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Document no: MCL-QSD-P-PG-001

Revision no: 00
Revision date: 00
Edition no: 01
Issues date: 01-06-2022


This document is prepared by technical or quality manager of MCL. This document will state about standard
calibration method for profile gauge instruments and calculation of measurement uncertainty for the same.
The Purpose of this procedure is to establish and maintain the proper calibration method to Profile gauge
This procedure applies to all laboratory technicians and calibration engineer of MCL, who is doing the calibration of
Profile gauge instruments.

• CRM - Certified Reference Materials

• DUC - Device Under Calibration
• RM - Reference Material
• PP- Profile Projector
General procedure
The calibration is carried out by direct comparison of the measurement values of the calibration item with those of
the reference or working standard which has been directly or indirectly traced back to a national standard.
The reference standards used are Profile gauge . It is calibrated at regular intervals and provided with a calibration
certificate stating the expanded measurement uncertainty under standard conditions. The reference standard is
subject to surveillance and documentation by the accreditation body. If the calibration does not take place under
standard conditions, corrections are to be applied to the calculation. The measurement uncertainties to be attributed
to these corrections due to influence quantities are to be taken into account as further contributions in the
uncertainty budget.

When calculating the measurement uncertainty of the standards used, all relevant influence quantities are to be
taken into account.

The working standards of the laboratory are calibrated in an calibration laboratory and provided with a calibration
certificate stating the expanded uncertainty at the time of calibration. The working standard is subject to
surveillance by the accreditation body. Depending on their type, the working standards may vary considerably.

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All Rights reserved. These materials are confidential and proprietary to Metric Calibration and Testing Laboratory (MCL).
Any part of these materials should be reproduced, published in any form by any means (electronic or mechanical, including
Photocopy or any information storage or retrieval system). This material should not be disclosed to the third partiers, without
the express written authorization of Metric Calibration Laboratory (MCL).
Document no: MCL-QSD-P-PG-001
Revision no: 00
Revision date: 00
Edition no: 01
Issues date: 01-06-2022

Initial requirement of DUC.

The current status of the calibration item should meet the generally recognized rules of technology as well as the
specifications according to the manufacturer's instructions. The calibration capability has to be ascertained by means
of external inspections.
External inspections cover, for example:
- visual inspection for damage
- contamination and cleanness
- visual inspections regarding labelling, readability of indications
- test whether the required documents for the calibration (technical data, operating instructions) are available.
Ambient conditions
The calibration is to be carried out after a temperature equalization between calibration item and environment
within the permissible temperature range (18 °C to 28 °C). A warm-up time of the calibration item or a possible
warming of the calibration item . The warm-up period depends on personal experience or specifications provided by
the manufacturer.
The calibration is to be carried out at a steady ambient temperature. The recommended temperature variation
during calibration is limited to ±1 K. It might be necessary to consider an additional uncertainty contribution when
exploiting the maximum tolerance limits; this temperature must lie between 18 °C and 28 °C and has to be recorded.

Calibration Procedure
Calibration of the reference material or DUC will be done based upon comparison method.
The comparison of the measured value between calibration item and predefined manufacturer specification.
• Place DUC on the PP table, use the magnification handle to magnify the screen to get the sharp image on the PP
screen .
• Now measure the dimension of the profile gauge using x and y axis handles.
• Now the DUC measurements will be recorded on the raw work sheet.
• Measured value will be compared with manufacturer data or by client providing data.
• Repeat the above process and record the measurements on the raw work sheet for uncertainty evaluation.

• Type A - Uncertainty due Repeatability Error – Normal Distribution.

• Type B - Uncertainty due Resolution – Rectangular Distribution.
• Type B - Uncertainty due to drift of CRM – Rectangular Distribution.
• Type B - Uncertainty due to uncertainty of CRM – Coverage Factor from calibration certificate.
• Type B - Uncertainty due to accuracy or error of the CRM - Rectangular Distribution.
Measurement Uncertainty will be estimated based upon quality procedure (MCL-QSD-QP-016)
*Note - For more clarification on measurement uncertainty, kindly refer UKAS M300M,

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All Rights reserved. These materials are confidential and proprietary to Metric Calibration and Testing Laboratory (MCL).
Any part of these materials should be reproduced, published in any form by any means (electronic or mechanical, including
Photocopy or any information storage or retrieval system). This material should not be disclosed to the third partiers, without
the express written authorization of Metric Calibration Laboratory (MCL).
Document no: MCL-QSD-P-PG-001
Revision no: 00
Revision date: 00
Edition no: 01
Issues date: 01-06-2022

Above standard calibration procedure will be followed while calibrating the profile gauge instruments in permanent
facility of metric calibration and testing laboratory.

UKAS M3003 , EA-4/02 , Guidance of uncertainty measurement.
Prepared by: TM Approved by: QTM


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All Rights reserved. These materials are confidential and proprietary to Metric Calibration and Testing Laboratory (MCL).
Any part of these materials should be reproduced, published in any form by any means (electronic or mechanical, including
Photocopy or any information storage or retrieval system). This material should not be disclosed to the third partiers, without
the express written authorization of Metric Calibration Laboratory (MCL).

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