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Date: 19/07/2021

Medical| 1T-JEE Foundations
Olympiad-Classroom Assessment Practice Sheet
0-CAPS-08: Pre-Regional Mathematics Olympiad (PRMO)
(For Vill, IX & XStudying Students)

Topics Covered
Mathematics Complete Syllabus (As per Last Year's Pattern)


1. If product of integral lengths of any twe sides of a triangle is 12, then how nmany such triangles are posSIDIe
2. ABC is an equilateral triangle. BC is extending to D and BA is extencing to E such that AE = BD. If CD is
also extending to F such that DF = A8 and CE = 6 cm, then find DE.
. A circle of radius 10 cm has chord RS al a distance of 5 uits from its cenire. Chord PQ intersects with chord

RSat T such that TS =RT.F the minimum value of PQ is m, thenfind where m> 0.

ABCD is a quadrilateral in whichBAC= 2BDC, if AC = 7 crr, BD = 6 cm, AB = 5 cm and CD = 4 cm, then

find AD.BC.
In AABC, if and one of the side of triangle is 2 units, then find
a b C

Area of the triangle ABC

6 If three of the six vertices of a regular hexagon are chosen at random and the probability that the triangle

with three vertices is an equilateral triangle is , then find axb, where a and b are co-prime.

Ifn(P-Q) =x + 37, n(Q-P) = 30 +3x, n(Pu Q) = 120 +2x and n(Pn Q) =35, then find the value of x.

|8. A circle is inscribed in a triangle of sides 3 cm, 4 cm and 5 cm. If D is diameter of given circle and A is area

of circle, then find the value of

9. In the adjoining figure, O is the centre ofthe circle and OS = RS. If ZPoQ = 105°, then what is the measure

of SRO in degrees?

105 R

Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456
Students) 0-CAPS-08: Pre-Regional Mathematics
Olympiad (PRI
For VIll, IX & X Study1ng
term of a sequence
is 730, each succeeding term is the sum of the cubes of the d
10. The first of the term of the sequence?
previous term. What is the sum of the digits 60
11. Fve lines are drawn in a plane. What is the maximum number of parts into which the plane can be ided
by 5 lines?

12. Ifcosoaco 15cos2cosecthen find the valueofa.

aEach number 1, 2, 3,. 100 is to be coloured with one of n colours. Each two numbers being such thal ane
is a divisor of second of them, has to be coloured with different colours. Determine minimum number nfor
which it is possible.
14. Considerm = 2'3*5. Find the number of positlive integral divisors ofr? that are smaller than n but do na
divide n.

15. Find the number of ordered integrai pairs (x, y) such that x+ = (x+yf and | « 3.
16. How many different collections of 3 coins can be made if the coins can be pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters
or half doliars, provided availability of each of the five types of coins is atleast three and all coins of
given type are identical?
Find the number of different values of positive integer
difference = 6) both ofwhich divide n +6.
n such that n is the sum of two posive integers (witn

18. Ifx=1 . . , find the remainder when x 0 is divided by 3.

19. There are 20 balls in a bag. 'a' of them are ted, b' of ihem are white and 'c of them are black. It is known

) If we double the white balis, the probability of drawing one red ball is l e s s than the probability of

drawing one red ball at the beginfing.


(i) If we remove all red balls, the piobability of drang one white ball is 16 more than the probability of

drawing one white ball at the beginting. Find tb + 2).

20. If number of six-digit numbers with all the digits of equal parity (all odd or all even) is of the form 5K,|
(Ke N), thenfind the last two digits of'K.
21. From 6 different novels and 3 diferent diclionaries, 4 novels and 1 dictionary are to be selected and
arranged in a row on a shelf so that the diclionary is always in the middle. If the number of such
arrangements is P, then find the sum of digits of P
22. (5, 53, 5) is an increasing 3-term geometric progression. (5", 5', 5) is a 3-term geometric progression but
not increasing. How many increasing 3-term geomelric progressions can be obtained from the sequence 1.
5,5, 5,., 510?
23 A point is selected at random from the interior of a circle. If the probabilily that the point is closer to the

centre than boundary of circle is where gcd(a, b) 1, then find the value of a + b'

24 Let the sets be A = (1, 2, 3,..35) and B (1, 2, 3,. 44). Find the number of all ordered pairs (a, b) such
that 'a' is taken from set A, 'D' is taken from set B, a b, 'a' is divisible by 3, bis divisible by 5 and (a + b) is

25. Find the nurmber of unordered triplets (a, b, c) such that a b c, each one ofthe a, b, c is an integer
between 1 and 12 (both including) and (a + b +C) is a multiple of 3.

Aakash Educalional Services Limited - Regd Ofice Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delh-110005 Ph 011-47623450
O-CAPS-DS Pro-Regiona! Mathem.atcs Olmpiad (PRAMOY For V!I, X&X Studying Students
5. ConsIder the 4 x 4 gnd as shown in the figure. Each of the 16 smallest cells are of the size 1 cm x 1 cm.

How many rectangles are there in this figure which are not squares?

1 1 1
27 terms
. where a and b are positive integers such that
21 12 32 25 43-34
gcoa, b) = 1 then find the value of (a + b).

2+3.+ n
28. If the value of the sum
gcap. q) = 1, then find the value of (p - q).
is where p and q are positive integers with

29 A triangle ABC has incentre I. Paints x. Y are located en the ine segments AB, AC respectively so that
BXAB 1 B and CY.AC = IC?. Given that A. i, Y are collinear and the measure of angle A in degree is N
then find the greatest integer less than or equal to N.
30. A square ABCD is drawn so that its side CD is tangent a: E to a circle passing through A, B and E. f the
ratio of the given circle to the square is a : where a and b are pe:tecl square numbers less than 100.
Then find the value of a +b.

Aakash Educational Services Limited Regd Ofice: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456
Date : 19/07/2021

Medical IIT-JEE Foundations
Olympiad-Classroom Assessment Practice Sheet
O-CAPS-08: Pre-Regional Mathematics Olympiad (PRMO)
(For Vll, IX & X Studying Students)


1. (09) (M) 7. (09) (E) 13. (07) (D} 19. (27) (M) 25. (76) (M

2. (06) (M) 8. (02) (M) 14. (29) (D 20. (25) (E) 26. (70) (VE

9. (35) (E) 15. (10) (M) 21. (09) (E)

3 (64) (D) 27. (02) (

4. (22) (E) 10. (10) (E) 16. (35) (M) 22. (64) (M) 28. (47) (M

5. 11. (16) (M) 17. (06) (M) 23. (17) (E) 29. (60) (D
(01) (M)
6. (10) (M) 12. (98) (M) 18. f01) (M) 24. (42) (D) 30. (89) (M
* *********

Question Level Questiot Number

Easy (E)-07 4,7,9, 10, 20,21, 23


Moderate (M) - 18
1, 2,5,6, 8, 11, 12. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22,25, 26, 27, 28, 30

3, 13, 14, 24, 29

AakashCucational Services Limited -Regd Office Aakash Tower. 8, Pusa Road. New Delhi-110005 Ph 011-470.3
Date: 19/07/2021

Medical IIT-JEE Foundations
Olympiad-Classroom Assessment Practice Sheet
0-CAPS-08: Pre-Regional Mathematics Olympiad(PRMO)
(For VI, IX &X Studying Students)

Answer (09) TS-of RT oR
Length of sides of triangle can be
1,12. 12 3,4, 2 3.4,5

2,6, 5 3, 4,3 3, 4,6

2,6.6 3,4,4
Total 9 triangles are possible.

Answer (06)

12 x 4 P T x TQ

= PTx TQ = 48

PT+TQPTxTQ [By AM-GM inequality)


AE BD [Given
B E = AE + AB

BF PO283
ABC 60 Minimum value of PQ =8a3 m
EFB 60

DE CE 6 cm
4. Answer (22)
Answer (64)
AC.BD AB.CD+ AD.BC Ptolemy's theorem]
AD.BC =22
MS RM= 8 cm
Aakash Educational Services Limited Regd Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-1 10005 Ph.011-47623456
O CAPS-08 Pro-Regional Mathemalics Olympiad (PRMO).A
9. Answer (35)
Let 2 S O R = x

2QSO = 2x
2 Q 0 S = T -4x

slunA k snB k snC 105+ 180°4x +x =180

cotA cot B = cot C = X = 35°
A Ba Cc 10. Answer (10)
ABC is an equilateral triangle.
730, 370, 370...
Area of equilateral triangle = Y (side 11. Answer (16)

Number of plane =1+20)

where n is the number of lines which are not para
Answer (10)
Three vertices out of 6 can be chosen as C3 = 20
12. Answer (98)

coelxcoco 16c
2 x cosec3

Only 2 equilateral triangles can be formed.
Favourable ways = 2 2
Required probability 20 10-i cosxcosä)|-2*x cosec
a xb 10
Answer (09) coseC cos
n(Pua) =n(P-)+n(Q-P)+n(Pna)
X =9 xcos 2 xcosec 2
3. Answer (02)
cosec c ..cos

xcos 2 cosec
cosec 7sinxcos

x3x4 -2 cosec
A = 1 CIm
Radius of incircle
Diameter = D = 2 cm
cosec -27 cosec
Area A =T Cm
On comparing we get,
4A 4T
2 cm a = 98

Aakash Educational Services Limited -Regd. Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph0
O-CAPS-08: Pre-Regional viaihematics Olympiad (PRMO) -
Ans & Sol
13. Answer (07) (For VIll, IX & X Study1ng Students)
19. Answer (27)
Note that numbers 2", 2, 2, 2° must be
coloured differently. a+b+c= 20 .).
in Colour(1 Sis 7) can be used to colour
numbersfrom 2- to 2'-1. 20+ b 20 25 ..(i).
14. Answer (29)
Total divisors of né less than
2020 16 .()

(4+1(2+1)(6 +1)-1-52
Equation (i)
Total divisors of n less than
n = (2+ 1) (1 + 1) (3 + 1) -1 = 23
Required number =52-23 =29 (D) ab5
20 a 4
15. Answer (10)
Dividing, we get
x+y= 0 or x-xy + =X+y
(x -x) or (x-1) + (y-1)+(x-y)* = 2 20 a 16

= (x-x) or(1) + (1 +(0 = 2 =20+25

(x,-x) or (2, 2), (1, 2). (1, 0). (2, 1), (0, 1) b60- 25a 100 5a
but ab
16 4
16. Answer (35)
0001111 180a-25a_100-5a
Number of ways3.14 180 - 25a
a4, b = . = 5,
17. Answer (06)
C 20-(4+5) = 11
X+yn, y-X = 6
Here, x | n +6 20. Answer (25)
When odd-digit appears (Use 1, 3, 5, 7, 9)
X|(x+ y+6) 5 625 x 25
X X * 12 15625
When even digit appears (Use 0, 1, 4, 6, 8)
x| 12
x = 1,2, 3, 4, 6, 12 =4x5 20 x 25 x 25
2 0 x 625
2x +6 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 30
18. Answer (01) Total number 15625+ 12500
x 2 = 5(5625)

= 5K
x 100 = 2100 K 5625
21. Answer (09)
CaxCx 4 x3x1 x 2x1
100 C3100-100C,39 100C,398
+00 Caa (3) +100100 .3x
=3(100 C399 100 C398 +.100 Cgg) +1 3 0 x 36

Then remainder is 1. = 1080 P

Aakash Educational Services Limited Regd Office Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph011-47623456
- 7
V N & X Studyng Studonts) 0.CAPS 08 Pro-Regional Mathematics Olympiad (PRMO. h.

Answer b4) 26 Answer (70)

The 3 term GP s ith common ralio 5 are
Number of squares of side 1 cm
=4 x 4
155). (5, 5, 5'). (5", 55,5") They are 15
in number The 3-term GP's with common ratio 5' Number of squares of side 2 cm =
3*3, so
ate 13 in number and so on
Total increasing 3-term GP's = 15 + 13+ 11+
Tolal number of squares =4+3+22 2

+1 8 64
Answer (17)
5930 6

Probability Total number of rectangles

G,, 100
27. Answer (02)

1 (n +1) n-nn -1
(n +1)n +nn + 1 (n 1)' n-n fn 1
(n+1)/n-nn +1

n +1

a+b 17
24 Answer (42)
11 elements of A are divisible by 3, out of which 5
are even and 6 are odd. 8 elements of B are
divisible by 5, out of which 4 are even and 4 are
odd. 2 elements are divisible by both 3 and 5
Required number = (ways when a is taken from 5 28. Answer (47)
even elements and b is taken from 4 even
elements)+ (ways when a is taken from 6 odd nn+1)
elements and b is laken from 4 odd ones) 1+2+3+..+n 2
(when a = b and taken from 2 elements) n+23+33..+n n(n+1)
*C1C+Cx C -2 2
25. Answer (76)
Consider three sets A ={1, 4, 7, 10), B {2, 5, 8,
11) and C= {3, 6,9, 12). 3 divides a t b+cif and
(i) All a, b, c are in A or in B or in C
or (i) One of a, b, c is in A, another in B, and third
one in .
Total number of triplets
tas248 49
3x Cy+"Cx CxC
1 2 +64 = 76 449 49
Aakash Educational Services Limited- Regd Office Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph 011-47623458
Pre-Regional Aathemati.cs Olympiad (PRMO) - Ans & Soi (ForVilil iX&X Studyng Studeris

Answer (60) 30. Answer (89)

Let side of square ABCD = x cm

relation B*
BX.BA, we see that Bl is a
From the Let radius of circle = r cm
to the Cirdle passing through A, X, I at/.
tangent - GF=x-r
BiX= 2BA/ =
4 In right triangle BGF

Similarly, 2C/Y= 2CAl =

Also. 4BIC = 90*.
= Area of circle : Area of square ABCD
X, I, Y

- 4--s0180 = 25T 4

a 2 5 , b = 64
A =60

Services Limited Regd Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road,

New Delhi-110005 Ph 011-47623456

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