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The Influence of Consumer Attitude on Behavioral Intention in the Choice of

Gasoline Station
Article · October 2023
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10060769


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4 authors, including:

Charmaine Papna Jovenil Bacatan

University of Mindanao UM Peñaplata College


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International Journal of Humanities Social Science and Management (IJHSSM)
Volume 3, Issue 5, Sep.-Oct., 2023, pp: 583-589

The Influence of Consumer Attitude on Behavioral

Intention in the Choice of Gasoline Station

Suzy Mae D. Redillas1, Jerald D. Sevilla2, Charmaine F. Papna3, Jovenil

R. Bacatan4
UM Peñaplata College, Island Garden City of Samal, Philippines Corresponding

- Date of Submission: 14-10-2023 Date of Acceptance: 31-10-
ABSTRACT: The main purpose of this study The consumers are ordinary people who
was to determine the significant relationship engaged on activities related to purchase some
between the Consumer Attitude and Behavioral products and services (Ajzen, 2008). They are the
Intention of the customers in choosing gasoline important assets of a business that should be
stations in Samal District. The study utilized a managed and valued (Gupta & Lehmann, 2003).
quantitative descriptive-correlational research Also, they are the one of the factors where a
design. The data was gathered through the use business runs and prosper. The attitude of a
of survey questionnaires and was distributed consumer is either they are favorable or unfavorable
personally and randomly to 385 customers of towards a person, place, an object or something. It is
gasoline stations in Samal District. The result also the evaluation of some aspects in the mind of
showed that the consumer attitude generated a consumers that results to a positive or negative
decision making (Pande & Soodan, 2015). The
high mean score and shows that the items were
behavior of a consumer and their intention can
oftentimes manifested while behavioral
influence the possible action or behavior towards a
intention also had a high mean score and business. If the intention is high, the behavior of a
shows that the items were oftentimes consumer is more likely to take place
manifested. Moreover, there was a significant (Blomqvist et al. 2015). So, it is important to know
relationship between consumer attitude and the attitude and the behavior of a consumer because
behavioral intention. It was also found out that it tells how they are into the products and service of
consumer attitude significantly influence a business (Ajzen, 2008).
behavioral intention in the choice of gasoline Nowadays, consumer choice of gasoline station
station. The researchers recommended that a has been an interest for many years (Kakunu, 2012).
gasoline station should improve their There are many choices for consumers to achieve
marketing strategy, like giving a discount or satisfaction towards a product or service. Similar
promo to their product, improve the quality of businesses compete just to acquire advantages in
service and accommodation because customers offering benefits from their products and services to
oftentimes choose a specific gasoline station their consumers. Gasoline stations needs to analyze
according to their attitude and behavioral the consumer attitude and behavior to apply
intention. marketing strategies on their target market (Tun,
In Kenya, fuels are the main source of their
KEYWORDS: consumer attitude, commercial energy. The retail service stations have
behavioral intention, gasoline stations, been experiencing challenges like increasing of fuel
descriptive-correlation research design price and newly emerge competitors in which the
consumers can immediately switch from one

| Impact Factor value 7.52 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 583
International Journal of Humanities Social Science and Management (IJHSSM)
Volume 3, Issue 5, Sep.-Oct., 2023, pp: 583-589

gasoline station to another according to their attitude in which they want to get new customers and retain
and behavior (Mwenda & Oloko, 2017). In them (Tun, 2020).
Myanmar, the demand for gasoline station has In the Philippines, the oil industry faces a
increased in the past years. The numbers of gasoline challenging situation especially for the retailers of
station are increasing and become more competitive
the gasoline. The gasoline business faces fluctuation
of gasoline prices and competition where how they are presented, influence attitudes
competitors grow stronger and more numerous day (Mothersbaugh et al. 2020).
by day (Jardeleza, 2004). Moreover, it is important In the study of Bhatt (2014), consumer
to know the consumer’s intention towards a gasoline attitude can be both a hindrance and a benefit to a
station to have a positive possibility to stay on top in marketer. In marketing terms, an attitude is
every situation. described as a long-term evaluation of a product or
The demand of fuel or gasoline has service. An attitude meets a personal objective while
increased due to a high number of vehicles in Samal also influencing consumer spending and buying
District. Lot of customers comes to refuel their patterns. It also has a substantial impact on
vehicles to a specific gasoline station where we want behavioral responses to marketing operations
to know how their attitude and intention makes them (Choppin & Darrat, 2000). Marketers build methods
decide to choose a specific gasoline station. to influence consumer’s decisions and achieve a
Conducting this study is very important especially competitive advantage in the market place by
for the gasoline stations in Samal District because understanding their features and decision process
through this research, it will help us know if the (Kakunu, 2012).
consumer’s attitude is whether good or bad as well
as their intention in choosing a gasoline station. In the study of Tun (2020), it presented a
Also, this study will determine the level of questionnaire of consumer attitude which composed
consumer attitude and behavioral intention in the of four (4) statements in order the consumers will
choice of gasoline station in Samal District. answer or response. It stated there if a consumer has
Therefore, the result of this study will serve as a a positive buying attitude at a specific gasoline
guide for the gasoline stations in Samal District and station; if they have a favorable attitude; if it is good
will provide ideas that will help them improve their to buy fuel at a specific gasoline station; and if they
product and service towards their consumers which feel confident when they buy fuel at a specific
may have a positive attitude and good intention in gasoline station. Also, in the findings of its study the
choosing a gasoline station. customers have positive buying attitude on the
specific petrol station. They consider their attitude in
which they are willing to try and they are planned to
II. REVIEW OF RELATED do, in order to choose a specific petrol station.
Consumer Attitude Behavioral Intention
Consumer’s attitude towards a product or Consumer’s behavioral intention has been
service is shaped by their thoughts (cognition) and increasingly focused on product features and costs
feelings (affect) about it (Schaufele & Janssen, that can provide what the consumer desires. The
2021). Attitude is a permanent organization of methodical approach of consumers use while
motivational, emotional, perceptual, and cognitive entering the purchase process and making
processes. Khan (2019) also stated that an attitude is purchasing decisions is characterized as behavior.
a collection of sentiments, convictions, and When establishing marketing strategies, the step-
behaviors directed at a certain object. It also made bystep consumer decision making processes, as well
up of three parts: affect, behavior, and cognition. as common decision-making modes, are both useful.
Affect describes an object’s emotional response; Purchasing intent is an essential determinant of
behavior describes a person’s actions; and cognition actual purchase behavior in the real world. When it
describes the customer’s mental process. These comes to purchasing decisions, customers place a
three factors influence a person’s decision to engage greater emphasis on emotional value, such as
in specific behavior. It also indicates environmental proximity to things and participation with them
cues, such as the items offered to consumers and (Tun, 2019).

| Impact Factor value 7.52 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 584
International Journal of Humanities Social Science and Management (IJHSSM)
Volume 3, Issue 5, Sep.-Oct., 2023, pp: 583-589

A notable and important predictor of the regards to using mobile services, attitude showed a
desire to utilize autonomous electric car services substantial correlation with behavior and intention.
(AECS) is the behavioral intention to use electric car As a result, when the relationship between attitudes
services (ECS). The behavioral intention to use ECS and behavioral attention has been explored, it has
has a positive impact on the intention to use AECS, become clear how important attitudes are
indicating that ECS users are often open to adopting determining behavior. When the coefficients of the
ECS when outfitted with autonomous cars (Curtale, attitude are evaluated, the presumption that attitudes
Liao & Rebalski, 2022). In the study of Khan have a significant, direct impact on intentions to use
(2019), the results show that the level or measure of mobile services (Suki & Suki, 2011). The findings
consumer behavioral intention is high on purchasing show in the study of Akter & Islam (2020) shows
Omera LPG. It means that assessing consumer that the consumer attitudes towards green products
behavioral intention towards purchasing Omera have a positive influence on purchase intent. There
LPG is a useful one. is also a positive relationship between attitude and
behavioral intention in purchases.
Moreover, in the study of Tun (2020), it presented a It was stated in the study of Khan (2019)
questionnaire of behavioral intention which that their model successfully describes customer
composed of six (6) statements in order the behavioral intention when it comes to purchasing
consumers will answer or response. It stated there liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). Omera LPG, as a
about their willingness to choose a specific gasoline brand, should pay special attention to one of the
station; if they intend to choose a specific gasoline most important factors: attitude towards behavior. It
station; if they intend to choose; if they consider, only works if consumer behavior is considered as a
expect, want and try to choose a specific gasoline relevant variable and acted upon. And because its
station if they possibly go to refuel. And according beta value is very highly correlated with it, then it is
to its findings the general result for behavioral clear that attitude towards behavior was the most
intention is high was it represents that the crucial to customer satisfaction.
respondents accept that they positively have Moreover, it is also found in the study of
behavioral intention in the choice of petrol stat Ho (2013) that the outcomes and conclusions
demonstrated that consumer expressed a willingness
Correlation between Consumer Attitude and to make future online purchases, and that attitude is
Behavioral Intention positively and significantly connected with
behavioral intention. The study came to the
In the study of Khan (2019), it concludes that conclusion that attitudes are directly influenced by
the more positive consumer attitude towards a brand the perceived advantages of buying, trustworthiness
will have a greater influence in their behavioral of the merchant, customer lifestyle, and consumer
intention. Because a consumer’s intention towards a prior experience. On the contrary, Rashid and Khan
brand matters, their behavioral intention is an (2017) stated in their study that the analysis of the
important factor in their purchasing choice. If a results revealed that the customer attitude is not a
consumer has a positive perception of a good predictor of consumer behavior because there
product, they are more likely to buy it. may be other mediating factors that affect the final
Consumers with strong positive attitudes purchase intention and behavior of consumers.
and behavioral intentions have the highest level of Lastly, according to the study of Tun
certainty which is also most durable whereas those (2020), consumers’ attitude is significant on
with lesser attitudes and intents have much lower behavioral intention in the choice of petrol station.
certainty levels (Vermeir & Verbeke, 2006). Sandhe An attitude has a beneficial impact on the behavioral
(2019) stated that there is a positive relationship intention when choosing a gas station. They have an
among consumer attitude and purchasing intention. impact on their behavior, which they are willing to
The general attitude was assessed to be moderately try and plan to exert in order to choose a specific gas
positive. The same was discovered in terms of station. In addition, they will aim to purchase
purchasing intent; it was also assessed to be gasoline from a specific gasoline station, and they
moderately positive. will then attempt to purchase gasoline from that
Positive attitudes will influences behavioral station.
intention towards using mobile services. With

| Impact Factor value 7.52 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 585
International Journal of Humanities Social Science and Management (IJHSSM)
Volume 3, Issue 5, Sep.-Oct., 2023, pp: 583-589

III. METHOD Research Locale and Respondents

Research Design This study was conducted on the gasoline
This study used a quantitative descriptive stations located in Samal District. The researchers
correlation research design to determine the choose this place to gather information to the
influence of consumer attitude on the behavioral customers about their attitude and behavioral
intention in the choice of gasoline station. According intention in choosing a gasoline station. The
to Boru (2018), a research design is procedures to respondents of this study were the customers of the
collect, analyze, interpret and report a data in such gasoline stations in Samal District. By using
research studies. A descriptive correlation research Cochran’s formula (n=z2/4e2) for
design describes the variables and its relationship unknown willing to try and they are
that naturally occur between and among them planned to do, in order to choose a specific gas
(Sousal et al. 2007). It helps the researchers to station.
acquire certain information in conducting this study.
Table 1: Level of Consumer Attitude
Note: N = 385, M = Mean, SD = Standard Deviation
Research Instrument
Level Behavioral Intention
The source of data was gathered through a Table 2 reflects the data on the level of
researchers were using an adapted questionnaire IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
from the study of Khaing Tazin Tun for the Level of Consumer Attitude
consumer attitude and behavioral intention. The Table 1 reflects the data on the level of

survey questionnaire. The behavioral intention of the

customer of the gasoline
instrument consists of about 4 questions with a consumer attitude of the customer of the gasoline
5point Likert scale for the responses of consumer stations in Samal District. The table reveals the total
attitude. For behavioral intention, it consists of 6 mean score which is 4.08 with a standard deviation
population, we will find its sample size in solving Descriptive
Variable SD M
this: n= (1.96)2/4(0.05)2= 384.16. So, the researchers Level
randomly select a 385 sample size of respondents Overall .82 4.08 High
who are the customers of the gasoline stations in Consumer
Samal District. Attitude Level
questions with a 5-point Likert scale for responses. of .82. The mean score is described as high level and
shows that items in the consumer attitude are
Data Analyses oftentimes manifested. The result was the same in
The data was analyzed using SPSS version the study of Ndlazi et al. (2021); it reveals that it
22. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to was more likely to have a favorable attitude toward
treat the data. The mean was used to measure the a gas station. Also, the most influential component
level the consumer attitude and behavioral intention in the result of the study of Tun (2019) was the
in the choice of gasoline station. In addition, the attitude of the customers and increasing in attitude
Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient component will have a positive impact in general.
was used to determine the significance of the Also, in the study of Tun (2020), the customers have
relationship between consumer attitude and positive buying attitude on the specific gas station.
behavioral intention. Lastly, the Simple Linear They consider their attitude in which they are
Regression was used to determine the significant stations in Samal District. The table reveals the total
influence of consumer attitude on the behavioral mean score which is 4.13 with a standard deviation
intention in the choice of gasoline station. of .90. The mean score is described as high level and
shows that items in the behavioral intention are
oftentimes manifested. The result was also in line
with the study of Tun (2020), it appears that the
general result for behavioral intention is high were it

| Impact Factor value 7.52 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 586
International Journal of Humanities Social Science and Management (IJHSSM)
Volume 3, Issue 5, Sep.-Oct., 2023, pp: 583-589

represents that the respondents accept that they connected with behavioral intention. Furthermore,
positively have behavioral intention in the choice of Suki and Suki (2011) stated that the attitude showed
gas station. In the study of Khan (2019), the results a substantial correlation with behavior and intention
show that the level or measure of consumer and when the relationship between attitudes and
behavioral intention is high. It means that assessing behavioral attention has been explored, it has
consumer behavioral intention is an important one. become clear how important attitudes are
determining behavior. When the coefficients of the
Table 2: Level of Behavioral Intention attitude are evaluated, the presumption is that
Descriptive attitudes have a significant, direct impact on
Variable SD M intentions.
Overall .90 4.13 High
Behavioral Significance of the Influence of Consumer
Intention Level Attitude to the Behavioral Intention
Note: N = 385, M = Mean, SD = Standard Deviation Presented in Table 4 is the regression
analysis that revealed the influence of consumer
attitude on the behavioral intention in the choice of
Significance of the Relationship between
gasoline station. The obtained F-value of 821.423 is
Consumer Attitude and Behavioral Intention
significant at p<0.05 which indicated a model fit.
The test of correlation of Consumer attitude
Also, the R-squared value of .682 suggested that F
and Behavioral intention is reflected in Table 3. The
the variance in member satisfaction was attributed to
data reveal the overall computed rvalue of .826
the indicators of service quality specified in this
which means that their degree of correlation was
study. This means that .318 or 31.8% of the variance
strong which is said to be a significant correlation.
could be credited to other things that are already
The p-value of this was less than 0.05. The
beyond the concern of this study.
confidence level set for this study was p<0.000
The consumer attitude obtained a
therefore, the result rejected the hypothesis of no
βcoefficient value of .911 with the corresponding
significant relationship between Consumer attitude
computed t-value of 28.660 and p-value of .000. It
and Behavioral intention.
could be noted that the probability value is lower
than the p-value of 0.05 that was set as the
significance level in this study. Therefore, it could
be inferred that the consumer attitude can best
influence member behavioral intention.
This is in consonance with the findings of
Table 3: Significance of the Relationship between Akter & Islam (2020) that shows the consumer
Consumer Attitude and Behavioral Intention attitudes have a positive influence on purchase
intent. There is also a positive relationship between
Consumer Behavioral Intention attitude and behavioral intention in purchases. In the
Attitude Overall study also of Billows and McNeill (2018), it was
found out that attitude significantly predict
.826* behavioral intention.
p*<.05 Table 4: Regression Analysis of the Influence of
Consumer Attitude on Behavioral Intention
The findings are consistent in the study of Behavioral Intention
Tun (2020), consumers attitude is significant on Independent
behavioral intention in the choice of gas station. An Β t Sig.
attitude has a beneficial impact on the behavioral
Constant .409 3.086 .002
intention when choosing a gas station. They have an
impact on their behavior, which they are willing to Consumer
try and plan to exert in order to choose a specific gas .911 28.660 .000*
station. Also, it is also found in the study of Ho Attitude
(2013) that attitude is positively and significantly

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International Journal of Humanities Social Science and Management (IJHSSM)
Volume 3, Issue 5, Sep.-Oct., 2023, pp: 583-589

R .826 good intention towards a gasoline station. The two

R2 .682 variables were working almost dependently. The
null hypothesis is rejected because there is a
F 821.423
significant relationship between consumer attitude
p .000* and behavioral intention in the choice of gasoline
stations in Samal District. Thus, the behavioral
*p<.05 – Significant intention highly depends upon the level of consumer
V. CONCLUSIONS AND The foregoing findings and conclusions
RECOMMENDATIONS give way to these recommendations. Since the
Conclusions are drawn in consideration of customers perceive that it is good to buy fuel at a
the overall results of the study. The customers have specific gasoline station and if they will go to fill the
a positive attitude in choosing a specific gasoline fuel, they are willing to choose a specific gasoline
stations in Samal District. Therefore, they consider station, so a gasoline station should improve their
their feeling and attitude as they buy products and marketing strategy, like giving a discount or promo
services on a specific gasoline station and exert a to their product, improve the quality of service and
favorable and good attitude. The behavioral accommodation because customers oftentimes
intention of customers is oftentimes manifested in choose a specific gasoline station according to their
choosing a specific gasoline stations in Samal attitude and behavioral intention. Furthermore,
District. Therefore, they frequently have the future researchers may conduct the same study on
readiness and willingness to perform a positive and other fields or they can investigate other variables
that will influence behavioral intention.
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| Impact Factor value 7.52 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 590
International Journal of Humanities Social Science and Management (IJHSSM)
Volume 3, Issue 5, Sep.-Oct., 2023, pp: 583-589


In the contemporary landscape of consumer choices within the automotive

industry, the selection of a gasoline station is a multifaceted decision influenced by a
myriad of factors. Among these, consumer attitudes emerge as a critical
determinant, shaping the behavioral intentions that drive individuals to choose one
gasoline station over another. This study seeks to delve into the nuanced
relationship between consumer attitudes and behavioral intentions in the context of
gasoline station selection. The gasoline station selection process is no longer solely
driven by proximity or fuel prices. Consumers today consider a spectrum of factors,
including service quality, environmental considerations, convenience, and overall

In conclusion, this research has endeavored to shed light on the intricate

interplay between consumer attitudes and behavioral intentions in the context of
gasoline station selection. The findings presented herein illuminate the multifaceted
nature of consumer decision-making, extending beyond conventional considerations
to encompass a broader spectrum of factors. As we navigate an era of evolving
consumer preferences, businesses within the gasoline industry stand to benefit from
a nuanced understanding of these dynamics. Recognizing the influence of consumer
attitudes allows for the formulation of targeted strategies that resonate with the
values and priorities of the modern consumer. Moving forward, this research
encourages gasoline station operators, marketers, and policymakers to adapt and
innovate in response to the changing landscape. By aligning services and offerings
with the evolving attitudes of consumers, businesses can foster stronger
connections, build brand loyalty, and ultimately influence positive behavioral
intentions in the choice of gasoline stations.

| Impact Factor value 7.52 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 591

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