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Quarter 2- Module
2 Week 2-
Formation of Ions
Second Edition, Revised 2021

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Published by the Department of Education – Division of Cebu City Schools Division

Superintendent: Rhea Mar A. Angtud, Ed.D

Development Team of the Module

Dr. Imelda R. Lanojan, Master Teacher II, Apas National High School

Content Editors:
Dr. Florenda G. Yap, Assistant Principal, Apas National High School
Mr. Neil A. Angtud, Head Teacher I, Cebu City Don Carlos Gothong
Memorial National High School

Language Editor:
Mrs. Wilma Y. Villaflor, Principal III, Don Vicente Rama Memorial National
High School

Management Team:
Dr. Rhea Mar A. Angtud, Schools Division Superintendent
Dr. Bernadette A. Susvilla, Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Mrs.Grecia F. Bataluna, Curriculum Implementation Division Chief
Dr. Raylene S. Manawatao, Education Program Supervisor-Science
Mrs. Vanessa L. Harayo, Education Program Supervisor -LRMS

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Department of Education, Division of Cebu City ROVII
Office Address: Imus Avenue, Cebu City
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What I Need to Know

Learning Competency:

. Explain how ions are formed. (S9MT-IIe-f-16)

In this Module, you are expected to:

1. Compare neutral atom from a charged atom

2. Identify the number of electrons that are lose or gained
3. Differentiate the types of ions
4. Describe on how ions are formed.

Before you start with the Lesson, be sure to answer the Pre-assessment.

What I Know?


Directions: Read the questions carefully. Write the letter of your answer in a sheet of

1. Which of the following sub-atomic particle is negatively charged?

A. electron B. neutron C. plasma D. proton
2. What is known as positively charged particle?
A. electron B. neutron C. plasma D. proton
3. Which of the following describes a neutral atom? The ____________.
A. atom is uncharged
B. positive and negative charges of an atom balance each other .
C. number of electrons in an atom is the same as the number of protons
D. all of these
4. What happens to an atom when it gains or lose electrons? It becomes an/a
A. compound B. ion C. isotope D. neutron
5. What happens to an atom when it becomes an ion? It .
A. will no longer be neutral
B. gains electron and becomes a negative ion
C. loses electrons and becomes a positive ion
D. all of these

6. Who discovered ions?
A. Dalton B. Faraday C. Galileo D. Mendeleev
7. Which of the following ion is negatively charged?
A. anion B. cation C. neutron D. proton
8. Which of the subatomic particles do not have charge at all?
A. electron B. neutron C. plasma D. proton
9. Why does an atom consider as a neutral particle? It is because they have
A. unlike particles C. equal number of protons and electrons
B. unequal charges D. different number of protons and electrons
10. If an ion has 13 protons and 10 electrons, what is the charge of this ion?
A. 2+ B. 2- C. 3+ D.3-
11. What is the valence electron of an element whose atomic number is 3?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
12. If Lithium has 3 atomic number, how many electrons would be loose when
forming ions?
A. 1 B. 3 C. 5 D. 7
13. What type of ion which has positive charge?
A. anion B. cation C. neutron D. proton
14. When atom gains electrons it becomes .
A. ion C. positively charged
B. negatively charged D. both A and C
15. Which of the following ion symbol for Na ion which has 11 protons and 10
A. Na B. Na+ C. Na3+ D. Na2+



What’s In

When you were in Grade 8, you all know that objects are composed of atoms.
So, the electrons contain within the objects are prone to move or migrate to other
objects. The process of an electron leaving one material object to reside (perhaps only
temporarily) in another object is a common everyday occurrence. If you were to walk
across the carpeting towards the door of the room, electrons would likely be scuffed
off the atoms of your shoes moved onto the atoms of the carpet. And as clothes tumble
in the dryer, it is highly likely that electrons on one piece of clothing will move from the
atoms of the clothing onto the atoms of another piece of clothing. In general, for
electrons to make a move from the atoms of one material to the atoms

of another material, there must be an energy source, a motive, and a low-resistance
For now, it is sufficient to say that objects that are charged contain unequal
numbers of protons and electrons. Charged objects have an imbalance of charge -
either more negative electrons than positive protons or vice versa. And neutral objects
have a balance of charge - equal numbers of protons and electrons. The principle
stated earlier for atoms can be applied to objects. Objects with more electrons than
protons are charged negatively; objects with fewer electrons than protons are charged
In this discussion of electrically charged versus electrically neutral objects, the
neutron has been neglected. Neutrons, being electrically neutral play no role. Their
presence (or absence) will have no direct bearing upon whether an object is charged
or uncharged.


Neutral Atom Charged Atom

Observe the illustrations above, it shows the difference between Neutral atom
and Charged atom. Atoms are neutral; they contain the same number of protons as
electrons. Example: Illustration A Sodium (Na) has 11 protons and has 11 electrons.
The atomic number is 6 since there are 11 protons. Since the charge of the electron
is equal to that of the proton, the net charge of an atom Sodium (Na) is zero charge/
neutral. So, zero charged sodium is simply written as Na. Look at illustration B,
Sodium (Na) is non-zero due to its total number of electrons which is 10 being unequal
to its total number of the proton. So, therefore atom Sodium is charged and written as


+9 protons +9 protons
-9 electrons - 10 electrons
0 charged - 1 charged

Neutral Atom Charged


If atoms gain electrons, they become negative ions, or anions. Consider the
example of fluorine (see Figure above). A fluorine atom has nine protons and nine
electrons, so it is electrically neutral. If a fluorine atom gains an electron, it becomes
a fluoride ion with an electric charge of -1.
Perform Activity 1, to learn more about the differences between
uncharged/neutral atom and charged atom.

What’s New?

Neutral Atom vs. Charged Atom

1. State the difference between neutral atom and charged atom.
2. Identify whether an atom is neutral or charged.
3. Explain when atom become neutral or charged.
Illustration (refer below)
Paper Pen
1. Observe the table below.
2. Look at the number of protons and electrons of atoms/elements in the
3. Decide whether the atom is neutral or charged atom.
4. Indicate your answer on the fourth (4th) column of the table using a separate sheet
of paper.

Observations/Guide Question:

1. Copy and fill in the table. Identify whether an element /atom is Neutral or Charged.
Element/Atom Protons Electrons Neutral or

1. Sodium 11 11

2. Sodium 11 10

3. Oxygen 8 10

4. Oxygen 8 8

5. Iron 26 24

6. Iron 26 23

7. Hydrogen 1 0

8. Hydrogen 1 1

9. Lithium 3 3

10. Lithium 3 2

2. How will you differentiate between neutral and charged atom?

3. Why are atoms considered as neutral and charged?

Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Explain what must happen to an atom or element to become negatively and positively

What is It


Protons and neutrons form together the nucleus. The electrons surround the
nucleus. When the number of protons equals the number of electrons, we call the
atom a neutral/uncharged atom. Atoms are therefore neutral in their normal states.
Under some circumstances, atoms can lose or gain electrons. In this case, they are no
longer neutral. They now have a charge. When the number of protons does not balance
with the number of electrons, we call the atom a charged atom.
Examples of Uncharged atom and Charged atom

What’s More

Read and answer the questions in a sheet of paper.

1. How do you know if an atom is neutral?
2. When can you tell that an atom is charged?

What I Have Learned

Directions: Write the correct word or phrases to complete the statement on a

separate sheet of paper

1.Neutral atom is an atom which number of an electron is the same with the
number of .
2. Uncharged atom is known as atom.
3. If an atom gains an electron, it will become charged.
4. If an atom loses an electron, it will become charged.

From numbers 5-7, write True if the statement is Correct and False if it is

5. An object that is positively charged contain all protons and electrons.

6. An object that is negatively charged could contain only electrons with
no accompanying proton.
7. An object that is electrically neutral contains only neutron.

What I Can Do

Directions: Compare charged and uncharged particles/atoms in a table form.

Copy the table and write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

Charged Vs. Uncharged Particles

Positively Charged Particle Negatively Charged Uncharged Particle



What I Need to Know

Previously, you have already learned about the difference between neutral
atom and charged atom. What do you think are these charged atoms? What do you
call those atoms which are charged positively and negatively? Who do you think
discovered the charged atoms?
In this lesson, you will learn what is ion and how are they being classified and

What’s In

Do you know that Michael Faraday gives the theory of ions? It's around 1830
he describes the portion of molecules that move from anode to cathode or vice versa.
He discovered that certain substances when dissolved in water conduct an electric
current. He also noticed that certain compounds decompose into their elements when
an electric current is passed through the compound.
Since Michael Faraday is the one that discovered ion. What is then an ion?
How would you know that an atom is already an ion? How are they being classified?
An ion is a positively or negatively charged atom (or group of atoms).
There are two types of ion namely; Cation and Anion. A positively charged ion is known
as cation. Example: Na+. The ions of all the metal elements are cations. A negatively
charged ion is known as anion. Example: Cl–

Perform the next activity to learn more about ions and its classification.

What’s New?


Activity 1
Ions and its types


1. Define an ion.
2. Identify the types of ion.
3. Determine the charges of each type of ion.

Materials: pen paper

a. Identify the types of ion as cation and anion by indicating a check mark on the
space provided on the table.
1.Copy the table in a sheet of paper.
1.Put a check mark on the column if it is cation and anion.

Types of Ions
Cation Anion

1. H+










1. Define an ion.

2. What are the types of ions? Describe each.

What is It


Ionic charges are assigned based on the number of electronsan ion has. Those
ions which are formed from single atoms are called simple ions.

Example: Sodium ion, Na+, is a simple ion because it is formed from a single sodium
atom, Na. Those ions which are formed from groups of joined atoms are called compound
ions or polyatomic ions. Example: Ammonium ion NH +, is compound4 ionwhich is made
up of two types of atoms joined together, nitrogen and hydrogen.

What’s More

Now, work on this activity to help you know more about ions.

Activity 2
Simple and Polyatomic Ions

1. Differentiate between simple and polyatomic / compound ion.
2.Identify some examples of simple and polyatomic/compound ion
Pen Paper
1.With a given list of ions identify whether it is simple or compound
/polyatomic ion.
Determine which of the following ion is simple or a compound/polyatomic ion.
Identify whether each ion is a cation or anion. Copy the table and write your answer
on separate sheet of paper.

Ions Simple or Compound Ion Cation or Anion




1.What is the difference between simple and compound/polyatomic ion?

2.Give at least two examples of simple and compound/polyatomic ion.

What I Have Learned


Directions: Write the correct word or phrases to complete each statement. Write your
answer in a separate sheet of paper.

Ions are 1.) atoms. They are classified into two according to
their charges namely; 2.) and 3.) . 4.) are
positively charged ions. 5) are negatively charged ions. Ions are also
classified according to the number of atoms namely; 6.) and
compound ion. Those ions which are formed from single ions are called as 7.)
while those ions which are formed from joined groups are also known
as 8.) . 9.) is an example of simple ion. 10.) is
one of an example of compound ion.

What I Can Do


Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

Complete the table.

Protons Electrons Charge

1. 13 -10

2. 16 -18

3. 20 -18



What I Need To Know


In many parts of the country, the water contains high

concentration of minerals that stain clothes but build up deposits on bathtubs and water
heaters, and create problems with soap foaming property. This problem is caused by what
is called “hard water”. The water contains excessive amounts of cations such as iron and
calcium. How are these cations formed?

In addition, you will know more about on how ions; cations and anions are

What’s In


An ion is formed by the loose or gain of electrons by an atom, so it contains

an unequal number of electrons and protons.
Example: Sodium ion Na+, magnesium ion Mg2+, chloride ion Cl–, and oxide ion O2–.
A cation is formed by the loose of one or more electrons by an atom while
anion is formed by the gain of one electron or more electrons by an atom. But how is
it possible? Can you visualize how it will be?

Example: Sodium atom loses 1 electron to form a sodium ion, Na+, which is cati
An anion is formed by the gain of one or more electrons by an atom.

Example: A chlorine atom gains 1 electron to form a chloride ion, Cl–, which is anion.
An anion contains more electrons than a normal atom. A normal atom (or a
neutral atom) contains an equal number of protons and electrons. Now, since an anion
is formed by the addition of one or more electrons to an atom, therefore, an anion
contains more electrons than protons. The ions of all the non-metal elements are
anions. As what you know, atoms always strive the most stable arrangement of
electrons. Atoms are stable if their electrons have the same kind of arrangement as
that of noble gases. Except for helium having 2 valence electrons. The Octet Rue tells
you that elements gain or lose or share electrons to achieve the electronic
configuration of the nearest noble gas in the periodic table.
Metals have low electronegativity and ionization energy thus they tend to
transfer or lose electrons. Non – metals have high electronegativity and ionization
energy. They have a greater tendency to attract electrons towards themselves. Thus,
non-metals tend to gain electrons. Do you know what electronegativity means? Well,
electronegativity is a measure of the tendency of an atom to attract electrons, the
higher the value, the higher its tendency to attract electrons. How about ionization
energy? Did you know that ionization energy is the energy needed to pull or remove
one or more electron/s from a neutral atom? The lower the ionization energy the easier
it is to remove its valence electron

You will gain information about losing and gaining electrons as you do the activity.

What’s New

Activity 1
Formation of Cations and Anions

1.Identify the number of electrons being lose and gain
2. Explain how cations and anions(ions) are formed
paper pen
Supply all the data needed in the table
Guide Questions:
1. Copy and fill in the table on a separate sheet of paper by determining the
number of electrons lose or gained, ionic charges and the type of ions

Ions No. of No. of No. of Ionic Type of ions

Protons Electrons electrons charge formed

20 -18 Lose 2e 2+ cation
1. N -2 7 -9

2.Fl- 9 -10 Gained 1e 1-

3.Cl- 17 -18 anion

4.Li+ 3 -2

5.Na+ 11 -10

The electron arrangement of the sodium ion is now the same as that of the noble gases
Neon. Consider a process with Magnesium and Aluminum. In this case, the magnesium
atom loses its valence electrons in order to achieve the same arrangement as the noble
gas Neon and a charge of 2+. The aluminum atom losesits three valence electrons to
have the same electron arrangement as Neon and a charge of 3+.

Anion Formation
Anion are the negative ions formed from the gain of one or more electrons. When non -
metal atoms gain electrons, they often do so much until end. The innermost principal
energy level achieves Octet. For Flourine which has an electron arrangement of 2,7, it
only needs to gain electron to have the same electron arrangement as Neon. Forming an
Octet (eight electrons) in the outer shell provide stability to the atom. Flourine will gain
one electron and have a charge of 1-. The electron arrangement of fluoride ion (2,8) will
also change to reflect the gain of electron. For the Flourine to gain electrons it must have
high electronegativity and high ionization energy to become anion.


What’s More

1. Sulfur atom has 16 protons and 16 electrons with a total charge of zero (0).
Illustrate and explain on how a sulfide ion be formed? Use a separate sheet
of paper.

What I Have Learned


Directions: Read the questions and write the letter of the correctanswer on
a sheet of paper.
1. Cobalt has 27 protons and 26 electrons. What is the net charge of Cobalt?
A. 1+ B. 2 - C. 2+ D. 3+
2. What kind of element has the greatest tendency to attract electrons?
A. Metals B. Metalloids C. Non- Metals D. Both A and B
3.What kind of element requires high energy to remove its valence electrons?
A. Metals B. Metalloids C. Non-Metals D. Both A and B
4.When atoms gains electrons it becomes .
A. Anio B. Cation C. Compound D. Metalloids
5. An atom or group of atoms with a charge is known as .
A.Compound B. Ion C. Metals D. Non -Metals
6.Which of the following is an ion?
A. Ca B. Mg C. N D. OH-
7.How are ions made from neutral atoms? Neutral atoms can be turned into
A. positively charged ions by removing/losing one or more electrons
B.negatively charged ions by gaining/accepting one or more electrons.
C. both A and B
D. all of these
8.It is a group of atoms that have a charge.
A. Monoatomic ion B. Polyatomic ion C. Sub-atomic particles D. All of these
9.What kind of element which has less than 4 valence electrons?
A. Metal B. Metalloids C. Non- Metals D. None of these
10. It is a measure of the tendency of an atom to attract electrons.
A. Electro-negativity B. Electron affinity C. Ionization energy D. Configuration


Directions: Read the questions carefully. Write the letter of your answer in a sheet of paper.
1. What is known as positively charged particle?
A. electron B. neutron C. plasma D. proton
2. What do you think will happen to an atom when it gains or lose electrons? It
becomes an/a .
A. compound B. ion C. isotope D. neutron
3. What sub atomic particle is negatively charged?
A. electron B. neutron C. plasma D. proton
4. Which of the following describes a neutral atom? The .
A. Atom is unchanged
B. Positive and negative charges of an atom balance each other
C. number of electrons in an atom is the same as the number of protons
D. all of these
5. Which of the subatomic particles which do not have charge at all?
A. electron B. neutron C. plasma D. proton
6. Why does atom a neutral particle? It is because they have .
A. unlike particles
B. similar charges
C. equal number of protons and electrons
D. different number of protons and electrons
7. What happens to an atom when it becomes an ion? It .
A. becomes neutral
B. gains electron and becomes a positive ion
C. gains electron and becomes a negative ion
D. loses electrons and becomes a positive ion
8. Who discovered ions?
A. Dalton B. Faraday C. Galileo D. Mendeleev
9. Which of the following ion is negatively charged?
A. anion B. cation C. neutron D. proton
10. Which of the following ion known to be single?
A. anion B. cation C. compound D. simple
11. If an ion has 13 protons and 10 electrons, what is the charge of this
A. 2+ B. 2- C. 3+ D.3-
12. When atom gains electrons it becomes .
A. neutral C. positively charged
B. negatively charged D. both A and C
13. Which of the following ion symbol for Na which has 11protons and 12 electrons?
A. Na+ B. Na-2 C. Na+3 D. Na-3
14. What is the valence electron of an element whose atomic number
is 3?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
15. If Lithium has 3 atomic number, how many electrons would be loose when forming
A. 1 B. 3 C. 5 D.7

A. Books

Science 9 Learner’s Module, Department of Education

of the Philippines, pp . 111- 115

Chemistry III SEMP2, Second Social Expenditure Management Project

Department Of Education, Republic of the Philippines , Amelia P. Mapal,pp.104-107

B. Links and Photo Credits

2F1493 0936%2F&psig=AOvVaw1-

Lesson 1- What’s NewActivity
For Observations/Guide Questions1.)
1. Neutral 6. Charged
2. Charged 7. Charged
3. Charged 8.Neutral
4. Neutral 9. Neutral
5. Charged 10.Charged
a. charged; negatively charge b.neutral; zero
(no charged) c.charged ; negatively charged
For Generalization
1. Neural atoms are uncharged atom whose number of protons and electrons are equal.
2.To become negatively charged an atom has to gain electrons
To become a positively charged an atom has to lose electrons
What’s More
1.An atom is neutral when both proton and electrons are equal. 2.An atom is
charged when there is a loss and gain of electrons
What I Have Learned
3. Negatively
4. Positively
Answer Key
What I Can Do
Positively Charged Negatively Charged Uncharged Particles
Particles Particles
Possess more protons Possess more electrons Possess equal no. of
than electrons than protons protons and electrons
Lesson 2
What’s New
Activity 1
Ions Cation Anion Neither Cation or
1.H+ /
2.O2 /
3.Ba2+ /
4.CH4 /
5.Hg2+ /
6.Li+ /
7.Ca2+ /
8.F- /
9.C6H12O6 /
10Fe3+ /
Activity 2
Ions Simple or Compound Ion
1.OH- Compound Ion
2.Na+3 Simple Ion
3.SO-2 Compound Ion
4.PO-3 Compound Ion
5.Mg3+ Simple Ion
Lesson 3
Activity 1
Ion No. of No. of No. of 21 Ionic Charge Type of Ion
Protons Electrons Electrons
Lose or
1.N-2 7 -9 Gained2e 2- Anion
2.Fl- 9 -10 Gained 1e 1- Anion
3.Cl- 17 -18 Gained 1- Anion
4.Li+ 3 -2 Lose 1e 1+ Cation
5.Na+ 11 -10 Lose 1e 1+ Cation
What’s More
Sulfide ion is formed `when two electrons are gained. Atom Sulfur has a property
of being high with regards on its electronegativity and ionization energy to attract
What I Have Learned
1.A 4. A 7. D 10.A
2.C 5. B 8.B
3.C 6.D 9. A
The difference between simple and compound ion. Simple ions are formed from single atoms
Compound ions are formed from groups of gained ions.
What I Have Learned
1. charged
2. cations
3. anions
7.Simple ions
8. Compound / Polyatomic ion
9.Na+, Mg3+, K+
10. NH - , OH-, PO-3
What I Can Do
1.)3+ 2.) 2- 3.) 2+
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:
Department of Education, Cebu City Division
Office Address: Imus Avenue, Cebu City
Telephone Nos. (063)25-1516, (032) 253-9095
Email Address:


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