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Pre-Board-Ill (2023-24)
Sub: Physics
Maximum Marks: 70
Time Allowed: 3 Hrs.
Date: 31.01.2024
General Instructions:
I. There are 33 questions in all. All questions ore compulsory. . . . .
2 This uestion paper has five sections: Section A, Section B, Section C, Section D and Section
1 E. . 8 .
3. Secti~n A contains sixteen questions, twelve MCQ and four assertion reasoning based 0 ~ mark eac~, Section c~n:m~ fiv~.
. questions of 2 marks each, Section C contains seven questions ~f 3 marks each, Section D contams two case s u y ase
questions of 4 marks each and Section E contains three long questions of 5 marks each.

1. Magnetic dipole moment is a vector quantity directed from
vta) South to North Pole (b) North to South_ Pol~
(c) ~t to West direction (d) West to East direction
2. The magnitude of magnetic field at a point due to a current-carrying small element does not depend upon
(a) current in the element (b) length of the element
\t{:) diameter of the element (d) distance of the point from the element
3. The idea of displacement current was introduced by
(a) Hertz (b) Ampere ~) Maxwell (d) Farad
4. The ratio of charge to potential of a capacitor is known as its
\_faQ capacitance (b) conductance (c) inductance (d) resistance
5. According to the Rutherford's atomic model, the electrons inside the atom
(a) stationary not stationary (c) centralized . (d) none of these
6. SI unit of power of a Jens is
(a) joule '\.,(b) dioptre (c) candela (d) watt
7. Laser light is considered to be coherent as it consists of
(a) divergent beam (b) different wavelengths
(c) uncoordinated wavelength coordinated waves of same wavelength
8. S.I. unit of self-inductance is
(a) coulomb (b) volt (c) ohm ~) henry
9. When a body is charged, its mass- .
(a) increase (b) decrease (c) remains same \Jd)may increase or decrease
10. Which of the following is a non-ohmic resistor?
(a) copper (b) aluminium Ve) diode-valve (d) none of these
11. A hotwire ammeter reads 10 A in an AC circuit. The peak value of the current is
12. If the velocity of increases, then its de-Broglie wavelength will
(a) increase "\JI>) decrease (c) remain the same (d) first a then c

For Questions 13 to 16, two statements are given --one labelled Assertion (A) and other labelled Reason (R). Select
the correct answer to these questions from the options as given below.
a) lfboth Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is correct explanation of Assertion.
b) If both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
c) If Assertion is true but Reason is false. d) If both Assertion and Reason are false
' b 13. Assertion: Dipole oscillations produce electromagnetic waves.
Reason: Accelerated charge produces electromagnetic waves.
f 14. Assertion: Thick convex lens has less power than the thin one.
Reason: focal length is inversely proportional to radius of curvature of surface
t-15. Assertion: If objective and eye piece lenses of microscope are interchanged, then it can work as telescope
Reason: The objective lens of telescope has small focal length. ·
Assertion: A point charge is brought in an electric field. The field at a nearby point is increase whatever be th
{Jl6. nature of the charge. ' e
Reason: The electric field is independent of the nature of charge.
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. . · d" 1 (b) uniform electric field
17. Draw equipotential surfaces for (a) an el~ctnc ~po e atte and a resistance of 38 n as
18. A 10 V battery of negligible internal assistance 1s conn~cted across a 200 V b ryh
shown in the figure. Find the value of the current circuit. )\ -::.- ? :::
, _ \) It\ c IOV
L - ~ -=- 36
S- f'I ~ --1 1-- - - - , -6' rarnJ[w<t k ~·
- 1- -?:, ).. . .1 J.-.:
_ I' .:2. )(. Io f.. o · 2 6')( 1 o 'YT'\ / ' -, -;:r,:;;..

4- )< I" 4- rr(I e. Z "("() p

-:::. b Y)"YY1
L---J\J\l\r-- - -n - ~

:18 0 WII\I
• •

e >\ P
19. In a Young's double-slit experiment, the slits are separated by 0.28 mm and the screen is placed 1.4 m away:
The distance between the central bright fringe and the fourth bright fringe is measured to be 1.2 cm. Determine
the wavelength of light used in the experiment.
20. What is electromagnetic wave? Draw the diagram for electromagnetic wave, if electric field oscillating along
Y-axis and magnetic field oscillate along Z-axis.
21. A proton and an electron have same kinetic energy. Which one has greater de-Broglie wavelength and why?
22. A hydrogen atom initially in the ground level absorbs a photon, which excites it to the n = 4 level. Detennine the
wa:elength and frequency of photon. J.. --=- q · 7 f (D~'l'I"\,, f -: :
3· I.,_ /0 15 H -?- · ·
23. Wnte the name of the two currents and their direction in pnjunction. Describe forward and revers biasing and v-
i graph for a p-n junction diode. L'
24. If the frequency of the incident radiation on the cathode ofa photocell is doubled, how w1 ~ fo~ g lifa~
(a) kinetic ene~ofthe electron (b) Photo,,electric cui ent? (c) Stopping potential? J~stio~ answer
1,'"\'1C. 'Len . < O'Y) · m tJ '¥,-e
25. Two targe, tli1 metal plates are parallel and close to each other. On their inner faces, he p ates have surface
charge densities of opposite signs and of magnitude 17.0 x 10-22 C/m2 • What is E: (a) in the outer region of the
first plate, (b) in..Jbe~ er regi_on o~the second p_late, and (c) between the plates? I• '7 fJ/c
26. Two nearby narr~sfits are 1llummated by a smgle monochromatic source. Name the pattern obtained on the
screen. One of the slits is now covered. What is the name of the pattern now obtained on the screen? Define the
two phenomenon demonstrated above and Write two differences between the patterns obtained in the two cases.
27. In the circuit the current is to be measured. What is the value of the current if the ......--....., /\"\--- - .(C')
ammeter shown (a) is a galvanometer with a resistance RG = 60.Q; (b) is a i. -:::. ...1
galvanometer described in (a) but converted to an ammeter by a shunt resistance rs= _

'0 A
3 009
0.02 Q; (c) is an ideal ammeter with zero resistance? -:. / f',
l -:: -=-- 0 '0 4 8 R, (b ) R_ f'r -.. R&, RsO. {)").. --=- 0 . 01. Jl- / R
- .. I
6> R~--1-A..r GCJ+6·b2,... ~ : 3:0·01.... s.oov r.... : : . ~ - o -
28. Write any two properties ofnuclear forces. Show that the nuclear density is independ~nf of ii~ nllmber. ?. · o2- -
Case Study Based Questions.
29. An optical fibre is a thin tube of transparent material that allows light to pass
through, without being refracted into the air or another external medium. It
make use of total internal reflection. These fibres are fabricated in such a way
that light reflected at one side of the inner surface strikes the other at an angle
larger than critical angle. Even, if fibre is bent, light can easily travel along
the length.

(i) Which of the following is based on the phenomenon of total internal reflection of light?
(a) Sparkling of diamond (b) Optical fibre communication
(c) Instrument used by doctors for endoscopy \_(.d)' All of these
(ii) A ray of light will undergo total internal reflection inside the optical fibre, if it ..
(a) goes from rarer medium to denser medium (b) is incident at an angle less than the cnhc~l. angle
(c) strikes the interface nonnally \J.d1
is incident at an angle greater than the critical angle
(iii) lfin core angle of incidence is equal to critical angle, then angle ofrefraction will be
(a)0° ' (b)45° \_)CJ' 90° (d) 180°
(iv) If the value of critical angle is 30° for total internal reflection from given optical fibre, then speed of
light in that fibre is
(a) 3 x10 m/s \j?J 1 Sx 108 mis (c) 6x108m/s (d) 4.5 xl0 8m/s

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A silicon p-n junction diode is connected to a resistor R and a battery of voltage VB
~ugh milliammeter (mA) as shown in figure. The knee voltage for this junction diode
is VN =? 7. V. The p-njunction diode requires a minimum current of I mA to attain a
value ~1gher than the knee point on the 1-V characteristics of this junction diode. n
Assummg that the voltage V across the junction is independent of the current above the
knee point. A p-n junction is the basic building block of many semiconductor devices + 111--- -_,
like diodes. Important process occurring during the formation of a p-n junction are v,
diffusion and drift. In an n-type semiconductor concentration of electrons is more as
compared to holes. ln a p-type semiconductor concentration of holes is more as compared to electrons!
(i) If Ve= 5 V, the maximum value ofR so that the voltage Vis above the knee point voltage is
(~} 40 kn \)t5) 4 3. kO (c) S 0. kO (d) S 7. kn
(u) If Ve= 5 V, the value ofR in order to establish a current to 6 mA in the circuit is
(a) 833 n \J}>(717 n (c) 950 n (d) 733 n
(iii) If VB = 6 V, the power dissipated in the resistor R, when a current of 6 mA flows in the circuit is
(a) 30.2 mW (b) 30.8 mW (c)3l.2 mW V<f}31.8 mW
(iv) Which of the below mentioned statement is false regarding a p-n junction diode?
(a) Diodes are uncontrolled devices. (b) Diodes are rectifying devices.
(c) Diodes are unidirectional devices. ~ iodes have three terminals
Obtain the condition for balanced Wheatstone bridge with the help of suitable diagram. The four arms of a
Wheatstone bridge have the following resistances: AB = I oon, BC = 1on, CD = SO, and DA = 600._A
galvanometer of 1S n resistance is connected across BD. Calculate the current through the galvanometer when a
potential difference of 10 V is maintained across AC.
0 (<-. A-
:: A , A (_ :: 5 1\
-=> v
B i--1~ (1::: .!_i P., !5
g I A.D -; - A
CJ) D A/ (_ :: £ fl
----- I



State Kirchhoff's laws of electric circuit. Determine the current in each branch of the network shown in Figure

32. Rays of light move from medium 1 (n1) to medium 2 ( n2) and these media are separated by a spherical surface,
and a real image is formed due to refraction. Obtain .the relation between n1, n2, radius of curvature R, Object
distance 'u' and image distance 'v' . Use this result to derive Lens Maker's Formula.
State Huygene's Principle and use it to prove laws of(a) reflection (b) refraction
33. A series LCR circuit is connected to an ac source. Using the phasor diagram, derive the expression for the
impedance of the circuit. Plot a graph to show the variation of current with frequency of the ac source, explaining
the nature of its variation for two different resistances R1 and Ri (R1< R2) at resonance.
What is Transformer? Write it's principle, construction and theory of working using suitable diagram, Does it
violets law of conservation of energy? Justify your answer. Draw a schematic diagram for the power
transmission with the use of transformer over a long distance

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