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Biology at Ease

Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

1. The highest chance of conceiving is during days of menstrual cycle.

(A) 1-7

(B) 7-10

(C) 10-17

(D) 17-21

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Biology at Ease
Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

2. Lactational amenorrhea

(A) Prevents secretion of prolactin

(B) prevents secretion of milk from breast

(C) prevents spermatogenesis

(D) prevents conception

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Biology at Ease
Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

3. Whether to accept / legalize MTP or not is yet debatable because

(A) it requires expensive instrumentation and highly qualified


(B) the technique is not efficient.

(C) the technique is reversible and inefficient.

(D) of the emotional, ethical, religious and social issues involved in it..

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Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

4. Statement I: Second trimester abortions are risky.

Statement II: Sex determination followed by MTP is illegal.

(A) Statement I is correct.

(B) Statement II is correct.

(C) Both statement I and statement II are correct.

(D) Both statement I and statement II are incorrect.

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Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

5. Match the following sexually transmitted diseases (Column-1) with

their causative agent (Column-II) and select the correct option. [2017]
Column I Column II
I. Gonorrhea A. HIV
II. Syphilis B. Neisseria
III. Genital warts C. Treponema
IV. AIDS D. Human Papilloma virus
a. B C D A
b. C D A B
c. D B C A
d. D C B A
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Biology at Ease
Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

6. Assertion: Prevention and cure of STDs is given prime consideration.

Reason: Early symptoms of STDs are less significant and this further
leads to complications like pelvic inflammatory diseases, abortions,
ectopic pregnancies, etc.

(A) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct
explanation of assertion
(B) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct
explanation of assertion.
(C) Assertion is true but reason is false.
(D) Both assertion and reason are false.

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Biology at Ease
Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

7. People especially vulnerable to STDs are in the age group-

(a) 15-24

(b) 25-40

(c) 5-12

(d) 40-60

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Biology at Ease
Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

8. To avoid transmission of STDs-

I. Avoid sex with multiple partners.
II. Always have unprotected sex.
III. Use condoms during coitus.
IV. Avoid sex with unknown partners
V. Avoid sharing of needles

A. All

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Biology at Ease
Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

9. Column I Column II
I. Zygote inter fallopian transfer A. ZIFT
II. Gamete intra fallopian transfer B. ICSI
III. Zygote intra fallopian transfer C. GIFT
IV. Inter cytoplasmic sperm injection
V. Intra cytoplasmic sperm injection

(a) I-A. II-C, V-B

(b) II-C, III-A, V-B
(c) I-A, II-C, IV-B
(d) Il-C, III-A, IV-B
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Biology at Ease
Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

10. Sterilisation in males is ___ and in females is ___

A. Vasectomy, tubectomy

B. Tubectomy, vasectomy

C. Vasectomy, vasectomy

D. Tubectomy, tubectomy

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Biology at Ease
Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

11. MTP is –

A. Medical Termination of Pregnancy

B. Also called induced abortion

C. Both a & b

D. Aimed at decreasing population size

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Biology at Ease
Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

12. MTP was legalised in India in-

A. 1971

B. 1951

C. 1981

D. 1923

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Biology at Ease
Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

13. MTPs are considered relatively safe during the ___ trimester ,___
trimester abortions are much riskier.

A. First, second

B. Second, first

C. Third, first

D. Third, second

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Biology at Ease
Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

14. RCH stands for

A. Routine check up of health

B. Reproduction cym hygiene

C. Reversible contraceptive hazards

D. Reproduction and child health care

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Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

15. For imposing a check on increasing female foeticides

A. MTP has been legalized

B. Tubectomy is being practiced

C. Aminocentesis has been banned

D. All of these

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Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

16. Present increase in India’s population has not been due to decline in

A. Infant mortality rate

B. Number of people reaching reproductive age

C. Death rate

D. Maternal mortality rate

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Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

17. For delaying pregnancy or spacing children the ideal contraceptive is

A. Vasectomy

B. Tubectomy


D. Oral contraceptive

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Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

18. Both, Hepatitis B & AIDS are

A. Cause by Retro virus

B. Transmitted through sexual contact

C. Congenital diseases

D. Transmitted through infected blood

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Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

19. To form embryo in vitro, the male gamete is transferred into female
gamete directly, such technique is called





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Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

20. Select the option including all sexually transmitted disease[ Phase II

(a) Gonorrhoea, Malaria, Genital herpes

(b) AIDS, Malaria, Filaria

(c) Cancer, AIDS, Syphilis

(d) Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, Genital herpes

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Biology at Ease
Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

21. Which of the following sexually transmitted diseases do not

specifically affect reproductive organs? [Odisha, 2019]

A. Chlamydiasis and AIDS

B. Genital warts and Hepatitis B

C. Syphilis and Genital herpes

D. AIDS and Hepatitis B

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Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

22. Which of the following sexually transmitted diseases is not

completely curable? [2019]

A. Gonorrhea

B. Genital warts

C. Genital Herpes

D. Chlamydiasis

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Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

23. In case of a couple, where the male is having a very low sperm count,
which technique will be suitable for fertilisation? [2017]

A. Gamete intracytoplasmic fallopian transfer

B. Artificial insemination

C. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection

D. Intrauterine transfer

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Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

24. What is the figure given below showing in particular? [2012]

A. Ovarian cancer

B. Uterine cancer

C. Tubectomy

D. Vasectomy

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Biology at Ease
Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

25. Which one of the following is the most widely accepted method of
contraception in India, as at present? [2011]

A. Cervical caps

B. Tubectomy

C. Diaphragms

D. IUDs (Intra uterine devices)

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Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

26. Cu ions released from copper – releasing Intra Uterine Devices (IUDs)
[2010 M]

A. Make uterus unsuitable for implantation

B. Increase phagocytosis of sperms

C. Suppress sperm motility

D. Prevent ovulation

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Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

27. Vaults are… … . Methods of Contraception.


B. Natural

C. Terminal

D. Barrier

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Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

28. Surgical methods are also called :


B. Natural methods

C. Sterilisation

D. Reversible methods

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Biology at Ease
Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

29. In which of the following techniques, the embryos are transferred to

assist those females who cannot conceive?





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Biology at Ease
Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

30. Consider the statements given below regarding contraception and

answer as directed thereafter: [2008]
i. Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) during first trimester is
generally safe
ii. Generally chances of conception are nil until mother breast feeds the
infant upto two years
iii. Intrauterine devices like copper T are effective contraceptives
iv. Contraception pills may be taken upto one week after coitus to
prevent conception

A. ii & iii B. iii & iv. C. i & iii. D. i & ii

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Biology at Ease
Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

31. Test tube baby is one who [2003,1996]

A. Is born out of artificial insemination

B. Has undergone development in a test tube

C. Is born out of the technique of fertilization in vitro

D. Has been developed without fertilization

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Biology at Ease
Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

32. Where was ‘Saheli’ developed?

A. Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi

B. Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow

C. All India institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi

D. None

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Biology at Ease
Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

33. What is true for “Lactational amenorrhea”?

I. It means absence of menstruation
II. Ovulation does not occur during the lactational period
III. Lactational amenorrhea is the temporary postnatal infertility
IV. Side effects are almost nil
V. Contraceptive efficiency reduces after the period of intense lactation
VI. It is a natural methods of contraception
VII. It increases phagocytosis of sperms

A. II,III,IV,V,VI. B.All except VII C.II,III,IV,V. D. All

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Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

34. Barrier methods are available for –

A. Only males

B. Only females

C. Both

D. None

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Biology at Ease
Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

35. Which of the following is/are related to STDs?

A. Infertility

B. Still birth

C. Pelvic inflammatory disease

D. All of the above

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Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

36. Birth control pills check ovulation in female by inhibiting the secretion

A. Follicle stimulation hormone

B. Iuteinizing hormone

C. Both

D. None

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Biology at Ease
Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

37. Natural methods of birth control include?

A. Abstinence

B. Coitus interruptus

C. Lactational amenorrhea

D. All of these

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38. Column I Column II

I. Pill A. Prevents implantation
II. Condom B. Prevents ovulation
III. Vasectomy C. Prevents sperms from
reaching cervix
IV. CuT D. Semen contains no sperms



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Biology at Ease
Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

39. Which is true?

I. Condoms are barriers made of thin rubber/ latex sheath.
II. Chances of contraception are nil until the mother breast feeds the
infant upto 2 years
III. IUDs are very effective contraceptives
IV. Sterilisation procedure in males is called Tubectomy.


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Biology at Ease
Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

40. “Test tube” baby refers to-

A. A baby born in test tube

B. An ovum made to fertilise in vitro and then implanted the uterus

C. A method of tissue culture

D. None

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Biology at Ease
Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

41. The accompanying diagram shows the uterine tubes of four women
(P,Q,R&S). In which two women is fertilization impossible at present?

A. P & Q

B. Q & R

C. R & S

D. S & P

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Biology at Ease
Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

42. Which one of the following is the most widely accepted method of
contraception in India, as at present?

A. IUD’s (Intra uterine devices)

B. Cervical caps

C. Tubectomy

D. Diaphragms

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Biology at Ease
Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

43. A contraceptive pill prevents ovulation by

A. Blocking fallopian tube

B. Inhibiting release of FSH & LH

C. Stimulating release of FSH & LH

D. Causing immediate degeneration of released ovum

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Biology at Ease
Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

44. Progestasert is an IUD which makes the uterus unsuitable and cervix
hostile to the sperms as they are

A. Hormone releasing IUDs

B. Copper releasing IUDs

C. Ideal contraceptive

D. Non medicated IUDs

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Biology at Ease
Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

45. Assisted Reproductive Technology does not include

A. Zygote Extra Fallopian Transfer

B. In vitro fertilisation and embryo transfer

C. Artificial insemination

D. Gamete Intra Fallopian Transfer

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Biology at Ease
Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

46. A childless couple can be assisted to have a child through a technique

called GIFT. The full form of this technique is-

A. Gamete Internal fertilization and Transfer

B. Germ Cell Internal Fallopian Transfer

C. Gamete Inseminated Fallopian Transfer

D. Gamete Intra Fallopian Transfer

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Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

47. Which of the following contraceptive methods do involve a role of


A. Lactational amenorrhea, Pills Emergency contraceptives

B. Barrier method, Lactational amenorrhea, Pills

C. CuT, Pills, Emergency contraceptives

D. Pills, Emergency contraceptives, Barrier methods

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Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

48. Select the hormone releasing Intra Uterine Devices

A. Vaults, LNG-20

B. Multiload 375, Progestasert

C. Progestasert, LNG-20

D. Lippes Loop, Multiload 375

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Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

49. Which of the following is a correct statement?

A. IUDs suppress gametogenesis

B. IUDs once inserted need not be replaced

C. IUDs are generally inserted by the user herself

D. IUDs increase phagocytosis of sperms in the uterus

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Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

50. MTP refers to:

A. Mortality termination of Pregnancy

B. Medicine of termination of pregnancy

C. Medically terminate pregnancy

D. Medical termination of pregnancy

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Biology at Ease
Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology
1)C 13)A 29)D
14)D 30)C
15)C 31)C
3)D 16)B 32)B
4)C 17)C 33)B
18)D 34)C
19)C 35)D
6)A 20)D 36)C
7)A 21)D 37)D
8)B 22)C 38)A
23)B 39)D
24)C 40)B
10)A 25)D 41)C
11)C 26)C 42)A
27)D 43)B
28)C 44)A
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Biology at Ease
Reproductive Health MCQs. NEET Biology

Biology at Ease biology_at_ease Biology at Ease

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