Bee Assignment Unit-2

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(Department of Electrical Engineering)


BTECH 1st Year (1st Semester)

Assignment- II
Q 1- Define the following terms for sinusoidal waveform

Time Period
Form Factor
Average Value
RMS Value

Q 2- Explain the term Active, reactive & Apparent power.

Q 3- What is series resonance.

Q 4- What do you mean by phase & Explain also phase difference.

Q 5- What is Impedance. Derive the Expression for RLC Circuit.

Q 6- A 50 Hz voltage of 115 Volt (rms) is impressed on a 50 ohm resistance. Derive the voltage and
current expression.

Q7- A coil has a resistance of 10 ohm and draw a current of 5A when connected across a 100V, 50 Hz
source. Determine the power factor of the circuit.

Q8- A voltage of 200V is applied to a series circuit consisting of a resistor, Inductor and capacitor. The
respective voltages across these components are 170V, 150V, and 100V, and the current is 4A. Find (1)
Power Factor (20) Resistance (3) Impedance (4) Inductive reactance (5) Capacitive reactance.

Q9- A series RLC circuit has 100 ohm resistance, 0.318H inductor and C, V=230*√2sinώt volt,
i=2.3*√2sinώt Ampere. Find (1) Capacitance (2) Voltage across inductor (3) Power. Take ώ=314.15

Q10- A circuit consists of 20 Ω resistance and in series with capacitance of 200µF, connected across
50Hz supply. The current through the circuit is10.8sin314t amperes. Determine the voltage across each
component and across the circuit.

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