Job Description Jasmine Ouseph

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Job description - jasmine ouseph

nursing (Parul University)

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JOB Descriptions



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The employee should be provided with an accurate description of the various jobs to
be done for which he/she is employed to prevent duplication of functions and for effective
performance. “Division of work” is an important principle of administration, wherein the
responsibilities will be shared among the team members for doing work. When the work is
divided, members should know what exactly each member has to do, then only desired work
can be done. This particular task of assigning the responsibility i.e. ‘describing what to do
and what not’ to the member is said as job description. Job description is a statement setting
forth the duties and responsibilities of a job and characteristics of the individual needed to
perform it successfully. Job description is a written statement that describes simply and
clearly the work expected of the each job.


Job Description is a statement d the basic purpose of the job, the significant tasks'tobe carried
out effectively and the extern of authority rested in the post. It also includes the vertical and
horizontal relationship existing within the organization necessary for the performance of the

Job description written record of principle duties and scope of responsibility for a
particular job together with the required employee characteristics.


It is revealed through studies that most workers function in a mechanical fashion and are
not conscious of the role assigned to them. Ways in which a job description can be used make
it advantageous to the development of the services. The following are some of the uses and
advantages of job descriptions.

 It helps to record data for job description.

 It facilitates wages and salary administration.
 It provides basis for manpower planning.
 It facilitates employment, recruitment, selection, placement, orientation, supervision
and evaluation of employee.
 It assists in interpretation to the authorities of the type of person needed for the job.

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 Provides a basis for orientation for the individual employed and for other personnel,
so that all are familiar with what is expected of each one.
 Provides a basis for supervision and for evaluation.
 It helps in establishing educational programmes which meets the needs of the
services; this refers to all educational programmes, (basic, post basic and in service
educational programmes).
 It facilitates sound organization, clearly stated and definitely allocated functions for
all personnel that are essential for the maintenance of well-organized services.
 It promotes efficiency and economy by helping to prevent overlapping or duplication
of efforts and the faulty use of existing personnel.
 It promotes good morale by helping the administration to deal intelligently with
problems and establish definite lines of promotion.


Criteria for development of job description are based on:

1. The needs of the services

2. The facilities and resources available
3. Organizational structure and policies of the agency
4. Type of personnel available with appropriate qualification and

Steps in the Development of Job Description-How to Write a Job Description

There are at least two possible situations for writing a Job Description:

1) The job is being done but the administrator or the department head d*decides to
write up job description.

2) A new job is being created and job description is required for advertising and before
hiring the person for the job.

Let us take the first situation

Step 1: If someone is already doing the job, the first step is to get hisher Co-operation to
write the Job Description. This is done by explaining as to why job description is being

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Step 2: After the explanation a questionnaire is given to her him he she fills up the
questionnaire on the basis of ;he day to day experience on the job.

Step 3: If the questionnaire has been filled up by many persons holding the same or similar
jobs (say, staff nurses, ward sisters etc.) then a comparison and collation is done.

If the job description is for a unique job, then the responses to the questionnaire should be
discussed with the workers for clarification and explanation.

Step 4: The questionnaire response is then discussed with the person to whom the respondent
reports and those who come more in contact with herkim every day. They may add or delete
the tasks listed by the respondent.

Step 5: The job description is then written up and usually includes the following:

a) The designation and the next higher authority to whom the person reports.

b) A job summary which in brief states the contents of the job

c) A list of tasks to be done

d) Financial or other limits

e) Relationship on the job

f) Job specifications and other requirement g) Working conditions and working hours


a) Prepare a simple form on which each employee may list his own functions and
activities. This will furnish information on, what each person is currently doing.
b) Has the supervisor reviewed each form with the individual worker and added to it
if thought to be incomplete.
c) Group all forms received from workers whose jobs are the same, and from them
prepare a general summary of the requirement and qualification for each job.
d) Compare all summaries to determine whether functions and activities are assigned
to the proper jobs and make necessary revisions to minimize duplication and

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e) Prepare specification for job having the same overall requirement. Include general
requirements and standards that must be met by an applicant, which are useful for
administrative purpose and for establishing salary range.
f) Prepare for each specific job description setting forth its characteristics, functions
and responsibilities. This should be given to employees and used in orienting
them. Note the date when the description with staff members and help the staff to
put them into effect.
g) Plan the periodic review and revision as necessary
Principal is the administrative head of the college, her main responsibility is
administration, but she musttake few classes for all the batches so that she enjoys good
rapport with the students. Her function will vary according to her position in the organization
but there are certain jobs which she has to perform. They are: Participate in total planning of
the college with controlling authority.


 General: Pre-university / 10+2 or equivalent exam
 Professional: M.Sc. (N) / M.N or any equivalent degree recognized by the INC.
 Registration: In state nursing council
 Experience: should have experience of at least 14 years in teaching in college of
nursing including 3 years’ experience in administration (If not 5 year in college of
nursing and aggregate of 14 year in Teaching).


1. Plans and revises short-term and long-term budget for the College (Plan and Non-Plan
2. Acts as Drawing and Disbursing Officer.
3. Monitors all College expenditures.
4. Acts as Controlling Officer for the operation of Private Accounts.
I. Monitors educational programmes of the College.
II. a) Co-ordinates (with Professor of Nursing and Vice-Principal), the planning,
implementation and evaluation of the programmes.

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b) Co-ordinates with co-ordinator of Continuing Education Department in planning,

implementation and evaluation of continuing education programmes.
III. Identifies professional development needs of faculty members and facilitates staff
development programme in co-ordination with heads of the departments/programme
IV. Supervises postgraduate and Ph.D. students conducting nursing research. Participates
in teaching of regular nursing educational programmes as well as continuing/in-
service education short term programmes.
V. Acts as:
a) Chairperson of Departmental Promotion Committee (Group ‘C’ selected posts), Committee
of Courses, Departmental Research Committee, College Council, Staff Body and Residential
Accommodation Committee for campus residential complex as well as quota of quarters from
general pool under the Principal.
b) Member of Academic Council, Faculty of Science Admission Committee, Board of
Research Studies and Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) etc.
c) Superintendent of Examination for all the Delhi University examinations conducted for
nursing educational programmes.
Responsible for supervision of all personnel - teaching and non-teaching.
i) a) Co-ordinates and collaborates with Vice-Principal in preparing academic staff
b) Plans staff assignments in consultation with Vice-Principal and Administrative Officer for
administrative staff.
ii) Facilitates and supervises College establishment work.
iii) Facilitates orientation of new employees to the job responsibilities and other official
iv) Facilitates and provides assistance to staff in carrying out their activities.
v) Writes senior staff performance reports and reviews the confidential reports of all staff.
vi) Facilitates functioning of R.F.T.C., Chawla and C.G.C. in co-ordination with Chief
Medical Officer and I/c, C.G.C.
vii) Monitors students' welfare activities e.g. Mess, Hostel, Health, Sports, Student Nurses’
Association (SNA) etc.
viii) Facilitates administration of the College Library.
ix) Monitors all leave privileges of the faculty and staff and acts as sanctioning authority
(within her power).

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i) Informs
a) Staff on matters related to educational programmes conducted at theCollege.
b) Staff on matters related to personnel and work policies.
ii) Identifies conflicts among staff members and initiates solution.
iii) Reports staff status to middle level management personnel and DGHS as the case may be.
iv) Informs students of changes in College policies, procedures and standards.
v) Facilitates student and staff guidance and counselling services.
vi) Informs parents about student status and reviews reports of student performance.
vii) Facilitates communication interpersonal relationship both inter and intradepartmental and
with other institutions at state, national and international levels.

The Vice-Principal assists Principal in directing the staff (Teaching and non-teaching)
of the College in conducting teaching programmes. She assists Principal and Professor of
Nursing in assessing, planning, implementing and evaluating educational programmes.

 General: Pre-university / 10+2 or equivalent exam

 Professional: M.Sc. (N) / M.N or any equivalent degree recognized by the INC.
 Registration: In state nursing council
 Experience: should have experience of at least 14 years in teaching in college of
nursing including 3 years’ experience in administration ( If not 5 year in college of
nursing and aggregate of 14 year in Teaching).
 Standard norms: As per INC
Assisting the Principal in all the activities related o the institution and taking in-
charge of Principal in the absence of the principal.
a) Assists Principal in carrying out financial activities:
i) In operating Government and Private Accounts
ii) Planning and Revising Budget
iii) Monitoring College expenditure
b) In the absence of Principal performs all the functions listed above and also acts

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as Drawing and Disbursing Officer.

i) Assists Principal in monitoring the educational programmes of the College.
ii) a) Assists Principal and Professor of Nursing in planning, implementation and evaluation
of the programmes.
b) Participates in the conduct of Continuing Education programme and programme for
iii) Assists Principal in identifying needs for professional development of faculty
andfacilitates conducts staff development programme.
iv) Supervises postgraduate students conducting research.
v) Participates in teaching of various educational programmes.
vi) Acts as:
A) member of Committee of Courses, TAC, Coordination Committee
b) In the absence of Principal, chairs the assigned committee meetings.
C) Assists in the conduct of admission procedures and final university examination and
Diploma in Nursing Education and Administration Examinations.
vii) a) Supervises clinical experience of all educational programmes in coordination with
b) Guides faculty in day-to-day academic activities of all educational programmes.
viii) Guides Diploma in Nursing Education and Administration Coordinator for students'
ix) Guide and monitors students' cumulative record for all educational
programmes,Maintained by respective programme Coordinators.
x) Reviews student progress reports and activities and offers academic guidance.

i) Plans academic staff assignments in consultation with Principal and Professor.
ii) Participates in conduct of orientation programme for new faculty members in coordination
with Continuing Education Coordinator.
iii) Supervises and guides staff in conducting their activities.
iv) Writes staff performance report and reviews evaluation report of assigned staff.
v) Assists Principal in the administration and supervision of R.F.T.C. and C.G.C.
vi) Assists Principal in monitoring students welfare activities e.g. Mess, hostel, Health,Sports,
S.N.A. etc.
vii) Assists Principal in administration and supervision of Library.

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viii) Monitors all leave privileges of teaching staff.

ix)Shares responsibility with Principal and Professor in supervision of teaching and non
teaching staff.


i) Acts as Member of Departmental Promotion and Selection Committee forappointment of
group C and D Staff.
ii) Assists Principal in reviewing recruitment and promotion policies of teaching andnon-
teaching staff.
iii) Assists Principal in maintaining discipline in the College.

i) Assists Principal in maintaining law and order in College Campus
ii) Supervises overall functioning of staff and students' hostel.
iii) Assists Principal in facilitating work of CPWD.
i) Assists principal informing:
a) Staff on matters related to educational programmes conducted at the College.
b) Staff on matters related to personal and work policies.
ii) Identifies conflict among staff members, initiates solution and reports to Principalwhen
iii) Communicates with staff in explaining administrative constraints.
iv)Informs students of changes in college policies, procedures and standards.
v) Facilitates guidance and counselling students and staff as per need.
vi)Informs parents about student status and reviews reports of student performance.
vii) Any other responsibility assigned by the Principal.

The Professor assists all Principal in planning, implementing and evaluating all
educational programmes in the College. The Professor initiates and coordinates curriculum
planning, implementing and evaluating development curriculum revision and research work
in Nursing.

 General: Pre-university / 10+2 or equivalent exam

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 Professional: M.Sc. (N) / M.N or any equivalent degree recognized by the INC.
 Registration: In state nursing council
 Experience: should have experience of at least 10 years in teaching in college of
nursing ( If not 5 year in college of nursing and aggregate of 10 year in Teaching).
 Standard norms: As per INC
The professor is overall in-charge of the department and thereby responsible for
administration, teaching activities and guidance of particular department.
i) Assists \Principal and coordinates with Vice-principal in monitoring the educational
Programmes of the College.
ii) Coordinates with Principal in conduct of Post-masters' programmes in Nursing.
iii) A) Coordinate with Principal in planning, implementation and evaluation of the
educational programmes.
b) Assists in the development, implementation and evaluation of Continuing Education
iv) Participates in staff development programmes.
v) Supervises post-graduate student conducting research
vii) Participates in teaching in various educational programmes.
viii) Acts as:
a) Member of TAC, Committee of Courses, M.Phil.Committee, Coordination Committee etc.
b) Chairman of College Curriculum Committee.
c) Overall In charge in the conduct of admission procedures and final university examination
with the assistance from Vice-Principal, Examination Superintendent, and Programme
ix) Is available for consultation with Vice-Principal for day-to-day academic activities of all
x) Maintains post-material students' records.
i. Shares responsibility with Principal in supervision of teaching staff.
ii. Coordinates and collaborates with Vice-Principal in preparing academic staff
iii. Participates in orientation programmes for new employees.
iv. Provides academic guidance to teaching staff.

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v. Writes staff performance report as assigned by Principal and reviews evaluation

report of assigned staff.
vi. Coordinates with Medical Officer in the conduct of teaching and research activities at
R.F.T.C., Chhawla.
vii. Facilitates functioning of College Library in coordination with Senior Librarian.
i) Acts as Member of Departmental Promotion Committee when assigned.
ii) Assists Principal in reviewing recruitment and promotion policies.
i) Shares responsibility with Principal and Vice-Principal in identifying conflicts among
staff members and initiates solution, consult and inform when necessary.
ii) Facilitates student and staff guidance services.
iii) Shares responsibility with Principal and Vice-Principal in informing parents about
students' progress, problems etc.
iv) Facilitates guidance and counselling to staff and students' as per need.Any other
responsibility assigned by the Principal.



 General:Pre-university / 10+2 or equivalent exam
 Professional: M.Sc. (N) / M.N or any equivalent degree recognized by the INC.
 Registration: Inn state nursing council
 Experience: should have experience of at least 10 years in teaching in college of
nursing (If not 5 year in college of nursing and aggregate of 10 year in Teaching).
 Assistant professor : should have experience of at least 5 years in teaching in
college of nursing
 Standard norms: As per INC
Assistant professor and Associate professor usually work under professor and HOD of
the particular department of speciality and assist him in administration, teaching guidance
and counselling and research activities.
 Participates in determination of educational purposes and polices.

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 Contributes to the development and implementation of the philosophy and purposes

of the education programme
 Initiate group action to improvement of the educational program
 Interprets educational philosophy and policy of others.
 Directs the activities of staff working in the department.
 Identifies the needs of the learners in
 Terms of objectives of the programme by previous experience, personal
interviews, tests and observation.
 Develops plan for learning experience
 Assists the learners in identifying their needs.
 Participates in formulation and implementation of the philosophies and objectives
 Selects and organizes learning experience which is in accordance with these
 Participates in the continuing development and evaluation of the curriculum.
 Plans with the educational unit with nursing service and allied groups.
 Ascertains, selects and organizes facilities equipment and materials necessary for
 Seeks to create a climate conducive to learning
 Assists learners in using problem solving techniques
 Uses varied and appropriate teaching methods effectively
 Uses incidental and planned opportunities for teaching
 Encourages learners to assume increasing responsibility for own development.
 Recognizes individual differences in appraising the learners progress
 Uses appropriate devises for evaluation
 Measures and describes quality of performance objectively
 Helps learner’s for self evaluation
 Participates in staff evaluation of learners progress
 Maintains and uses adequate and accurate records
 Prepares and channels clear and concise reports

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 Shares information about learner’s needs and achievements with others concerned
with instruction and guidance
 Participates in the formulation and maintenance of comprehensive record system
 Measures effectiveness of instruction by use of appropriate device
 Analyses and evaluates resource material
 Devices teaching methods appropriate to objectives and content
 Co-operates in guidance program
 Shares planning, developing and using guidance programme
 Gives guidance within own field of competence
 Helps the learner to grow in self understanding
 Promotes continuous growth and development towards maturity

 Initiates and participates in studies for improvement of educational programme
 Identifies problems in which research is indicated or potentially desirable
 Continues to develop competence in problem solving process.
 Co-operates in and /or initiates group activities in development and evaluation of
 Utilizes the findings of research.



General: Pre-university / 10+2 or equivalent exam

Professional: M.Sc. (N) / M.N or any equivalent degree recognized by the INC.
Registration: In state nursing council
Experience: should have experience of at least 3 years in teaching.
Standard norms: As per INC.
He / she should work under the directions of departmental head, and should perform
instruction, administration and guidance activities.

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 Identifies the needs of the learners in terms of programme by utilizing the records of
previous experience, personal interviews, tests and observation.
 Assists the learners in identifying their needs.
 Selects and organizes learning experience which is in accordance with these
 Participates in evaluation of the curriculum.
 Plans with the educational unit with nursing service and allied groups.
 Ascertains, selects and organizes facilities equipment and materials necessary for
 Assists the learners in using problem solving process
 Measures and describes quality of performance objectively
 Maintains and uses adequate and accurate records
 Prepares clear and concise reports.
 Shares information about learner’s needs and achievements with others concerned.
 Measures effectiveness of instruction by use of appropriate devices
 Increases knowledge and skill in own curriculum area
 Devices teaching methods appropriate to objectives and content.
 Assists in initiating and participating in studies for the improvement of educational
 Identifies problems in which research is indicated or potentially desirable
 Continues to develop competence in problem solving process.
 Co-operates in and /or initiates group activities in development and evaluation of
 Utilizes the findings of research
 Gives guidance within own field of competence
 Helps the learner to grow in self-understanding

Job Summary
He she works under the direction of the department head and assists him in administration,
instruction and guidance activities.

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Identifies the needs of the learners in terms of the program by utilizing the records of
previous experience, personal interviews, tests and observation.
Assists the learners in identifying their needs.
Participates in formulation and implementation of the philosophies and objectives of the
 Selects and organizes learning experiences which are in accordance with these objectives.
Plans with the educational unit with nursing service and allied groups.
 Ascertains, selects and organizes facilities equipment and materials necessary for learning.
Assists the learners in using problem solving process.
 Measures and describes quality of performance objectively.
Prepares clear and concise reports.
 Share information about learner’s needs and achievements with others concerned.
Measures effectiveness of instruction by use of appropriate devices.
 Increases knowledge and skill in own curriculum area.
 Devices leaching methods appropriate to objectives and content

Guidance and Counselling

1. Gives guidance with own field of competence.
2. Helps the learner to grow in self-understanding.

 Assist in initiating and participating in studies for the improvement of educational program.
 Identifies the problems in which research is indicated or potentially desirable.
 Make data available concerning learners and concerning methods of teaching and
Continues to develop competence in problem solving process.
 Cooperate in and/ or initiates group activity in development and evaluation of studies.
Utilizes the findings of research.

Participates in teaching and supervising the courses of undergraduate students.
Participates in curriculum development, evaluation and revision.
 Guide in research projects for undergraduate students.
Acts as a Counsellor for staff and students.

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Maintains various records.

 Conducting and participating in department meetings and attending various meetings.
Participating in Administration activities of department.

Participates in teaching and supervising the courses of undergraduate students.
Coordinates with the external lecturer for various courses as assigned.
 Participate in the evaluation of students.
 Guide the students in conducting seminars, discussions and presentations etc.
 Maintain students' records.
 Participate in student counselling programmes.

 Demonstrate standards for nursing practice.
 Supervise and teach the students in the clinical fields.
 Participate in evaluation of students.
 Assist the students in conducting health education programme.
 Maintain students' records.
 Participate in the student counselling programmes.
 Participate and promote student welfare activities



1) Teach Public Health Nursing courses and supervise the field experience.
2) Teach the Public Health aspect in Nursing Education and Nursing Administration
3) Evaluate staff and students in the clinical department.
4) Assist in the practice of teaching.
5) Guide Research Projects.
6) Act as Counsellor.
7) Participate in curriculum development and evaluation.
8) Any other duty assigned by the Principal.

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9) Participates in planning, organising and conducting teaching the Community Health

Nursing courses to B.Sc. (H) Nursing and Master of Nursing students.
10) Supervision and guidance of field experience for students and staff of urban and rural
community health.
11) Guidance and supervision of Research work of M.N. students in Community Health
12) Co-ordinating and conducting National/local in-service education programmes in
Community Health nursing field.
13) Conducting, constructing and evaluating the tests, assignments and final examinations
forB.Sc. and M.Sc. Programmes in Community Health Nursing.
14) Participating in various Committee meetings e.g. Curriculum, Library, External
15) General body selection of External Lecturers.
16) Participating in scrutinizing applications for M.N. students and preparing selection list
and final result.
17) Manning various records and reports.



1. Acts as head of Nursing Administration Department.

2. Participates in teaching the Nursing Administration courses in various educational
3. Participate in teaching a course in Clinical Nursing and supervising the field work of
postgraduate students as assigned.
4. Participates in practice of teaching of Post-graduate students.
5. Guide Research Projects of post-graduate students
6. Acts as Counsellor.
7. Participate in curriculum development, evaluation and curriculum revision.
8. Any other duty assigned by the Principal.



1. Act as Head of Nursing education Department.

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2. Participates in teaching the Nursing Education courses for students of various educational
3. Participate in teaching a course in Clinical Nursing and supervise the field work of
postgraduate students as assigned.
4. Participate in planning and conduct of practice of teaching for post-graduate students.
5. Guides Research projects for post-graduate students.
6. Participate in curriculum development and evaluation and curriculum revision.
7. Act as Counsellor.
8. Any other duty assigned by the Principal.


1. Participates in teaching and supervising the courses of undergraduate students.

2. Participates in curriculum development and evaluation and revision.
3. Guide in Research Projects for undergraduate students.
4. Acts as a Counsellor for staff and students
5. Maintain various records.
6. Conducting and participating in department meetings and attending various meetings.
7. Participating in Administration activities of Department.
8. Any other responsibility assigned by Principal.



General : Pre-University / 10+2 or equivalent

Professional: M.Sc. Nursing /B.Sc., Nursing / Diploma in Nursing education or Diploma
in Nursing Administration
Registration: Registered with state nursing council
Experience: Should have professional experience not less than 2 years

According to Indian Nursing council


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She/he is a teacher in school of nursing, responsible to the principal /vice-principal of

the nursing school and responsible for planning and implementation of teaching programmed
and assists in administration of school of nursing.

 Responsible for planning and implementation of teaching programmed
 Teaching the subjects in the curriculum
 Overall supervision of clinical teaching programmed of subjects in hospital/
community health setting
 Maintains classroom equipment’s, supplies and teaching aids
 Conduct test for theory and practical and evaluation of student’s assignment and
 Preparing teaching materials and implementing it under the guidance of other teachers
 Helping the students with extra-curricular activities
 Assisting in the administration of the school of nursing
 Supervision of student health, welfare and security
 Assisting the selections of students and administration
 Assisting in examination
 Supervision of living condition of students in the hostel
 Assist in teaching of other categories of personnel in the hospital and community
 Assisting in the procurement of school supplies and equipment
 Assisting in the library work
 Assisting in maintaining school records
 Planning, implementation and evaluation of specification courses
 Shall carryout any other duties assigned by the principal or head of the department in
the interest of education.



General : Pre-University / 10+2 or equivalent

Professional: B.Sc., Nursing or M.Sc. Nursing
Registration: Registered with state nursing council

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Experience: Should have professional experience as a staff nurse not less than 5 years
Standard norms: According to Indian Nursing council

They shall carryout any other duties assigned by the principal or head of the
department in the interest of education
 Responsible for planning and implementation of teaching programmed
 Teaching the subjects in the curriculum
 Overall supervision of clinical teaching programmed of subjects in hospital/
community health setting
 Maintains classroom equipment’s, supplies and teaching aids
 Conduct test for theory and practical and evaluation of student’s assignment and
 Preparing teaching materials and implementing it under the guidance of other teachers
 Helping the students with extra-curricular activities
 Assisting in the administration of the college of nursing
 Supervision of student health, welfare and security
 Assisting the selections of students and administration
 Assisting in examination
 Supervision of living condition of students in the hostel
 Assist in teaching of other categories of personnel in the hospital and community
 Assisting in the procurement of college
 supplies and equipment
 Assisting in the library work
 Assisting in maintaining school records
 Planning, implementation and evaluation of specification courses.


1) She/he will be responsible for efficient running of Nursing Services of the Main
hospital and various centres.
2) She will assist the Director in formulating broad policies concerning Nursing

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3) She will disseminate the AIM, objectives and policies regarding patient care to all
cadres of nursing services.
4) She will implement policies and procedures of Institute regarding nursing services.
5) She/he will plan future requirements of nurses and carry out recruitment of nurses
from time to time.
6) She/he will plan and disseminate programmes for continuing education re-orientation
programmes for nurses.
7) She/he will closely interact with other hospitals regarding improvement of patient
8) She/he will encourage research by nurses in their work areas.
9) She/he will guide and counsels the sub-ordinate nursing staff.
10) She/he will keep herself abreast of latest happenings in nursing care by attending
National / International conferences.
11) She will strive to implement standard nursing practices and maintain highest quality
of care.
12) She will critically analyse the budgets for nursing services from Main hospital and
various centres before being forwarded to Director.
13) Evaluate confidential reports of higher level nursing officers and recommend for
14) She will be assisted in her duties by nursing Superintended of Main Hospital and from
the centres.
15) She will keep the Director informed about the happening concerning the hospital.


Nursing Superintendent is responsible to the C.N.O. for planning organisation and

development of nursing services in the hospital in consultation with Medical Supt./Chief of

1) She will be responsible and overall In-charge of Nursing Services in a hospital or

specialized centres irrespective of the number of beds.
2) She will be responsible to the Medical Supt. or Addl. MS or chief of Centres of the
hospital or centre as the case may be.
3) She will be responsible for implementing hospital/centre policies amongst various
nursing units.

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4) She will assist the CNO in formulation of hospital policy, particularly concerning
nursing services.
5) She will officiate as CNO in the absence of CNO (The senior most amongst the NS
will do so).
6) She will recommend personnel and material requirement for nursing various nursing
service departments of the hospital.
7) She will assist MS/Addl. MS or Chief of Centres in recruiting nursing staff.
8) She will carry out regular rounds of the hospital.
9) She will accompany MS/Addl. MS while making hospital rounds.
10) She will ensure safe and efficient care rendered to patients in various wards etc.
11) She will prepare budgets for nursing services.
12) She will be a member of various condemnation boards for linen and other hospital
13) She will be responsible for counselling and guidance of sub-ordinate staff.
14) She will attend hospital/intra hospital meetings and conferences.
15) She will investigate all complaints regarding nursing care and personnel, and take
suitable corrective action.
16) She will initiate and encourage research in nursing services.
17) She will evaluate confidential reports of her sub-ordinate staff and recommend for
promotion, higher studies etc.
18) She will maintain cordial relations with patients and Medical Social workers.
19) She will periodically interact with clinical heads to discuss problems in patient care.
20) She will educate nursing staff of all categories by conducting awareness programme
on universal precautions.


Deputy Nursing Superintendent is responsible to the Nursing Supt. and assist her in
the administration of nursing services in the hospital.


1) Supervise the nursing care given to the patients in various departments by taking
regular round of her area.
2) Act as a liaison officer between Nursing Supt and the nursing staff of the hospital.
3) Interpret the policies and procedures of the Nursing service department to sub-
ordinate staff and others.

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4) Attend the emergency calls concerning nursing services or hostel problems.

5) Receive evening and night reports from the Assistant Nursing Supt./Supervisors.
6) Keep records and reports of Nursing Services.
7) Maintain the records of attendance of nursing staff and leave of any kind.
8) Conduct regular physical verification of hospital stocks, i.e. drugs, equipments.
9) Initiate procedure for condemnation and procurement of hospital equipment/linen etc.
10) Maintain the confidential report and records of nursing personnel.
11) Assist the nursing supt. in making master duty roster of nursing personnel.
12) Assist the nursing superintendent in Recruitment of nursing staff.
13) Assist the nursing supt. on planning and organising nursing services in the hospital.
14) Officiate in the absence of nursing supt.
15) Attend the official meetings.
16) Keep the senior nursing Officials (CNO & NS) informed of the happenings in the


1) Assist in planning/organising and implementing staff development programmes.

2) Ensure clinical experience facilities for student nurses in various clinical areas of the
3) Provide guidance and counselling to nursing staff.
4) Arrange orientation programmes for new nursing staff.
5) Maintain discipline among nursing personnel.
6) Organise educational programmes for graduate/post graduate students from different
hospitals with the co-ordination of clinical instructor/lecturer college of nursing.


1) Escorts special visitors, Nursing Superintendent, Medical Superintendent for hospital

2) Arranges and participates in professional and social functions of the staff and
3) Maintains good public relations.
4) Any other duties assigned to her from time to time.


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Asst. Nursing Supt, is responsible to Deputy Nursing Supt. for the total nursing care
of patients, management and development of the unit assigned to her: -


1) Assist the total needs of patients in the unit and prepare planned nursing care.
2) Demonstrate and supervise the nursing care of patients in the unit.
3) Attend regular round in the unit with the medical and nursing personnel.
4) Reviewing reports from Sr. Gr. I regarding the nursing care of patients in each shifts.
5) Give counselling and health education to the patients and their attendants.


1) Plan and arrange duty for nursing personnel posted under her.
2) To ensure availability of adequate nursing staff in all shifts.
3) Maintain cleanliness of unit its annexes and environment.
4) Interact with the engineering service department for proper up keep of the unit.
5) Keeping Deputy Nursing Supt., Nursing Supt. informed of the needs of the patient
care areas and brings it to their notice any special problems.
6) Guide the Sister Grade-I to ensure supplies and equipment’s of different stores, and
re-checking their use and care.
7) Daily check of emergency and dangerous drugs, lifesavingequipment’s i.e. monitors,
ventilators, defibrillators, suction machines and O2 points etc., to ensure their proper
8) Periodical check of all stocks and supplies.
9) Maintain good inter-personnel relationship with all categories of staff, patients and
their relatives.
10) Maintain good public relation with patient’s relatives and the public, and project
positive image of the hospital.
11) Maintain disciple of nursing and domestic staff.
12) Interpretation of Hospital policies, rules and regulations.
13) Daily check of attendance and reporting the lapses.
14) Investigate complaints if any.
15) Work evaluation and confidential reports.
16) Guidance and counselling of nursing staff in the unit.
17) Project the annual requirements of drugs supplies and equipments for the units.
18) Take care of legal aspects and report about the medico legal cases in the ward.

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1) Plan and implement a proper orientation programme for new nursing staff, student
nurse and domestic staff.
2) Participate in In-service education of nursing personnel and attend the meetings.
3) Give incidental and planned teaching to nursing personnel in the unit, as well as
domestic staff.
4) Participate in clinical teaching for student nurses in Co-operation with the nursing
tutor. Perform any other duties assigned to her for time to time.


1. Essential qualification- B.Sc. Nursing from any University or Institute or Certificate
in Public Health Nursing from any recognized institution.
2. Professional qualification- Experience of working with rural communities.
3. Job Description-
a) Working relationship- The Public Health Nurse will assist the District Medical
Officer/Dist. Family Welfare Officer in planning, implementing and evaluating
Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition Programme undertaken in the District.
She will work in collaboration with other functionaries in the District Family
Welfare Bureau like the Mass Media and the Extension Officer, Statistical
Officer, etc.,
b) Duties and Functions-
 To help in organization of Maternal and Child Health programme as a whole
and in the implementation of the special plan scheme, centrally sponsored
and otherwise in particular like the immunization programme, training of
traditional birth attendants (Dais) and their active involvement in MCH/FP
work, prophylaxis against nutritional deficiency diseases etc.
 To promote health and nutrition education activities through the Lady Health
Visitors, Auxiliary Nurse Midwives by providing them with printed
materials produced by various agencies.
 To ensure that the Lady Health Visitors/ANM’s/Female Multi- purpose
Workers integrate MCH, family Planning and health and nutrition education
in their day to day activities.
 To help in developing school heath programme in the district.

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 To ensure regular supply of equipment’s, records, registers, drugs, vaccines

and other sundries necessary foe MCH work in the Primary Health Centres
and Sub Centres by assisting the store keeper in procuring and distributing
the supplies.
 To ensure the maintenance of prescribed records and submission of
periodical progress of MCH/FP/Nutrition work activities.
 To review the periodical progress reports on MCH/FP work done by the
LHV’s/ANM’s, Female Multi-Purpose Workers etc. and put up to the
District F.W. Officer the points requiring attention and further action.
 To give technical guidance, supervision and support to the ANM’s, Female
Multipurpose Workers, LHV’s, and Public Health Nurse working in
MCH/FP programme in the district and to review the annual confidential
reports in respect of these functionaries.
 To investigate complaints against Para medical personnel in the district and
submit reports/recommended to the District Medical Officer/District Family
Welfare Officer.
 To provide for continuing education of the female MCH/FP functionaries in
the District through short in-service training services.
 To work together with the functionaries of other Government Departments
like Social Welfare, Rural Development and Education engaged in
Programmes for women and children.
 To co-operate MCH/FP activities undertaken through the voluntary
organization in the district and provide health inputs to the extent possible
for mothers and children organized in Balwadis, Anganwadis, Suppleentary
Feeding Centres etc.
 To tour for a minimum of 15days in a month and visit Primary Health
centres, Sub centres, Village Dais, BalwadiMahilaMandalsetc according to
an advance programme duly approved by the District Medical
Officer/District Family Welfare Officer.


The Nursing Sister Grade-I is responsible to the Assistant Nursing Superintendent or

the total care of patients in the wards and supervision of the Nursing Sister Grade-II, student

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nurses and Domestic staff. She would also be assisted by Nursing Sister Grade-II, Clinical
and Domestic staff. The main aim of the sister Grade-I should be to foster team spirit in her
area of works as a team leader.


1) Assess the total needs of patients and prepare plan of nursing care.
2) Admission and discharge of patients.
3) Demonstrate and carry out efficient nursing care, taking care of personal comfort and
toilet of patients, administration of drugs and treatment, observation and recording of
vital parameters.
4) Supervise patient’s diet.
5) Attending rounds with Medical/Nursing personnel.
6) Assist Medical staff in examination of patients and treatment.
7) Participate and help with clinical investigations/procedures.
8) Demonstrate and carry out preoperative and post-operative care of patients.
9) Maintenance of patient’s records.
10) Care of patient’s personal effects in accordance with hospital rules.
11) Giving and receiving reports.
12) Follow prescribed rules in case of accident or death of a patient.
13) Give information and health education to patients and their attendants.
14) Intimation to nursing supervisors of any emergency or unusual occurrence in the


1) Handing over and takeover charge of patients at the end of the shift.
2) Assignment of work to nursing sister grade-II and domestic staff.
3) Co-ordinate and facilitate work of other staff, e.g. physical therapist, social worker,
dietician, voluntary worker etc.
4) Maintaining good inter personal relationship among all categories of staff and with
patients and their relatives.
5) Maintain cleanliness of ward, its annexes and environments. Proper upkeep and
repairs of linen and ward equipment.

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6) Make indents for drugs, surgical supplies, stores and issue.

7) Keep custody of dangerous drugs and record of their administration.
8) Daily check of emergency drugs and life savings equipments.
9) Maintenance of stock registers, inventories.
10) Investigate complaints if any.


1) Orientation of new staff and student nurses.

2) Participate in service education of nursing personnel and attend staff meetings.
3) Impart planned and incidental teaching.
4) Supervise sister grade-II and student nurses.
5) Supervise domestic staff.
6) Consult and co-operate with nursing tutor in arranging clinical teaching.
7) Perform any other duty as may be specified from time to time


Nursing sister grade-II is directly responsible to Nursing Sister Grade-I (Ward In-
Charge) for total nursing care of the patient assigned to him/her.


1) Admission and discharge of the patients.

2) To maintain the personal hygiene of the patients, including bathing, care of mouth,
back, nails, hair etc.
3) Care of pressures points as needed.
4) To assist the patient in elimination, offering and removing the bed pans and Urinals.
5) Bed making.
6) Assist in feeding the weak and debilitated patients.
7) Writing of diet sheet, Supervision and distribution of diets.
8) Assist in physiotherapy, ambulation and rehabilitation.
9) Carry-out patient’s teaching and demonstration according to the need.
10) Counselling the patients, and relatives.
11) Care of the dying and dead.
12) Administration of Medicines and Injections to the patients
13) Assist in administration of intravenous injections, infusion and Transfusion.

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14) Observing, recording and reporting of vital signs e.g. T.P.R. and Blood pressure.
15) Carry out technical procedures, such as Naso-gastric intubation, Gastric Gavages and
Lavage, Oxygen Therapy, Dressing and Irrigation, Enema, Catheterisation hot and
cold applications, suction etc.
16) Collecting, labelling and dispatch of specimens.
17) Preparation for and assistance in clinical tests and medical/surgical procedures.
18) Urine testing for sugar, and albumin.
19) Observation, recording and reporting of all procedures and tests.
20) Escorting serious patients to and from the department/wards for investigations.


1) Handing over and taking over charge of patients, and ward inventory in each shift.
2) Maintenance of therapeutic environment in the ward.
3) Keeping the ward clean and tidy.
4) Routine care and cleaning of dressing trolleys, cupboards apparatus, mackintosh etc.
5) Care of clean and soiled linen.
6) Disinfection of linen, beds, floor and bed pans, and fumigation of rooms etc.
7) Preparation of room, trolleys, and sets for procedures.
8) Preparation of surgical supplies.
9) Maintaining interpersonal relationship with patients, relatives and health team
10) Orientation of new staff/students.
11) Demonstration and guidance to student nurses.
12) Participation in staff education and staff meetings.
13) Participation in professional activities.
14) Demonstration and supervision of domestic staff.
15) Report about the medico legal cases if any admitted in the ward. To keep the senior
nursing officials informed of the happenings / in the ward like fire, absconding
patients, theft etc.
16) Any other duty that may be assigned by sister grade-I from time to time.

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Roles & Responsibilities

 Taking proper hand over from previous shift, staff

 Evaluate the needs of couples with a holistic perspective with they medical
knowledge. Decide on care practices, plan and implement them and evaluate the
outcome of care using Management skills
 Ensure clean environment maintained in the ward
 complying with all infection control providing while providing care
 Maintenance of Nursing records including nursing charts, consents, & intial
assessment data for all assigned IVF couples as per protocols
 Coordinate diagnostic treatment schedule and educate patient and their partners about
medication,administration,testing preparation and specimen collection.
 To provide a holistic approach to fertility investigations. Treatment and where
appropriate early pregnancy through compassionate informed and evidence based
 Acting as coacher ,guide and vitro fertilization (IVF) nurses assist patient
 Plays a major role in ovulation induction program.
 The nurse takes the client through the whole IVF treatment process step by step
 She will repeat everything that she has told to make sure that client understands
everything that is going on
 Check blood test and ultrasound appointments
 Recognize when client is close to breakpoint and arrange to meet with a counsellor


Job description and responsibilities helps especially a new comer to adjust in any new
situation. It also helps to understand the limitation and prevents confusion and maintains
professional standards. Job description is a statement of the basic purpose of the job,
significant task to be carried out, the extent of the authority vested in the post and the
upward, downward and horizontal relationships necessary for the performance of the job.

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1. JogindraVati, Principles and Practice of Nursing Management and Administration,

Jaypee brother’s medical publishers (P) ltd. New Delhi, India, 2013, first edition.
2. Deepak. K, SarathChandran. C, Mithun Kumar. B.P. A Comprehensive Text book on
Nursing Management, EMMESS Medical Publishers Bangalore, 2013, first edition.
3. BT Basavanthappa, Management of Nursing Services and Education, Jaypee brother’s
medical publishers (P) ltd. New Delhi, India, 2011, first edition.
4. ElakkuvanaBhaskararaj, Ventatesan., Management of Nursing services and Education,
EMMESS Medical Publishers, 2010,1st edition

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