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Quarter 2-Module 1
Week 1 (Electronic Structure of Matter)

Science - Grade 9
Quarter 2 - Module 1 (Electronic Structure of Matter)
Second Edition, Revised 2021

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Published by the Department of Education – Cebu City Division

Schools Division Superintendent: Rhea Mar A. Angtud, EdD

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Lesson Bohr’s and Quantum
Mechanical Model of an
1 Atom

Hello there our young scientist! Welcome to the first module of this
quarter. Before moving forward, please be guided with what’s waiting for you


Learning Competency:
Explain how the Quantum Mechanical Model of the atom describes
the energies and positions of the electrons.

In Grade 8, you have learned that Rutherford’s atomic model which pictures the
atom as mostly empty space and its mass is concentrated in the nucleus, where you
find the protons and the neutrons. This model has worked well during his time, but it
was only able to explain a few simple properties of atoms. However, it could not
explain why metals or compounds give off characteristic colors when heated in a
flame. A model different from Rutherford’s atomic model is necessary to describe the
behavior of atoms.
Niels Bohr refined Rutherford’s model of an atom. Based on his experiments,
Bohr described the electron to be moving in definite orbits around the nucleus. Much
later, scientists discovered that it is impossible to determine the exact location of
electrons in an atom. Within this module, you will learn about the evidence that Bohr
used to explain his model of the atom. You will do a task that will help you understand
that there is a certain portion of space around the nucleus where the electron is most
likely to be found.
In addition, you will know more about the present model of the atom, which is
called the quantum mechanical model. It is important for you to understand that the
chemical properties of atoms, ions and molecules are related to how electrons are
arranged in these particles of matter. You will find out the answers to the following
questions as you perform the activities in this module.

How does the Bohr atomic model differ from Rutherford’s model?
What is the basis for the quantum mechanical model of the atom?
How are electrons arranged in the atom?

Excited to discover the answers to the above cited questions? Before you start,
answer the following pre-assessment first.

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.
1. On the basis of Rutherford’s model of an atom, which sub- atomic particle is
present in the nucleus of an atom?
A. proton only C. proton and neutron
B. proton and electron D. neutron and electron
2. If the first and second energy levels of an atom are full, then what would be
the total number of electrons in the atom?
A. 6 B. 8 C. 10 D. 18
3. Which atomic model is proposed by Schrodinger?
A. nuclear model C. raisin bread model
B. planetary model D. quantum mechanical model
4. Which electron transition results in the emission of energy?
A. 1s to 2s C. 3p to 3s
B. 2s to 2p D. 3p to 4p
5. The symbol “n” in the Bohr theory of atomic structure refers to the _______
A. energy of electron
B. total energy of the atom
C. orbit in which an electron is found
D. number of electrons in the energy level
6. Which of the following sublevels is correctly designated?
A. 1p5 B. 2p6 C. 3f 9 D. 3d11
7. How many orbitals are in the third principal energy level?
A. 3 B. 6 C. 9 D. 12

8. Which configuration is possible in an excited state of an electron?
A. 1H : 1d1 C. 11Na : 1s2 2s2 2p6 3d1
B. 2He : 1s2 D. 10Ne : 1s2 2s2 2p5 3s1
9. What are the orbitals in the fifth principal energy level?
A.s orbital C. s, p, d orbitals
B. s, p orbitals D. s, p, d, f and g orbitals
10. For a neutral atom with the electron configuration of 1s 2 2s2 2p5 3s1, which
statement is FALSE?
A. The atomic number is ten.
B. The atom is in ground state.
C. The atom is in an excited state.
D. The 1s and 2s orbitals are filled.
11. Rutherford’s model of the atom concentrated on the nucleus while Bohr’s
model focused on the ______
A. electrons C. protons
B. neutrons D. quarks
12. Which of the following statements about electrons refer to the Bohr Model of
an atom?
A. move at a very high velocity around the nucleus
B. exist at different energy levels in orbit around the nucleus
C. can move between energy levels when they gain or lose energy
D. all of the above
13. The following are rules/principles used in arranging the electrons around the
nucleus of an atom EXCEPT
A. Hund’s Rule
B. Aufbau Principle
C. Pauli Exclusion Principle
D. Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle
14. If a neutral atom has 18 electrons, what is the highest principal energy level
that its outermost electrons will occupy?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

15. Which of the following is the correct electron configuration for neon ( 10Ne)?
A. 1s2 2s2 2p6 C. 1s4 2s2 3s2 2p2
B. 1s2 2s2 3s2 2p4 D. 1s2 2s2 3s1 2p5

Let’s take a trip down the memory lane on the development of the atomic theory by
completing the table below. Use a separate sheet of paper.

Atomic Proponent Illustration Description


Solid The atom is a solid sphere that

Sphere could not be divided into smaller
Model particles.

The atom has negatively-charged

J.J. Thomson electrons embedded within a
positive sphere.

Most of the atom’s mass is in the

positively charged nucleus. Far
from the nucleus are the
negatively charged electrons.

Guide Question:
1. Why were these atomic models being rejected?
Since these models were not accepted by the scientific community, what could
have transpired and led them to formulate a new atomic model?
You will find out in the next activity.

Activity 1: The Flame Test
❖ Determine the characteristic colors that metal salts emit; and
❖ Relate the colors emitted by salt metals to the structure of the atom.

NOTE: Do not perform this activity at home. Just read the situation given
1. Assuming that you have observed your teacher performing the flame test
Situation: The teacher will place metals salts on five watch glasses and
then he will add 2 to 3 drops of 3 M hydrochloric acid. Using another watch
glass, he will pour about 3-5 mL of ethanol, light with a match and observe the
color of the flame (this will serve as the reference for comparison of the flame
color). Next step, the teacher will now light the other metal salts in each watch
2. Study the diagram and table below:

Source: Science 9 LM

Table 1: Color of flame of metal salts

Metal Salt Tested Element Producing Color Color of the Flame

Boric Acid boron green

Calcium chloride calcium orange

Sodium chloride sodium yellow orange

Potassium chloride potassium light violet

Copper (II) sulfate copper blue green

Guide Questions: Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Why are there different colors emitted?
2. What particles in the heated compounds are responsible for the
production of the colored light?
3. How did the scientists explain the relationship between the colors
observed and the structure of the atom?

You have observed that each of the substances that has been tested showed
a specific color of the flame. Why do certain elements give off light of specific color
when heat is applied? These colors given off by the vapors of the elements can be
analyzed with an instrument called the spectroscope.
Figure 1. An Atomic Spectroscope

Source: Science 9 LM

A glass prism separates the light given off into its component wavelength. The
spectrum produced appears as a series of sharp bright lines with characteristic colors
and wavelengths on a dark background instead of being continuous like the rainbow.
We call this series of lines the atomic spectrum of the element. The color, the number

and position of lines produced is called the “fingerprint” of an element. These are all
constant for a given element. See figure 2.

Figure 2. Atomic Spectra of H, Na and Ne

Source: Science 9 LM

How did Niels Bohr explain what you have observed in Activity 1 and the
findings about the elements in a spectroscope? Individual lines in the atomic spectra
of elements indicate definite energy transformations within the atom. Bohr considered
the electrons as particles moving around the nucleus in fixed circular orbits. These
orbits are found at definite distances from the nucleus. The orbits are known as the
energy levels, where n is a whole number 1, 2, 3…and so forth.
Electrons in each orbit have a definite energy, which increases as the
distance of the orbit from the nucleus increases. As long as the electron stays in
its orbit, there is no absorption or emission of energy. As shown in figure 3, when an
electron of an element absorbs extra energy (from the flame or electric arc), this
electron moves to a higher energy level. At this point the electron is at its excited
state. Once excited, the atom is unstable. The same electron can return to any of the
lower energy levels releasing energy in the form of light with a particular color
and a definite energy or wavelength. Bohr’s model explained the appearance of the
bright line spectrum of the hydrogen atom but could not explain for atoms that have
more than one electron.

Figure 3. Excited state of an electron

Source: Science 9 LM

4. Explain how the observation in Activity 1 relates to Bohr’s model of the


5. Which illustration below represents the energy of the electron as
described by Bohr? Explain.

The energy levels of electrons are like the steps of a ladder. The lowest step of
the ladder corresponds to the lowest energy level. A person can climb up and down
by going from step to step. Similarly, the electrons can move from one energy level to
another by absorbing or releasing energy. Energy levels in an atom are not equally
spaced which means that the amount of energy is not the same. The higher energy
levels are closer together. If an electron occupies a higher energy level, it will take less
energy for it to move to the next energy level. As a result of the Bohr model, electrons
are described as occupying fixed energy levels at a certain distance from the nucleus
of an atom.
However, Bohr’s model of the atom was not sufficient to describe atoms with
more than one electron.
The way around the problem with Bohr’s model is to know the arrangement of
electrons in atoms in terms of the probability of finding an electron in certain locations
within the atom.
In the next activity, you will use an analogy to understand the probability of
finding an electron in an atom.

Activity 2: Predicting the Probable Location of an Electron

❖ Describe how it is likely to find an electron in an atom by probability.
one sheet of short bond paper, pencil or colored marker with small tip, compass,
graphing paper, one-foot ruler
1. Draw a dot on the center of the sheet of paper.

2. Draw 5 concentric circles around the dot so that the radius of each circle is 1.0
cm, 3.0 cm, 5.0 cm, 7.0 cm and 9.0 cm from the
3. Tape the paper on the floor so that it will not
4. Stand on the opposite side of the target (the
center which represents the nucleus of an atom).
Hold a pencil or marker at chest level above the
center of the circles you have drawn.
5. Drop the pencil or marker so that it will leave 100
dots on the circles drawn on paper.
6. Count the number of dots in each circle and record the number on the data
7. Calculate the number of dots per square centimeter (cm2).
8. Using a graphing paper, plot the average distance from the center on the x-axis
and number of dots per square centimeter on the y-axis.
Data Table:

Circle Average Area of Difference Number Number Percent

Number Distance Circle of Areas of Dots of Dots Probability
2 2
from the (cm ) Two in Circle per cm of Finding
Center Consecutive (E/D) Dots (%)
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G)

1 1.0 3.14 25.13 (example (example (example

only) only) only)
5 0.1920 19.20

2 3.0 28.27 50.27

3 5.0 78.54 75.40

4 7.0 153.94 100.53

5 9.0 254.47 125.66

Guide Questions: Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
1. What happens to the number of dots per unit area as the distance of the
dots go farther away from the center?
2. Determine the percent probability of finding a dot in each of the circles
drawn on the target by multiplying the number of dots /cm 2 (column D)
by the total number of dots (100). For example, in circle 1 (A):
Percent Probability = no. of dots/cm2 × 100
= (0.1920/100) ×100 = 19.20%
3. Based on your graph, what is the distance with the highest probability of
finding a dot? Show this in your graph.
4. How many dots are found in the area where there is the highest
probability of finding dots?
5. How are your results similar to the distribution of electrons in an atom?

This activity demonstrates what scientists found out that it is not possible to
know the exact position of the electron. So Bohr’s idea that electrons are found in
definite orbits around the nucleus was rejected. Three physicists led the development
of a better model of the atom.

Physicists Contribution

Louie de Broglie Proposed that the electron (which is also thought as a

particle) could also be a wave.

Erwin Schrodinger Used Broglie’s idea to develop a mathematical equation to

describe the hydrogen atom.

Werner Karl Heisenberg Discovered that for a very small particle like the electron,
its location cannot be exactly known and how it is moving.
This is called the uncertainty principle.

These scientists believed that there is only a probability that the electron can
be found in a certain volume in space around the nucleus. This volume or region
of space around the nucleus where the electron is most likely to be found is called an

atomic orbital. Thus, we could only guess the most probable location of the electron
at a certain time to be within a certain volume of space surrounding the nucleus.
The quantum mechanical model of the atom comes from the mathematical
solution to the Schrodinger equation.
The quantum mechanical
model views an electron as a
cloud of negative charge having
a certain geometrical shape. This
model shows how likely an
electron could be found in
various locations around the
nucleus. However, the model
does not give any information
about how the electron moves
from one position to another.
Figure 4 shows that the Figure 4: Average Distance of electrons having
darker an area, the greater is the high and low energies
probability of finding the electron Source: Science 9 LM
in that area.
The quantum mechanical model also gives information about the energy of the
electron. This model also describes the region of space around the nucleus as
consisting of shells. These shells are also called principal or main energy levels.
The principal energy levels or shells may have one or more sublevels. These
sublevels are assigned with letters: s, p, d, f and g as shown in Table 2.
Table 2: Principal Energy Levels and Sublevels of Electrons.

Princi Numb Maximum Number Total Number of

pal er of of Electrons Per Electrons
Type of Sublevel
Energ Suble Orbital
and Number of
y vels

1 1 1s (1 orbital) 1s = 2 2

2 2 2s (1 orbital), 2p (3 2s = 2 8
2p = 6

3 3 3s (1 orbital), 3p (3 3s = 2 18
orbitals), 3d (5
3p = 6

3d = 10

4 4 4s (1 orbital), 4p (3 4s = 2 32
orbitals), 4d (5
4p = 6
4d = 10
4f (7 orbitals)
4f = 14

5 5 5s (1 orbital), 5p (3 5s = 2 50
orbitals), 5d (5
5p = 6
5d = 10
5f (7 orbitals), 5g (9
orbitals) 5f = 14
5g = 18

As shown in Table 2, the principal quantum number always equals the number
of sublevels within that principal energy level. The maximum number of electrons that
can occupy a principal energy level is given by the formula 2n2, where n is the principal
quantum number.
Guide Questions:
6. Based on Table 2, how many types of orbitals are in principal energy
level three (3)?
7. How many atomic orbitals are in the highest sublevel of principal energy
level three (3)?

Figure 5. Shapes of s Orbital and p orbitals

Source: Science 9 LM

Orbitals have specific energy values. They have particular shapes and direction
in space. The s orbitals are spherical, and p orbitals are dumbbell-shaped, as
shown in Figure 5. Because of the spherical shape of the s orbital, the probability of
finding an electron at a given distance from the nucleus in an s orbital does not depend
on direction, unlike the three kinds of p orbitals which are oriented along the x, y and
z axes. So their different orientations in space are px, py and pz.
The shapes of other orbitals (d and f) were derived from complex calculation
and will not be discussed in this module.
In an atom, the electrons and the nucleus interact to make the most stable
arrangement possible. The way in which electrons are distributed in the different
orbitals around the nucleus of an atom is called the electron configuration.

Electron Configuration
Electronic configuration or also known as electronic structure, is the
arrangement of electrons in energy levels around an atomic nucleus. In terms of a
more refined, quantum mechanical model, the energy levels are subdivided into a set
of orbitals, each of which can be occupied by no more than a pair of electrons. When
assigning electrons to orbitals, we must follow a set of three rules: the Aufbau
Principle, the Pauli-Exclusion Principle and Hund's Rule.
Rules for Electron Configuration
❖ Aufbau Principle- states that in the ground state of an atom or ion, electrons
fill atomic orbitals of the lowest available energy levels before occupying higher
❖ Pauli Exclusion Principle- states that no two electrons in the same atom can
occupy the same orbital and the two electrons in the same orbital must have
opposite spins.
❖ Hund’s Rule- no two electrons can be identified by the same set of quantum
For this module, you will focus on applying the Aufbau Principle only for the
electron configuration. These are the steps in writing the electron configuration.
1. Determine the number of electrons that an atom has.
2. Fill the s orbital in the first energy level (the 1s orbital) with the first two
3. Fill the s orbital in the second energy level (the 2s orbital) with the second two
4. Always remember the total number of electrons that each orbital can carry.
Refer to figure 6.
5. You can only start filling in the next orbital once the lower orbital is already
completely filled.

6. To be guided, you may refer to this mnemonic device (figure 7). In filling in the
orbitals with electrons, just follow the direction of the arrow for the sequence of
the orbitals.

Figure 6. Maximum Number

of Electrons per Orbital Figure 7

NOTE: For a neutral atom, its atomic number is equivalent to its number of protons
and electrons.

Element Symbol No. of Electron Configuration

and Atomic Electron
Number (s)

Hydrogen 1H 1 1s1
Sodium 11Na 11 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1
Vanadium 23V 23 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d3
Bromine 35Br 35 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p5

The exponent 1 in the orbital 1s1 of hydrogen means that there is only 1
hydrogen electron that must be distributed.

For sodium with 11 electrons, the sum of its atomic orbital exponents 2, 2, 6
and 1 is equivalent to 11. Therefore, the sum of its exponents must be equal to the
number of electrons of that specific atom.

Activity 3: Writing Electron Configurations
❖ Write the electron configuration of the first 15 elements.

Materials: pen and paper

1. After learning how to write electron configurations using the Aufbau Principle,
complete the table below and answer the guide questions.
2. Copy and answer the table on a separate sheet of paper.

Element Symbol No. of Electron Configuration

and Electron
Atomic s

Hydrogen 1H 1 1s1

Helium 2He

Lithium 3Li

Beryllium 4Be

Boron 5B

Carbon 6C

Nitrogen 7N

Oxygen 8O

Fluorine 9F

Neon 10Ne

Sodium 11Na

Magnesium 12Mg

Aluminum 13Al

Silicon 14Si

Phosphorus 15P

Guide Questions:
1. Do you see patterns in the distribution of their electrons?

2. What are these patterns that you have observed?


Upon learning new things about the structure of the atom, determine whether
the following statements are TRUE or FALSE. Use a separate sheet of paper.
1. Bohr’s atomic model describes the atom like a solar system. Where the electron
is found only in specific circular paths, or orbits, around the nucleus.

2. The quantum mechanical model of the atom describes the atom as having a
nucleus at the center around which the electrons move. This model describes
a region in space where the electron is most likely to be found.

3. The way in which electrons are distributed in the different orbitals around the
nucleus of an atom is called the electron configuration. Filling the electrons
starts from the highest energy level to the lower energy level.

Using indigenous materials found in your home, make a model that
represents the Quantum Mechanical Model of the atom.
Refer to the rubric below:
CATEGORY 25 20 15 10
Over-all It is clear that Somewhat neat More time and Needs to be
Appearance time was taken and attractive, effort could neatly improved
to make the but needs some have been put and lacks color
structure neat, work. into improving attraction.
colorful and the structure’s
attractive. appearance.
On-Time Whole project Project was Project was Project was
was complete turned in a day turned in two turned in three
and turned in by late. days late days late.
the assigned
due date.
Model Project shows Project shows Project shows Model has more
the the the than 3 errors.
characteristics characteristics characteristics

of the Quantum of the Quantum of the Quantum
Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical
Model of the Model of the Model of the
Atom and is Atom but it has Atom but it has
labeled 1 missing label. 2 missing
correctly. labels.
Creativity and Model shows Model shows Model is 2-D Project is poorly
Explanation on that learner learner used and copied from made. Little
how it was researched standard class notes. thought was put
made examples and materials in 2-D Very little into model or it
used creative or 3-D and imagination was was completed
ideas and he/she can put into the at the last
materials. explain how it model. minute. Learner
Model is 3-D. was made. Explanation is is unable to
Explanation on Some creativity basic. explain as
how the model evident. taught in class.
was made is
clear and easy
to understand.
Total Points

Write the letter of the correct answer on a separate piece of paper.
1. Who proposed the probability that electrons will be found in certain locations
around the nucleus of an atom?
A. Neils Bohr C. Erwin Schrodinger
B. Ernest Rutherford D. J.J. Thomson
2. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE of the atomic model of Bohr?
A. An electron can absorb or emit a quantity of radiation.
B. The energy of the electron in a given orbit is not fixed.
C. The hydrogen is made up of a positively charged nucleus.
D. The electron revolves around the nucleus in a circular orbit.
3. Which orbital designation has the highest energy?
A. 2s B.2p C. 3s D. 3d
4. Which statement is INCORRECT?
A. Orbital is a region in an atom where an electron can be found.
B. An electron can emit energy when it jumps to a higher energy level.
C. An electron can absorb energy when it jumps to a higher energy
D. Filling of electrons in an atom starts from the low energy level to the
highest energy level.

5. What occurs when an electron moves from a high energy level to a low one?
A. The atom moves faster.
B. Colored light is given off.
C. Colored light is absorbed.
D. Another electron goes from a low energy level to a high one
6. Which combination describes the flame color of the compound when heated?
A. boric acid- red C. potassium chloride- blue
B. copper (II) sulfate- violet D. sodium chloride- yellow orange
7. What happens to the energy of an electron if it moves from one energy level to
another closer to the nucleus?
A. stays constant C. gains energy
B. becomes and ion D. loses energy
8. Which principle states that electrons occupy orbitals of lowest energy first
before filling in the higher energy levels?
A. Hund’s Rule C. Schrodinger’s Equation
B. Aufbau Principle D. Pauli Exclusion Principle
9. What shape are p orbitals?
A. cloverleaf shaped C. hybrid structure
B. dumbbell shaped D. spherical shape
10. The exponent (superscript) in an electron configuration such as in 2p5 tells us
the _____
A. number of positions in that orbital
B. distance from the nucleus or level
C. number of electrons of that orbital
D. number of electrons in the nucleus
11. During a flame test, a copper (II) salt produces a bluish green color of flame.
This color is produced when electrons in the excited copper II atoms _____
A. are lost by the atoms
B. are gained by the atoms
C. move to higher energy states within the atoms
D. return to lower energy states within the atoms
12. Which of the following best describes the quantum mechanical model of the
A. It is the currently accepted atomic model.
B. It was based on Schrodinger’s mathematical calculations.
C. It describes an electron probability distribution through orbitals.
D. all of the above
13. The f orbitals can have how many orientations?
A. 1 B. 3 C. 5 D. 7
14. Which electron movement is accompanied by a release of energy?
A. 1s to 2s C. 3p to 3s
B. 2s to 2p D. 4px to 4pz
15. Which of the following statements about the orbital is FALSE?
A. It can be unoccupied.
B. It can be occupied by one electron.
C. It can be occupied by two electrons.
D. It can be occupied by more than two electrons.

□ Brown, Theodore et al (2009) Chemistry: The Central Science 11th Edition
Pearson Education, South Asia PTE. LTD. Singapore
□ Carmichaels, H. (1983). Laboratory Chemistry,. Columbos, Ohio: Merill
Publishing Co.
□ Department of Education, Culture and Sports (2004). Chemistry: Science and
Technology Textbook for 3rd Year. (Revised Edition). Quezon City.
□ Kotz, John C. et al (2010) Chemistry and Chemical Reactivity Enhanced Ed.
Canada: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning
□ LeMay, E. et al (1996) Chemistry Connection to Our Changing World, Teacher
Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc.
□ Mendoza, E & Religioso, T. (2001). Chemistry. Quezon City: Phoenix-SIBS
Publishing House, Inc.
□ Silberberg, Martin S.(2009) Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter and
Change 5th Edition, International Ed. 2010 McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. New
□ Smot, R.C. et al (1995) Chemistry Wraparound Teacher's Edition,
Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, Merill Publishing Co., Ohio
□ University of the Philippines National Institute for Science and Mathematics
Education Development. (2001). Practical Work in High School Chemistry:
Sourcebook for Teachers. Quezon City
□ Wilbraham, A.C. et al (1997). Chemistry Expanded (4th Edition) Teacher
Edition. California: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.

Electronic Sources:
□ The ekShiksha Team, Affordable Solutions Lab (ASL), Indian Institute of
Technology, Bombay, India. Matter in our Surrounding. Retrieved: October 3,

Internet Sources:

What’s In
Atomic Model Proponent Illustration Description
Solid Sphere
John Dalton The atom is a solid sphere that could
Model not be divided into smaller particles.
The atom has negatively-charged
Pudding J.J. Thomson electrons embedded within a
Model positive sphere.
Most of the atom’s mass is in the
Nuclear Model positively charged nucleus. Far from
Rutherford the nucleus are the negatively
charged electrons.
Guide Question:
1. (Answers may vary) Possible answer: These atomic models were rejected because it wasn’t not able
to support the new discoveries about the structure of the atom.
Activity 1: The Flame Test
1. Metal salts emitted different colors because of the absorption of heat from the flame.
2. The outermost particles in the metallic element are responsible for the production of the colored light.
3. The colors observed is an indication that definite energy transformations occur inside the atom emitting
light. It follows that electrons must occupy orbits of fixed energy.
4. The electrons are moving around the nucleus in circular orbits. When an electron absorbs extra energy
from an outside source (flame), the electron moves to a higher orbit. The colored light is emitted when
the electron falls back to a lower orbit. The light is the difference between the energies of the two orbits
5. The energy levels of electrons are like the steps of a ladder. The lowest step of the ladder corresponds
to the lowest energy level. The electrons can move from one energy level to another by absorbing or
releasing energy. Energy levels in an atom are not equally spaced which means that the amount of
energy is not the same. The higher energy levels are closer together. If an electron occupies a higher
energy level, it will take less energy for it to move to the next energy level.
Activity 2: Predicting the Probable Location of an Electron
*Answers may vary in the table based on their performance of the activity.
Guide Questions:
1. The number of dots increases abruptly and then decreases as the dots go farther from the center.
2. Answer will vary
3. Answer will vary
4. Answer will vary
5. The results of the activity are similar to the structure of the atom because the probability of finding an
electron (dot) increases abruptly then decreases as it goes farther from the nucleus (target).
6. There are 3 types of orbitals (s, p and d) in the principal energy level 3.
7. There are 5 atomic orbitals in the highest sublevel of the principal energy level 3.
Answer Key:
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Activity 3: Electron Configurations
Element Symbol No. of Electron Configuration
and Atomic Electrons
Hydrogen 1H 1 1s1
Helium 2He 2 1s2
Lithium 3Li 3 1s2 2s1
Beryllium 4Be 4 1s2 2s2
Boron 5B 5 1s2 2s2 2p1
Carbon 6C 6 1s2 2s2 2p2
Nitrogen 7N 7 1s2 2s2 2p3
Oxygen 8O 8 1s2 2s2 2p4
Fluorine 9F 9 1s2 2s2 2p5
Neon 10Ne 10 1s2 2s2 2p6
Sodium 11Na 11 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1
Magnesium 12Mg 12 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2
Aluminum 13Al 13 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p1
Silicon 14Si 14 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p2
Phosphorus 15P 15 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p3
Guide Questions:
1. Yes
2. Filling the orbitals with electrons starts from the lowest energy level to the highest energy level.
What I Have Learned
1. True
2. True
3. False

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