herbalism and medicine, and is always Challenge: 3 (700 XP) threats.
prepared with a variety of herbs and Actions
cataplasms to treat various ailments. He Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to
is not one to rush into action, preferring hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d12 +
to carefully consider his options before 3) slashing damage.
acting. He is dedicated to his faith and to Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon
helping others, but can sometimes be seen Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range
as distant or aloof due to his reserved 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: (1d6 + 3)
nature. piercing damage.
Tactics: Teobaldo is a competent healer Equipment Hide armor, greataxe, 2
and support character, using his spells javelins, backpack, bedroll, mess kit,
and herbalism skills to keep his allies alive tinderbox, 10 torches, 10 days of rations,
and healthy. He prefers to stay at range, waterskin, 5 GP.
using his mace and spells to damage Features and Traits
enemies from a safe distance. He will use Rage. As a bonus action, the barbarian
his Channel Divinity to turn undead if can enter a rage, gaining advantage on
he encounters them. Strength checks and saving throws,
Erasmus of Brixíllum
History. Teobaldo was born and raised in dealing extra damage with melee weapons,
Bononia, and became a monk at a young Medium humanoid (human), neutral
and gaining resistance to bludgeoning,
age. He has spent his life in service to good
piercing, and slashing damage. The rage
the church, traveling throughout the land Armor Class: 10
lasts for 1 minute and ends early if the
to spread the word of Christ and help Hit Points: 22 (3d8+3)
barbarian is knocked unconscious or if
those in need. He has developed a deep Speed: 30 ft.
their turn ends and they haven’t attacked
knowledge of herbalism and medicine, | Str | Dex | Con | Int | Wis | Cha |
a hostile creature or taken damage since
and is always prepared with a variety | 10(+0) | 10(+0) | 12(+1) | 16(+3) | 14(+2) |
their last turn.
of herbs and cataplasms to treat various 10(+0)|
Feral Instinct. The barbarian has
ailments. He is currently on a mission to Skills: Medicine +4, Arcana +5, History
advantage on initiative rolls.
rid the nearby countryside of a group of +5, Calligraphy Kit +5
Personality. The barbarian is a
undead that have been terrorizing the Senses: passive Perception 12
melancholic and introverted individual,
local population. Languages: Common, Celestial, Elvish
with a primal and feral nature. He is
Challenge: 2 (450 XP)
fiercely independent and self-sufficient,
relying on his instincts and his connection
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon
to the natural world to survive. He is
Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range
not particularly social, but can be fiercely
20/60 ft., one target. Hit: (1d4) piercing
damage. partly considers his equal.
Equipment: Dagger, calligraphy kit, NPCs
common clothes, belt pouch containing 10 Cerasus
GP. Domestic cat
Features and Traits Cerasus is a fat red domestic cat of
Polymath. Erasmo is a scholar of many European stock. He is regularly fed by
fields, with knowledge in a wide variety his friend and has no intention to go
of subjects. back to his old life in the castle, despite
Astrology. Erasmo has knowledge of his feelings for his previous human
astrology and can interpret astrological companion were true. He nonetheless
charts and omens. realize that leaving Xyglorath alone
Painting Activation. Erasmo has the would condemn entire civilizations to a
ability to activate paintings of Barnaba nightmarish death.
in Fanano.
Personality. Erasmo is a curious and Ferrantino Malatesta
inquisitive man, with a thirst for Magdalena’s father is a condittiero, also
knowledge and a desire to understand the father of the Wolf. Ferrantino hopes
the world around him. He is a skilled Maddalena Malatesta
Age: 6 the party will quickly find his daughter’s
medic, astrologer, and calligrapher, and
takes great pride in his work. He is a Background: Maddalena Malatesta is a mate or his brother may return from the
monatto, not baptized, and has always young girl living in the Middle Ages in front to put half Romagna to the sword.
been seen as an outsider by the civilized the region of Romagna. She is a member
world. He is dedicated to his work and of the noble House Malatesta da Rimini, Guido del Cassero
to helping others, but can sometimes one of the most powerful families in the Ghost, kawful good
be seen as aloof or distant due to his area. Isabella is the daughter of Ferrantino Guido was a paladin, like Angiolello.
reserved nature. Malatesta, a respected lord, and sister to They were protectors of their lands but
the Wolf. were betrayed y Malatesta III.
Tactics Erasmo is not a combatant,
and prefers to avoid conflict whenever Personality: Maddalena is a bright and Guido can be met on the trip to Castle
possible. He will use his knowledge of curious girl who loves to explore the Montefiore Conca hauting some isolated
medicine and astrology to help his allies, world around her. She is fascinated by mud flat. He hates the Malatestas, just
and can provide support in combat with the stories of knights and ladies she hears like his companion Angiolello.
his dagger. He is a skilled calligrapher from her mother and dreams of one day
and can create scrolls and other magical becoming a brave warrior herself. She is Angiolello da Carignano
writings. also very kind-hearted and compassionate, Ghost, kawful good
History Erasmo was born and raised in always looking for ways to help those in Same stats as above.
Brixíllum, and has spent his life studying need.
the arts and sciences. He has developed Appearance: Isabella has long, curly brown
a deep knowledge of astrology, alchemy, hair and big, bright eyes. She often wears
and calligraphy, and is always seeking to simple but elegant dresses in the colors of
expand his knowledge. He has worked her family’s coat of arms: red and gold.
for various nobles and organizations over Despite her young age, she carries herself
the years, including house Malvasia, and with a regal grace that hints at her noble
has gained a reputation as a skilled and heritage.
reliable medic and scholar.
Etruscan Chtonoid (new monster)
See new monster for statistics.
Xyglorath is virtually immortal as his
appendace contnuosly turn from solid
to liquid and they can be detatched and
hacked away without causing serious harm
to the creature Its “brain” or nucleus, is
protected by tons of solid rock and can
be accessed only by the smallest of cracks,
and yet you will have to be cautious not
to get lost among the endless ramifications
even if you found a way to track the
main body deep into earth.
Xyglorath has no emotions save for
Cerasus, who he somehow worships and
Malatesta III Guastafamiglia House Malatesta
Shlancomancer, telepath, Head of House Malatesta

Elephas indus culices non


Official Allegiance: Guelph

History: The Malatesta lineage is ancient

and has its roots in the Third Era, hailing
from the hills of Ariminum, thanks to the
prodigious abilities of Malatesta I they
quickly became a local counselor for the
Emperor in the coastal lands of Romagna.
Malatesta III embodied a nightmare Castel Sismondo, Malatesta III would The lineage is known to have produced
made flesh. His lineage was tainted by wander the depths of its dungeons, ruthless condottieri and military geniuses.
the presence of his demonic ancestor, where he would encounter the spirit of
Malatesta II, also known as Mastino his ancestor, Malatesta I (LE human House Gifts
the Elder. In a desperate bid to evade male lich wizard 18), a dark hearted lich
damnation in the depths of Hell, of great power. The purest members of the lineage
Malatesta II fused his essence with The depths of Malatesta III’s madness quickly began to manifest mutations,
Malatesta III’s body, melding their flesh matched the extent of his power. Driven mostly starting with extremely thin skin,
and bones together. Even before this by his deranged state, he became an raised veins, pallor, and mental confusion.
unholy union, Malatesta III was already agent of devastation, tearing apart the With puberty the powers of the mind
disfigured, burdened with a second face lives of countless lineages. From that emerge, with varying degrees of power.
sprouting from the back of his head. But point onward, he was known by a chilling Some “blessed” members have phisical
the horrors did not end there. moniker: Guastafamiglia, the “family deformities reflecting part of their
The damned soul of Malatesta III’s wracker.” power like elongated skulls, deep set
son, Malatestino I, also found its way eyes, sometimes a second head or body
into his tormented frame. After the Malatesta III, Wizard 14 growing inside like some form of phisical
infamous night of the shrieks, Malatesta Medium humanoid (human), LE manifestation of mental power.
III transformed into an abomination so Armor Class: 14 (Mage Armor)
grotesque that few could bear to gaze Hit Points: 72 (14d6 + 28) Relationships with others
upon him. The amalgamation of three Speed: 30 ft. The Malatesta are opportunistically loyal
twisted beings was an affront to nature STR: 10 (+0) to the pope, and in the last year they
itself. DEX: 14 (+2) have waged a campaign of psychological
In the wake of this unholy merging, CON: 14 (+2) pressure on all the minor families of
Malatesta III grew unimaginably powerful. INT: 20 (+5) Ariminum and Caesena to demonstrate
However, the constant whispers and WIS: 12 (+1) their loyalty to the Church. They are
telepathic musings within his mind drove CHA: 12 (+1) enemies of Casa Da Polenta and historical
him to madness. Within the walls of rivals of the Da Montefeltros.

Saving Throws: Intelligence +10, can manifest as hallucinatory landscapes, arcane energies through divination and
Wisdom +6 terrifying apparitions, or tormenting scrying using entrails. The wizard gains
Skills: Arcana +10, Insight +6, Perception whispers that drive the weak-willed to advantage on Arcana checks related to
+6 the brink of insanity. divination spells and can cast Augury and
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., passive Spellcasting: 14th-level spellcaster. Its Divination without expending a spell
Perception 16 spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell slot.
Languages: Common, Infernal, Angelic, save DC 18, +10 to hit with spell
Latin attacks). Malatesta III has the following Actions
Special Abilities spells prepared: Cantrips (at will): Mage Staff of Sphlancomancy: Melee Weapon
Monstrous Visage: Due to the wizard’s Hand, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
split head with three faces of unreal 1st-level (4 slots): Shield, Mage Armor, Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
deformity, it possesses an innate ability Magic Missile, Identify Legendary Actions: The wizard can take
to instill fear and unease in those who 2nd-level (3 slots): Misty Step, Mirror 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
witness it. The wizard can use an action Image, Suggestion options below. Only one legendary action
to unleash its Monstrous Visage, forcing 3rd-level (3 slots): Counterspell, Fireball, option can be used at a time, and only at
each creature of its choice within 30 Lightning Bolt the end of another creature’s turn. The
feet to make a Wisdom saving throw 4th-level (3 slots): Greater Invisibility, wizard regains spent legendary actions at
(DC 16) or become frightened for 1 Ice Storm, Dimension Door the start of its turn.
minute. A frightened creature can repeat 5th-level (2 slots): Cone of Cold, Arcane Surge: The wizard casts a cantrip.
the saving throw at the end of each of Dominate Person Counterspell: The wizard expends a spell
its turns, ending the effect on itself on 6th-level (1 slot): Chain Lightning, slot of 3rd level or lower to attempt to
a success. Once the Monstrous Visage Globe of Invulnerability counter a spell being cast within 60 feet
ability is used, it can’t be used again until 7th-level (1 slot): Teleport, Finger of of it.
the wizard finishes a short or long rest. Death Sphlancomantic Insight (Costs 2 Actions):
Three Minds: The wizard possesses 8th-level (1 slot): Power Word Stun, The wizard uses its divination abilities to
three distinct consciousnesses within Mind Blank gain insight into the immediate future. It
a single body. Each mind can process 9th-level (1 slot): Time Stop, Wish gains advantage on its next attack roll,
information independently, allowing the Sphlancomancy: The wizard specializes in saving throw, or ability check
wizard to maintain concentration on up sphlancomancy, the art of manipulating
to three spells at once.
Telepathic Bond: The wizard can establish
a telepathic bond with a number of
willing creatures within 30 feet equal to
its Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1
creature). The telepathic bond allows the
wizard and the creatures to communicate
mentally over any distance.
Hellish Communion: Malatesta III
possesses the ability to establish a
macabre communion with the infernal
realms. Through dark rituals and
his innate connection to Hell, he can
communicate with demonic entities,
seeking forbidden knowledge, making
infernal pacts, or gaining insights into the
twisted machinations of the underworld.
This communion grants him a deep
understanding of infernal lore and allows
him to tap into demonic powers in dire
Macabre Mind: Malatesta III’s tormented
psyche harbors a strange and horrific
mental power. With a mere thought,
he can inflict vivid hallucinations,
nightmarish visions, and psychological
torment upon those within his telepathic
reach. This power distorts the perceptions
of his victims, warping their reality and
instilling profound fear and madness. It
Etruscan Chtonoid (New Monster)
Huge aberration, unaligned
‘Twas under the shadow of the caves that that peculiar rustling began to take form, a multitude of eyes and appendages that did
slide dark and viscous through the crevices that vanished into the deeps...
- Paulus Diaconus, chronicler of the Third Era

Etruscan chtonoids are creatures of the First Era who arrived in the Po Valley during the
floods that followed the fall of the Roman Empire, at the time of the Gothic wars. In that
remote period the lands were battle torn, the plains flooded, and ancient creatures of the
deep emerged to produce formless offsprings over the Lord’s earth. For centuries before the
arrival of the Romans, the Etruscan peoples had lived in symbiosis with darkness and death,
increasingly driven back into the depths by the Roman Emperors. Here they were protected
from many of these formless creatures. Even Rome’s legions would not dare intervene.
When Bononia expanded its territories into the hills and the labyrinthine Aldrovandi
Academy was founded, thousands of creatures were imprisoned in endless underground
tunnels protected by portcullises, traps and silent bodies of fighting monks, guardians
of the labyrinth. On the mountains, castes of rangers blessed by bishops were sent
to retrieve these creatures for analysis and cataloguing. Wealthy patricians obtained
Armor Class 12 some of these creatures for their gardens and a money-driven struggle began to drive
Hit Points 110 (13d10 + 39) everything out of the hills. When the Etruscans moved to Mantua at the time of the
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft. First Age, they left behind the most frightening of the chtonian keepers, shapeless
creatures, part liquid and part solid, from the never-mapped depths of the earth.
STR 24 (+7) Some of these creatures still live underground. The possibility of permanently killing a
DEX 10 (+0) major chtonoid is left to the GM, some appendages of consciousness sometimes detach
CON 17 (+3) themselves by slipping into invisible crevices but the heart and brain of these creatures
INT 5 (-3) (we might call it a form of mycelium part material part pure self-consciousness) might
WIS 10 (+0) be unreachable by humans.
CHA 5 (-3)

Skills: Perception +4, Stealth +4 transformed. It reverts to its true form of it and aware of it must succeed on a
Damage Resistances cold, lightning, if it dies. DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or become
fire frightened for 1 minute. A creature can
Condition Immunities: blinded, Actions repeat the saving throw at the end of
charmed, deafened, exhaustion, each of its turns, ending the effect on
frightened, prone Multiattack The Etruscan chtonoid can itself on a success. If a creature’s saving
Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond use its Frightful Presence. It then makes throw is successful or the effect ends
this radius), passive Perception 14 three attacks: one with its bite and two for it, the creature is immune to the
Languages understands Deep Speech with its tentacles. Etruscan chtonoid’s Frightful Presence
but can’t speak Bite Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, for the next 24 hours. The DC is
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (2d10 + increased to 18 if the Etruscan chtonoid
7) piercing damage. is in its true form.
Amorphous The Etruscan chtonoid can Tentacle Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to
move through a space as narrow as 1 inch hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d6 Legendary Actions
wide without squeezing. + 7) bludgeoning damage. If the target
Corrosive Form A creature that is a creature, it must succeed on a DC The Etruscan chtonoid can take 3
touches the Etruscan chtonoid or hits it 18 Constitution saving throw or take 10 legendary actions, choosing from the
with a melee attack while within 5 feet of (3d6) acid damage at the start of each options below. Only one legendary action
it takes 9 (2d8) acid damage. of its turns for 1 minute. A creature can option can be used at a time and only
Immutable Form The Etruscan repeat the saving throw at the end of at the end of another creature’s turn.
chtonoid is immune to any spell or effect each of its turns, ending the effect on The Etruscan chtonoid regains spent
that would alter its form. itself on a success. legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Shapechanger The Etruscan chtonoid Squeeze The Etruscan chtonoid can Detect The Etruscan chtonoid makes a
can use its action to polymorph into a squeeze its body through any subterranean Wisdom (Perception) check.
Small or Medium humanoid, or back into channel like an octopus, provided that Tentacle Attack The Etruscan chtonoid
its true form. Its statistics, other than the channel is not smaller than 1 inch in makes a tentacle attack.
its size, are the same in each form. Any diameter. Slam (Costs 2 Actions) The Etruscan
equipment it is wearing or carrying isn’t Frightful Presence Each creature of the chtonoid makes one slam attack.
Etruscan chtonoid’s choice within 30 feet
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15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip
Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James
Wyatt, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.



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