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Course Curriculum: Your 8 Module Learning Plan

Apache Cassandra Certification Training

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About The Course

Cassandra is a distributed database from Apache that is highly scalable and designed to manage
very large amounts of structured data. Apache Cassandra Certification Training Covers Gossip
Protocol, Database and Table Operations, Node Operations in a Cluster, Managing and Monitoring
the Cluster, Backup/Restore and Performance Tuning, and Hosting Cassandra Database on Cloud.
You will also learn to integrate Cassandra with Hadoop, Spark, and Kafka.

Module 1:
Introduction to Big data, and Cassandra

Goal: In this module you will get a brief introduction of Big Data and how it creates problems for traditional Database Management
Systems like RDBMS. You will also learn how Cassandra solves these problems and understand Cassandra’s features.

• Basic concepts of Cassandra

• At the end of this module, you will be able to • Explain what is Big Data • List the Limitations of RDBMS • Define NoSQL and it’s
Characteristics • Define CAP Theorem • Learn Cassandra • List the Features of Cassandra • Get a Tour of Edureka’s VM

• Introduction to Big Data and Problems caused by it • 5V – Volume, Variety, Velocity, Veracity and Value • Traditional Database
Management System • Limitations of RDMS • NOSQL databases • Common characteristics of NoSQL databases • CAP theorem • How
Cassandra solves the Limitations • History of Cassandra • Features of Cassandra

Hands On:
• Edureka VM tour

Module 2:
Cassandra Data Model

Goal: In this module, you will learn about Database Model and similarities between RDBMS and Cassandra Data Model. You will also
understand the key Database Elements of Cassandra and learn about the concept of Primary Key.

• Data Modelling in Cassandra • Data Structure Design

• At the end of this module, you will be able to • Explain what is Database Modelling and it’s Features • Describe the Different Types of
Data Models • List the Difference between RDBMS and Cassandra Data Model • Define Cassandra Data Model • Explain Cassandra
Database Elements • Implement Keyspace Creation, Updating and Deletion • Implement Table Creation, Updating and Deletion

• Introduction to Database Model • Understand the analogy between RDBMS and Cassandra Data Model • Understand following Database
Elements a. Cluster b. Keyspace c. Column Family/Table d. Column
• Column Family Options • Columns • Wide Rows, Skinny Rows • Static and dynamic tables

Hands On:
• Creating Keyspace • Creating Tables

Module 3:
Cassandra Architecture

Goal: Gain knowledge of architecting and creating Cassandra Database Systems. In addition, learn about the complex inner workings of
Cassandra such as Gossip Protocol, Read Repairs and so on.

• Cassandra Architecture

Objectives: At the end of this module, you will be able to:

• Explain the Architecture of Cassandra • Describe the Different Layers of Cassandra Architecture • Learn about Gossip Protocol • Describe
Partitioning and Snitches • Explain Vnodes and How Read and Write Path works • Understand Compaction, Anti-Entropy and Tombstone •
Describe Repairs in Cassandra • Explain Hinted Handoff

• Cassandra as a Distributed Database • Key Cassandra Elements : a. Memtable b. Commit log c. SSTables
• Replication Factor • Data Replication in Cassandra • Gossip protocol – Detecting failures • Gossip: Uses • Snitch: Uses • Data Distribution
• Staged Event-Driven Architecture (SEDA) • Managers and Services • Virtual Nodes: Write path and Read path • Consistency level •
Repair • Incremental repair

Module 4:
Deep Dive into Cassandra Database

Goal: In this module you will learn about Keyspace and its attributes in Cassandra. You will also create Keyspace, learn how to create a
Table and perform operations like Inserting, Updating and Deleting data from a table while using CQLSH.

• Database Operations • Table Operations

Objectives: At the end of this module, you will be able to:

• Describe Different Data Types Used in Cassandra • Explain Collection Types • Describe What are CRUD Operations • Implement Insert,
Select, Update and Delete of various elements • Implement Various Functions Used in Cassandra • Describe Importance of Roles and
Indexing • Understand tombstones in Cassandra

• Replication Factor • Replication Strategy • Defining columns and data types • Defining a partition key • Recognizing a partition key •
Specifying a descending clustering order • Updating data • Tombstones • Deleting data • Using TTL • Updating a TTL

• Create Keyspace in Cassandra • Check Created Keyspace in System_Schema.Keyspaces • Update Replication Factor of Previously
Created Keyspace • Drop Previously Created Keyspace • Create A Table Using cqlsh • Create A Table Using UUID & TIMEUUID • Create A
Table Using Collection & UDT Column • Create Secondary Index On a Table • Insert Data Into Table • Insert Data into Table with UUID &
TIMEUUID Columns • Insert Data Using COPY Command • Deleting Data from Table

Module 5:
Node Operations in a Cluster

Goal: Learn how to add nodes in Cassandra and configure Nodes using “cassandra.yaml” file. Use Nodetool to remove node and restore
node back into the service. In addition, by using Nodetool repair command learn the importance of repair and how repair operation

• Node Operations

Objectives: At the end of this module, you will be able to:

• Explain Cassandra Nodes • Understand Seed Nodes • Configure Seed Nodes using cassandra.yaml file • Add/bootstrap a node in a Cluster
• Use Nodetool utility to decommission a node from the cluster • Remove a Dead Node from a Cluster • Describe the need to repair Nodes •
Use Nodetool repair command

• Cassandra nodes • Specifying seed nodes • Bootstrapping a node• Adding a node (Commissioning) in Cluster • Removing
(Decommissioning) a node • Removing a dead node • Repair • Read Repair • What’s new in incremental repair • Run a Repair Operation •
Cassandra and Spark Implementation

Hands On:
• Commissioning a Node • Decommissioning a Node • Nodetool Commands

Module 6:
Managing and Monitoring the Cluster

Goal: The key aspects to monitoring Cassandra are resources used by each node, response latencies to requests, requests to offline nodes,
and the compaction process. Learn to use various monitoring tools in Cassandra such as Nodetool and JConsole in this module.

• Clustering

Objectives: At the end of this module, you will be able to:

• Describe the various monitoring tools available • Implement nodetool utility to manage a cluster • Use JConsole to monitor JMX statistics
• Understand OpsCenter tool

• Cassandra monitoring tools • Logging • Tailing • Using Nodetool Utility • Using JConsole • Learning about OpsCenter • Runtime Analysis

Hands On:
• JMX and Jconsole • OpsCenter

Module 7:
Backup/Restore and Performance Tuning

Goal: In this Module you will learn about the importance of Backup and Restore functions in Cassandra and Create Snapshots in Cassandra.
You will learn about Hardware selection and Performance Tuning (Configuring Log Files) in Cassandra. You will also learn about Cassandra
integration with various other frameworks.

• Performance tuning • Cassandra Design Principals • Backup and Restoration

Objectives: At the end of this module, you’ll be able to:

• Learn backup and restore functionality and its importance • Create a snapshot using Nodetool utility • Restore a snapshot
• Understand how to choose the right balance of the following resources: memory, CPU, disks, number of nodes, and network.
• Understand all the logs created by Cassandra • Explain the purpose of different log files • Configure the log files
• Learn about Performance Tuning • Integration with Spark and Kafka

• Creating a Snapshot • Restoring from a Snapshot • RAM and CPU recommendations • Hardware choices • Selecting storage • Types of
Storage to Avoid • Cluster connectivity, security and the factors that affect distributed system performance • End-to-end performance
tuning of Cassandra clusters against very large data sets • Load balance and streams

Hands On:
• Creating Snapshots • Integration with Kafka • Integration with Spark

Module 8:
Hosting Cassandra Database on Cloud

Goal: In this Module you will learn about Design, Implementation, and on-going support of Cassandra Operational Data. Finally, you will
learn how to Host a Cassandra Database on Cloud.

• Security • Design Implementation • On-going support of Cassandra Operational Data

Objectives: At the end of this module, you’ll be able to:

• Security • Learn about DataStax • Create an End-to-End Project using Cassandra • Implement a Cassandra Database on Cloud

• Security • Ongoing Support of Cassandra Operational Data • Hosting a Cassandra Database on Cloud

Hands On:
• Hosting Cassandra Database on Amazon Web Services

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